public boolean testCollision(Sprite testSprite) {
   // Check for collision with
   // another sprite
   if (testSprite != this) {
     return spaceOccupied.intersects(testSprite.getSpaceOccupied());
   } // end if
   return false;
 } // end testCollision
  public void update() {
    Sprite sprite;

    // Iterate through sprite list
    for (int cnt = 0; cnt < size(); cnt++) {
      sprite = (Sprite) elementAt(cnt);
      // Update a sprite's position

      // Test for collision. Positive
      // result indicates a collision
      int hitIndex = testForCollision(sprite);
      if (hitIndex >= 0) {
        // a collision has occurred
        bounceOffSprite(cnt, hitIndex);
      } // end if
    } // end for loop
  } // end update
 private void bounceOffSprite(int oneHitIndex, int otherHitIndex) {
   // Swap motion vectors for
   // bounce algorithm
   Sprite oneSprite = (Sprite) elementAt(oneHitIndex);
   Sprite otherSprite = (Sprite) elementAt(otherHitIndex);
   Point swap = oneSprite.getMotionVector();
 } // end bounceOffSprite()
 private int testForCollision(Sprite testSprite) {
   // Check for collision with other
   // sprites
   Sprite sprite;
   for (int cnt = 0; cnt < size(); cnt++) {
     sprite = (Sprite) elementAt(cnt);
     if (sprite == testSprite)
       // don't check self
     // Invoke testCollision method
     // of Sprite class to perform
     // the actual test.
     if (testSprite.testCollision(sprite))
       // Return index of colliding
       // sprite
       return cnt;
   } // end for loop
   return -1; // No collision detected
 } // end testForCollision()