protected String addToHistoryInner( final TextRange textRange, final EditorEx editor, final boolean erase, final boolean preserveMarkup) { final Ref<String> ref = Ref.create(""); final Runnable action = new Runnable() { public void run() { ref.set(addTextRangeToHistory(textRange, editor, preserveMarkup)); if (erase) { editor .getDocument() .deleteString(textRange.getStartOffset(), textRange.getEndOffset()); } } }; if (erase) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(action); } else { ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(action); } // always scroll to end on user input scrollHistoryToEnd(); queueUiUpdate(true); return ref.get(); }
public <T> T runWriteAction(@NotNull final Computable<T> computation) { final Ref<T> ref = Ref.create(null); runWriteAction( new Runnable() { public void run() { ref.set(computation.compute()); } }); return ref.get(); }
@Override public <T> T commitAndRunReadAction(@NotNull final Computable<T> computation) { final Ref<T> ref = Ref.create(null); commitAndRunReadAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ref.set(computation.compute()); } }); return ref.get(); }
public static Pair<JPanel, JBList> createActionGroupPanel( ActionGroup action, final JComponent parent, final Runnable backAction) { JPanel actionsListPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); actionsListPanel.setBackground(getProjectsBackground()); final JBList list = new JBList(action.getChildren(null)); list.setBackground(getProjectsBackground()); list.installCellRenderer( new NotNullFunction<AnAction, JComponent>() { final JLabel label = new JLabel(); { label.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty(3, 7)); } @NotNull @Override public JComponent fun(AnAction action) { label.setText(action.getTemplatePresentation().getText()); Icon icon = action.getTemplatePresentation().getIcon(); label.setIcon(icon); return label; } }); JScrollPane pane = ScrollPaneFactory.createScrollPane(list, true); pane.setBackground(getProjectsBackground()); actionsListPanel.add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (backAction != null) { final JLabel back = new JLabel(AllIcons.Actions.Back); back.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty(3, 7, 10, 7)); back.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT); new ClickListener() { @Override public boolean onClick(@NotNull MouseEvent event, int clickCount) {; return true; } }.installOn(back); actionsListPanel.add(back, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } final Ref<Component> selected = Ref.create(); final JPanel main = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); main.add(actionsListPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); ListSelectionListener selectionListener = new ListSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getValueIsAdjusting()) { // Update when a change has been finalized. // For instance, selecting an element with mouse fires two consecutive // ListSelectionEvent events. return; } if (!selected.isNull()) { main.remove(selected.get()); } Object value = list.getSelectedValue(); if (value instanceof AbstractActionWithPanel) { JPanel panel = ((AbstractActionWithPanel) value).createPanel(); panel.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty(7, 10)); selected.set(panel); main.add(selected.get()); for (JButton button : UIUtil.findComponentsOfType(main, JButton.class)) { if (button.getClientProperty(DialogWrapper.DEFAULT_ACTION) == Boolean.TRUE) { parent.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(button); break; } } main.revalidate(); main.repaint(); } } }; list.addListSelectionListener(selectionListener); if (backAction != null) { new AnAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(@NotNull AnActionEvent e) {; } }.registerCustomShortcutSet(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0, main); } return Pair.create(main, list); }
private static Trinity<PsiElement, TextRange, Value> getSelectedExpression( final Project project, final Editor editor, final Point point, final ValueHintType type) { final Ref<PsiElement> selectedExpression = Ref.create(null); final Ref<TextRange> currentRange = Ref.create(null); final Ref<Value> preCalculatedValue = Ref.create(null); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project) .commitAndRunReadAction( new Runnable() { public void run() { // Point -> offset final int offset = calculateOffset(editor, point); PsiFile psiFile = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getPsiFile(editor.getDocument()); if (psiFile == null || !psiFile.isValid()) return; int selectionStart = editor.getSelectionModel().getSelectionStart(); int selectionEnd = editor.getSelectionModel().getSelectionEnd(); if ((type == ValueHintType.MOUSE_CLICK_HINT || type == ValueHintType.MOUSE_ALT_OVER_HINT) && (selectionStart <= offset && offset <= selectionEnd)) { PsiElement ctx = (selectionStart > 0) ? psiFile.findElementAt(selectionStart - 1) : psiFile.findElementAt(selectionStart); try { String text = editor.getSelectionModel().getSelectedText(); if (text != null && ctx != null) { selectedExpression.set( JVMElementFactories.getFactory(ctx.getLanguage(), project) .createExpressionFromText(text, ctx)); currentRange.set( new TextRange( editor.getSelectionModel().getSelectionStart(), editor.getSelectionModel().getSelectionEnd())); } } catch (IncorrectOperationException ignored) { } } if (currentRange.get() == null) { PsiElement elementAtCursor = psiFile.findElementAt(offset); if (elementAtCursor == null) { return; } Pair<PsiElement, TextRange> pair = findExpression( elementAtCursor, type == ValueHintType.MOUSE_CLICK_HINT || type == ValueHintType.MOUSE_ALT_OVER_HINT); if (pair == null) { if (type == ValueHintType.MOUSE_OVER_HINT) { final DebuggerSession debuggerSession = DebuggerManagerEx.getInstanceEx(project) .getContext() .getDebuggerSession(); if (debuggerSession != null && debuggerSession.isPaused()) { final Pair<Method, Value> lastExecuted = debuggerSession.getProcess().getLastExecutedMethod(); if (lastExecuted != null) { final Method method = lastExecuted.getFirst(); if (method != null) { final Pair<PsiElement, TextRange> expressionPair = findExpression(elementAtCursor, true); if (expressionPair != null && expressionPair.getFirst() instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) { final PsiMethodCallExpression methodCallExpression = (PsiMethodCallExpression) expressionPair.getFirst(); final PsiMethod psiMethod = methodCallExpression.resolveMethod(); if (psiMethod != null) { final JVMName jvmSignature = JVMNameUtil.getJVMSignature(psiMethod); try { if ( && method .signature() .equals( jvmSignature.getName(debuggerSession.getProcess()))) { pair = expressionPair; preCalculatedValue.set(lastExecuted.getSecond()); } } catch (EvaluateException ignored) { } } } } } } } } if (pair == null) { return; } selectedExpression.set(pair.getFirst()); currentRange.set(pair.getSecond()); } } }); return Trinity.create(selectedExpression.get(), currentRange.get(), preCalculatedValue.get()); }