   * Create and size the buffers appropriately.
  private void createBuffers() {

     * We'll assume the buffer sizes are the same
     * between client and server.
    SSLSession session = clientEngine.getSession();
    int appBufferMax = session.getApplicationBufferSize();
    int netBufferMax = session.getPacketBufferSize();

     * We'll make the input buffers a bit bigger than the max needed
     * size, so that unwrap()s following a successful data transfer
     * won't generate BUFFER_OVERFLOWS.
     * We'll use a mix of direct and indirect ByteBuffers for
     * tutorial purposes only.  In reality, only use direct
     * ByteBuffers when they give a clear performance enhancement.
    clientIn = ByteBuffer.allocate(appBufferMax + 50);
    serverIn = ByteBuffer.allocate(appBufferMax + 50);

    cTOs = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(netBufferMax);
    sTOc = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(netBufferMax);

    clientOut = ByteBuffer.wrap("Hi Server, I'm Client".getBytes());
    serverOut = ByteBuffer.wrap("Hello Client, I'm Server".getBytes());
Beispiel #2
   * Static factory method for creating a secure ChannelIO object.
   * <P>
   * We need to allocate different sized application data buffers
   * based on whether we're secure or not.  We can't determine
   * this until our sslEngine is created.
  static ChannelIOSecure getInstance(SocketChannel sc, boolean blocking, SSLContext sslc)
      throws IOException {

    ChannelIOSecure cio = new ChannelIOSecure(sc, blocking, sslc);

    // Create a buffer using the normal expected application size we'll
    // be getting.  This may change, depending on the peer's
    // SSL implementation.
    cio.appBBSize = cio.sslEngine.getSession().getApplicationBufferSize();
    cio.requestBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(cio.appBBSize);

    return cio;
Beispiel #3
   * Constructor for a secure ChannelIO variant.
  protected ChannelIOSecure(SocketChannel sc, boolean blocking, SSLContext sslc)
      throws IOException {
    super(sc, blocking);

     * We're a server, so no need to use host/port variant.
     * The first call for a server is a NEED_UNWRAP.
    sslEngine = sslc.createSSLEngine();
    initialHSStatus = HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP;
    initialHSComplete = false;

    // Create a buffer using the normal expected packet size we'll
    // be getting.  This may change, depending on the peer's
    // SSL implementation.
    netBBSize = sslEngine.getSession().getPacketBufferSize();
    inNetBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(netBBSize);
    outNetBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(netBBSize);
Beispiel #4
   * Perform a FileChannel.TransferTo on the socket channel.
   * <P>
   * We have to copy the data into an intermediary app ByteBuffer
   * first, then send it through the SSLEngine.
   * <P>
   * We return the number of bytes actually read out of the
   * filechannel.  However, the data may actually be stuck
   * in the fileChannelBB or the outNetBB.  The caller
   * is responsible for making sure to call dataFlush()
   * before shutting down.
  long transferTo(FileChannel fc, long pos, long len) throws IOException {

    if (!initialHSComplete) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

    if (fileChannelBB == null) {
      fileChannelBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(appBBSize);

    int fileRead = fc.read(fileChannelBB);

     * We ignore the return value here, we return the
     * number of bytes actually consumed from the the file.
     * We'll flush the output buffer before we start shutting down.

    return fileRead;
Beispiel #5
 * A helper class which performs I/O using the SSLEngine API.
 * <p>Each connection has a SocketChannel and a SSLEngine that is used through the lifetime of the
 * Channel. We allocate byte buffers for use as the outbound and inbound network buffers.
 * <PRE>
 *               Application Data
 *               src      requestBB
 *                |           ^
 *                |     |     |
 *                v     |     |
 *           +----+-----|-----+----+
 *           |          |          |
 *           |       SSL|Engine    |
 *   wrap()  |          |          |  unwrap()
 *           | OUTBOUND | INBOUND  |
 *           |          |          |
 *           +----+-----|-----+----+
 *                |     |     ^
 *                |     |     |
 *                v           |
 *            outNetBB     inNetBB
 *                   Net data
 * </PRE>
 * These buffers handle all of the intermediary data for the SSL connection. To make things easy,
 * we'll require outNetBB be completely flushed before trying to wrap any more data, but we could
 * certainly remove that restriction by using larger buffers.
 * <p>There are many, many ways to handle compute and I/O strategies. What follows is a relatively
 * simple one. The reader is encouraged to develop the strategy that best fits the application.
 * <p>In most of the non-blocking operations in this class, we let the Selector tell us when we're
 * ready to attempt an I/O operation (by the application repeatedly calling our methods). Another
 * option would be to attempt the operation and return from the method when no forward progress can
 * be made.
 * <p>There's lots of room for enhancements and improvement in this example.
 * <p>We're checking for SSL/TLS end-of-stream truncation attacks via sslEngine.closeInbound(). When
 * you reach the end of a input stream via a read() returning -1 or an IOException, we call
 * sslEngine.closeInbound() to signal to the sslEngine that no more input will be available. If the
 * peer's close_notify message has not yet been received, this could indicate a trucation attack, in
 * which an attacker is trying to prematurely close the connection. The closeInbound() will throw an
 * exception if this condition were present.
 * @author Brad R. Wetmore
 * @author Mark Reinhold
 * @version %I%, %E%
class ChannelIOSecure extends ChannelIO {

  private SSLEngine sslEngine = null;

  private int appBBSize;
  private int netBBSize;

   * All I/O goes through these buffers.
   * <P>
   * It might be nice to use a cache of ByteBuffers so we're
   * not alloc/dealloc'ing ByteBuffer's for each new SSLEngine.
   * <P>
   * We use our superclass' requestBB for our application input buffer.
   * Outbound application data is supplied to us by our callers.
  private ByteBuffer inNetBB;
  private ByteBuffer outNetBB;

   * An empty ByteBuffer for use when one isn't available, say
   * as a source buffer during initial handshake wraps or for close
   * operations.
  private static ByteBuffer hsBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);

   * The FileChannel we're currently transferTo'ing (reading).
  private ByteBuffer fileChannelBB = null;

   * During our initial handshake, keep track of the next
   * SSLEngine operation that needs to occur:
   * Once the initial handshake has completed, we can short circuit
   * handshake checks with initialHSComplete.
  private HandshakeStatus initialHSStatus;
  private boolean initialHSComplete;

   * We have received the shutdown request by our caller, and have
   * closed our outbound side.
  private boolean shutdown = false;

   * Constructor for a secure ChannelIO variant.
  protected ChannelIOSecure(SocketChannel sc, boolean blocking, SSLContext sslc)
      throws IOException {
    super(sc, blocking);

     * We're a server, so no need to use host/port variant.
     * The first call for a server is a NEED_UNWRAP.
    sslEngine = sslc.createSSLEngine();
    initialHSStatus = HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP;
    initialHSComplete = false;

    // Create a buffer using the normal expected packet size we'll
    // be getting.  This may change, depending on the peer's
    // SSL implementation.
    netBBSize = sslEngine.getSession().getPacketBufferSize();
    inNetBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(netBBSize);
    outNetBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(netBBSize);

   * Static factory method for creating a secure ChannelIO object.
   * <P>
   * We need to allocate different sized application data buffers
   * based on whether we're secure or not.  We can't determine
   * this until our sslEngine is created.
  static ChannelIOSecure getInstance(SocketChannel sc, boolean blocking, SSLContext sslc)
      throws IOException {

    ChannelIOSecure cio = new ChannelIOSecure(sc, blocking, sslc);

    // Create a buffer using the normal expected application size we'll
    // be getting.  This may change, depending on the peer's
    // SSL implementation.
    cio.appBBSize = cio.sslEngine.getSession().getApplicationBufferSize();
    cio.requestBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(cio.appBBSize);

    return cio;

   * Calls up to the superclass to adjust the buffer size
   * by an appropriate increment.
  protected void resizeRequestBB() {

   * Adjust the inbount network buffer to an appropriate size.
  private void resizeResponseBB() {
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(netBBSize);
    inNetBB = bb;

   * Writes bb to the SocketChannel.
   * <P>
   * Returns true when the ByteBuffer has no remaining data.
  private boolean tryFlush(ByteBuffer bb) throws IOException {
    return !bb.hasRemaining();

   * Perform any handshaking processing.
   * <P>
   * This variant is for Servers without SelectionKeys (e.g.
   * blocking).
  boolean doHandshake() throws IOException {
    return doHandshake(null);

   * Perform any handshaking processing.
   * <P>
   * If a SelectionKey is passed, register for selectable
   * operations.
   * <P>
   * In the blocking case, our caller will keep calling us until
   * we finish the handshake.  Our reads/writes will block as expected.
   * <P>
   * In the non-blocking case, we just received the selection notification
   * that this channel is ready for whatever the operation is, so give
   * it a try.
   * <P>
   * return:
   *		true when handshake is done.
   *		false while handshake is in progress
  boolean doHandshake(SelectionKey sk) throws IOException {

    SSLEngineResult result;

    if (initialHSComplete) {
      return initialHSComplete;

     * Flush out the outgoing buffer, if there's anything left in
     * it.
    if (outNetBB.hasRemaining()) {

      if (!tryFlush(outNetBB)) {
        return false;

      // See if we need to switch from write to read mode.

      switch (initialHSStatus) {

           * Is this the last buffer?
        case FINISHED:
          initialHSComplete = true;
          // Fall-through to reregister need for a Read.

        case NEED_UNWRAP:
          if (sk != null) {

      return initialHSComplete;

    switch (initialHSStatus) {
      case NEED_UNWRAP:
        if (sc.read(inNetBB) == -1) {
          return initialHSComplete;

        while (initialHSStatus == HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP) {
          resizeRequestBB(); // expected room for unwrap
          result = sslEngine.unwrap(inNetBB, requestBB);

          initialHSStatus = result.getHandshakeStatus();

          switch (result.getStatus()) {
            case OK:
              switch (initialHSStatus) {
                case NOT_HANDSHAKING:
                  throw new IOException("Not handshaking during initial handshake");

                case NEED_TASK:
                  initialHSStatus = doTasks();

                case FINISHED:
                  initialHSComplete = true;
                  break needIO;


            case BUFFER_UNDERFLOW:
              // Resize buffer if needed.
              netBBSize = sslEngine.getSession().getPacketBufferSize();
              if (netBBSize > inNetBB.capacity()) {

               * Need to go reread the Channel for more data.
              if (sk != null) {
              break needIO;

            case BUFFER_OVERFLOW:
              // Reset the application buffer size.
              appBBSize = sslEngine.getSession().getApplicationBufferSize();

            default: // CLOSED:
              throw new IOException("Received" + result.getStatus() + "during initial handshaking");
        } // "needIO" block.

         * Just transitioned from read to write.
        if (initialHSStatus != HandshakeStatus.NEED_WRAP) {

        // Fall through and fill the write buffers.

      case NEED_WRAP:
         * The flush above guarantees the out buffer to be empty
        result = sslEngine.wrap(hsBB, outNetBB);

        initialHSStatus = result.getHandshakeStatus();

        switch (result.getStatus()) {
          case OK:
            if (initialHSStatus == HandshakeStatus.NEED_TASK) {
              initialHSStatus = doTasks();

            if (sk != null) {


            throw new IOException("Received" + result.getStatus() + "during initial handshaking");

        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Handshaking State" + initialHSStatus);
    } // switch

    return initialHSComplete;

   * Do all the outstanding handshake tasks in the current Thread.
  private SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus doTasks() {

    Runnable runnable;

     * We could run this in a separate thread, but
     * do in the current for now.
    while ((runnable = sslEngine.getDelegatedTask()) != null) {
    return sslEngine.getHandshakeStatus();

   * Read the channel for more information, then unwrap the
   * (hopefully application) data we get.
   * <P>
   * If we run out of data, we'll return to our caller (possibly using
   * a Selector) to get notification that more is available.
   * <P>
   * Each call to this method will perform at most one underlying read().
  int read() throws IOException {
    SSLEngineResult result;

    if (!initialHSComplete) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

    int pos = requestBB.position();

    if (sc.read(inNetBB) == -1) {
      sslEngine.closeInbound(); // probably throws exception
      return -1;

    do {
      resizeRequestBB(); // expected room for unwrap
      result = sslEngine.unwrap(inNetBB, requestBB);

       * Could check here for a renegotation, but we're only
       * doing a simple read/write, and won't have enough state
       * transitions to do a complete handshake, so ignore that
       * possibility.
      switch (result.getStatus()) {
        case BUFFER_OVERFLOW:
          // Reset the application buffer size.
          appBBSize = sslEngine.getSession().getApplicationBufferSize();

        case BUFFER_UNDERFLOW:
          // Resize buffer if needed.
          netBBSize = sslEngine.getSession().getPacketBufferSize();
          if (netBBSize > inNetBB.capacity()) {

            break; // break, next read will support larger buffer.
        case OK:
          if (result.getHandshakeStatus() == HandshakeStatus.NEED_TASK) {

          throw new IOException("sslEngine error during data read: " + result.getStatus());
    } while ((inNetBB.position() != 0) && result.getStatus() != Status.BUFFER_UNDERFLOW);

    return (requestBB.position() - pos);

   * Try to write out as much as possible from the src buffer.
  int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {

    if (!initialHSComplete) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

    return doWrite(src);

   * Try to flush out any existing outbound data, then try to wrap
   * anything new contained in the src buffer.
   * <P>
   * Return the number of bytes actually consumed from the buffer,
   * but the data may actually be still sitting in the output buffer,
   * waiting to be flushed.
  private int doWrite(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
    int retValue = 0;

    if (outNetBB.hasRemaining() && !tryFlush(outNetBB)) {
      return retValue;

     * The data buffer is empty, we can reuse the entire buffer.

    SSLEngineResult result = sslEngine.wrap(src, outNetBB);
    retValue = result.bytesConsumed();


    switch (result.getStatus()) {
      case OK:
        if (result.getHandshakeStatus() == HandshakeStatus.NEED_TASK) {

        throw new IOException("sslEngine error during data write: " + result.getStatus());

     * Try to flush the data, regardless of whether or not
     * it's been selected.  Odds of a write buffer being full
     * is less than a read buffer being empty.
    if (outNetBB.hasRemaining()) {

    return retValue;

   * Perform a FileChannel.TransferTo on the socket channel.
   * <P>
   * We have to copy the data into an intermediary app ByteBuffer
   * first, then send it through the SSLEngine.
   * <P>
   * We return the number of bytes actually read out of the
   * filechannel.  However, the data may actually be stuck
   * in the fileChannelBB or the outNetBB.  The caller
   * is responsible for making sure to call dataFlush()
   * before shutting down.
  long transferTo(FileChannel fc, long pos, long len) throws IOException {

    if (!initialHSComplete) {
      throw new IllegalStateException();

    if (fileChannelBB == null) {
      fileChannelBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(appBBSize);

    int fileRead = fc.read(fileChannelBB);

     * We ignore the return value here, we return the
     * number of bytes actually consumed from the the file.
     * We'll flush the output buffer before we start shutting down.

    return fileRead;

   * Flush any remaining data.
   * <P>
   * Return true when the fileChannelBB and outNetBB are empty.
  boolean dataFlush() throws IOException {
    boolean fileFlushed = true;

    if ((fileChannelBB != null) && fileChannelBB.hasRemaining()) {
      fileFlushed = !fileChannelBB.hasRemaining();
    } else if (outNetBB.hasRemaining()) {

    return (fileFlushed && !outNetBB.hasRemaining());

   * Begin the shutdown process.
   * <P>
   * Close out the SSLEngine if not already done so, then
   * wrap our outgoing close_notify message and try to send it on.
   * <P>
   * Return true when we're done passing the shutdown messsages.
  boolean shutdown() throws IOException {

    if (!shutdown) {
      shutdown = true;

    if (outNetBB.hasRemaining() && tryFlush(outNetBB)) {
      return false;

     * By RFC 2616, we can "fire and forget" our close_notify
     * message, so that's what we'll do here.
    SSLEngineResult result = sslEngine.wrap(hsBB, outNetBB);
    if (result.getStatus() != Status.CLOSED) {
      throw new SSLException("Improper close state");

     * We won't wait for a select here, but if this doesn't work,
     * we'll cycle back through on the next select.
    if (outNetBB.hasRemaining()) {

    return (!outNetBB.hasRemaining() && (result.getHandshakeStatus() != HandshakeStatus.NEED_WRAP));

   * close() is not overridden
Beispiel #6
  * Adjust the inbount network buffer to an appropriate size.
 private void resizeResponseBB() {
   ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(netBBSize);
   inNetBB = bb;