    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
      if (scrollable == null) {
        return super.getPreferredSize();
      } else {
        int width = super.getPreferredSize().width;
        int height = ((JComponent) scrollable).getPreferredSize().height;

        // the list view has some weird rendering sometimes (double space after last result)
        // so don't fill full screen on list view
        if ((scrollable instanceof ListViewTable)) {
          // old check, if sponsored results aren't showing properlly revert to just using this
          if (sponsoredResultsPanel.isVisible()) {
            height = Math.max(height, sponsoredResultsPanel.getPreferredSize().height);
        } else { // classic view
          int headerHeight = 0;

          // the table headers aren't being set on the scrollpane, so if its visible check its
          // height and subtract it from the viewport size
          JTableHeader header = ((JTable) scrollable).getTableHeader();
          if (header != null && header.isShowing()) {
            headerHeight = header.getHeight();

          // if the height of table is less than the scrollPane height, set preferred height
          // to same size as scrollPane
          if (height < scrollPane.getSize().height - headerHeight) {
            height = scrollPane.getSize().height - headerHeight;
        return new Dimension(width, height);