public void testInnerClassAttributeRemove() throws Exception {
   CtClass cc = sloader.get("test5.InnerClassRemove");
   ClassFile cf = cc.getClassFile();
   InnerClassesAttribute ica = (InnerClassesAttribute) cf.getAttribute(InnerClassesAttribute.tag);
   String second = ica.innerClass(1);
   String secondName = ica.innerName(1);
   String third = ica.innerClass(2);
   String thirdName = ica.innerName(2);
   assertEquals(3, ica.remove(3));
   assertEquals(2, ica.remove(0));
   assertEquals(second, ica.innerClass(0));
   assertEquals(secondName, ica.innerName(0));
   assertEquals(third, ica.innerClass(1));
   assertEquals(thirdName, ica.innerName(1));
   assertEquals(1, ica.remove(1));
   assertEquals(second, ica.innerClass(0));
   assertEquals(secondName, ica.innerName(0));
   Object obj = make(cc.getName());
   assertEquals(1, invoke(obj, "run"));
 protected AnnotationsAttribute getAnnotationsAttribute() {
   return (AnnotationsAttribute) classFile.getAttribute(VISIBLE);
  protected void checkClassFile(ClassFile file) throws Exception {
    Map<Integer, Triple> calls = new HashMap<>();

    ConstPool pool = file.getConstPool();
    for (int i = 1; i < pool.getSize(); ++i) {
      // we have a method call
      BytecodeUtils.Ref ref = BytecodeUtils.getRef(pool, i);
      String className = ref.getClassName(pool, i);
      if (className != null) {
        String methodName = ref.getName(pool, i);
        String methodDesc = ref.getDesc(pool, i);
        fillCalls(i, className, methodName, methodDesc, calls);

    if (calls.isEmpty() && annotations.isEmpty()) {

    String className = file.getName();

    AnnotationsAttribute faa =
        (AnnotationsAttribute) file.getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag);
    checkAnnotations(className, TYPE_USAGE.getMethodName(), faa, -1);

    List<MethodInfo> methods = file.getMethods();
    for (MethodInfo m : methods) {
      try {
        // ignore abstract methods
        if (m.getCodeAttribute() == null) {

        AnnotationsAttribute maa =
            (AnnotationsAttribute) m.getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag);
        boolean annotationsChecked = false;
        int firstLine = -1;

        CodeIterator it = m.getCodeAttribute().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          // loop through the bytecode
          final int index =;
          final int line = m.getLineNumber(index);

          if (annotationsChecked == false) {
            annotationsChecked = true;
            firstLine = line;
                className, m.getName(), maa, line - 2); // -2 to get the line above the method

          int op = it.byteAt(index);
          // if the bytecode is a method invocation
          if (op == CodeIterator.INVOKEVIRTUAL
              || op == CodeIterator.INVOKESTATIC
              || op == CodeIterator.INVOKEINTERFACE
              || op == CodeIterator.INVOKESPECIAL) {
            int val = it.s16bitAt(index + 1);
            Triple triple = calls.get(val);
            if (triple != null) {
              Map<Tuple, Set<CodeLine>> map = report.get(triple.className);
              Set<CodeLine> set = map.get(triple.tuple);
              CodeLine cl = new CodeLine(className, m.getName(), line);
              set.add(cl.modify()); // check for .jsp, etc

        if (BaseMethodExclusion.isBridge(m) == false) {
          SignatureAttribute.MethodSignature signature =
          handleMethodSignature(className, m.getName(), firstLine - 1, signature.getReturnType());
              className, m.getName(), firstLine - 1, signature.getParameterTypes());
              className, m.getName(), firstLine - 1, signature.getExceptionTypes());

        ParameterAnnotationsAttribute paa =
        if (paa != null) {
          Annotation[][] paas = paa.getAnnotations();
          if (paas != null) {
            for (Annotation[] params : paas) {
              for (Annotation a : params) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : annotations.entrySet()) {
                  if (entry.getKey().equals(a.getTypeName())) {
                        className, m.getName(), firstLine - 1, entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), a);

      } catch (Exception e) {