/** * Installs a Tool in the Toolbar * * @param toolbar as JToolbar * @param tool, Tool to install */ public void installToolInToolBar(JToolBar toolbar, final Tool tool) { final JButton button; button = new JButton(); button.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); if (tool.getItemType() != null) { button.setIcon(tool.getItemType().getIcon()); button.setToolTipText(tool.getItemType().getDescription()); } else { button.setText("Tool"); // For Debugging } toolbar.add(button); toolButtons.add(button); button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { WorkingView.this.setTool(tool, button); } }); button.setContentAreaFilled(false); button.setBorderPainted(false); button.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { ((JButton) e.getSource()).setBorderPainted(true); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { ((JButton) e.getSource()).setBorderPainted(false); } }); }
private void setTool(Tool t, String name) { if (fTool != null) { fTool.deactivate(); } fTool = t; if (fTool != null) { showStatus(name); fTool.activate(); } }
/** * A list of dependency generators that are accumulated aaaas (and if) the tool is required to * sort the provided grammars into build dependency order. protected Map<String, * BuildDependencyGenerator> buildDependencyGenerators; */ public static void main(String[] args) { Tool antlr = new Tool(args); if (!exitNow) { antlr.process(); if (ErrorManager.getNumErrors() > 0) { System.exit(1); } System.exit(0); } }
/** * Searches for the tool with the given name. * * @param aToolName the name of the tool to search for, cannot be <code>null</code>. * @return the tool with the given name, can be <code>null</code> if no such tool can be found. */ private Tool findToolByName(final String aToolName) { Tool tool = null; final Collection<Tool> tools = getTools(); for (Tool _tool : tools) { if (aToolName.equals(_tool.getName())) { tool = _tool; break; } } return tool; }
/** * Sets the current Tool, the right listeners and the Cursor * * @param tool, Tool to set as current * @param button, JButton to set as current */ public void setTool(Tool tool, JButton button) { // IF NO CURSORTOOL if (this.currentTool instanceof CursorTool && !(tool instanceof CursorTool)) { board.removeMouseListener(listeners[0]); // IF CURSORTOOL } else if (tool instanceof CursorTool && !(this.currentTool instanceof CursorTool)) { board.addMouseListener(listeners[0]); } if (tool == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tool must not be null."); if (this.currentTool != tool) { if (this.currentButton != null) { this.currentButton.setEnabled(true); } this.currentButton = button; this.currentTool = tool; } if (tool instanceof CursorTool || tool instanceof ArrowTool || tool instanceof TextBoxTool) { board.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } else { board.setCursor(tool.getItemType().getCursor()); } }
/** * Runs the tool denoted by the given name. * * @param aToolName the name of the tool to run, cannot be <code>null</code>; * @param aParent the parent window to use, can be <code>null</code>. */ public void runTool(final String aToolName, final Window aParent) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Running tool: \"{0}\" ...", aToolName); } final Tool tool = findToolByName(aToolName); if (tool == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( aParent, "No such tool found: " + aToolName, "Error ...", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { final ToolContext context = createToolContext(); tool.process(aParent, this.dataContainer, context, this); } updateActions(); }
/** * Removes the given tool from the list of tools. * * @param aTool the tool to remove, cannot be <code>null</code>. */ public void removeTool(final Tool aTool) { if (this.mainFrame != null) { this.mainFrame.removeToolMenuItem(aTool.getName()); } updateActions(); }
public void run() { try { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (type == null || type.equals("stdout")) { tool.stdout(line); } else { tool.stderr(line); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * * @创建人: yinxm * @时间 : 2014-05-13 11:52:23 * @功能 : TODO 2、支付完成,处理银行支付结果通知 * @param Map<String, String[]> parametersMap * @return */ public String handPayResult(Map<String, String[]> parametersMap) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("【 handPayResult 光大银行支付结果处理 ");} String rtnMsg = "您的订单支付成功!"; try { /***********获取支付结果通知信息**********************/ // Plain 明文 // Signature 密文 String Plain = ((String[])parametersMap.get("Plain"))[0]; //明文 String Signature = ((String[])parametersMap.get("Signature"))[0]; //密文 // transId 交易代码Char4 // merchantId 商户ID Char12 // orderId 订单号Char30 // transAmt 交易金额Decimal13,2 // transDateTime 交易时间Char14 // currencyType 币种Char2 // customerName 订货人姓名Char25 预留字段,默认空值 // productInfo 商品信息Char100 预留字段,默认空值 // customerEMail 订货人EMAILChar60 预留字段,默认空值 // transSeqNo 支付系统交易流水号 Char12 // ppDateTime 支付系统交易时间 Char8 // clearingDate 清算日期Char8 // respCode 响应代码Char7 预留字段,默认空值 // msgExt 附加信息Char30 预留字段,默认空值 // payAcctType 客户账户类型 Char 1 D: 借记卡或活期一本通 C: 贷记卡 String transId = rtnMap.get("transId"); String merchantId = rtnMap.get("merchantId"); String orderId = rtnMap.get("orderId"); String transAmt = rtnMap.get("transAmt"); String transDateTime = rtnMap.get("transDateTime"); String currencyType = rtnMap.get("currencyType"); String customerName = rtnMap.get("customerName"); String productInfo = rtnMap.get("productInfo"); String customerEMail = rtnMap.get("customerEMail"); String transSeqNo = rtnMap.get("transSeqNo"); String ppDateTime = rtnMap.get("ppDateTime"); String clearingDate = rtnMap.get("clearingDate"); String respCode = rtnMap.get("respCode"); String msgExt = rtnMap.get("msgExt"); String payAcctType = rtnMap.get("payAcctType"); String respBankplain = null; //银行返回通知支付结果的明文 String respBankSign = null; //银行返回通知支付结果的签名 String signXsm = null; //xms本地签名结果 //将订单号从交易编号总截取出来,支付时订单号为:订单编号+P+支付日志后三位,退款时订单编号为:订单编号+R+支付日志后三位 String coNum = new String(rtnOrderCoNum); if ('P'==coNum.charAt(coNum.length()-4) || 'R'==coNum.charAt(coNum.length()-4)){ coNum = coNum.substring(0,coNum.length()-4); } /***********获取该订单的支付日志,银行表配置信息**********************/ //查询支付日志,取到的是日志号最大的那一条记录 EcPayLogView payLogView = getPayLogService().getEcPayLogViewByOrder(coNum); if (payLogView == null || payLogView.equals("")) { rtnMsg="该交易未记录支付日志!银行返回订单号为:"+orderno; return rtnMsg; } //获取数据库配置信息 EcOrgCeb orgceb = getEcOrgCebDomain().getEcOrgCeb(payLogView.getOrgCode(),PayUtil.CEB); /***********本地 验证签名*********************/ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); plainXsm = sb.toString(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {log.debug("明文plainXsm="+plainXsm); } //调试用,上线后注释掉 signXsm = Tool.sign(plainXsm); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {log.debug("密文signXsm="+signXsm);} //调试用,上线后注释掉 //验证签名是否成功 if (respBankSign == null || respBankSign.equals("") || !signXsm.equals(respBankSign)) { //验证签名失败 rtnMsg="该交易结果验证签名失败!银行返回订单号为:"+orderno; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {log.debug(rtnMsg);} return rtnMsg; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {log.debug("验证签名成功!");} String payFlag = EcPayLogView.PAY_FLAG_REQUEST; //支付状态 String paySeq = ""; //支付流水 /*****************验证签名成功,解析支付状态码******************/ if (respCode.equals("00")){ //支付成功 payFlag = EcPayLogView.PAY_FLAG_SUCCESS; String paySeq = ""; //记录银行支付流水 rtnMsg = "您的订单已支付成功,请等待发货!"; } else if (respCode.equals("02")){ //本次交易失败 payFlag = EcPayLogView.PAY_FLAG_FAULT; rtnMsg = "您的订单支付失败,请稍后重试或联系管理员!"; } else { //支付异常 payFlag = EcPayLogView.PAY_FLAG_REQUEST; rtnMsg = "您的订单查询异常,请稍后重试或联系管理员!"; } String orgCode = payLogView.getOrgCode(); BigDecimal amount = payLogView.getAmount(); String custCode = payLogView.getCustCode(); /**************************记录 交互日志*********************/ //记录交互日志 EcPayExchangeLogView payExLogView = getPayExchangeLogViewForVerifyPayResult(amount, coNum, custCode, orgCode, "银行返回支付结果", PayUtil.CEB,"XSM",""); try { insertPayExchangeLog(payExLogView); } catch (Exception e) { if(log.isErrorEnabled()) {log.error("记录银行返回支付结果交互日志出错");} logException(e); } /***********************修改 支付日志****************************************/ try { //光大银行返回的支付结果不为EcPayLogView.PAY_FLAG_REQUEST,并且跟支付日志不一样,则要修改支付结果. if ( ! (payFlag.equals(EcPayLogView.PAY_FLAG_REQUEST))) {//支付结果为成功、失败 if ( ! (payFlag.equals(payLogView.getPayFlag())) ){//支付结果与支付日志不一样,更新为成功或失败 EcPayLog paylog = EcPayLogViewUtils.getEcPayLog(payLogView); paylog.setPayFlag(payFlag); paylog.setPaySeq(paySeq);//光大银行支付交易流水号 if (EcPayLogView.PAY_FLAG_SUCCESS.equals(payFlag)) {//支付成功 rtnMsg = "订单支付成功!"; } else {//支付失败 rtnMsg = "订单支付失败!"; } paylog.setNote(rtnMsg); //采用统一方法更新新商盟订单支付状态和通知业务系统 //这部分程序在各个银行的支付程序中都差不多,于是提出作为公共程序 recordAndNoticeBusi(paylog); } else {//支付结果与支付日志是一样的,说明 光大银行 已经通知过一次了 rtnMsg = "您的订单状态已经同步过一次,请在当前订单查看支付结果"; } } else {//支付结果不确定,EcPayLogView.PAY_FLAG_REQUEST rtnMsg = "订单支付结果不确定,请稍候在当前订单查看支付结果!!!"; } } catch (Exception e) { rtnMsg = "修改订单支付信息或记录支付日志时出错"; logException(e); } } catch (Exception e) { rtnMsg = "您好!处理 光大银行 支付结果出错,请在【当前订单】再次支付已确认是否支付成功!"; logException(e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {log.debug("中信银行支付结果处理 】\n"+rtnMsg);} return rtnMsg; }
/** * * @创建人: yinxm * @时间 : 2014-05-13 11:52:23 * @功能 : TODO 1.2.2 对B2C请求支付参数 进行签名加密处理 * @param orgceb 银行Bean * @param orderData 支付参数Bean * @return Map "rtn" rtn[0]000:请求成功;rtn[1]支付地址 "parmsRequestMap" 支付请求参数 */ private Map<String, Object> paySignB2C(EcOrgCeb orgceb,CEBPayData orderData) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {log.debug("【paySignB2C");} String rtn[] = new String[]{"999",""}; Map<String, Object> rtnMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //组织plain StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String plainXsm = null; //明文 String signXsm = null; //密文 String payUrl = null; //支付请求地址 //向银行请求的参数 Map<String,String> parmsRequestMap = new HashMap<String,String>(); try { /*******组织签名数据*****************/ // transId 交易代码 Char4 IPER/EPER // merchantId 商户代码 Char12 // orderId 订单号Char 30 // transAmt 交易金额Decimal 13,2 // transDateTime 交易时间Char14 // currencyType 币种Char2 // customerName 订货人姓名Char 25 (非必输) // merSecName 二级商户Char30 二级商户名称(非必输) // productInfo 商品信息Char30 商户信息描述(非必输) // customerEMail 订货人EMAIL Char 60 (非必输) // merURL 商户URL Char 256 用于后台通知商户 // merURL1 商户URL1Char 256 用于后台通知商户失败或者默认情况下,引导客户回商户页面支付地址 // payIp Char 64 客户在商户网站上生成订单时的客户IP(非必输) // msgExt 附加信息Char 30(非必输) sb.append("transId=").append(orderData.getTransid()); sb.append("~|~").append("merchantId=").append(orderData.getMerchantid()); sb.append("~|~").append("orderId=").append(orderData.getOrderid()); sb.append("~|~").append("transAmt=").append(orderData.getTransamt()); sb.append("~|~").append("transDateTime=").append(orderData.getTransdatetime()); sb.append("~|~").append("currencyType=").append(orderData.getCurrencytype()); sb.append("~|~").append("customerName=").append(orderData.getCustomername()); sb.append("~|~").append("merSecName=").append(orderData.getMersecname()); sb.append("~|~").append("productInfo=").append(orderData.getProductinfo()); sb.append("~|~").append("customerEMail=").append(orderData.getCustomeremail()); sb.append("~|~").append("merURL=").append(orderData.getMerurl()); sb.append("~|~").append("merURL1=").append(orderData.getMerurl1()); sb.append("~|~").append("payIp=").append(orderData.getPayip()); sb.append("~|~").append("msgExt=").append(orderData.getMsgext()); /*******组织请求支付传送参数*****************/ String TransName = ""; //IPER String Plain = ""; //明文 String Signature = ""; //密文 parmsRequestMap.put("TransName", TransName); parmsRequestMap.put("Plain", Plain); parmsRequestMap.put("Signature", Signature); plainXsm = sb.toString(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {log.debug("明文plainXsm="+plainXsm); } //调试用,上线后注释掉 try { signXsm = Tool.sign(plainXsm); } catch (Exception e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.error("签名数据出错!"); } logException(e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {log.debug("密文signXsm="+signXsm);} //调试用,上线后注释掉 payUrl = orgceb.getPayUrl(); //从 光大银行 银行表中记录请求支付地址 if (payUrl == null || payUrl.equals("")){ rtn[0] = "999"; } else { rtn[0] = "000"; //组织请求数据签名成功 rtn[1] = payUrl; //记录请求支付地址 } } catch (Exception e) { rtn[0] = "999"; rtn[1] = ""; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("获取支付地址或者签名数据出错");} logException(e); } rtnMap.put("rtn", rtn); rtnMap.put("parmsRequestMap", parmsRequestMap); if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {log.debug("paySignB2C】");} return rtnMap; }