   * remove highlights (bounded with <marker>...</marker>) from test case file
   * @param document document to process
  private void extractExpectedHighlightsSet(final Document document) {
    final String text = document.getText();

    final Set<String> markers = myHighlightingTypes.keySet();
    final String typesRx = "(?:" + StringUtil.join(markers, ")|(?:") + ")";
    final String openingTagRx =
            + typesRx
            + ")"
            + "(?:\\s+descr=\"((?:[^\"]|\\\\\"|\\\\\\\\\"|\\\\\\[|\\\\\\])*)\")?"
            + "(?:\\s+type=\"([0-9A-Z_]+)\")?"
            + "(?:\\s+foreground=\"([0-9xa-f]+)\")?"
            + "(?:\\s+background=\"([0-9xa-f]+)\")?"
            + "(?:\\s+effectcolor=\"([0-9xa-f]+)\")?"
            + "(?:\\s+effecttype=\"([A-Z]+)\")?"
            + "(?:\\s+fonttype=\"([0-9]+)\")?"
            + "(?:\\s+textAttributesKey=\"((?:[^\"]|\\\\\"|\\\\\\\\\"|\\\\\\[|\\\\\\])*)\")?"
            + "(?:\\s+bundleMsg=\"((?:[^\"]|\\\\\"|\\\\\\\\\")*)\")?"
            + "(/)?>";

    final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(openingTagRx).matcher(text);
    int pos = 0;
    final Ref<Integer> textOffset = Ref.create(0);
    while (matcher.find(pos)) {
      textOffset.set(textOffset.get() + matcher.start() - pos);
      pos = extractExpectedHighlight(matcher, text, document, textOffset);
 public <T> T commitAndRunReadAction(@NotNull final Computable<T> computation) {
   final Ref<T> ref = Ref.create(null);
       new Runnable() {
         public void run() {
   return ref.get();
  public static PsiType getQualifiedMemberReferenceType(
      @Nullable PsiType qualifierType, @NotNull final PsiMember member) {
    final Ref<PsiSubstitutor> subst = Ref.create(PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY);
    class MyProcessor extends BaseScopeProcessor implements NameHint, ElementClassHint {
      public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull ResolveState state) {
        if (element == member) {
        return true;

      public String getName(@NotNull ResolveState state) {
        return member.getName();

      public boolean shouldProcess(DeclarationKind kind) {
        return member instanceof PsiEnumConstant
            ? kind == DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONST
            : member instanceof PsiField
                ? kind == DeclarationKind.FIELD
                : kind == DeclarationKind.METHOD;

      public <T> T getHint(@NotNull Key<T> hintKey) {
        return hintKey == NameHint.KEY || hintKey == ElementClassHint.KEY ? (T) this : null;

    PsiScopesUtil.processTypeDeclarations(qualifierType, member, new MyProcessor());

    PsiType rawType =
        member instanceof PsiField
            ? ((PsiField) member).getType()
            : member instanceof PsiMethod
                ? ((PsiMethod) member).getReturnType()
                : JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(member.getProject())
                    .createType((PsiClass) member);
    return subst.get().substitute(rawType);