  * Writes the <code>shape</code>, <code>coords</code>, <code>href</code>,
  * <code>nohref</code> Attribute for the specified figure and shape.
  * @return Returns true, if the polygon is inside of the image bounds.
 private boolean writePolyAttributes(IXMLElement elem, SVGFigure f, Shape shape) {
     AffineTransform t = TRANSFORM.getClone(f);
     if (t == null) {
         t = drawingTransform;
     } else {
     StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
     float[] coords = new float[6];
     GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
     for (PathIterator i = shape.getPathIterator(t, 1.5f);
     ! i.isDone(); i.next()) {
         switch (i.currentSegment(coords)) {
             case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO :
                 if (buf.length() != 0) {
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal shape "+shape);
                 if (buf.length() != 0) {
                 buf.append((int) coords[0]);
                 buf.append((int) coords[1]);
                 path.moveTo(coords[0], coords[1]);
             case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO :
                 if (buf.length() != 0) {
                 buf.append((int) coords[0]);
                 buf.append((int) coords[1]);
                 path.lineTo(coords[0], coords[1]);
             case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE :
             default :
                 throw new InternalError("Illegal segment type "+i.currentSegment(coords));
     elem.setAttribute("shape", "poly");
     elem.setAttribute("coords", buf.toString());
     writeHrefAttribute(elem, f);
     return path.intersects(new Rectangle2D.Float(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height));
Beispiel #2
   * This implementation calls <code>super.hitTest</code> and returns the result if non-null (this
   * should be a HitInfo.Point), then returns a HitInfo.Interior if the mouse-click occured inside
   * the text bound (as defined by text layout)
   * @return a HitInfo corresponding to the given mouse-event
  public HitInfo hitTest(PEMouseEvent e) {

    // from Bitmap:
    if (image != null) {
      if (getBounds().contains(e.getPicPoint())) {
        return new HitInfo.Interior((PicText) element, e);
      return null;

    // from TextLayout:
    if (!getBounds().contains(e.getPicPoint())) return null;

    PicText te = (PicText) element;
    // recompute textlayout b-box, but store it in a temporary field !
    Rectangle2D tb = textLayout.getBounds();
    Shape text_bounds = text2ModelTr.createTransformedShape(tb);
    if (text_bounds.contains(e.getPicPoint())) {
      // [SR:pending] for the hitInfo to be reliable, getPicPoint() should first be transformed by
      //              inverse text2ModelTr ! (especially when rotationAngle != 0)
      TextHitInfo thi =
              (float) (e.getPicPoint().x - strx),
              (float) (e.getPicPoint().y - stry)); // guaranteed to return a non-null thi
      return new HitInfo.Text((PicText) element, thi, e);
    // test hit on textlayout's bounding rectangle :
    // else if (bounds.contains(e.getPicPoint())) return new HitInfo.Interior(element,e);
    return null;