  public void testInvoke() {
    TesterBeanB beanB = new TesterBeanB();

        .setVariable("beanB", factory.createValueExpression(beanB, TesterBeanB.class));

    MethodExpression me1 =
            context, "${beanB.getName}", String.class, new Class<?>[] {});
    MethodExpression me2 =
            context, "${beanB.sayHello('JUnit')}", String.class, new Class<?>[] {String.class});
    MethodExpression me3 =
            context, "${beanB.sayHello}", String.class, new Class<?>[] {String.class});

    assertEquals("B", me1.invoke(context, null));
    assertEquals("Hello JUnit from B", me2.invoke(context, null));
    assertEquals("Hello JUnit from B", me2.invoke(context, new Object[] {"JUnit2"}));
    assertEquals("Hello JUnit2 from B", me3.invoke(context, new Object[] {"JUnit2"}));
    assertEquals("Hello JUnit from B", me2.invoke(context, new Object[] {null}));
    assertEquals("Hello  from B", me3.invoke(context, new Object[] {null}));
 public static MethodExpression createMethodExpression(
     String el, Class returnType, Class[] paramTypes) {
   FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
   ExpressionFactory factory = ExpressionFactory.newInstance();
   return factory.createMethodExpression(
       context.getELContext(), el, null, new Class[] {String.class});
 public Object getValue(ELContext context) {
   ELContext nxcontext = getLocalContext(context);
   Object res = null;
   if (originalValueExpression != null) {
     res = originalValueExpression.getValue(nxcontext);
     if (res instanceof String) {
       String expression = (String) res;
       if (ComponentTagUtils.isValueReference(expression)) {
         FacesContext faces = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
         Application app = faces.getApplication();
         ExpressionFactory factory = app.getExpressionFactory();
         ValueExpression newExpr =
             factory.createValueExpression(nxcontext, expression, expectedType);
         try {
           res = newExpr.getValue(nxcontext);
         } catch (ELException err) {
           log.error("Error processing expression " + expression + ": " + err);
           res = null;
       } else {
         res = expression;
   return res;
Beispiel #4
 public Object invokeMethodExpression(
     String expr, Class returnType, Class[] argTypes, Object[] args) {
   FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
   ELContext elctx = fc.getELContext();
   ExpressionFactory elFactory = fc.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
   MethodExpression methodExpr =
       elFactory.createMethodExpression(elctx, expr, returnType, argTypes);
   return methodExpr.invoke(elctx, args);
 public void testBugPrimitives() throws Exception {
   MethodExpression me =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanA.setValLong(5)}", null, null);
   me.invoke(context, null);
   ValueExpression ve =
       factory.createValueExpression(context, "#{beanA.valLong}", java.lang.String.class);
   assertEquals("5", ve.getValue(context));
 public void testInvokeWithSuper() {
   MethodExpression me =
           context, "${beanA.setBean(beanBB)}", null, new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanB.class});
   me.invoke(context, null);
   ValueExpression ve = factory.createValueExpression(context, "${beanA.bean.name}", String.class);
   Object r = ve.getValue(context);
   assertEquals("BB", r);
  static ValueExpression restore(Object value, Class type, FacesContext context) {
    if (value == null) return null;

    String expr = (String) value;

    Application app = context.getApplication();
    ExpressionFactory factory = app.getExpressionFactory();

    return factory.createValueExpression(context.getELContext(), expr, type);
   * @param expressao
   * @param obj
   * @param clazz
  public void setAtributo(String expressao, Object obj, Class clazz) {

    FacesContext current = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

    Application app = current.getApplication();

    ExpressionFactory fac = app.getExpressionFactory();

    ValueExpression ve = fac.createValueExpression(current.getELContext(), expressao, clazz);
    ve.setValue(current.getELContext(), obj);
  * This is also tested implicitly in numerous places elsewhere in this class.
 public void testBug49655() throws Exception {
   // This is the call the failed
   MethodExpression me =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "#{beanA.setName('New value')}", null, null);
   // The rest is to check it worked correctly
   me.invoke(context, null);
   ValueExpression ve =
       factory.createValueExpression(context, "#{beanA.name}", java.lang.String.class);
   assertEquals("New value", ve.getValue(context));
 public Object evaluateMethodExpression(String expression, Object... values)
     throws UnsupportedEvaluationException {
   String el = toELExpression(expression);
   FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
   ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
   ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
   MethodExpression methodExpression =
           elContext, el, Object.class, new Class[values.length]);
   return methodExpression.invoke(elContext, values);
 protected MethodExpression getExpresionAccionEscogerNodo() {
   if (expresionAccionZum == null) {
     ExpressionFactory factory =
     ELContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext();
     String expression = "#{" + getPaginaBasica().getManagedBeanName() + ".accionEscogerNodo}";
     expresionAccionZum =
         factory.createMethodExpression(context, expression, String.class, new Class[] {});
     track("getExpresionAccionEscogerNodo", expression);
   return expresionAccionZum;
Beispiel #12
   * @param hierarchy
   * @return
  protected UIComponent createFilterItem(Hierarchy hierarchy) {
    String id = "filter-item-" + hierarchy.getUniqueName().hashCode();

    HtmlPanelGroup panel = new HtmlPanelGroup();
    panel.setStyleClass("ui-widget-header filter-item");

    CommandLink link = new CommandLink();
    link.setId(id + "-link");

    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExpressionFactory factory = context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();

            context.getELContext(), "#{filterHandler.show}", Void.class, new Class<?>[0]));

    UIParameter parameter = new UIParameter();



    CommandButton closeButton = new CommandButton();
    closeButton.setId(id + "-button");
            new Class<?>[0]));

    UIParameter parameter2 = new UIParameter();



    return panel;
  public void testBug52445a() {
    MethodExpression me =
            context, "${beanA.setBean(beanBB)}", null, new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanB.class});
    me.invoke(context, null);

    MethodExpression me1 =
        factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanA.bean.sayHello()}", null, null);
    String actual = (String) me1.invoke(context, null);
    assertEquals("Hello from BB", actual);
  public void testBug52970() {
    MethodExpression me =
            context, "${beanEnum.submit('APPLE')}", null, new Class<?>[] {TesterBeanEnum.class});
    me.invoke(context, null);

    ValueExpression ve =
        factory.createValueExpression(context, "#{beanEnum.lastSubmitted}", TesterEnum.class);
    TesterEnum actual = (TesterEnum) ve.getValue(context);
    assertEquals(TesterEnum.APPLE, actual);
   * @param exp
   * @param clazz
   * @return
  public Object getAtributo(String exp, Class clazz) {

    FacesContext current = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

    Application app = current.getApplication();

    ExpressionFactory fac = app.getExpressionFactory();

    ValueExpression ve = fac.createValueExpression(current.getELContext(), exp, clazz);
    Object resultado = ve.getValue(current.getELContext());

    return resultado;
Beispiel #16
 public String getValueFrmExpression(String data) {
   FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
   Application app = fc.getApplication();
   ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
   ELContext elContext = fc.getELContext();
   ValueExpression valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, data, Object.class);
   String Message = null;
   Object obj = valueExp.getValue(elContext);
   if (obj != null) {
     Message = obj.toString();
   return Message;
Beispiel #17
  protected Object coerceToModelType(FacesContext ctx, Object value, Class itemValueType) {
    Object newValue;
    try {
      ExpressionFactory ef = ctx.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
      newValue = ef.coerceToType(value, itemValueType);
    } catch (ELException ele) {
      newValue = value;
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
      newValue = value;

    return newValue;
  static ValueExpression restoreWithType(Object value, FacesContext context) {
    if (value == null) return null;

    Object[] state = (Object[]) value;

    String expr = (String) state[0];
    Class type = (Class) state[1];

    Application app = context.getApplication();
    ExpressionFactory factory = app.getExpressionFactory();

    return factory.createValueExpression(context.getELContext(), expr, type);
Beispiel #19
 public String getValue(String key) {
   final SufdAttribute attr = getSufdDescriptor().get(key);
   ELContext elContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext();
   ExpressionFactory f = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
   ValueExpression ex = f.createValueExpression(elContext, attr.getValue(), Object.class);
   final Object value = ex.getValue(elContext);
   if (value instanceof LocalDate) {
     return ((LocalDate) value).format(dateTimeFormatter);
   } else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
     return decimalFormatter.format(value);
   } else {
     return value.toString();
   * @param writer
   * @param component
   * @param context
   * @param scripts
   * @param styles
   * @throws java.io.IOException
  public static void writeRequiredIncludes(
      ResponseWriter writer,
      UIComponent component,
      FacesContext context,
      String[] scripts,
      String[] styles)
      throws IOException {

     * Prepare access to the managed bean NitobiIncludes
    ELContext elContext = context.getELContext();
    ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
    MethodExpression methodExpression =
            new Class[] {String.class});

     * Include the toolkit if needed
    if ((Boolean) methodExpression.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {NitobiIncludes.TOOLKIT})) {
      writeScriptInclude(writer, component, NitobiIncludes.TOOLKIT);

     * Include the scripts
    if (scripts != null) {
      for (String include : scripts) {
        if ((Boolean) methodExpression.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {include})) {
          writeScriptInclude(writer, component, include);

     * Include the styles
    if (styles != null) {
      for (String style : styles) {
        if ((Boolean) methodExpression.invoke(elContext, new Object[] {style})) {
          writeCSSInclude(writer, component, style);
Beispiel #21
 public void testMethExpr() {
   MethodExpression meth = null;
   ELContext ctxt = elm.getELContext();
   try {
     meth = factory.createMethodExpression(ctxt, "#{str.length}", Object.class, null);
   } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
     // Do nothing
   assertTrue(meth == null);
   meth = factory.createMethodExpression(ctxt, "#{'abc'.length()}", Object.class, null);
   Object result = meth.invoke(ctxt, new Object[] {"abcde"});
   System.out.println("'abc'.length() called, equals " + result);
   assertEquals(result, new Integer(3));
  protected String resolveTheme(FacesContext context) {
    String theme = null;
    String themeConfigValue =

    if (themeConfigValue != null) {
      ELContext elContext = context.getELContext();
      ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
      ValueExpression ve =
          expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, themeConfigValue, String.class);

      theme = ve.isLiteralText() ? themeConfigValue : (String) ve.getValue(elContext);

    return theme;
Beispiel #23
 private boolean _jspx_meth_c_005fset_005f0(PageContext _jspx_page_context) throws Throwable {
   PageContext pageContext = _jspx_page_context;
   JspWriter out = _jspx_page_context.getOut();
   //  c:set
   org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag _jspx_th_c_005fset_005f0 =
   // /common/jspHead.jsp(4,0) name = var type = java.lang.String reqTime = false required = false
   // fragment = false deferredValue = false expectedTypeName = null deferredMethod = false
   // methodSignature = null
   // /common/jspHead.jsp(4,0) name = value type = javax.el.ValueExpression reqTime = true required
   // = false fragment = false deferredValue = true expectedTypeName = java.lang.Object
   // deferredMethod = false methodSignature = null
       new org.apache.jasper.el.JspValueExpression(
               "/common/jspHead.jsp(4,0) '${pageContext.request.contextPath}'",
   int _jspx_eval_c_005fset_005f0 = _jspx_th_c_005fset_005f0.doStartTag();
   if (_jspx_th_c_005fset_005f0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE) {
     return true;
   return false;
 public void testInvokeWithSuperAAAB() {
   MethodExpression me11 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanAAA,beanB)}", null, null);
   Object r11 = me11.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("AAB: Hello AAA from B", r11.toString());
 public void testBug50449b() throws Exception {
   MethodExpression me1 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanB.sayHello('Tomcat')}", null, null);
   String actual = (String) me1.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("Hello Tomcat from B", actual);
  public void processAction(ActionEvent e) throws AbortProcessingException {

    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();

    try {
      Object value = source.getValue(elContext);
      if (value != null) {
        ExpressionFactory factory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
        value = factory.coerceToType(value, target.getType(elContext));
      target.setValue(elContext, value);
    } catch (ELException ele) {
      throw new AbortProcessingException(ele);
 public void testInvokeWithSuperABNoReturnTypeNoParamTypes() {
   MethodExpression me2 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanA,beanB)}", null, null);
   Object r2 = me2.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("AB: Hello A from B", r2.toString());
 private boolean _jspx_meth_c_005fset_005f0(
     javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag _jspx_th_c_005fif_005f2, PageContext _jspx_page_context)
     throws Throwable {
   JspWriter out = _jspx_page_context.getOut();
   //  c:set
   org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag _jspx_th_c_005fset_005f0 =
   _jspx_th_c_005fset_005f0.setParent((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) _jspx_th_c_005fif_005f2);
   // /WEB-INF/tags/form/fields/display.tagx(20,57) name = var type = java.lang.String reqTime =
   // false required = false fragment = false deferredValue = false expectedTypeName = null
   // deferredMethod = false methodSignature = null
   // /WEB-INF/tags/form/fields/display.tagx(20,57) name = value type = javax.el.ValueExpression
   // reqTime = true required = false fragment = false deferredValue = true expectedTypeName =
   // java.lang.Object deferredMethod = false methodSignature = null
       new org.apache.jasper.el.JspValueExpression(
               "/WEB-INF/tags/form/fields/display.tagx(20,57) 'MM/dd/yyyy'",
               _el_expressionfactory.createValueExpression("MM/dd/yyyy", java.lang.Object.class))
   int _jspx_eval_c_005fset_005f0 = _jspx_th_c_005fset_005f0.doStartTag();
   if (_jspx_th_c_005fset_005f0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE) {
     throw new SkipPageException();
   return false;
 public void testInvokeWithSuperABBB() {
   MethodExpression me7 =
       factory.createMethodExpression(context, "${beanC.sayHello(beanA,beanBBB)}", null, null);
   Object r7 = me7.invoke(context, null);
   assertEquals("ABB: Hello A from BBB", r7.toString());
  public void testIsParametersProvided() {
    TesterBeanB beanB = new TesterBeanB();
    ValueExpression var = factory.createValueExpression(beanB, TesterBeanB.class);
    context.getVariableMapper().setVariable("beanB", var);

    MethodExpression me1 =
            context, "${beanB.getName}", String.class, new Class<?>[] {});
    MethodExpression me2 =
            context, "${beanB.sayHello('JUnit')}", String.class, new Class<?>[] {String.class});
