Beispiel #1
  * Check that the vectors are all compatible. All Vecs have their content sharded using same
  * number of rows per chunk.
 public void checkCompatible() {
   try {
     Vec v0 = anyVec();
     int nchunks = v0.nChunks();
     for (Vec vec : vecs()) {
       if (vec instanceof AppendableVec) continue; // New Vectors are endlessly compatible
       if (vec.nChunks() != nchunks)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
             "Vectors different numbers of chunks, " + nchunks + " and " + vec.nChunks());
     // Also check each chunk has same rows
     for (int i = 0; i < nchunks; i++) {
       long es = v0.chunk2StartElem(i);
       for (Vec vec : vecs())
         if (!(vec instanceof AppendableVec) && vec.chunk2StartElem(i) != es)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException(
               "Vector chunks different numbers of rows, "
                   + es
                   + " and "
                   + vec.chunk2StartElem(i));
   } catch (Throwable ex) {