public SelectMany05Bean() { HobbitBean[] hobbits = { new HobbitBean("Bilbo", "Ring Finder"), new HobbitBean("Frodo", "Ring Bearer"), new HobbitBean("Merry", "Trouble Maker"), new HobbitBean("Pippin", "Trouble Maker") }; Set<SelectItem> items = new LinkedHashSet<SelectItem>(); for (HobbitBean hobbit : hobbits) { items.add(new SelectItem(hobbit.getName())); } hobbitCollection = new TreeSet<HobbitBean>(); hobbitCollection.addAll(Arrays.asList(hobbits)); possibleValues = Collections.unmodifiableSet(items); initialSortedSetValues = new TreeSet<String>(Collections.reverseOrder()); initialSortedSetValues.add("Pippin"); initialSortedSetValues.add("Frodo"); initialCollectionValues = new LinkedHashSet<String>(2); initialCollectionValues.add("Bilbo"); initialCollectionValues.add("Merry"); initialSetValues = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<String>(); // not Cloneable initialSetValues.add("Frodo"); initialListValues = new Vector<String>(); initialListValues.add("Bilbo"); initialListValues.add("Pippin"); initialListValues.add("Merry"); hobbitDataModel = new ListDataModel<HobbitBean>(new ArrayList<HobbitBean>(Arrays.asList(hobbits))); }
@Test public void kmeans_test() throws IOException { File file = new File(filename); FileReader fr = new FileReader(file); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line; List<Vector<Double>> vectors = new ArrayList<Vector<Double>>(); List<Integer> oc = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] values = line.split(separator); Vector<Double> vector = new Vector<Double>(values.length - 1); for (int i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) { vector.add(i, Double.valueOf(values[i])); } vectors.add(vector); String clazz = values[values.length - 1]; if (clazz.equals("Iris-setosa")) { oc.add(0); } else if (clazz.equals("Iris-versicolor")) { oc.add(1); } else { oc.add(2); } } br.close(); fr.close(); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(vectors); KMeansClustering kmeans = new KMeansClustering(); int[] clusters = kmeans.cluster(matrix, 3); int[][] classMatrix = new int[3][3]; for (int i = 0; i < oc.size(); i++) { classMatrix[oc.get(i)][clusters[i]]++; } System.out.println(" setosa versicolor virginica"); System.out.println( "setosa " + classMatrix[0][0] + " " + classMatrix[0][1] + " " + classMatrix[0][2]); System.out.println( "versicolor " + classMatrix[1][0] + " " + classMatrix[1][1] + " " + classMatrix[1][2]); System.out.println( "virginica " + classMatrix[2][0] + " " + classMatrix[2][1] + " " + classMatrix[2][2]); System.out.println( "Rand index: " + new RandIndex().calculate(oc.toArray(new Integer[oc.size()]), clusters)); }
/** * @param mailId * @return HashMap<String, List<EmailPojo>> * @throws Exception */ private HashMap<String, List<EmailPojo>> sortByMailbox(String mailId) { HashMap<String, List<EmailPojo>> hashMapMail = new HashMap<String, List<EmailPojo>>(); for (String tempId : mailId.split(",+")) { try { IEMailSentService emailSentService = new EmailSentService(); EmailPojo emailPojo = emailSentService.getEmailPojo(tempId); List<EmailPojo> tempList; if ("9".equals(emailPojo.getEmail().getStatus())) { SenderConfig.initLocalSMTPConfig(emailPojo.getAccount()); if (hashMapMail.containsKey("localsmtp")) { hashMapMail.get("localsmtp").add(emailPojo); } else { tempList = new ArrayList<EmailPojo>(); tempList.add(emailPojo); hashMapMail.put("localsmtp", tempList); } } else { SenderConfig.initAccount(emailPojo.getAccount()); if (hashMapMail.containsKey(emailPojo.getAccount().getName())) { hashMapMail.get(emailPojo.getAccount().getName()).add(emailPojo); } else { tempList = new ArrayList<EmailPojo>(); tempList.add(emailPojo); hashMapMail.put(emailPojo.getAccount().getName(), tempList); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("sortByMailbox/SendMailListener/Exception: [lose mailID] [" + tempId + "]", e); } } return hashMapMail; }
public String oneCookie(String name) { Cookie found = null; List<Cookie> allFound = null; for (Cookie cookie : getCookies()) { if ( { if (found == null) { found = cookie; } else if (allFound == null) { allFound = new ArrayList<>(2); allFound.add(found); } else { allFound.add(cookie); } } } if (found == null) { return null; } else if (allFound != null) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("Multiple cookies with name '").append(name).append("': "); int i = 0; for (Cookie cookie : allFound) { s.append(cookie.toString()); if (++i < allFound.size()) { s.append(", "); } } throw new IllegalStateException(s.toString()); } else { return found.value(); } }
/* * Returns list of sensors currently loaded in the system * */ public static String getListOfSensors() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iter = Mappings.getAllVSensorConfigs(); sensors.clear(); coordinates.clear(); while (iter.hasNext()) { VSensorConfig sensorConfig = (VSensorConfig); Double longitude = sensorConfig.getLongitude(); Double latitude = sensorConfig.getLatitude(); Double altitude = sensorConfig.getAltitude(); String sensor = sensorConfig.getName(); if ((latitude != null) && (longitude != null) && (altitude != null)) { Point point = new Point(latitude, longitude, altitude); coordinates.add(point); sensors.add(sensor); s.append(sensor) .append(" => ") .append(longitude) .append(" : ") .append(latitude) .append("\n"); } } return s.toString(); }
private List<AffinityConstraintDefinition> extractAffinityConstraintDefinitionFromLabel( String opStr, String valueStr, boolean keyValuePairs) { List<AffinityConstraintDefinition> defs = new ArrayList<AffinityConstraintDefinition>(); AffinityOps affinityOp = null; for (AffinityOps op : AffinityOps.values()) { if (op.getLabelSymbol().equals(opStr)) { affinityOp = op; break; } } if (affinityOp == null) { return defs; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(valueStr)) { return defs; } String[] values = valueStr.split(","); for (String value : values) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { continue; } if (keyValuePairs && value.indexOf('=') != -1) { String[] pair = value.split("="); defs.add(new AffinityConstraintDefinition(affinityOp, pair[0], pair[1])); } else { defs.add(new AffinityConstraintDefinition(affinityOp, null, value)); } } return defs; }
ValidationResult validateUri(URL url, ValidationRequest request) throws IOException { String parser = request.getValue("parser", null); HttpRequestBase method; List<NameValuePair> qParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); qParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("out", "json")); if (parser != null) { qParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("parser", parser)); } qParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("doc", url.toString())); try { URI uri = new URI(baseUrl); URI uri2 = URIUtils.createURI( uri.getScheme(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), uri.getPath(), URLEncodedUtils.format(qParams, "UTF-8"), null); method = new HttpGet(uri2); return validate(method); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid uri. Check your baseUrl " + baseUrl, e); } }
/* * This function inspects a .class file for a given .java file, * infers the package name and all used classes, and adds to "all" * the class file names of those classes used that have been found * in the same class path. */ protected void java2classFiles( String java, File cwd, File buildDir, List<String> result, Set<String> all) { if (java.endsWith(".java")) java = java.substring(0, java.length() - 5) + ".class"; else if (!java.endsWith(".class")) { if (!all.contains(java)) { if (buildDir == null) sortClassesAtEnd(result); result.add(java); all.add(java); } return; } byte[] buffer = Util.readFile(Util.makePath(cwd, java)); if (buffer == null) { if (!java.endsWith("/package-info.class")) err.println("Warning: " + java + " does not exist. Skipping..."); return; } ByteCodeAnalyzer analyzer = new ByteCodeAnalyzer(buffer); String fullClass = analyzer.getPathForClass() + ".class"; if (!java.endsWith(fullClass)) throw new RuntimeException("Huh? " + fullClass + " is not a suffix of " + java); java = java.substring(0, java.length() - fullClass.length()); for (String className : analyzer.getClassNames()) { String path = java + className + ".class"; if (new File(Util.makePath(cwd, path)).exists() && !all.contains(path)) { result.add(path); all.add(path); java2classFiles(path, cwd, buildDir, result, all); } } }
private void validateHosPersonalEnhet(EnhetType enhet) { if (enhet == null) { validationErrors.add("No enhet element found!"); return; } // Check enhets id - mandatory if (enhet.getEnhetsId() == null || enhet.getEnhetsId().getExtension() == null || enhet.getEnhetsId().getExtension().isEmpty()) { validationErrors.add("No enhets-id found!"); } // Check enhets o.i.d if (enhet.getEnhetsId() == null || enhet.getEnhetsId().getRoot() == null || !enhet.getEnhetsId().getRoot().equals(ENHET_OID)) { validationErrors.add("Wrong o.i.d. for enhetsId! Should be " + ENHET_OID); } // Check enhetsnamn - mandatory if (enhet.getEnhetsnamn() == null || enhet.getEnhetsnamn().length() < 1) { validationErrors.add("No enhetsnamn found!"); } validateVardgivare(enhet.getVardgivare()); }
@Override public Map<Vendor, List<Notebook>> getNotebooksStorePresent() { Session session = factory.openSession(); try { Query query = session.createQuery("select n from Store s join s.notebook n"); List results = query.list(); Map<Vendor, List<Notebook>> resMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Iterator iter = results.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Notebook notebook = (Notebook); Vendor key = notebook.getVendor(); if (resMap.containsKey(key)) { List<Notebook> notebooks = resMap.get(key); notebooks.add(notebook); resMap.replace(key, notebooks); } else { List<Notebook> notebooks = new ArrayList<>(); notebooks.add(notebook); resMap.put(key, notebooks); } } return resMap; } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } }
private static List<FunctionDescriptor> getSuperFunctionsForMethod( @NotNull PsiMethodWrapper method, @NotNull BindingTrace trace, @NotNull ClassDescriptor containingClass) { List<FunctionDescriptor> superFunctions = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<ClassDescriptor, JetType> superclassToSupertype = getSuperclassToSupertypeMap(containingClass); Multimap<FqName, Pair<FunctionDescriptor, PsiMethod>> superclassToFunctions = getSuperclassToFunctionsMultimap(method, trace.getBindingContext(), containingClass); for (HierarchicalMethodSignature superSignature : method.getPsiMethod().getHierarchicalMethodSignature().getSuperSignatures()) { PsiMethod superMethod = superSignature.getMethod(); PsiClass psiClass = superMethod.getContainingClass(); assert psiClass != null; String classFqNameString = psiClass.getQualifiedName(); assert classFqNameString != null; FqName classFqName = new FqName(classFqNameString); if (!JavaToKotlinClassMap.getInstance().mapPlatformClass(classFqName).isEmpty()) { for (FunctionDescriptor superFun : JavaToKotlinMethodMap.INSTANCE.getFunctions(superMethod, containingClass)) { superFunctions.add(substituteSuperFunction(superclassToSupertype, superFun)); } continue; } DeclarationDescriptor superFun = superMethod instanceof JetClsMethod ? trace.get( BindingContext.DECLARATION_TO_DESCRIPTOR, ((JetClsMethod) superMethod).getOrigin()) : findSuperFunction(superclassToFunctions.get(classFqName), superMethod); if (superFun == null) { reportCantFindSuperFunction(method); continue; } assert superFun instanceof FunctionDescriptor : superFun.getClass().getName(); superFunctions.add( substituteSuperFunction(superclassToSupertype, (FunctionDescriptor) superFun)); } // sorting for diagnostic stability Collections.sort( superFunctions, new Comparator<FunctionDescriptor>() { @Override public int compare(FunctionDescriptor fun1, FunctionDescriptor fun2) { FqNameUnsafe fqName1 = getFQName(fun1.getContainingDeclaration()); FqNameUnsafe fqName2 = getFQName(fun2.getContainingDeclaration()); return fqName1.getFqName().compareTo(fqName2.getFqName()); } }); return superFunctions; }
public void testAsCollectionWithList() { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add("A"); list.add("B"); list.add("C"); assertAsCollection(list, 3); }
/** @generated */ public List /*<org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.IElementType>*/ getMARelTypesOnTarget() { List /*<org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.IElementType>*/ types = new ArrayList /*<org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.IElementType>*/(); types.add(MolicElementTypes.Utterance_4001); types.add(MolicElementTypes.BRTUtterance_4002); return types; }
@Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String param = request.getParameter("foo"); java.util.List<String> valuesList = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); valuesList.add("safe"); valuesList.add(param); valuesList.add("moresafe"); valuesList.remove(0); // remove the 1st safe value String bar = valuesList.get(0); // get the param value try { md ="SHA-512", "SUN"); } catch ( e) { System.out.println( "Problem executing hash - TestCase,java.lang.String)"); throw new ServletException(e); } catch ( e) { System.out.println( "Problem executing hash - TestCase,java.lang.String)"); throw new ServletException(e); } response .getWriter() .println( "Hash Test,java.lang.String) executed"); }
private void chartDataSet() { // 标签对应的柱形数据集 List<Double> dataSeriesA = new ArrayList<Double>(); dataSeriesA.add(66d); dataSeriesA.add(33d); dataSeriesA.add(50d); BarData BarDataA = new BarData("Oracle", dataSeriesA, colorORACLE); List<Double> dataSeriesB = new ArrayList<Double>(); dataSeriesB.add(0.d); // 32 dataSeriesB.add(25d); dataSeriesB.add(18d); BarData BarDataB = new BarData("SQL Server", dataSeriesB, colorMSSQL); List<Double> dataSeriesC = new ArrayList<Double>(); dataSeriesC.add(79d); dataSeriesC.add(91d); dataSeriesC.add(65d); BarData BarDataC = new BarData("MySQL", dataSeriesC, colorMYSQL); List<Double> dataSeriesD = new ArrayList<Double>(); dataSeriesD.add(52d); dataSeriesD.add(45d); dataSeriesD.add(35d); BarData BarDataD = new BarData("其它类型", dataSeriesD, colorOTHER); chartData.add(BarDataA); chartData.add(BarDataB); chartData.add(BarDataC); chartData.add(BarDataD); }
private TupleValues getTupleValues(GungnirTuple tuple) { List<Object> outputValues = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Field field : fields) { if (field instanceof FieldAccessor) { FieldAccessor f = (FieldAccessor) field; if (f.isWildcardField()) { if (f.getTupleAccessor() == null) { outputValues.addAll(tuple.getTupleValues().getValues()); } else { if (tuple.getTupleName().equals(f.getTupleAccessor().getTupleName())) { outputValues.addAll(tuple.getTupleValues().getValues()); } } } else if (f.isContextField()) { outputValues.add(getContext().get(f.getOriginalName())); } else { outputValues.add(field.getValue(tuple)); } } else { outputValues.add(field.getValue(tuple)); } } TupleValues tupleValues = tuple.getTupleValues(); tupleValues.setValues(outputValues); return tupleValues; }
/** * Add the widget value to evaluate to the Map of expression to evaluated * * @param formWidget the widget * @param expressionsToEvaluate the list of expressions to evaluate * @param context the context including the URL parameters */ protected void addFormWidgetValueExpressionToEvaluate( final FormWidget formWidget, final List<Expression> expressionsToEvaluate, final Map<String, Object> context) { if (formWidget.getInitialValueExpression() != null) { final Expression expression = formWidget.getInitialValueExpression(); expression.setName(formWidget.getId() + EXPRESSION_KEY_SEPARATOR + WIDGET_INITIAL_VALUE); expressionsToEvaluate.add(expression); } else if (WidgetType.EDITABLE_GRID.equals(formWidget.getType()) && formWidget.getInitialValueExpressionArray() != null) { final List<List<Expression>> expressionArray = formWidget.getInitialValueExpressionArray(); if (!expressionArray.isEmpty()) { int expressionArrayRowIndex = 0; for (final List<Expression> expressionArrayRow : expressionArray) { int expressionArrayIndex = 0; for (final Expression expression : expressionArrayRow) { expression.setName( formWidget.getId() + EXPRESSION_KEY_SEPARATOR + WIDGET_INITIAL_VALUE + expressionArrayRowIndex + INDEX_SEPARATOR + expressionArrayIndex); expressionsToEvaluate.add(expression); expressionArrayIndex++; } expressionArrayRowIndex++; } } } }
private static void appendSorted( final List<Command> commandsList, final CommandWrapper wrapper, final Map<String, CommandWrapper> wrappers) { if (!wrapper.afterWrappers.isEmpty()) { final List<CommandWrapper> afterWrappersList = wrapper.afterWrappers; final CommandWrapper[] afterWrappers = afterWrappersList.toArray(new CommandWrapper[afterWrappersList.size()]); for (CommandWrapper afterWrapper : afterWrappers) { for (int j = 0; j < afterWrapper.afterWrappers.size(); j++) { CommandWrapper ownAfterWrapper = afterWrapper.afterWrappers.get(j); if (afterWrappersList.contains(ownAfterWrapper)) { afterWrappersList.remove(afterWrapper); final int insertIndex = afterWrappersList.indexOf(ownAfterWrapper); afterWrappersList.add(insertIndex, afterWrapper); } } } for (CommandWrapper anAfterWrapper : afterWrappersList) { final CommandWrapper cwFromMap = wrappers.get(anAfterWrapper.getName()); if (cwFromMap != null) { commandsList.add(cwFromMap.command); wrappers.remove(cwFromMap.getName()); } } for (CommandWrapper anAfterWrapper : afterWrappersList) { appendSorted(commandsList, anAfterWrapper, wrappers); } } }
protected BrowserCache.Entry getEntry(ClientRequest request) throws Exception { String uri = request.getUri(); BrowserCache.Entry entry = null; String acceptHeader = request.getHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT); if (acceptHeader != null) { List<WeightedMediaType> waccepts = new ArrayList<WeightedMediaType>(); String[] split = acceptHeader.split(","); for (String accept : split) { waccepts.add(WeightedMediaType.valueOf(accept)); } Collections.sort(waccepts); List<MediaType> accepts = new ArrayList<MediaType>(); for (WeightedMediaType accept : waccepts) { accepts.add(new MediaType(accept.getType(), accept.getSubtype(), accept.getParameters())); } for (MediaType accept : accepts) { entry = cache.get(uri, accept); if (entry != null) return entry; } } else { return cache.getAny(uri); } return null; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean visit(SingleVariableDeclaration node) { SimpleName name = node.getName(); IBinding binding = name.resolveBinding(); if (!(binding instanceof IVariableBinding)) return false; IVariableBinding varBinding = (IVariableBinding) binding; if (fWrittenVariables.containsKey(varBinding)) return false; if (fAddFinalParameters && fAddFinalLocals) { ModifierChangeOperation op = createAddFinalOperation(name, node); if (op == null) return false; fResult.add(op); return false; } else if (fAddFinalParameters) { if (!varBinding.isParameter()) return false; ModifierChangeOperation op = createAddFinalOperation(name, node); if (op == null) return false; fResult.add(op); return false; } else if (fAddFinalLocals) { if (varBinding.isParameter()) return false; ModifierChangeOperation op = createAddFinalOperation(name, node); if (op == null) return false; fResult.add(op); return false; } return false; }
@Override public int hashCode() { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); boolean present_host = true && (is_set_host()); list.add(present_host); if (present_host) list.add(host); boolean present_port = true; list.add(present_port); if (present_port) list.add(port); boolean present_uptime_secs = true; list.add(present_uptime_secs); if (present_uptime_secs) list.add(uptime_secs); boolean present_isLeader = true; list.add(present_isLeader); if (present_isLeader) list.add(isLeader); boolean present_version = true && (is_set_version()); list.add(present_version); if (present_version) list.add(version); return list.hashCode(); }
private void checkClass(Class cls, Object obj) { boolean found = false; java.lang.Class<? extends Object> klz = obj.getClass(); do { if ( { found = true; break; } klz = klz.getSuperclass(); } while (klz != null); if (!found) { errors.add("Object " + obj + " should have class " +; return; } // Don't use klz here, we want the actual class of obj, not it's inherited root. String actualCls = obj.getClass().getSimpleName(); Class concreteCls = findSubClassOf(, actualCls); if (concreteCls == null) { errors.add("No concrete subclass of " + + " corresponding to " + actualCls); } else { for (Field f : concreteCls.fields) { errorsForField(f, obj); } } }
/** 得到新增或者有更新的APP列表 */ private List<AppInfo> getUpdateAppInfoList( List<AppInfo> savedAppInfoList, List<AppInfo> localAppInfoList) { boolean exist = false; List<AppInfo> appInfoList = new ArrayList<AppInfo>(); for (AppInfo localAppInfo : localAppInfoList) { exist = false; for (AppInfo savedAppInfo : savedAppInfoList) { if (localAppInfo.getAppName().equals(savedAppInfo.getAppName()) || localAppInfo.getPackageName().equals(savedAppInfo.getPackageName())) { exist = true; if (!localAppInfo.getAppName().equals(savedAppInfo.getAppName()) || !localAppInfo.getPackageName().equals(savedAppInfo.getPackageName()) || !localAppInfo.getClassName().equals(savedAppInfo.getClassName())) { // 如果包名、APP名称、入口名有变化就需要加进来 appInfoList.add(localAppInfo); } break; } } // 如果没有找到匹配的,说明是新增的,需要加进来 if (!exist) { appInfoList.add(localAppInfo); } } return appInfoList; }
protected List<SyndCategory> getCategories( Document doc, Map<String, Object> params, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { String mapping = (String) params.get(FIELD_CATEGORIES); if (mapping == null) { return getDefaultCategories(doc, params, context); } List<Object> categories; if (isVelocityCode(mapping)) { categories = parseList(mapping, doc, context); } else { categories = getListValue(mapping, doc, context); } List<SyndCategory> result = new ArrayList<SyndCategory>(); for (Object category : categories) { if (category instanceof SyndCategory) { result.add((SyndCategory) category); } else if (category != null) { SyndCategory scat = new SyndCategoryImpl(); scat.setName(category.toString()); result.add(scat); } } return result; }
public void validateAndCorrect() { if (vardAdress == null) { validationErrors.add("No vardAdress element found!"); return; } HosPersonalType hosPersonal = vardAdress.getHosPersonal(); if (hosPersonal == null) { validationErrors.add("No SkapadAvHosPersonal element found!"); return; } // Check lakar id - mandatory if (hosPersonal.getPersonalId().getExtension() == null || hosPersonal.getPersonalId().getExtension().isEmpty()) { validationErrors.add("No personal-id found!"); } // Check lakar id o.i.d. if (hosPersonal.getPersonalId().getRoot() == null || !hosPersonal.getPersonalId().getRoot().equals(HOS_PERSONAL_OID)) { validationErrors.add("Wrong o.i.d. for personalId! Should be " + HOS_PERSONAL_OID); } // Check lakarnamn - mandatory if (hosPersonal.getFullstandigtNamn() == null || hosPersonal.getFullstandigtNamn().isEmpty()) { validationErrors.add("No skapadAvHosPersonal fullstandigtNamn found."); } validateHosPersonalEnhet(hosPersonal.getEnhet()); }
protected List<String> getContributors( Document doc, Map<String, Object> params, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { String mapping = (String) params.get(FIELD_CONTRIBUTORS); if (mapping == null) { return getDefaultContributors(doc, params, context); } List<Object> rawContributors; if (isVelocityCode(mapping)) { rawContributors = parseList(mapping, doc, context); } else { rawContributors = getListValue(mapping, doc, context); } List<String> contributors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object rawContributor : rawContributors) { if (rawContributor instanceof String) { contributors.add((String) rawContributor); } else { contributors.add(rawContributor.toString()); } } return contributors; }
static { mustContain = new ArrayList<>(); mustContain.add("E1M1"); mustContain.add("E2M1"); mustContain.add("TITLE"); mustContain.add("MUS_E1M1"); }
@Override protected Condition getGridSpecalCondition() { AndCondition ac = new AndCondition(); // 查找当前登录用户条件 SystemContext context = (SystemContext) this.getContext(); // 当前用户 Actor actor = context.getUser(); // 定义id集合 List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); // 查找属于当前用户 ids.add(actor.getId()); // 查找拥有的上级订阅 List<Actor> uppers = this.actorService.findAncestorOrganization( actor.getId(), new Integer[] {Actor.TYPE_GROUP, Actor.TYPE_DEPARTMENT, Actor.TYPE_UNIT}); for (Actor upper : uppers) { ids.add(upper.getId()); } // 使用in条件 ac.add(new InCondition("e.aid", ids)); // 不显示草稿的 ac.add(new NotEqualsCondition("s.status_", -1)); return ac; }
/** * Returns either a list of all the files connected to this program or the single file that * represents this program exactly, if such a file exists. * * @param request * @param context * @return * @throws InvalidCredentialsException * @throws InvalidResourceException * @throws MethodFailedException */ private List<String> findFileObjects(TranscodeRequest request, InfrastructureContext context) throws InvalidCredentialsException, InvalidResourceException, MethodFailedException { CentralWebservice doms = CentralWebserviceFactory.getServiceInstance(context); List<String> fileObjectPids = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Relation> relations = doms.getRelations(request.getObjectPid()); for (Relation relation : relations) { logger.debug( "Relation: " + request.getObjectPid() + " " + relation.getPredicate() + " " + relation.getObject()); if (relation.getPredicate().equals(HAS_EXACT_FILE_RELATION)) { fileObjectPids = new ArrayList<String>(); fileObjectPids.add(relation.getObject()); request.setHasExactFile(true); logger.debug( "Program " + request.getObjectPid() + " has an exact file " + relation.getObject()); return fileObjectPids; } else if (relation.getPredicate().equals(HAS_FILE_RELATION)) { fileObjectPids.add(relation.getObject()); } } return fileObjectPids; }
/** * @param restoreNode * @return ActivityNode * @throws ActivityServiceException */ public ActivityNode copyTo(ActivityNode restoreNode) throws ActivityServiceException { super.copyTo(restoreNode); restoreNode.setPosition(this.getPosition()); restoreNode.setInReplyTo(this.getInReplyToId(), this.getInReplyToUrl()); restoreNode.setAssignedTo(this.getAssignedToName(), this.getAssignedToId()); FieldList textFields = this.getTextFields(); FieldList dateFields = this.getDateFields(); FieldList personFields = this.getPersonFields(); FieldList bookmarkFields = this.getBookmarkFields(); FieldList fileFields = this.getFileFields(); List<Field> listOfFields = new ArrayList<Field>(); for (Field fd : textFields) { listOfFields.add(fd); } for (Field fd : dateFields) { listOfFields.add(fd); } for (Field fd : personFields) { listOfFields.add(fd); } for (Field fd : bookmarkFields) { listOfFields.add(fd); } for (Field fd : fileFields) { listOfFields.add(fd); } restoreNode.setFields(listOfFields); return restoreNode; }