   * Create code for the work function of a built-in filter.
   * @param filter The filter that the work function is being built for
   * @param selfID A unique id assigned in FlatIRToC
   * @param p A printer to output the generated code
  static void predefinedFilterWork(SIRPredefinedFilter filter, int selfID, CodegenPrintWriter p) {

    Tape inputTape = RegisterStreams.getFilterInStream(filter);
    Tape outputTape = RegisterStreams.getFilterOutStream(filter);

    // Caller has printed function name and an iteration parameter ____n
    // Generate loop to execute body of this function ____n times,
    // In loop generate specialized code for function.
    p.print("void " + ClusterUtils.getWorkName(filter, selfID) + "(int ____n) {");
    //        p.println("// predefinedFilterWork " + filter.getName());

    // SIRFileReader
    if (filter instanceof SIRFileReader) {
      if (!(KjcOptions.mencoder || KjcOptions.blender)) {
        genFileReaderWork((SIRFileReader) filter, outputTape, selfID, p);
      // SIRFileWriter
    } else if (filter instanceof SIRFileWriter) {
      if (!(KjcOptions.mencoder || KjcOptions.blender)) {
        genFileWriterWork((SIRFileWriter) filter, inputTape, selfID, p);
      // SIRIdentity
    } else if (filter instanceof SIRIdentity) {
      assert false : "should not process SIRIdentity here";
      p.println("for (; 0 < ____n; ____n--) {");
      p.println("  " + outputTape.getPushName() + "(" + inputTape.getPopName() + "());");
      p.print("}"); // end of for loop.
    } else if (filter instanceof SIRDummySink || filter instanceof SIRDummySource) {
      // DummySource and SummySink do not appear in any of our
      // application code.  Are they part of the language?
      // TODO: get right exception for unimplemented.
      throw new Error("Unsupported predefined filter " + filter.getName());
    } else {
      // TODO: get right unchecked exception for unextended code...
      throw new Error("Unknown predefined filter " + filter.getName());
    p.outdent(); // end of method body
    p.outdent(); // end of method definition
   * File writer code currently works by using fwrite.
   * The File* is declared outside any function / method.
   * There is special case code for FileReader<bit> since individual
   * bits can not be read in by any system routine that I know.
   * The current bits and the count of unprocessed bits are created
   * outside of
  private static void genFileWriterWork(
      SIRFileWriter fw, Tape inputTape, int selfID, CodegenPrintWriter p) {

    if (KjcOptions.asciifileio) {
      System.err.println("Error: -asciifileio not supported in cluster backend.");

    String theType = "" + fw.getInputType();
    if (theType.equals("bit")) {
      // the bit type is special since you can not just read or
      // write a bit.  It requires buffering in some larger
      // integer type.
      String bits_to_go = bitsToGoName(fw);
      String the_bits = theBitsName(fw);

      p.println("unsigned char __buffer[____n/8+1];");
      p.println("int __index = 0;");
      p.println("for (; 0 < ____n; ____n--) {");

              + " = ("
              + bits_type
              + ") (("
              + the_bits
              + " << 1) | ("
              + inputTape.getPopName()
              + "() & 1));");
      p.println(bits_to_go + "--;");
      p.println("if (" + bits_to_go + " == 0) {");
      p.println("__buffer[__index++] = " + the_bits + ";");
      p.println(the_bits + " = 0;");
      p.println(bits_to_go + " = 8 * sizeof(" + the_bits + ");");
          "fwrite(__buffer, " + "sizeof(" + the_bits + "), " + "__index, " + fpName(fw) + ");");
    } else {
      // not a bit type.  write directly to file without needing to buffer bits.

      p.println("\n  int __index;");
      p.println("  for (__index=0; __index < ____n; __index++) {");
      if (KjcOptions.compressed) {
        Tape out = RegisterStreams.getFilterInStream(fw);
        int s = out.getSource();
        int d = out.getDest();

        String BUFFER = "BUFFER_" + s + "_" + d;
        String TAIL = "TAIL_" + s + "_" + d;

        String pop = inputTape.getPopName() + "()";
        p.println("    unsigned char __temp = " + pop + ";");
        p.println("    FileWriter_write<unsigned char>(__file_descr__" + selfID + ", __temp);");
        p.println("    unsigned int __frame_size = __temp;");

        p.println("    __temp = " + pop + ";");
        p.println("    FileWriter_write<unsigned char>(__file_descr__" + selfID + ", __temp);");
        p.println("    __frame_size <<= 8;");
        p.println("    __frame_size += __temp;");

        p.println("    __temp = " + pop + ";");
        p.println("    FileWriter_write<unsigned char>(__file_descr__" + selfID + ", __temp);");
        p.println("    __frame_size <<= 8;");
        p.println("    __frame_size += __temp;");

        p.println("    __temp = " + pop + ";");
        p.println("    FileWriter_write<unsigned char>(__file_descr__" + selfID + ", __temp);");
        p.println("    __frame_size <<= 8;");
        p.println("    __frame_size += __temp;");

        // the frame size includes the four bytes used to state the frame size
            "    FileWriter_write(__file_descr__"
                + selfID
                + ", (void *)("
                + BUFFER
                + " + "
                + TAIL
                + "), __frame_size - 4);");
        p.println("    " + TAIL + " += __frame_size - 4;");
      } else {
            "    FileWriter_write<"
                + theType
                + ">(__file_descr__"
                + selfID
                + ", "
                + inputTape.getPopName()
                + "());");
      p.println("  }\n");

             NetStream in = RegisterStreams.getFilterInStream(fw);
             // source and destination of incoming stream
             int s = in.getSource();
             int d = in.getDest();

             p.println("#ifdef __FUSED_" + s + "_" + d);
                 p.println("fwrite(&(BUFFER_" + s + "_" + d + "[TAIL_" + s + "_" + d + "]), " +
                           "sizeof(BUFFER_" + s + "_" + d + "[TAIL_" + s + "_" + d + "]), " +
                           "____n, " + fpName(fw) + ");");
                 p.println("TAIL_" + s + "_" + d + "+=____n;");
                 p.println("fwrite(&(__pop_buf__" + selfID + "[__tail__" + selfID + "]), " +
                           "sizeof(__pop_buf__" + selfID + "[__tail__" + selfID + "]), " +
                           "____n, " + fpName(fw) + ");");
                 p.println("__tail__" + selfID + "+=____n;");

      if (KjcOptions.numbers > 0) {
        p.println("  stats_output_count++;");
   * There is special case code for FileReader<bit> since individual
   * bits can not be read in by any system routine that I know.
   * With most bit streams that I (A.D.) have seen, the order is
   * little-endian in words, low-to-high bit in bytes.
   * This code -- matching Matt's implementation for the library
   * is a bit odd: endian-ness depends on fread / fwrite -- my
   * laziness, should always be little-endian -- but bits are read
   * and written from high to low.  So byte 0b10011111
   * is read as 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 and is written back as
   * 0b10011111.  This looks a little odd if a bit stream does not
   * end on a byte boundary: writing stream 1,0,1,1 results in 0b10110000
   * If we change the number of bits bufferred from 1 byte to a larger
   * integer type, we will have to worry about endian-ness on disk.
   * This code was designed for .BMP files, which are little-endian.
   * on disk.  We will also have to worry about file lengths: Unix allows
   * file lengths in bytes, this will involve some extra code for not writing
   * an excessive number of bytes on the last write, causing the file lengths
   * to be dependent on the size of 'bits_type'.
  private static void genFileReaderWorkBit(
      SIRFileReader filter, Tape outputTape, int selfID, CodegenPrintWriter p) {

    // haven't bothered to do buffered file input on top of the
    // bit input (it is possible but seems a little complicated)
        "PERFORMANCE WARNING:  FileReader<bit> reads only 1 byte"
            + "  at a time; faster to use FileReader<int>, which is buffered.");

    // String theType = "" + filter.getOutputType();
    // wrap in loop
    p.println("for (; 0 < ____n; ____n--) {");

    // the bit type is special since you can not just read or
    // write a bit.  It requires bufferring in some larger
    // integer type.
    String bits_to_go = bitsToGoName(filter);
    String the_bits = theBitsName(filter);

    p.println("static " + bits_type + " " + the_bits + " = 0;");
    p.println("static int " + bits_to_go + " = 0;");
    p.println("if (" + bits_to_go + " == 0) {");
        "if (fread("
            + "&"
            + the_bits
            + ", "
            + "sizeof("
            + the_bits
            + "),"
            + " "
            + "1, "
            + fpName(filter)
            + ")) {");
    p.println(bits_to_go + " = 8 * sizeof(" + the_bits + ");");
    // identical to code fragment below ///////////////////////
            + "(("
            + the_bits
            + " & (1 << (sizeof("
            + the_bits
            + ") * 8 - 1))) ? 1 : 0);");
    p.println(the_bits + " <<= 1;");
    p.println(bits_to_go + "--;");
    // end identical to code fragment below ////////////////////
    p.println("} else {");
    // identical to code fragment above /////////////////////////
            + "(("
            + the_bits
            + " & (1 << (sizeof("
            + the_bits
            + ") * 8 - 1))) ? 1 : 0);");
    p.println(the_bits + " <<= 1;");
    p.println(bits_to_go + "--;");
    // end identical to code fragment above /////////////////////

    // close loop
    p.print("}"); // end of for loop.
   * File reader code currently works by using fread.
   * The File* is declared outside any function / method.
   * This code follows the model in the library of stalling (not pushing)
   * at end of file (detected by fread returning 0).
  private static void genFileReaderWork(
      SIRFileReader filter, Tape outputTape, int selfID, CodegenPrintWriter p) {

    if (KjcOptions.asciifileio) {
      System.err.println("Error: -asciifileio not supported in cluster backend.");

    String theType = "" + filter.getOutputType();
    // dispatch to special routine for bit type
    if (theType.equals("bit")) {
      genFileReaderWorkBit(filter, outputTape, selfID, p);

    // get source and destination ids of outgoing tape
    Tape out = RegisterStreams.getFilterOutStream(filter);
    int s = out.getSource();
    int d = out.getDest();

    // template code to generate, using symbolic free vars above.
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("\n  int __index;\n");
    sb.append("  for (__index=0; __index < ____n; __index++) {\n");
    if (KjcOptions.compressed) {
      sb.append("    unsigned char __temp = 0;\n");
      sb.append("    FileReader_read(__file_descr__");
      sb.append(", &__temp, 1);\n");
      sb.append("    PUSH(__temp);\n");
      sb.append("    unsigned int __frame_size = __temp;\n");

      sb.append("    FileReader_read(__file_descr__");
      sb.append(", &__temp, 1);\n");
      sb.append("    PUSH(__temp);\n");
      sb.append("    __frame_size <<= 8;\n");
      sb.append("    __frame_size += __temp;\n");

      sb.append("    FileReader_read(__file_descr__");
      sb.append(", &__temp, 1);\n");
      sb.append("    PUSH(__temp);\n");
      sb.append("    __frame_size <<= 8;\n");
      sb.append("    __frame_size += __temp;\n");

      sb.append("    FileReader_read(__file_descr__");
      sb.append(", &__temp, 1);\n");
      sb.append("    PUSH(__temp);\n");
      sb.append("    __frame_size <<= 8;\n");
      sb.append("    __frame_size += __temp;\n");

      // the frame size includes the four bytes used to state the frame size
      sb.append("    FileReader_read(__file_descr__");
      sb.append(", (void *)(BUFFER + HEAD), __frame_size - 4);\n");
      sb.append("    HEAD += __frame_size - 4;\n");
    } else {
      sb.append("    PUSH(FileReader_read<");
    sb.append("  }\n");

    String template = sb.toString();

               "  #ifdef FUSED" + "\n" +
               "    #ifdef NOMOD" + "\n" +
               "      // read directly into buffer" + "\n" +
               "      if (fread(&(BUFFER[HEAD]), sizeof(BUFFER[HEAD]), ____n, FILEREADER)) {" + "\n" +
               "        HEAD+=____n;" + "\n" +
               "      }" + "\n" +
               "    #else" + "\n" +
               "      // wraparound buffer, might have to read in two pieces (but never" + "\n" +
               "      // more, since we would overwrote what we already wrote on this call)" + "\n" +
               "      if (HEAD+____n <= __BUF_SIZE_MASK) {" + "\n" +
               "          // no overflow" + "\n" +
               "          if (fread(&(BUFFER[HEAD]), sizeof(BUFFER[HEAD]), ____n, FILEREADER)) {" + "\n" +
               "             HEAD+=____n;" + "\n" +
               "          }" + "\n" +
               "      } else {" + "\n" +
               "          // overflow, need two pieces" + "\n" +
               "          int piece1 = __BUF_SIZE_MASK - HEAD;" + "\n" +
               "          int piece2 = ____n - piece1;" + "\n" +
               "          if (fread(&(BUFFER[HEAD]), sizeof(BUFFER[HEAD]), piece1, FILEREADER)) {" + "\n" +
               "              if (fread(&(BUFFER[0]), sizeof(BUFFER[HEAD]), piece2, FILEREADER)) {" + "\n" +
               "                HEAD+=____n;" + "\n" +
               "                HEAD&=__BUF_SIZE_MASK;" + "\n" +
               "              }" + "\n" +
               "          }" + "\n" +
               "      }" + "\n" +
               "     #endif" + "\n" +
               "  #else" + "\n" +
               "    // read as a block" + "\n" +
               "    TYPE __buffer[____n];" + "\n" +
               "    int __index;" + "\n" +
               "    if (fread(__buffer, sizeof(__buffer[0]), ____n, FILEREADER)) {" + "\n" +
               "      for (__index=0; __index < ____n; __index++) {" + "\n" +
               "       // should move push out of loop, but not clear if mult-push implemented yet" + "\n" +
               "       PUSH(__buffer[__index]);" + "\n" +
               "      }" + "\n" +
               "    }" + "\n" +
               "  #endif";

    // set values of free variables
    String TYPE = theType;
    String FILEREADER = fpName(filter);
    String FUSED = "__FUSED_" + s + "_" + d;
    String NOMOD = "__NOMOD_" + s + "_" + d;
    String BUFFER = "BUFFER_" + s + "_" + d;
    String HEAD = "HEAD_" + s + "_" + d;
    String BUF_SIZE_MASK = "__BUF_SIZE_MASK_" + s + "_" + d;
    String PUSH = outputTape.getPushName();

    // replace templates with correct values
    template = Utils.replaceAll(template, "TYPE", TYPE);
    template = Utils.replaceAll(template, "FILEREADER", FILEREADER);
    template = Utils.replaceAll(template, "FUSED", FUSED);
    template = Utils.replaceAll(template, "NOMOD", NOMOD);
    template = Utils.replaceAll(template, "BUFFER", BUFFER);
    template = Utils.replaceAll(template, "HEAD", HEAD);
    template = Utils.replaceAll(template, "BUF_SIZE_MASK", BUF_SIZE_MASK);
    template = Utils.replaceAll(template, "PUSH", PUSH);

    // output code