public void clearExternalXSDs() { if (m_params == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < m_params.size(); i++) { Param param = (Param) m_params.get(i); if (param.getParamName().startsWith("External_")) removeParam(param); } }
/** * This method tests whether this object of <code>InPort</code> has the required(mandatory) fields * set, before inserting values in the database. * * @exception FioranoException if the object is not valid * @since Tifosi2.0 */ public void validate() throws FioranoException { if (m_strPortName == null) { throw new FioranoException(DmiErrorCodes.ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR); } if (m_params != null) { Enumeration _enum = m_params.elements(); while (_enum.hasMoreElements()) { Param param = (Param) _enum.nextElement(); param.validate(); } } }
/** * Parses a method parameter type definition * * @param docParameter * @param paramComment * @return */ protected static Param ParseParameter(Parameter docParameter, ParamTag paramComment) { assert (docParameter != null); Param xmlParameter = new Param(); =; xmlParameter.type = ParseType(docParameter.type()); if (paramComment != null) { xmlParameter.comment = paramComment.parameterComment(); } xmlParameter.annotationInstances = ParseAnnotationInstances(docParameter.annotations(), docParameter.typeName()); return xmlParameter; }
/** * Gets the extNamespaces attribute of the InPort object * * @return The extNamespaces value */ public Enumeration getExtNamespaces() { Vector v = new Vector(); int length = "External_".length(); int size = m_params.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Param param = (Param) m_params.get(i); if (param.getParamName().startsWith("External_")) { v.add(param.getParamName().substring(length)); } } return v.elements(); }
/** * Retruns the xml string equivalent of this object * * @param document instance of Xml Document. * @return org.w3c.dom.Node * @exception FioranoException thrown in case of error. */ protected Node toJXMLString(Document document) throws FioranoException { Node root0 = document.createElement("InPort"); ((Element) root0).setAttribute("isSyncRequestType", "" + isSyncRequestType()); Node child = null; child = XMLDmiUtil.getNodeObject("Name", m_strPortName, document); if (child != null) { root0.appendChild(child); } child = XMLDmiUtil.getNodeObject("Description", m_strDscription, document); if (child != null) { root0.appendChild(child); } if (m_strXSD != null) { Element elem = document.createElement("XSD"); CDATASection cdata = document.createCDATASection(m_strXSD); elem.appendChild(cdata); root0.appendChild(elem); } child = XMLDmiUtil.getNodeObject("JavaClass", m_strJavaClass, document); if (child != null) { root0.appendChild(child); } if (m_params != null && m_params.size() > 0) { Enumeration _enum = m_params.elements(); while (_enum.hasMoreElements()) { Param param = (Param) _enum.nextElement(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(param.getParamName()) && !StringUtil.isEmpty(param.getParamValue())) { Node paramNode = param.toJXMLString(document); root0.appendChild(paramNode); } } } return root0; }
/** * This is called to read this object <code>InPort</code> from the specified object of input * stream. * * @param is DataInput object * @param versionNo Description of the Parameter * @exception IOException if an error occurs while reading bytes or while converting them into * specified Java primitive type. * @since Tifosi2.0 */ public void fromStream(DataInput is, int versionNo) throws IOException { super.fromStream(is, versionNo); m_strPortName = readUTF(is); m_strDscription = readUTF(is); m_strXSD = readUTF(is); m_strJavaClass = readUTF(is); m_bIsSyncRequestType = is.readBoolean(); int size = is.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Param param = new Param(); param.fromStream(is, versionNo); m_params.addElement(param); } }
/** * This interface method is called to set all the fieldValues of this object of <code>InPort * </code>, using the specified XML string. * * @param port The new fieldValues value * @exception FioranoException if an error occurs while parsing the XMLString * @since Tifosi2.0 */ public void setFieldValues(Element port) throws FioranoException { // Document doc = XMLUtils.getDOMDocumentFromXML(xmlString); // Element port = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (port != null) { m_bIsSyncRequestType = XMLDmiUtil.getAttributeAsBoolean(port, "isSyncRequestType"); NodeList children = port.getChildNodes(); Node child = null; for (int i = 0; children != null && i < children.getLength(); ++i) { child = children.item(i); String nodeName = child.getNodeName(); if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("Name")) { m_strPortName = XMLUtils.getNodeValueAsString(child).toUpperCase(); } if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("Description")) { m_strDscription = XMLUtils.getNodeValueAsString(child); } if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("XSD")) { m_strXSD = XMLUtils.getNodeValueAsString(child); } if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("JavaClass")) { m_strJavaClass = XMLUtils.getNodeValueAsString(child); } if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("Param")) { Param paramDmi = new Param(); paramDmi.setFieldValues((Element) child); addParam(paramDmi); } } } validate(); }
/** * This method is called to write this object of <code>InPort</code> to the specified output * stream object. * * @param out DataOutput object * @param versionNo Description of the Parameter * @exception IOException if an error occurs while converting data and writing it to a binary * stream. * @since Tifosi2.0 */ public void toStream(DataOutput out, int versionNo) throws IOException { super.toStream(out, versionNo); writeUTF(out, m_strPortName); writeUTF(out, m_strDscription); writeUTF(out, m_strXSD); writeUTF(out, m_strJavaClass); out.writeBoolean(m_bIsSyncRequestType); if (m_params != null && m_params.size() > 0) { int num = m_params.size(); out.writeInt(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { Param param = (Param) m_params.elementAt(i); param.toStream(out, versionNo); } } else { out.writeInt(0); } }
/** * Sets the paramValue attribute of the InPort object * * @param name The new paramValue value * @param value The new paramValue value */ public void setParamValue(String name, String value) { Param.setParamValue(m_params, name, value); }
/** * Gets the paramValue attribute of the InPort object * * @param name Description of the Parameter * @return The paramValue value */ public String getParamValue(String name) { return Param.getParamValue(m_params, name); }
/** * Gets the paramWithName attribute of the InPort object * * @param name Description of the Parameter * @return The paramWithName value */ public Param getParamWithName(String name) { return Param.getParamWithName(m_params, name); }