Beispiel #1
  /** Why buildingModel2 that follows the paper instructions does not work? */
  protected void buildModel2() {
    for (int iter = 1; iter <= numIters; iter++) {

      // Step 1: update W by fixing H
      DenseMatrix trH = H.transpose();

      // V * trH
      DenseMatrix V_trH = DenseMatrix.mult(V, trH);

      // W * H * trH
      DenseMatrix W_H_trH = W.mult(H.mult(trH));

      // update: W_ij = W_ij * (V_trH)_ij / (W_H_trH)_ij
      for (int i = 0; i < W.numRows(); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < W.numColumns(); j++) {
          double denorm = W_H_trH.get(i, j) + 1e-9;
          W.set(i, j, W.get(i, j) * (V_trH.get(i, j) / denorm));

      // Step 2: update H by fixing W
      DenseMatrix trW = W.transpose();

      // trW * V
      DenseMatrix trW_V = trW.mult(V);

      // trW * W * H
      DenseMatrix trW_W_H = trW.mult(W).mult(H);

      // update: H_ij = H_ij * (trW_V)_ij / (trW_W_H)_ij
      for (int i = 0; i < H.numRows(); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < H.numColumns(); j++) {
          double denorm = trW_W_H.get(i, j) + 1e-9;
          H.set(i, j, H.get(i, j) * (trW_V.get(i, j) / denorm));

      // compute errors
      loss = 0;
      errs = 0;
      for (MatrixEntry me : V) {
        int u = me.row();
        int j = me.column();
        double ruj = me.get();

        if (ruj > 0) {
          double pred = predict(u, j);
          double euj = pred - ruj;

          errs += euj * euj;
          loss += euj * euj;

      errs *= 0.5;
      loss *= 0.5;

      if (isConverged(iter)) break;
Beispiel #2
  protected void buildModel() throws Exception {
    for (int iter = 1; iter <= numIters; iter++) {

      // update W by fixing H
      for (int u = 0; u < W.numRows(); u++) {
        SparseVector uv = V.row(u);

        if (uv.getCount() > 0) {
          SparseVector euv = new SparseVector(V.numColumns());

          for (int j : uv.getIndex()) euv.set(j, predict(u, j));

          for (int f = 0; f < W.numColumns(); f++) {
            DenseVector fv = H.row(f, false);
            double real = fv.inner(uv);
            double estm = fv.inner(euv) + 1e-9;

            W.set(u, f, W.get(u, f) * (real / estm));

      // update H by fixing W
      DenseMatrix trW = W.transpose();
      for (int j = 0; j < H.numColumns(); j++) {
        SparseVector jv = V.column(j);

        if (jv.getCount() > 0) {
          SparseVector ejv = new SparseVector(V.numRows());

          for (int u : jv.getIndex()) ejv.set(u, predict(u, j));

          for (int f = 0; f < H.numRows(); f++) {
            DenseVector fv = trW.row(f, false);
            double real = fv.inner(jv);
            double estm = fv.inner(ejv) + 1e-9;

            H.set(f, j, H.get(f, j) * (real / estm));

      // compute errors
      loss = 0;
      errs = 0;
      for (MatrixEntry me : V) {
        int u = me.row();
        int j = me.column();
        double ruj = me.get();

        if (ruj > 0) {
          double euj = predict(u, j) - ruj;

          errs += euj * euj;
          loss += euj * euj;

      errs *= 0.5;
      loss *= 0.5;

      if (isConverged(iter)) break;