public static BufferedImage convertImageData(ImageData data) { BufferedImage bimg = null; int height = data.getHeight(), width = data.getWidth(); Object pixels = data.getData(); if (pixels instanceof int[] && data.getElementWidth() == 1) { int[] arr = (int[]) pixels; byte[] barray = new byte[arr.length * 3]; int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { int l = arr[j]; barray[k++] = (byte) (l & 0xFF); barray[k++] = (byte) ((l >>> 8) & 0xFF); barray[k++] = (byte) ((l >>> 16) & 0xFF); } ColorModel ccm = new ComponentColorModel( ICC_ColorSpace.getInstance(ICC_ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), new int[] {8, 8, 8}, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE); DataBuffer bbuf = new DataBufferByte(barray, barray.length); SampleModel bmodel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel( DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, 3, 3 * width, new int[] {2, 1, 0}); WritableRaster raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(bmodel, bbuf, new Point(0, 0)); bimg = new BufferedImage(ccm, raster, false, new Hashtable()); } else if (pixels instanceof byte[] && data.getElementWidth() == 1) { // Assume gray scale model? byte[] arr = (byte[]) pixels; byte[] barray = new byte[arr.length * 3]; int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { byte l = arr[j]; barray[k++] = l; barray[k++] = l; barray[k++] = l; } ColorModel ccm = new ComponentColorModel( ICC_ColorSpace.getInstance(ICC_ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), new int[] {8, 8, 8}, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE); DataBuffer bbuf = new DataBufferByte(barray, barray.length); SampleModel bmodel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel( DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, 3, 3 * width, new int[] {2, 1, 0}); WritableRaster raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(bmodel, bbuf, new Point(0, 0)); bimg = new BufferedImage(ccm, raster, false, new Hashtable()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected data."); } return bimg; }
// returns a value specifying some kind of average brightness in the image. protected int getAverageBrightness(BufferedImage img) { Raster r = img.getData(); int total = 0; for (int y = 0; y < r.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < r.getWidth(); x++) { total += r.getSample(r.getMinX() + x, r.getMinY() + y, 0); } } return (int) (total / ((r.getWidth() / factorD) * (r.getHeight() / factorD))); }
public void decode() throws IOException { readTagDescriptors(); final MessageDigest md; try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } final ComponentColorModel colorModel = new ComponentColorModel( ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), true, false, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE); final int[] bandOffsets = {2, 1, 0, 3}; final Map<String, String> duplicateGuard = new HashMap<String, String>(); final byte[] bytes = data.array(); final int[] tags = new int[8]; final List<String> symLinkCommand = new ArrayList<String>(4); symLinkCommand.add("ln"); symLinkCommand.add("-s"); symLinkCommand.add(null); symLinkCommand.add(null); for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < fileCount; fileIndex++) { data.position(fileDescriptorsOffset + ((4 + 8) * fileIndex)); final int fileDataOffset = data.getInt(); int numOfTags = 8; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int tag = data.get() & 0xff; if (tag == 0) { numOfTags = i; break; } tags[i] = tag; } data.position(fileDataSectionOffset + fileDataOffset); final int artRows = data.getShort(); final int artColumns = data.getShort(); // skip unknown data.position(data.position() + 28); final int[] subimageOffsets = readNumericArray(9, false); final int[] subimageWidths = readNumericArray(9, true); final int[] subimageHeights = readNumericArray(9, true); assert numOfTags >= 2; final File dir; final int tagStartIndexForFilename; if (numOfTags == 2) { tagStartIndexForFilename = 1; dir = new File(outputDir, names[tags[0]].toString()); } else { tagStartIndexForFilename = 2; dir = new File(outputDir, names[tags[0]] + "/" + names[tags[1]]); } boolean dirCreated = false; final int imageCount = artRows * artColumns; for (int subImageIndex = 0; subImageIndex < imageCount; subImageIndex++) { final int w = subimageWidths[subImageIndex]; final int h = subimageHeights[subImageIndex]; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { continue; } final int srcPos = fileDataSectionOffset + fileDataOffset + subimageOffsets[subImageIndex]; final int srcLength = w * h * 4; md.update(bytes, srcPos, srcLength); md.update((byte) w); md.update((byte) h); final String digest = convertToHex(md.digest()); md.reset(); if (!dirCreated) { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored dir.mkdirs(); dirCreated = true; } final byte[] bgra = new byte[srcLength]; // cannot pass bytes directly, offset in DataBufferByte is not working System.arraycopy(bytes, srcPos, bgra, 0, bgra.length); BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage( colorModel, (WritableRaster) Raster.createRaster( new PixelInterleavedSampleModel( DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, w, h, 4, w * 4, bandOffsets), new DataBufferByte(bgra, bgra.length), null), false, null); final StringBuilder outFilename = createOutpuFile( numOfTags, tags, tagStartIndexForFilename, imageCount > 0, subImageIndex); final String oldOutFilename = duplicateGuard.get(digest); if (oldOutFilename == null) { File file = new File(dir, outFilename.toString()); duplicateGuard.put(digest, file.getPath()); ImageIO.write(image, "png", file); } else { symLinkCommand.set(2, oldOutFilename); symLinkCommand.set(3, dir + "/" + outFilename); Process process = new ProcessBuilder(symLinkCommand).start(); try { if (process.waitFor() != 0) { throw new IOException( "Can't create symlink " + symLinkCommand.get(2) + " " + symLinkCommand.get(3)); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } } } }
public void build_bricks() { ImagePlus imp; ImagePlus orgimp; ImageStack stack; FileInfo finfo; if (lvImgTitle.isEmpty()) return; orgimp = WindowManager.getImage(lvImgTitle.get(0)); imp = orgimp; finfo = imp.getFileInfo(); if (finfo == null) return; int[] dims = imp.getDimensions(); int imageW = dims[0]; int imageH = dims[1]; int nCh = dims[2]; int imageD = dims[3]; int nFrame = dims[4]; int bdepth = imp.getBitDepth(); double xspc = finfo.pixelWidth; double yspc = finfo.pixelHeight; double zspc = finfo.pixelDepth; double z_aspect = Math.max(xspc, yspc) / zspc; int orgW = imageW; int orgH = imageH; int orgD = imageD; double orgxspc = xspc; double orgyspc = yspc; double orgzspc = zspc; lv = lvImgTitle.size(); if (filetype == "JPEG") { for (int l = 0; l < lv; l++) { if (WindowManager.getImage(lvImgTitle.get(l)).getBitDepth() != 8) { IJ.error("A SOURCE IMAGE MUST BE 8BIT GLAYSCALE"); return; } } } // calculate levels /* int baseXY = 256; int baseZ = 256; if (z_aspect < 0.5) baseZ = 128; if (z_aspect > 2.0) baseXY = 128; if (z_aspect >= 0.5 && z_aspect < 1.0) baseZ = (int)(baseZ*z_aspect); if (z_aspect > 1.0 && z_aspect <= 2.0) baseXY = (int)(baseXY/z_aspect); IJ.log("Z_aspect: " + z_aspect); IJ.log("BaseXY: " + baseXY); IJ.log("BaseZ: " + baseZ); */ int baseXY = 256; int baseZ = 128; int dbXY = Math.max(orgW, orgH) / baseXY; if (Math.max(orgW, orgH) % baseXY > 0) dbXY *= 2; int dbZ = orgD / baseZ; if (orgD % baseZ > 0) dbZ *= 2; lv = Math.max(log2(dbXY), log2(dbZ)) + 1; int ww = orgW; int hh = orgH; int dd = orgD; for (int l = 0; l < lv; l++) { int bwnum = ww / baseXY; if (ww % baseXY > 0) bwnum++; int bhnum = hh / baseXY; if (hh % baseXY > 0) bhnum++; int bdnum = dd / baseZ; if (dd % baseZ > 0) bdnum++; if (bwnum % 2 == 0) bwnum++; if (bhnum % 2 == 0) bhnum++; if (bdnum % 2 == 0) bdnum++; int bw = (bwnum <= 1) ? ww : ww / bwnum + 1 + (ww % bwnum > 0 ? 1 : 0); int bh = (bhnum <= 1) ? hh : hh / bhnum + 1 + (hh % bhnum > 0 ? 1 : 0); int bd = (bdnum <= 1) ? dd : dd / bdnum + 1 + (dd % bdnum > 0 ? 1 : 0); bwlist.add(bw); bhlist.add(bh); bdlist.add(bd); IJ.log("LEVEL: " + l); IJ.log(" width: " + ww); IJ.log(" hight: " + hh); IJ.log(" depth: " + dd); IJ.log(" bw: " + bw); IJ.log(" bh: " + bh); IJ.log(" bd: " + bd); int xyl2 = Math.max(ww, hh) / baseXY; if (Math.max(ww, hh) % baseXY > 0) xyl2 *= 2; if (lv - 1 - log2(xyl2) <= l) { ww /= 2; hh /= 2; } IJ.log(" xyl2: " + (lv - 1 - log2(xyl2))); int zl2 = dd / baseZ; if (dd % baseZ > 0) zl2 *= 2; if (lv - 1 - log2(zl2) <= l) dd /= 2; IJ.log(" zl2: " + (lv - 1 - log2(zl2))); if (l < lv - 1) { lvImgTitle.add(lvImgTitle.get(0) + "_level" + (l + 1)); IJ.selectWindow(lvImgTitle.get(0)); "Scale...", "x=- y=- z=- width=" + ww + " height=" + hh + " depth=" + dd + " interpolation=Bicubic average process create title=" + lvImgTitle.get(l + 1)); } } for (int l = 0; l < lv; l++) { IJ.log(lvImgTitle.get(l)); } Document doc = newXMLDocument(); Element root = doc.createElement("BRK"); root.setAttribute("version", "1.0"); root.setAttribute("nLevel", String.valueOf(lv)); root.setAttribute("nChannel", String.valueOf(nCh)); root.setAttribute("nFrame", String.valueOf(nFrame)); doc.appendChild(root); for (int l = 0; l < lv; l++) { IJ.showProgress(0.0); int[] dims2 = imp.getDimensions(); IJ.log( "W: " + String.valueOf(dims2[0]) + " H: " + String.valueOf(dims2[1]) + " C: " + String.valueOf(dims2[2]) + " D: " + String.valueOf(dims2[3]) + " T: " + String.valueOf(dims2[4]) + " b: " + String.valueOf(bdepth)); bw = bwlist.get(l).intValue(); bh = bhlist.get(l).intValue(); bd = bdlist.get(l).intValue(); boolean force_pow2 = false; /* if(IsPowerOf2(bw) && IsPowerOf2(bh) && IsPowerOf2(bd)) force_pow2 = true; if(force_pow2){ //force pow2 if(Pow2(bw) > bw) bw = Pow2(bw)/2; if(Pow2(bh) > bh) bh = Pow2(bh)/2; if(Pow2(bd) > bd) bd = Pow2(bd)/2; } if(bw > imageW) bw = (Pow2(imageW) == imageW) ? imageW : Pow2(imageW)/2; if(bh > imageH) bh = (Pow2(imageH) == imageH) ? imageH : Pow2(imageH)/2; if(bd > imageD) bd = (Pow2(imageD) == imageD) ? imageD : Pow2(imageD)/2; */ if (bw > imageW) bw = imageW; if (bh > imageH) bh = imageH; if (bd > imageD) bd = imageD; if (bw <= 1 || bh <= 1 || bd <= 1) break; if (filetype == "JPEG" && (bw < 8 || bh < 8)) break; Element lvnode = doc.createElement("Level"); lvnode.setAttribute("lv", String.valueOf(l)); lvnode.setAttribute("imageW", String.valueOf(imageW)); lvnode.setAttribute("imageH", String.valueOf(imageH)); lvnode.setAttribute("imageD", String.valueOf(imageD)); lvnode.setAttribute("xspc", String.valueOf(xspc)); lvnode.setAttribute("yspc", String.valueOf(yspc)); lvnode.setAttribute("zspc", String.valueOf(zspc)); lvnode.setAttribute("bitDepth", String.valueOf(bdepth)); root.appendChild(lvnode); Element brksnode = doc.createElement("Bricks"); brksnode.setAttribute("brick_baseW", String.valueOf(bw)); brksnode.setAttribute("brick_baseH", String.valueOf(bh)); brksnode.setAttribute("brick_baseD", String.valueOf(bd)); lvnode.appendChild(brksnode); ArrayList<Brick> bricks = new ArrayList<Brick>(); int mw, mh, md, mw2, mh2, md2; double tx0, ty0, tz0, tx1, ty1, tz1; double bx0, by0, bz0, bx1, by1, bz1; for (int k = 0; k < imageD; k += bd) { if (k > 0) k--; for (int j = 0; j < imageH; j += bh) { if (j > 0) j--; for (int i = 0; i < imageW; i += bw) { if (i > 0) i--; mw = Math.min(bw, imageW - i); mh = Math.min(bh, imageH - j); md = Math.min(bd, imageD - k); if (force_pow2) { mw2 = Pow2(mw); mh2 = Pow2(mh); md2 = Pow2(md); } else { mw2 = mw; mh2 = mh; md2 = md; } if (filetype == "JPEG") { if (mw2 < 8) mw2 = 8; if (mh2 < 8) mh2 = 8; } tx0 = i == 0 ? 0.0d : ((mw2 - mw + 0.5d) / mw2); ty0 = j == 0 ? 0.0d : ((mh2 - mh + 0.5d) / mh2); tz0 = k == 0 ? 0.0d : ((md2 - md + 0.5d) / md2); tx1 = 1.0d - 0.5d / mw2; if (mw < bw) tx1 = 1.0d; if (imageW - i == bw) tx1 = 1.0d; ty1 = 1.0d - 0.5d / mh2; if (mh < bh) ty1 = 1.0d; if (imageH - j == bh) ty1 = 1.0d; tz1 = 1.0d - 0.5d / md2; if (md < bd) tz1 = 1.0d; if (imageD - k == bd) tz1 = 1.0d; bx0 = i == 0 ? 0.0d : (i + 0.5d) / (double) imageW; by0 = j == 0 ? 0.0d : (j + 0.5d) / (double) imageH; bz0 = k == 0 ? 0.0d : (k + 0.5d) / (double) imageD; bx1 = Math.min((i + bw - 0.5d) / (double) imageW, 1.0d); if (imageW - i == bw) bx1 = 1.0d; by1 = Math.min((j + bh - 0.5d) / (double) imageH, 1.0d); if (imageH - j == bh) by1 = 1.0d; bz1 = Math.min((k + bd - 0.5d) / (double) imageD, 1.0d); if (imageD - k == bd) bz1 = 1.0d; int x, y, z; x = i - (mw2 - mw); y = j - (mh2 - mh); z = k - (md2 - md); bricks.add( new Brick( x, y, z, mw2, mh2, md2, 0, 0, tx0, ty0, tz0, tx1, ty1, tz1, bx0, by0, bz0, bx1, by1, bz1)); } } } Element fsnode = doc.createElement("Files"); lvnode.appendChild(fsnode); stack = imp.getStack(); int totalbricknum = nFrame * nCh * bricks.size(); int curbricknum = 0; for (int f = 0; f < nFrame; f++) { for (int ch = 0; ch < nCh; ch++) { int sizelimit = bdsizelimit * 1024 * 1024; int bytecount = 0; int filecount = 0; int pd_bufsize = Math.max(sizelimit, bw * bh * bd * bdepth / 8); byte[] packed_data = new byte[pd_bufsize]; String base_dataname = basename + "_Lv" + String.valueOf(l) + "_Ch" + String.valueOf(ch) + "_Fr" + String.valueOf(f); String current_dataname = base_dataname + "_data" + filecount; Brick b_first = bricks.get(0); if (b_first.z_ != 0) IJ.log("warning"); int st_z = b_first.z_; int ed_z = b_first.z_ + b_first.d_; LinkedList<ImageProcessor> iplist = new LinkedList<ImageProcessor>(); for (int s = st_z; s < ed_z; s++) iplist.add(stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch + 1, s + 1, f + 1))); // ImagePlus test; // ImageStack tsst; // test = NewImage.createByteImage("test", imageW, imageH, imageD, // NewImage.FILL_BLACK); // tsst = test.getStack(); for (int i = 0; i < bricks.size(); i++) { Brick b = bricks.get(i); if (ed_z > b.z_ || st_z < b.z_ + b.d_) { if (b.z_ > st_z) { for (int s = 0; s < b.z_ - st_z; s++) iplist.pollFirst(); st_z = b.z_; } else if (b.z_ < st_z) { IJ.log("warning"); for (int s = st_z - 1; s > b.z_; s--) iplist.addFirst(stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch + 1, s + 1, f + 1))); st_z = b.z_; } if (b.z_ + b.d_ > ed_z) { for (int s = ed_z; s < b.z_ + b.d_; s++) iplist.add(stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch + 1, s + 1, f + 1))); ed_z = b.z_ + b.d_; } else if (b.z_ + b.d_ < ed_z) { IJ.log("warning"); for (int s = 0; s < ed_z - (b.z_ + b.d_); s++) iplist.pollLast(); ed_z = b.z_ + b.d_; } } else { IJ.log("warning"); iplist.clear(); st_z = b.z_; ed_z = b.z_ + b.d_; for (int s = st_z; s < ed_z; s++) iplist.add(stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch + 1, s + 1, f + 1))); } if (iplist.size() != b.d_) { IJ.log("Stack Error"); return; } // int zz = st_z; int bsize = 0; byte[] bdata = new byte[b.w_ * b.h_ * b.d_ * bdepth / 8]; Iterator<ImageProcessor> ipite = iplist.iterator(); while (ipite.hasNext()) { // ImageProcessor tsip = tsst.getProcessor(zz+1); ImageProcessor ip =; ip.setRoi(b.x_, b.y_, b.w_, b.h_); if (bdepth == 8) { byte[] data = (byte[]) ip.crop().getPixels(); System.arraycopy(data, 0, bdata, bsize, data.length); bsize += data.length; } else if (bdepth == 16) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(b.w_ * b.h_ * bdepth / 8); buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); short[] data = (short[]) ip.crop().getPixels(); for (short e : data) buffer.putShort(e); System.arraycopy(buffer.array(), 0, bdata, bsize, buffer.array().length); bsize += buffer.array().length; } else if (bdepth == 32) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(b.w_ * b.h_ * bdepth / 8); buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); float[] data = (float[]) ip.crop().getPixels(); for (float e : data) buffer.putFloat(e); System.arraycopy(buffer.array(), 0, bdata, bsize, buffer.array().length); bsize += buffer.array().length; } } String filename = basename + "_Lv" + String.valueOf(l) + "_Ch" + String.valueOf(ch) + "_Fr" + String.valueOf(f) + "_ID" + String.valueOf(i); int offset = bytecount; int datasize = bdata.length; if (filetype == "RAW") { int dummy = -1; // do nothing } if (filetype == "JPEG" && bdepth == 8) { try { DataBufferByte db = new DataBufferByte(bdata, datasize); Raster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(db, b.w_, b.h_ * b.d_, 8, null); BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(b.w_, b.h_ * b.d_, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY); img.setData(raster); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(baos); String format = "jpg"; Iterator<javax.imageio.ImageWriter> iter = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpeg"); javax.imageio.ImageWriter writer =; ImageWriteParam iwp = writer.getDefaultWriteParam(); iwp.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT); iwp.setCompressionQuality((float) jpeg_quality * 0.01f); writer.setOutput(ios); writer.write(null, new IIOImage(img, null, null), iwp); // ImageIO.write(img, format, baos); bdata = baos.toByteArray(); datasize = bdata.length; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } if (filetype == "ZLIB") { byte[] tmpdata = new byte[b.w_ * b.h_ * b.d_ * bdepth / 8]; Deflater compresser = new Deflater(); compresser.setInput(bdata); compresser.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); compresser.setStrategy(Deflater.DEFAULT_STRATEGY); compresser.finish(); datasize = compresser.deflate(tmpdata); bdata = tmpdata; compresser.end(); } if (bytecount + datasize > sizelimit && bytecount > 0) { BufferedOutputStream fis = null; try { File file = new File(directory + current_dataname); fis = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); fis.write(packed_data, 0, bytecount); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } finally { try { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } filecount++; current_dataname = base_dataname + "_data" + filecount; bytecount = 0; offset = 0; System.arraycopy(bdata, 0, packed_data, bytecount, datasize); bytecount += datasize; } else { System.arraycopy(bdata, 0, packed_data, bytecount, datasize); bytecount += datasize; } Element filenode = doc.createElement("File"); filenode.setAttribute("filename", current_dataname); filenode.setAttribute("channel", String.valueOf(ch)); filenode.setAttribute("frame", String.valueOf(f)); filenode.setAttribute("brickID", String.valueOf(i)); filenode.setAttribute("offset", String.valueOf(offset)); filenode.setAttribute("datasize", String.valueOf(datasize)); filenode.setAttribute("filetype", String.valueOf(filetype)); fsnode.appendChild(filenode); curbricknum++; IJ.showProgress((double) (curbricknum) / (double) (totalbricknum)); } if (bytecount > 0) { BufferedOutputStream fis = null; try { File file = new File(directory + current_dataname); fis = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); fis.write(packed_data, 0, bytecount); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } finally { try { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < bricks.size(); i++) { Brick b = bricks.get(i); Element bricknode = doc.createElement("Brick"); bricknode.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(i)); bricknode.setAttribute("st_x", String.valueOf(b.x_)); bricknode.setAttribute("st_y", String.valueOf(b.y_)); bricknode.setAttribute("st_z", String.valueOf(b.z_)); bricknode.setAttribute("width", String.valueOf(b.w_)); bricknode.setAttribute("height", String.valueOf(b.h_)); bricknode.setAttribute("depth", String.valueOf(b.d_)); brksnode.appendChild(bricknode); Element tboxnode = doc.createElement("tbox"); tboxnode.setAttribute("x0", String.valueOf(b.tx0_)); tboxnode.setAttribute("y0", String.valueOf(b.ty0_)); tboxnode.setAttribute("z0", String.valueOf(b.tz0_)); tboxnode.setAttribute("x1", String.valueOf(b.tx1_)); tboxnode.setAttribute("y1", String.valueOf(b.ty1_)); tboxnode.setAttribute("z1", String.valueOf(b.tz1_)); bricknode.appendChild(tboxnode); Element bboxnode = doc.createElement("bbox"); bboxnode.setAttribute("x0", String.valueOf(b.bx0_)); bboxnode.setAttribute("y0", String.valueOf(b.by0_)); bboxnode.setAttribute("z0", String.valueOf(b.bz0_)); bboxnode.setAttribute("x1", String.valueOf(b.bx1_)); bboxnode.setAttribute("y1", String.valueOf(b.by1_)); bboxnode.setAttribute("z1", String.valueOf(b.bz1_)); bricknode.appendChild(bboxnode); } if (l < lv - 1) { imp = WindowManager.getImage(lvImgTitle.get(l + 1)); int[] newdims = imp.getDimensions(); imageW = newdims[0]; imageH = newdims[1]; imageD = newdims[3]; xspc = orgxspc * ((double) orgW / (double) imageW); yspc = orgyspc * ((double) orgH / (double) imageH); zspc = orgzspc * ((double) orgD / (double) imageD); bdepth = imp.getBitDepth(); } } File newXMLfile = new File(directory + basename + ".vvd"); writeXML(newXMLfile, doc); for (int l = 1; l < lv; l++) { imp = WindowManager.getImage(lvImgTitle.get(l)); imp.changes = false; imp.close(); } }
/** Convert standard img to a buffered image. */ public static BufferedImage convertImage(Image img) { int height = img.getHeight(null), width = img.getWidth(null); // FloatMatrix fm = new FloatMatrix( height, width ) ; PixelGrabber grabber = new PixelGrabber(img, 0, 0, width, height, false); try { grabber.grabPixels(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(e); } Object pixels = grabber.getPixels(); ColorModel cm = grabber.getColorModel(); BufferedImage bimg = null; // REVISIT Makes some unwarranted assumptions about the layout of the PixelGrabber data // as being either int (ARGB?) or byte (gray scale?) if (pixels instanceof int[]) { int[] arr = (int[]) pixels; byte[] barray = new byte[arr.length * 3]; int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { int l = arr[j]; barray[k++] = (byte) (l & 0xFF); barray[k++] = (byte) ((l >>> 8) & 0xFF); barray[k++] = (byte) ((l >>> 16) & 0xFF); } ColorModel ccm = new ComponentColorModel( ICC_ColorSpace.getInstance(ICC_ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), new int[] {8, 8, 8}, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE); DataBuffer bbuf = new DataBufferByte(barray, barray.length); SampleModel bmodel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel( DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, 3, 3 * width, new int[] {2, 1, 0}); WritableRaster raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(bmodel, bbuf, new Point(0, 0)); bimg = new BufferedImage(ccm, raster, false, new Hashtable()); } else if (pixels instanceof byte[]) { // Assume gray scale model? byte[] arr = (byte[]) pixels; byte[] barray = new byte[arr.length * 3]; int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { byte l = arr[j]; barray[k++] = l; barray[k++] = l; barray[k++] = l; } ColorModel ccm = new ComponentColorModel( ICC_ColorSpace.getInstance(ICC_ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), new int[] {8, 8, 8}, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE); DataBuffer bbuf = new DataBufferByte(barray, barray.length); SampleModel bmodel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel( DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, 3, 3 * width, new int[] {2, 1, 0}); WritableRaster raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(bmodel, bbuf, new Point(0, 0)); bimg = new BufferedImage(ccm, raster, false, new Hashtable()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected data."); } return bimg; }
/** * Loads PNG files and returns the result as an int[][]. The only PNG formats permitted are those * with up to 256 grays (including simple black and white) or indexed colors from an up to * 256-sized color table. Each integer value represents the gray level or the color table index * value of the pixel. The Y dimension is not flipped. */ public static int[][] loadPNGFile(InputStream str) throws IOException { // read the bytes into a byte array BufferedInputStream stream = new BufferedInputStream(str); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); int count = 0; while (true) { byte[] buffer = new byte[16384 * 16]; int len =; if (len <= 0) // all done break; else if (len < buffer.length) { byte[] buf2 = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, buf2, 0, len); buffer = buf2; } count += len; list.add(buffer); } byte[] data = new byte[count]; int cur = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { byte[] b = (byte[]) (list.get(i)); System.arraycopy(b, 0, data, cur, b.length); cur += b.length; } // Next convert the byte array to a buffered image BufferedImage image = ((ToolkitImage) (new ImageIcon(data).getImage())).getBufferedImage(); // Is the color model something we can use? int type = image.getType(); if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY || type == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY) { int w = image.getWidth(); int h = image.getHeight(); int[][] result = new int[w][h]; // obviously this could be done more efficiently for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) result[i][j] = (image.getRGB(i, j) & 0xFF); return result; } else if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED) { Raster raster = image.getRaster(); if (raster.getTransferType() != DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) // uh oh throw new IOException("Input Stream must contain an image with byte data if indexed."); byte[] pixel = new byte[1]; int w = image.getWidth(); int h = image.getHeight(); int[][] result = new int[w][h]; // obviously this could be done more efficiently for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { result[i][j] = ((byte[]) (raster.getDataElements(i, j, pixel)))[0]; if (result[i][j] < 0) result[i][j] += 256; } return result; } // else if (type == TYPE_USHORT_GRAY) // at present we don't handle shorts // { // } else throw new IOException( "Input Stream must contain a binary, byte-sized grayscale, or byte-sized indexed color scheme: " + image); }
public BufferedImage read(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param) throws IOException { checkIndex(imageIndex); readHeader(); if (iis == null) throw new IllegalStateException("input is null"); BufferedImage img; clearAbortRequest(); processImageStarted(imageIndex); if (param == null) param = getDefaultReadParam(); sourceRegion = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); destinationRegion = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); computeRegions( param, this.width, this.height, param.getDestination(), sourceRegion, destinationRegion); scaleX = param.getSourceXSubsampling(); scaleY = param.getSourceYSubsampling(); // If the destination band is set used it sourceBands = param.getSourceBands(); destBands = param.getDestinationBands(); seleBand = (sourceBands != null) && (destBands != null); noTransform = destinationRegion.equals(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)) || seleBand; if (!seleBand) { sourceBands = new int[colorPlanes]; destBands = new int[colorPlanes]; for (int i = 0; i < colorPlanes; i++) destBands[i] = sourceBands[i] = i; } // If the destination is provided, then use it. Otherwise, create new one bi = param.getDestination(); // Get the image data. WritableRaster raster = null; if (bi == null) { if (sampleModel != null && colorModel != null) { sampleModel = sampleModel.createCompatibleSampleModel( destinationRegion.width + destinationRegion.x, destinationRegion.height + destinationRegion.y); if (seleBand) sampleModel = sampleModel.createSubsetSampleModel(sourceBands); raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, new Point(0, 0)); bi = new BufferedImage(colorModel, raster, false, null); } } else { raster = bi.getWritableTile(0, 0); sampleModel = bi.getSampleModel(); colorModel = bi.getColorModel(); noTransform &= destinationRegion.equals(raster.getBounds()); } byte bdata[] = null; // buffer for byte data if (sampleModel.getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) bdata = (byte[]) ((DataBufferByte) raster.getDataBuffer()).getData(); readImage(bdata); if (abortRequested()) processReadAborted(); else processImageComplete(); return bi; }
private void writeGrayscaleImage(BufferedImage image, AVList params) throws IOException { int type = image.getType(); int bitsPerSample = (BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_GRAY == type) ? Tiff.BitsPerSample.MONOCHROME_UINT16 : Tiff.BitsPerSample.MONOCHROME_UINT8; int numBands = image.getSampleModel().getNumBands(); // well, numBands for GrayScale images must be 1 int bytesPerSample = numBands * bitsPerSample / Byte.SIZE; this.writeTiffHeader(); // write the image data... int numRows = image.getHeight(); int numCols = image.getWidth(); int[] stripCounts = new int[numRows]; int[] stripOffsets = new int[numRows]; ByteBuffer dataBuff = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(numCols * bytesPerSample); Raster rast = image.getRaster(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { stripOffsets[i] = (int) this.theChannel.position(); stripCounts[i] = numCols * bytesPerSample; int[] rowData = rast.getPixels(0, i, image.getWidth(), 1, (int[]) null); dataBuff.clear(); if (BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_GRAY == type) { for (int j = 0; j < numCols * numBands; j++) { this.putUnsignedShort(dataBuff, rowData[j]); } } else if (BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY == type) { for (int j = 0; j < numCols * numBands; j++) { this.putUnsignedByte(dataBuff, rowData[j]); } } dataBuff.flip(); this.theChannel.write(dataBuff); } // write out values for the tiff tags and build up the IFD. These are supposed to be sorted; for // now // do this manually here. ArrayList<TiffIFDEntry> ifds = new ArrayList<TiffIFDEntry>(10); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.IMAGE_WIDTH, Tiff.Type.LONG, 1, numCols)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.IMAGE_LENGTH, Tiff.Type.LONG, 1, numRows)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.BITS_PER_SAMPLE, Tiff.Type.SHORT, 1, bitsPerSample)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.COMPRESSION, Tiff.Type.LONG, 1, Tiff.Compression.NONE)); ifds.add( new TiffIFDEntry( Tiff.Tag.PHOTO_INTERPRETATION, Tiff.Type.SHORT, 1, Tiff.Photometric.Grayscale_BlackIsZero)); ifds.add( new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.SAMPLE_FORMAT, Tiff.Type.SHORT, 1, Tiff.SampleFormat.UNSIGNED)); long offset = this.theChannel.position(); dataBuff = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(stripOffsets.length * INTEGER_SIZEOF); for (int stripOffset : stripOffsets) { dataBuff.putInt(stripOffset); } dataBuff.flip(); this.theChannel.write(dataBuff); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.STRIP_OFFSETS, Tiff.Type.LONG, stripOffsets.length, offset)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL, Tiff.Type.SHORT, 1, numBands)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.ROWS_PER_STRIP, Tiff.Type.LONG, 1, 1)); offset = this.theChannel.position(); dataBuff.clear(); // stripOffsets and stripCounts are same length by design; can reuse the // ByteBuffer... for (int stripCount : stripCounts) { dataBuff.putInt(stripCount); } dataBuff.flip(); this.theChannel.write(dataBuff); ifds.add( new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS, Tiff.Type.LONG, stripCounts.length, offset)); this.appendGeoTiff(ifds, params); this.writeIFDs(ifds); }
private void writeColorImage(BufferedImage image, AVList params) throws IOException { int numBands = image.getRaster().getNumBands(); long offset; this.writeTiffHeader(); // write the image data... int numRows = image.getHeight(); int numCols = image.getWidth(); int[] stripCounts = new int[numRows]; int[] stripOffsets = new int[numRows]; ByteBuffer dataBuff = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(numCols * numBands); Raster rast = image.getRaster(); for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { stripOffsets[i] = (int) this.theChannel.position(); stripCounts[i] = numCols * numBands; int[] rowData = rast.getPixels(0, i, image.getWidth(), 1, (int[]) null); dataBuff.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < numCols * numBands; j++) { putUnsignedByte(dataBuff, rowData[j]); } dataBuff.flip(); this.theChannel.write(dataBuff); } // write out values for the tiff tags and build up the IFD. These are supposed to be sorted; for // now // do this manually here. ArrayList<TiffIFDEntry> ifds = new ArrayList<TiffIFDEntry>(10); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.IMAGE_WIDTH, Tiff.Type.LONG, 1, numCols)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.IMAGE_LENGTH, Tiff.Type.LONG, 1, numRows)); ifds.add( new TiffIFDEntry( Tiff.Tag.PLANAR_CONFIGURATION, Tiff.Type.SHORT, 1, Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.CHUNKY)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL, Tiff.Type.SHORT, 1, numBands)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.COMPRESSION, Tiff.Type.LONG, 1, Tiff.Compression.NONE)); ifds.add( new TiffIFDEntry( Tiff.Tag.PHOTO_INTERPRETATION, Tiff.Type.SHORT, 1, Tiff.Photometric.Color_RGB)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.ORIENTATION, Tiff.Type.SHORT, 1, Tiff.Orientation.DEFAULT)); offset = this.theChannel.position(); short[] bps = new short[numBands]; for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++) { bps[i] = Tiff.BitsPerSample.MONOCHROME_BYTE; } this.theChannel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(this.getBytes(bps))); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.BITS_PER_SAMPLE, Tiff.Type.SHORT, numBands, offset)); offset = this.theChannel.position(); dataBuff = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(stripOffsets.length * INTEGER_SIZEOF); for (int stripOffset : stripOffsets) { dataBuff.putInt(stripOffset); } dataBuff.flip(); this.theChannel.write(dataBuff); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.STRIP_OFFSETS, Tiff.Type.LONG, stripOffsets.length, offset)); ifds.add(new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.ROWS_PER_STRIP, Tiff.Type.LONG, 1, 1)); offset = this.theChannel.position(); dataBuff.clear(); // stripOffsets and stripCounts are same length by design; can reuse the ByteBuffer... for (int stripCount : stripCounts) { dataBuff.putInt(stripCount); } dataBuff.flip(); this.theChannel.write(dataBuff); ifds.add( new TiffIFDEntry(Tiff.Tag.STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS, Tiff.Type.LONG, stripCounts.length, offset)); this.appendGeoTiff(ifds, params); this.writeIFDs(ifds); }