FoundItem getFoundItem(Node n, String text) { String s = n.getNodeValue(); if (s == null) s = n.getNodeName(); String string; if (text != null) { int index = s.indexOf(text); int left = Math.max(0, index - 5); int right = Math.min(s.length(), index + text.length() + 20); string = s.substring(left, right); } else string = s; TreeNode tn = jtree.getTreeNode(n); TreePath tp = getTreePath(tn); return new FoundItem(string, tp); }
static DivisionOperatorWorkspaceObject load(Node node) throws ProgramLoadingException { if (!node.getNodeName().equals("division")) throw new ProgramLoadingException(); DivisionOperatorWorkspaceObject obj = new DivisionOperatorWorkspaceObject(Workspace.getWorkspace()); Node lop = Workspace.getChildElementByName(node, "loperand"); Node rop = Workspace.getChildElementByName(node, "roperand"); if (lop != null) { Node lopNode = Workspace.getNthChildElement(lop, 0); if (lopNode != null) { WorkspaceObject lopObj = Workspace.dispatchLoad(lopNode); if (lopObj != null) { obj.leftSink.progCombine(lopObj); } } } if (rop != null) { Node ropNode = Workspace.getNthChildElement(rop, 0); if (ropNode != null) { WorkspaceObject ropObj = Workspace.dispatchLoad(ropNode); if (ropObj != null) { obj.rightSink.progCombine(ropObj); } } } return obj; }
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { if (isSelected) this.setBackground(table.getSelectionBackground()); else this.setBackground(table.getBackground()); Node node = nodes.get(row); Request request = nodeIDToRequest.get(node.getNodeID()); if (request == null) { this.setString("NONE"); this.setValue(0); } else { int percent = (int) Math.round(request.getPercentDone()); this.setString(request.getType().toString() + " " + percent + "%"); this.setValue(percent); } return this; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { JTree tree = getTree(); TreePath path = tree.getSelectionPath(); if (path == null) { sheet.getLogger().warning("Warning: User must select a node to delete"); // XXX add message telling users to select a node } else { Node selected = (Node) path.getLastPathComponent(); try { Node parent = selected.getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.removeChild(selected); select(parent); } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uox) { sheet.getLogger().warning("Cannot delete node: " + selected); } } }
static RandomIntegerWorkspaceObject load(Node node) throws ProgramLoadingException { if (!node.getNodeName().equals("randint")) throw new ProgramLoadingException(); RandomIntegerWorkspaceObject obj = new RandomIntegerWorkspaceObject(Workspace.getWorkspace()); Node subNode = Workspace.getNthChildElement(node, 0); if (subNode != null) { WorkspaceObject wsObj = Workspace.dispatchLoad(subNode); if (wsObj != null) { obj.sink.progCombine(wsObj); } } return obj; }
void buildStructure(final Node root, final boolean activate) throws Exception { doAndWaitForBuilder( () -> { myCom = root.addChild("com"); myIntellij = myCom.addChild("intellij"); myOpenApi = myIntellij.addChild("openapi"); myFabrique = root.addChild("jetbrains").addChild("fabrique"); myIde = myFabrique.addChild("ide"); myRunner = root.addChild("xUnit").addChild("runner"); myRcp = root.addChild("org").addChild("eclipse").addChild("rcp"); if (activate) { getBuilder().getUi().activate(true); } }); }
public synchronized Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { Node node = nodes.get(row); switch (col) { case 0: return node.getNodeID(); case 1: return node.getCurrState(); case 2: return node.getTailBlockID(); case 3: return node.getHeadBlockID(); case 4: return node.getLocalTime(); case 5: return node.getGlobalTime(); case 6: return node.getIsTimeSynchronized(); case 7: return new LastRequestCellRendererClass(); default: return "UNKNOWN"; } }
public Node addChild(Node node) { myChildElements.add(node); node.setParent(this); return node; }