public void testNewArray() throws Exception { ExprEditor ed = new ExprEditor() { int dim[] = {1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3}; int cdim[] = {1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2}; int counter = 0; public void edit(NewArray expr) throws CannotCompileException { try { CtClass str = sloader.get("java.lang.String"); if (counter < 3) assertEquals(str, expr.getComponentType()); else assertEquals(CtClass.intType, expr.getComponentType()); assertEquals(dim[counter], expr.getDimension()); assertEquals(cdim[counter], expr.getCreatedDimensions()); expr.replace("{ i += $1; $_ = $proceed($$); }"); ++counter; } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new CannotCompileException(e); } } }; CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.NewArray"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.instrument(ed); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(48, invoke(obj, "run")); }
public void testCodeGen() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.CodeGen"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("run"); m1.insertBefore( "{ double d = true ? 1 : 0.1; " + " d = d > 0.5 ? 0.0 : - 1.0; " + " System.out.println(d); " + " String s = \"foo\"; " + " s = 1 + 2 + s + \"bar\"; " + " s += \"poi\" + 3 + seven() + seven(\":\" + ' '); " + " s += .14; " + " msg = s; " + " System.out.println(s); }"); // recursive type check is done if $proceed is used. CtMethod m2 = CtNewMethod.make( "public int test() {" + " String s = $proceed(\"int\" + (3 + 0.14)) + '.'; " + " System.out.println(s); return s.length(); }", cc, "this", "seven"); cc.addMethod(m2); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(19, invoke(obj, "run")); assertEquals(9, invoke(obj, "test")); }
public void testLocalVar() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.LocalVar"); CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("toString"); m.addLocalVariable("var", CtClass.booleanType); m.insertBefore("{var = true; }"); m.insertAfter("{if (var) hashCode(); }", false); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "foo")); }
public void testAddLocalVar() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.AddLocalVar"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.addLocalVariable("i", CtClass.intType); m1.insertBefore("i = 3;"); m1.insertAfter("$_ = i + 1;"); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(4, invoke(obj, "foo")); }
public void testReplaceClassName() throws Exception { String oldName = "test2.ReplaceClassName2"; String newName = "test2.ReplaceClassName3"; CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.ReplaceClassName"); cc.replaceClassName(oldName, newName); cc.writeFile(); CtClass cc2 = dloader.get(cc.getName()); CtMethod m = cc2.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); assertEquals(newName, m.getParameterTypes()[0].getName()); }
public void testSuperCall() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.SuperCall"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.instrument( new ExprEditor() { public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException { m.replace("{ $_ = $proceed($$); }"); } }); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); invoke(obj, "bar"); }
public void testRemoveCall() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.RemoveCall"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("bar"); m1.instrument( new ExprEditor() { public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException { m.replace("{ $_ = ($r)null; }"); } }); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(0, invoke(obj, "bar")); }
public void testNewExprInTry() throws Exception { ExprEditor ed = new ExprEditor() { public void edit(NewExpr expr) throws CannotCompileException { expr.replace("$_ = new test2.HashMapWrapper($1, 1);"); } }; CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.NewExprInTry"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.instrument(ed); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "run")); }
public void onWrite(ClassPool pool, String className) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { CtClass cc = pool.get(className); try { if (isPersistent(className)) { CtClass base = cc.getSuperclass(); CtConstructor cons = new CtConstructor(constructorParams, cc); if (base.subclassOf(persistent) || base == object) { cons.setBody(null); cc.addConstructor(cons); if (base == object) { cc.setSuperclass(persistent); } } else { if (!isPersistent(base.getName())) { throw new NotFoundException( "Base class " + base.getName() + " was not declared as persistent"); } cons.setBody("super($0);"); cc.addConstructor(cons); } preprocessMethods(cc, true, true); if (base == persistent || base == object) { CtMethod m = new CtMethod(isRecursive, cc, null); m.setBody("return false;"); cc.addMethod(m); addSerializeMethods(cc, false); } else if (base.subtypeOf(serializable)) { addSerializeMethods(cc, true); } if ((cc.getModifiers() & Modifier.PRIVATE) == 0) { CtClass f = pool.makeClass(className + "LoadFactory"); f.addInterface(factory); CtMethod c = new CtMethod(create, f, null); c.setBody("return new " + className + "($1);"); f.addMethod(c); CtNewConstructor.defaultConstructor(f); } } else { preprocessMethods( cc, cc.subtypeOf(persistent) && cc != persistent, !className.startsWith("org.nachodb")); } } catch (Exception x) { x.printStackTrace(); } }
public void testMethodCall() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.MethodCall"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("bar"); m1.instrument( new ExprEditor() { public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException { if ("clone".equals(m.getMethodName())) methodCallData = m.getClassName(); } }); cc.writeFile(); assertEquals("java.lang.String[]", methodCallData); assertEquals("java.lang.String[]", sloader.get("[Ljava/lang/String;").getName()); assertEquals("int[][]", sloader.get("[[I").getName()); }
public void testInsertLocal() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.InsertLocal"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.insertBefore("{ i = s.length(); d = 0.14; }"); m1.insertAfter("{ field = i; }"); CtMethod m2 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("run2"); m2.insertAt(22, "{ s = \"12\"; k = 5; }"); CtMethod m3 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("run3"); m3.instrument( new ExprEditor() { public void edit(NewExpr n) throws CannotCompileException { n.replace("{ i++; $_ = $proceed($$); }"); } public void edit(FieldAccess f) throws CannotCompileException { f.replace("{ i++; $_ = $proceed($$); }"); } public void edit(MethodCall m) throws CannotCompileException { m.replace("{ i++; $_ = $proceed($$); }"); } }); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(317, invoke(obj, "run")); assertEquals(7, invoke(obj, "run2")); assertEquals(3, invoke(obj, "run3")); }
public void testSetExceptions() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.SetExceptions"); CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("f"); CtClass ex = m.getExceptionTypes()[0]; assertEquals("java.lang.Exception", ex.getName()); m.setExceptionTypes(null); assertEquals(0, m.getExceptionTypes().length); m.setExceptionTypes(new CtClass[0]); assertEquals(0, m.getExceptionTypes().length); m.setExceptionTypes(new CtClass[] {ex}); assertEquals(ex, m.getExceptionTypes()[0]); }
public void testNewExprTry() throws Exception { ExprEditor ed = new ExprEditor() { public void edit(NewExpr expr) throws CannotCompileException { StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer(300); code.append("{ try "); code.append("{ $_ = $proceed($$); }"); code.append("catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {}}"); expr.replace(code.toString()); } }; CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.NewExprTry"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); m1.instrument(ed); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(16, invoke(obj, "run")); }
private void preprocessMethods(CtClass cc, boolean insertLoad, boolean wrapFieldAccess) throws CannotCompileException { CtMethod[] methods = cc.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { CtMethod m = methods[i]; if (wrapFieldAccess) { m.instrument( new ExprEditor() { public void edit(FieldAccess fa) throws CannotCompileException { try { if ((fa.getField().getModifiers() & (Modifier.TRANSIENT | Modifier.STATIC)) == 0 && fa.getField().getDeclaringClass().subtypeOf(persistentInterface)) { if (fa.isWriter()) { fa.replace("{ $0.loadAndModify(); $proceed($$); }"); } // isSelfReader is my extension of JAssist, if you // use original version of JAssist comment the // branch below or replace "else if" with "else". // In first case Perst will not be able to handle // access to foreign (non-this) fields. You should use // getter/setter methods instead. // In second case access to foreign fields still will be possible, // but with significant degradation of performance and // increased code size, because in this case before ALL access // to fields of persistent capable object call of load() method // will be inserted. else if (!fa.isSelfReader()) { fa.replace("{ $0.load(); $_ = $proceed($$); }"); } } } catch (NotFoundException x) { } } }); } if (insertLoad && !"recursiveLoading".equals(m.getName()) && (m.getModifiers() & (Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.ABSTRACT)) == 0) { m.insertBefore("load();"); } } }
public void testNewOp() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.NewOp"); CtMethod add = CtNewMethod.make( "public test2.NewOp2 " + " addMonitoringRemoteEventListener(" + " test2.NewOp2 listener)" + " throws java.rmi.RemoteException {" + " $0.listenerList.addElement(listener);" + " return new test2.NewOp2(0L, this, null, 0L);" + "}", cc); add.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC); cc.addMethod(add); /* CtMethod type= CtNewMethod.make( "public test2.Where getNewType() { return new test2.Where(); }", cc); cc.addMethod(type); */ cc.writeFile(); }
public void testInsertAt() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.InsertAt"); CtMethod m1 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); int line = 6; int ln = m1.insertAt(line, false, null); int ln2 = m1.insertAt(line, "counter++;"); assertEquals(ln, ln2); assertEquals(7, ln2); line = 8; ln = m1.insertAt(line, false, null); ln2 = m1.insertAt(line, "counter++;"); assertEquals(ln, ln2); assertEquals(8, ln2); CtMethod m2 = cc.getDeclaredMethod("bar2"); int ln3 = m2.insertAt(20, "{ int m = 13; j += m; }"); assertEquals(20, ln3); cc.writeFile(); Object obj = make(cc.getName()); assertEquals(7, invoke(obj, "foo")); assertEquals(25, invoke(obj, "bar")); }
private boolean addSerializeMethods(CtClass cc, boolean callSuper) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { CtField[] fields = cc.getDeclaredFields(); int size = 0; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(callSuper ? "{$2=super.pack($1, $2);$1.extend($2" : "{$1.extend($2"); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { CtField f = fields[i]; if ((f.getModifiers() & (Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.TRANSIENT)) == 0) { CtClass type = f.getType(); if (type.isPrimitive()) { if (type == CtClass.booleanType || type == CtClass.byteType) { size += 1; } else if (type == CtClass.charType || type == CtClass.shortType) { size += 2; } else if (type == CtClass.longType || type == CtClass.doubleType) { size += 8; } else { size += 4; } } else if (type.getName().equals("java.lang.String")) { sb.append("+org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#sizeof("); sb.append(f.getName()); sb.append(",$3)"); } else { return false; } } } cc.addInterface(serializable); CtMethod m = new CtMethod(pack, cc, null); sb.append('+'); sb.append(size); sb.append(");"); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { CtField f = fields[i]; if ((f.getModifiers() & (Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.TRANSIENT)) == 0) { CtClass type = f.getType(); String name = f.getName(); if (type == CtClass.booleanType) { sb.append("$1.arr[$2++]=(byte)("); sb.append(name); sb.append("?1:0);"); } else if (type == CtClass.charType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#pack2($1.arr,$2,(short)"); sb.append(name); sb.append(");$2+=2;"); } else if (type == CtClass.byteType) { sb.append("$1.arr[$2++]="); sb.append(name); sb.append(";"); } else if (type == CtClass.shortType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#pack2($1.arr,$2,"); sb.append(name); sb.append(");$2+=2;"); } else if (type == CtClass.intType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#pack4($1.arr,$2,"); sb.append(name); sb.append(");$2+=4;"); } else if (type == CtClass.longType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#pack8($1.arr,$2,"); sb.append(name); sb.append(");$2+=8;"); } else if (type == CtClass.doubleType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#packF8($1.arr,$2,"); sb.append(name); sb.append(");$2+=8;"); } else if (type == CtClass.floatType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#packF4($1.arr,$2,"); sb.append(name); sb.append(");$2+=4;"); } else { sb.append("$2=org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#packStr($1.arr,$2,"); sb.append(name); sb.append(",$3);"); } } } sb.append("return $2;}"); m.setBody(sb.toString()); cc.addMethod(m); m = new CtMethod(unpack, cc, null); sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(callSuper ? "{$2=super.unpack($1, $2);" : "{"); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { CtField f = fields[i]; if ((f.getModifiers() & (Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.TRANSIENT)) == 0) { CtClass type = f.getType(); String name = f.getName(); sb.append(name); sb.append('='); if (type == CtClass.booleanType) { sb.append("$1[$2++]!=0;"); } else if (type == CtClass.charType) { sb.append("(char)org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#unpack2($1,$2);$2+=2;"); } else if (type == CtClass.byteType) { sb.append("$1[$2++];"); } else if (type == CtClass.shortType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#unpack2($1,$2);$2+=2;"); } else if (type == CtClass.intType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#unpack4($1,$2);$2+=4;"); } else if (type == CtClass.longType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#unpack8($1,$2);$2+=8;"); } else if (type == CtClass.doubleType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#unpackF8($1,$2);$2+=8;"); } else if (type == CtClass.floatType) { sb.append("org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#unpackF4($1,$2);$2+=4;"); } else { sb.append( "org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#unpackStr($1,$2,$3);$2+=org.nachodb.impl.Bytes#sizeof($1,$2);"); } } } sb.append("return $2;}"); m.setBody(sb.toString()); cc.addMethod(m); return true; }
public void testArrayAndNull() throws Exception { CtClass cc = sloader.get("test2.ArrayAndNull"); CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("test"); m.insertAfter("if ($_ == null) $_ = new int[0];"); }