/** * Pools the specified <tt>RawPacket</tt> in order to avoid future allocations and to reduce the * effects of garbage collection. * * @param pkt the <tt>RawPacket</tt> to be offered to {@link #rawPacketPool} */ private void poolRawPacket(RawPacket pkt) { pkt.setBuffer(null); pkt.setFlags(0); pkt.setLength(0); pkt.setOffset(0); rawPacketPool.offer(pkt); }
public int write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, boolean transform) { RawPacket pkt = rawPacketArray[0]; if (pkt == null) pkt = new RawPacket(); rawPacketArray[0] = pkt; byte[] pktBuf = pkt.getBuffer(); if (pktBuf == null || pktBuf.length < length) { pktBuf = new byte[length]; pkt.setBuffer(pktBuf); } System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, pktBuf, 0, length); pkt.setOffset(0); pkt.setLength(length); if (transform) { PacketTransformer packetTransformer = isControlStream ? rtcpPacketTransformer : rtpPacketTransformer; if (packetTransformer != null) rawPacketArray = packetTransformer.reverseTransform(rawPacketArray); } SourceTransferHandler transferHandler; PushSourceStream pushSourceStream; try { if (isControlStream) { transferHandler = controlTransferHandler; pushSourceStream = getControlInputStream(); } else { transferHandler = dataTransferHandler; pushSourceStream = getDataInputStream(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(ioe); } for (int i = 0; i < rawPacketArray.length; i++) { RawPacket packet = rawPacketArray[i]; // keep the first element for reuse if (i != 0) rawPacketArray[i] = null; if (packet != null) { if (isControlStream) pendingControlPacket = packet; else pendingDataPacket = packet; if (transferHandler != null) { transferHandler.transferData(pushSourceStream); } } } return length; }
private void handleRtpPacket(RawPacket pkt) { if (pkt != null && pkt.getPayloadType() == vp8PayloadType) { int ssrc = pkt.getSSRC(); if (!activeVideoSsrcs.contains(ssrc & 0xffffffffL)) { synchronized (activeVideoSsrcs) { if (!activeVideoSsrcs.contains(ssrc & 0xffffffffL)) { activeVideoSsrcs.add(ssrc & 0xffffffffL); rtcpFeedbackSender.sendFIR(ssrc); } } } } }
private void emptyPacketBuffer(long ssrc) { RawPacket[] pkts = rtpConnector.packetBuffer.emptyBuffer(ssrc); RTPConnectorImpl.OutputDataStreamImpl dataStream; try { dataStream = rtpConnector.getDataOutputStream(); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error("Failed to empty packet buffer for SSRC=" + ssrc + ": " + ioe); return; } for (RawPacket pkt : pkts) dataStream.write( pkt.getBuffer(), pkt.getOffset(), pkt.getLength(), false /* already transformed */); }
/** * Creates a new <tt>RawPacket</tt> from a specific <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> in order to have this * instance receive its packet data through its {@link #read(byte[], int, int)} method. Returns an * array of <tt>RawPacket</tt> with the created packet as its first element (and <tt>null</tt> for * the other elements). * * <p>Allows extenders to intercept the packet data and possibly filter and/or modify it. * * @param datagramPacket the <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> containing the packet data * @return an array of <tt>RawPacket</tt> containing the <tt>RawPacket</tt> which contains the * packet data of the specified <tt>DatagramPacket</tt> as its first element. */ protected RawPacket[] createRawPacket(DatagramPacket datagramPacket) { RawPacket[] pkts = rawPacketArrayPool.poll(); if (pkts == null) pkts = new RawPacket[1]; RawPacket pkt = rawPacketPool.poll(); if (pkt == null) pkt = new RawPacket(); pkt.setBuffer(datagramPacket.getData()); pkt.setFlags(0); pkt.setLength(datagramPacket.getLength()); pkt.setOffset(datagramPacket.getOffset()); pkts[0] = pkt; return pkts; }
@Override public RawPacket reverseTransform(RawPacket pkt) { RecorderRtpImpl.this.handleRtcpPacket(pkt); if (pkt != null && pkt.getRTCPPayloadType() == 203) { // An RTCP BYE packet. Remove the receive stream before // it gets to FMJ, because we want to, for example, // flush the packet buffer before that. long ssrc = pkt.getRTCPSSRC() & 0xffffffffl; if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("RTCP BYE for SSRC=" + ssrc); ReceiveStreamDesc receiveStream = findReceiveStream(ssrc); if (receiveStream != null) removeReceiveStream(receiveStream, false); } return pkt; }
@Override public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { RawPacket pendingPacket; if (isControlStream) { pendingPacket = pendingControlPacket; } else { pendingPacket = pendingDataPacket; } int bytesToRead = 0; byte[] pendingPacketBuffer = pendingPacket.getBuffer(); if (pendingPacketBuffer != null) { int pendingPacketLength = pendingPacket.getLength(); bytesToRead = length > pendingPacketLength ? pendingPacketLength : length; System.arraycopy( pendingPacketBuffer, pendingPacket.getOffset(), buffer, offset, bytesToRead); } return bytesToRead; }
/** * Copies the content of the most recently received packet into <tt>data</tt>. * * @param buffer an optional <tt>Buffer</tt> instance associated with the specified <tt>data</tt>, * <tt>offset</tt> and <tt>length</tt> and provided to the method in case the implementation * would like to provide additional <tt>Buffer</tt> properties such as <tt>flags</tt> * @param data the <tt>byte[]</tt> that we'd like to copy the content of the packet to. * @param offset the position where we are supposed to start writing in <tt>data</tt>. * @param length the number of <tt>byte</tt>s available for writing in <tt>data</tt>. * @return the number of bytes read * @throws IOException if <tt>length</tt> is less than the size of the packet. */ protected int read(Buffer buffer, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (data == null) throw new NullPointerException("data"); if (ioError) return -1; RawPacket pkt; synchronized (pktSyncRoot) { pkt = this.pkt; this.pkt = null; } int pktLength; if (pkt == null) { pktLength = 0; } else { // By default, pkt will be returned to the pool after it was read. boolean poolPkt = true; try { pktLength = pkt.getLength(); if (length < pktLength) { /* * If pkt is still the latest RawPacket made available to * reading, reinstate it for the next invocation of read; * otherwise, return it to the pool. */ poolPkt = false; throw new IOException("Input buffer not big enough for " + pktLength); } else { byte[] pktBuffer = pkt.getBuffer(); if (pktBuffer == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "pkt.buffer null, pkt.length " + pktLength + ", pkt.offset " + pkt.getOffset()); } else { System.arraycopy(pkt.getBuffer(), pkt.getOffset(), data, offset, pktLength); if (buffer != null) buffer.setFlags(pkt.getFlags()); } } } finally { if (!poolPkt) { synchronized (pktSyncRoot) { if (this.pkt == null) this.pkt = pkt; else poolPkt = true; } } if (poolPkt) { // Return pkt to the pool because it was successfully read. poolRawPacket(pkt); } } } return pktLength; }
/** * Listens for incoming datagrams, stores them for reading by the <tt>read</tt> method and * notifies the local <tt>transferHandler</tt> that there's data to be read. */ public void run() { DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(buffer, 0, PACKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH); while (!closed) { try { // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=24765 if (OSUtils.IS_ANDROID) p.setLength(PACKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH); receivePacket(p); } catch (IOException e) { ioError = true; break; } /* * Do the DatagramPacketFilters accept the received DatagramPacket? */ DatagramPacketFilter[] datagramPacketFilters = getDatagramPacketFilters(); boolean accept; if (!enabled) accept = false; else if (datagramPacketFilters == null) accept = true; else { accept = true; for (int i = 0; i < datagramPacketFilters.length; i++) { try { if (!datagramPacketFilters[i].accept(p)) { accept = false; break; } } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) throw (ThreadDeath) t; } } } if (accept) { RawPacket pkts[] = createRawPacket(p); for (int i = 0; i < pkts.length; i++) { RawPacket pkt = pkts[i]; pkts[i] = null; if (pkt != null) { if (pkt.isInvalid()) { /* * Return pkt to the pool because it is invalid and, * consequently, will not be made available to * reading. */ poolRawPacket(pkt); } else { RawPacket oldPkt; synchronized (pktSyncRoot) { oldPkt = this.pkt; this.pkt = pkt; } if (oldPkt != null) { /* * Return oldPkt to the pool because it was made * available to reading and it was not read. */ poolRawPacket(oldPkt); } if (videoRecorder != null) videoRecorder.recordData(pkt); if ((transferHandler != null) && !closed) { try { transferHandler.transferData(this); } catch (Throwable t) { /* * XXX We cannot allow transferHandler to * kill us. */ if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) { throw (ThreadDeath) t; } else { logger.warn("An RTP packet may have not been" + " fully handled.", t); } } } } } } rawPacketArrayPool.offer(pkts); } } }