Beispiel #1
 private List<String> getCurrentServerIds(boolean nag, boolean lagged) {
   try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) {
     long time = getRedisTime(jedis.time());
     int nagTime = 0;
     if (nag) {
       nagTime = nagAboutServers.decrementAndGet();
       if (nagTime <= 0) {
     ImmutableList.Builder<String> servers = ImmutableList.builder();
     Map<String, String> heartbeats = jedis.hgetAll("heartbeats");
     for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : heartbeats.entrySet()) {
       try {
         long stamp = Long.parseLong(entry.getValue());
         if (lagged ? time >= stamp + 30 : time <= stamp + 30) servers.add(entry.getKey());
         else if (nag && nagTime <= 0) {
                       + " is "
                       + (time - stamp)
                       + " seconds behind! (Time not synchronized or server down?)");
       } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
   } catch (JedisConnectionException e) {
     getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to fetch server IDs", e);
     return Collections.singletonList(configuration.getServerId());
Beispiel #2
 private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> getPartitionedBy() {
   ImmutableList.Builder<ColumnIdent> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
   for (List<String> partitionedByInfo : partitionedByList) {
Beispiel #3
 private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> getPrimaryKey() {
   Map<String, Object> metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta");
   if (metaMap != null) {
     ImmutableList.Builder<ColumnIdent> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
     Object pKeys = metaMap.get("primary_keys");
     if (pKeys != null) {
       if (pKeys instanceof String) {
         builder.add(ColumnIdent.fromPath((String) pKeys));
       } else if (pKeys instanceof Collection) {
         Collection keys = (Collection) pKeys;
         if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
           for (Object pkey : keys) {
   if (getCustomRoutingCol() == null && partitionedByList.isEmpty()) {
     hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey = true;
     return ImmutableList.of(ID_IDENT);
   return ImmutableList.of();
Beispiel #4
   * Get the exponentially-decayed approximate counts of values in multiple buckets. The elements in
   * the provided list denote the upper bound each of the buckets and must be sorted in ascending
   * order.
   * The approximate count in each bucket is guaranteed to be within 2 * totalCount * maxError of
   * the real count.
  public List<Bucket> getHistogram(List<Long> bucketUpperBounds) {
        "buckets must be sorted in increasing order");

    final ImmutableList.Builder<Bucket> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    final PeekingIterator<Long> iterator = Iterators.peekingIterator(bucketUpperBounds.iterator());

    final AtomicDouble sum = new AtomicDouble();
    final AtomicDouble lastSum = new AtomicDouble();

    // for computing weighed average of values in bucket
    final AtomicDouble bucketWeightedSum = new AtomicDouble();

    final double normalizationFactor = weight(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(;

        new Callback() {
          public boolean process(Node node) {

            while (iterator.hasNext() && iterator.peek() <= node.getUpperBound()) {
              double bucketCount = sum.get() - lastSum.get();

              Bucket bucket =
                  new Bucket(
                      bucketCount / normalizationFactor, bucketWeightedSum.get() / bucketCount);


            bucketWeightedSum.addAndGet(node.getMiddle() * node.weightedCount);
            return iterator.hasNext();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      double bucketCount = sum.get() - lastSum.get();
      Bucket bucket =
          new Bucket(bucketCount / normalizationFactor, bucketWeightedSum.get() / bucketCount);


Beispiel #5
 private ColumnIdent childIdent(ColumnIdent ident, String name) {
   if (ident == null) {
     return new ColumnIdent(name);
   if (ident.isColumn()) {
     return new ColumnIdent(, name);
   } else {
     ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
     for (String s : ident.path()) {
     return new ColumnIdent(,;
Beispiel #6
   * Gets the values at the specified quantiles +/- maxError. The list of quantiles must be sorted
   * in increasing order, and each value must be in the range [0, 1]
  public List<Long> getQuantiles(List<Double> quantiles) {
        Ordering.natural().isOrdered(quantiles), "quantiles must be sorted in increasing order");
    for (double quantile : quantiles) {
      checkArgument(quantile >= 0 && quantile <= 1, "quantile must be between [0,1]");

    final ImmutableList.Builder<Long> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    final PeekingIterator<Double> iterator = Iterators.peekingIterator(quantiles.iterator());

        new Callback() {
          private double sum = 0;

          public boolean process(Node node) {
            sum += node.weightedCount;

            while (iterator.hasNext() && sum > iterator.peek() * weightedCount) {

              // we know the max value ever seen, so cap the percentile to provide better error
              // bounds in this case
              long value = Math.min(node.getUpperBound(), max);


            return iterator.hasNext();

    // we finished the traversal without consuming all quantiles. This means the remaining quantiles
    // correspond to the max known value
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

Beispiel #7
public class DocIndexMetaData {

  private static final String ID = "_id";
  public static final ColumnIdent ID_IDENT = new ColumnIdent(ID);
  private final IndexMetaData metaData;

  private final MappingMetaData defaultMappingMetaData;
  private final Map<String, Object> defaultMappingMap;

  private final Map<ColumnIdent, IndexReferenceInfo.Builder> indicesBuilder = new HashMap<>();

  private final ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<ReferenceInfo> columnsBuilder =
          new Comparator<ReferenceInfo>() {
            public int compare(ReferenceInfo o1, ReferenceInfo o2) {
              return o1.ident().columnIdent().fqn().compareTo(o2.ident().columnIdent().fqn());

  // columns should be ordered
  private final ImmutableMap.Builder<ColumnIdent, ReferenceInfo> referencesBuilder =
  private final ImmutableList.Builder<ReferenceInfo> partitionedByColumnsBuilder =

  private final TableIdent ident;
  private final int numberOfShards;
  private final BytesRef numberOfReplicas;
  private final ImmutableMap<String, Object> tableParameters;
  private Map<String, Object> metaMap;
  private Map<String, Object> metaColumnsMap;
  private Map<String, Object> indicesMap;
  private List<List<String>> partitionedByList;
  private ImmutableList<ReferenceInfo> columns;
  private ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, IndexReferenceInfo> indices;
  private ImmutableList<ReferenceInfo> partitionedByColumns;
  private ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, ReferenceInfo> references;
  private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> primaryKey;
  private ColumnIdent routingCol;
  private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> partitionedBy;
  private final boolean isAlias;
  private final Set<String> aliases;
  private boolean hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey = false;

  private ColumnPolicy columnPolicy = ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC;

  private static final ImmutableMap<String, DataType> dataTypeMap =
      ImmutableMap.<String, DataType>builder()
          .put("date", DataTypes.TIMESTAMP)
          .put("string", DataTypes.STRING)
          .put("boolean", DataTypes.BOOLEAN)
          .put("byte", DataTypes.BYTE)
          .put("short", DataTypes.SHORT)
          .put("integer", DataTypes.INTEGER)
          .put("long", DataTypes.LONG)
          .put("float", DataTypes.FLOAT)
          .put("double", DataTypes.DOUBLE)
          .put("ip", DataTypes.IP)
          .put("geo_point", DataTypes.GEO_POINT)
          .put("object", DataTypes.OBJECT)
          .put("nested", DataTypes.OBJECT)

  public DocIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData metaData, TableIdent ident) throws IOException {
    this.ident = ident;
    this.metaData = metaData;
    this.isAlias = !metaData.getIndex().equals(ident.esName());
    this.numberOfShards = metaData.numberOfShards();
    final Settings settings = metaData.getSettings();
    this.numberOfReplicas = NumberOfReplicas.fromSettings(settings);
    this.aliases = ImmutableSet.copyOf(metaData.aliases().keys().toArray(String.class));
    this.defaultMappingMetaData = this.metaData.mappingOrDefault(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE);
    if (defaultMappingMetaData == null) {
      this.defaultMappingMap = new HashMap<>();
    } else {
      this.defaultMappingMap = this.defaultMappingMetaData.sourceAsMap();
    this.tableParameters = TableParameterInfo.tableParametersFromIndexMetaData(metaData);


  private static <T> T getNested(Map map, String key) {
    return (T) map.get(key);

  private void prepareCrateMeta() {
    metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta");
    if (metaMap != null) {
      indicesMap = getNested(metaMap, "indices");
      if (indicesMap == null) {
        indicesMap = ImmutableMap.of();
      metaColumnsMap = getNested(metaMap, "columns");
      if (metaColumnsMap == null) {
        metaColumnsMap = ImmutableMap.of();
      partitionedByList = getNested(metaMap, "partitioned_by");
      if (partitionedByList == null) {
        partitionedByList = ImmutableList.of();
    } else {
      metaMap = new HashMap<>();
      indicesMap = new HashMap<>();
      metaColumnsMap = new HashMap<>();
      partitionedByList = ImmutableList.of();

  private void addPartitioned(ColumnIdent column, DataType type) {
    add(column, type, ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC, ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED, true);

  private void add(ColumnIdent column, DataType type, ReferenceInfo.IndexType indexType) {
    add(column, type, ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC, indexType, false);

  private void add(
      ColumnIdent column,
      DataType type,
      ColumnPolicy columnPolicy,
      ReferenceInfo.IndexType indexType,
      boolean partitioned) {
    ReferenceInfo info = newInfo(column, type, columnPolicy, indexType);
    // don't add it if there is a partitioned equivalent of this column
    if (partitioned || !(partitionedBy != null && partitionedBy.contains(column))) {
      if (info.ident().isColumn()) {
      referencesBuilder.put(info.ident().columnIdent(), info);
    if (partitioned) {

  private ReferenceInfo newInfo(
      ColumnIdent column,
      DataType type,
      ColumnPolicy columnPolicy,
      ReferenceInfo.IndexType indexType) {
    RowGranularity granularity = RowGranularity.DOC;
    if (partitionedBy.contains(column)) {
      granularity = RowGranularity.PARTITION;
    return new ReferenceInfo(
        new ReferenceIdent(ident, column), granularity, type, columnPolicy, indexType);

   * extract dataType from given columnProperties
   * @param columnProperties map of String to Object containing column properties
   * @return dataType of the column with columnProperties
  public static DataType getColumnDataType(Map<String, Object> columnProperties) {
    DataType type;
    String typeName = (String) columnProperties.get("type");

    if (typeName == null) {
      if (columnProperties.containsKey("properties")) {
        type = DataTypes.OBJECT;
      } else {
        return DataTypes.NOT_SUPPORTED;
    } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("array")) {

      Map<String, Object> innerProperties = getNested(columnProperties, "inner");
      DataType innerType = getColumnDataType(innerProperties);
      type = new ArrayType(innerType);
    } else {
      typeName = typeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
      type = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(dataTypeMap.get(typeName), DataTypes.NOT_SUPPORTED);
    return type;

  private ReferenceInfo.IndexType getColumnIndexType(Map<String, Object> columnProperties) {
    String indexType = (String) columnProperties.get("index");
    String analyzerName = (String) columnProperties.get("analyzer");
    if (indexType != null) {
      if (indexType.equals(ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED.toString())) {
        return ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED;
      } else if (indexType.equals(ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NO.toString())) {
        return ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NO;
      } else if (indexType.equals(ReferenceInfo.IndexType.ANALYZED.toString())
          && analyzerName != null
          && !analyzerName.equals("keyword")) {
        return ReferenceInfo.IndexType.ANALYZED;
    } // default indexType is analyzed so need to check analyzerName if indexType is null
    else if (analyzerName != null && !analyzerName.equals("keyword")) {
      return ReferenceInfo.IndexType.ANALYZED;
    return ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NOT_ANALYZED;

  private ColumnIdent childIdent(ColumnIdent ident, String name) {
    if (ident == null) {
      return new ColumnIdent(name);
    if (ident.isColumn()) {
      return new ColumnIdent(, name);
    } else {
      ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
      for (String s : ident.path()) {
      return new ColumnIdent(,;

  /** extracts index definitions as well */
  private void internalExtractColumnDefinitions(
      ColumnIdent columnIdent, Map<String, Object> propertiesMap) {
    if (propertiesMap == null) {

    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> columnEntry : propertiesMap.entrySet()) {
      Map<String, Object> columnProperties = (Map) columnEntry.getValue();
      DataType columnDataType = getColumnDataType(columnProperties);
      ColumnIdent newIdent = childIdent(columnIdent, columnEntry.getKey());

      columnProperties = furtherColumnProperties(columnProperties);
      ReferenceInfo.IndexType columnIndexType = getColumnIndexType(columnProperties);
      if (columnDataType == DataTypes.OBJECT
          || ( == ArrayType.ID
              && ((ArrayType) columnDataType).innerType() == DataTypes.OBJECT)) {
        ColumnPolicy columnPolicy = ColumnPolicy.of(columnProperties.get("dynamic"));
        add(newIdent, columnDataType, columnPolicy, ReferenceInfo.IndexType.NO, false);

        if (columnProperties.get("properties") != null) {
          // walk nested
              newIdent, (Map<String, Object>) columnProperties.get("properties"));
      } else if (columnDataType != DataTypes.NOT_SUPPORTED) {
        List<String> copyToColumns = getNested(columnProperties, "copy_to");

        // extract columns this column is copied to, needed for indices
        if (copyToColumns != null) {
          for (String copyToColumn : copyToColumns) {
            ColumnIdent targetIdent = ColumnIdent.fromPath(copyToColumn);
            IndexReferenceInfo.Builder builder = getOrCreateIndexBuilder(targetIdent);
                newInfo(newIdent, columnDataType, ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC, columnIndexType));
        // is it an index?
        if (indicesMap.containsKey(newIdent.fqn())) {
          IndexReferenceInfo.Builder builder = getOrCreateIndexBuilder(newIdent);
              .ident(new ReferenceIdent(ident, newIdent))
              .analyzer((String) columnProperties.get("analyzer"));
        } else {
          add(newIdent, columnDataType, columnIndexType);

   * get the real column properties from a possible array mapping, keeping most of this stuff inside
   * "inner"
  private Map<String, Object> furtherColumnProperties(Map<String, Object> columnProperties) {
    if (columnProperties.get("inner") != null) {
      return (Map<String, Object>) columnProperties.get("inner");
    } else {
      return columnProperties;

  private IndexReferenceInfo.Builder getOrCreateIndexBuilder(ColumnIdent ident) {
    IndexReferenceInfo.Builder builder = indicesBuilder.get(ident);
    if (builder == null) {
      builder = new IndexReferenceInfo.Builder();
      indicesBuilder.put(ident, builder);
    return builder;

  private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> getPrimaryKey() {
    Map<String, Object> metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta");
    if (metaMap != null) {
      ImmutableList.Builder<ColumnIdent> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
      Object pKeys = metaMap.get("primary_keys");
      if (pKeys != null) {
        if (pKeys instanceof String) {
          builder.add(ColumnIdent.fromPath((String) pKeys));
        } else if (pKeys instanceof Collection) {
          Collection keys = (Collection) pKeys;
          if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
            for (Object pkey : keys) {
    if (getCustomRoutingCol() == null && partitionedByList.isEmpty()) {
      hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey = true;
      return ImmutableList.of(ID_IDENT);
    return ImmutableList.of();

  private ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> getPartitionedBy() {
    ImmutableList.Builder<ColumnIdent> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (List<String> partitionedByInfo : partitionedByList) {

  private ColumnPolicy getColumnPolicy() {
    Object dynamic = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "dynamic");
    if (ColumnPolicy.STRICT.value().equals(String.valueOf(dynamic).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
      return ColumnPolicy.STRICT;
    } else if (Booleans.isExplicitFalse(String.valueOf(dynamic))) {
      return ColumnPolicy.IGNORED;
    } else {
      return ColumnPolicy.DYNAMIC;

  private void createColumnDefinitions() {
    Map<String, Object> propertiesMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "properties");
    internalExtractColumnDefinitions(null, propertiesMap);

  private ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, IndexReferenceInfo> createIndexDefinitions() {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<ColumnIdent, IndexReferenceInfo> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (Map.Entry<ColumnIdent, IndexReferenceInfo.Builder> entry : indicesBuilder.entrySet()) {
      builder.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().build());
    indices =;
    return indices;

  private void extractPartitionedByColumns() {
    for (Tuple<ColumnIdent, DataType> partitioned :
        PartitionedByMappingExtractor.extractPartitionedByColumns(partitionedByList)) {
      addPartitioned(partitioned.v1(), partitioned.v2());

  private ColumnIdent getCustomRoutingCol() {
    if (defaultMappingMetaData != null) {
      Map<String, Object> metaMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "_meta");
      if (metaMap != null) {
        String routingPath = (String) metaMap.get("routing");
        if (routingPath != null && !routingPath.equals(ID)) {
          return ColumnIdent.fromPath(routingPath);
    return null;

  private ColumnIdent getRoutingCol() {
    ColumnIdent col = getCustomRoutingCol();
    if (col != null) {
      return col;
    if (primaryKey.size() == 1) {
      return primaryKey.get(0);
    return ID_IDENT;

  public DocIndexMetaData build() {
    partitionedBy = getPartitionedBy();
    columnPolicy = getColumnPolicy();
    indices = createIndexDefinitions();
    columns = ImmutableList.copyOf(;
    partitionedByColumns =;

    for (Tuple<ColumnIdent, ReferenceInfo> sysColumn : DocSysColumns.forTable(ident)) {
      referencesBuilder.put(sysColumn.v1(), sysColumn.v2());
    references =;
    primaryKey = getPrimaryKey();
    routingCol = getRoutingCol();
    return this;

  public ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, ReferenceInfo> references() {
    return references;

  public ImmutableList<ReferenceInfo> columns() {
    return columns;

  public ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, IndexReferenceInfo> indices() {
    return indices;

  public ImmutableList<ReferenceInfo> partitionedByColumns() {
    return partitionedByColumns;

  public ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> primaryKey() {
    return primaryKey;

  public ColumnIdent routingCol() {
    return routingCol;

   * Returns true if the schema of this and <code>other</code> is the same, this includes the table
   * name, as this is reflected in the ReferenceIdents of the columns.
  public boolean schemaEquals(DocIndexMetaData other) {
    if (this == other) return true;
    if (other == null) return false;

    // TODO: when analyzers are exposed in the info, equality has to be checked on them
    // see: TransportSQLActionTest.testSelectTableAliasSchemaExceptionColumnDefinition
    if (columns != null ? !columns.equals(other.columns) : other.columns != null) return false;
    if (primaryKey != null ? !primaryKey.equals(other.primaryKey) : other.primaryKey != null)
      return false;
    if (indices != null ? !indices.equals(other.indices) : other.indices != null) return false;
    if (references != null ? !references.equals(other.references) : other.references != null)
      return false;
    if (routingCol != null ? !routingCol.equals(other.routingCol) : other.routingCol != null)
      return false;

    return true;

  protected DocIndexMetaData merge(
      DocIndexMetaData other,
      TransportPutIndexTemplateAction transportPutIndexTemplateAction,
      boolean thisIsCreatedFromTemplate)
      throws IOException {
    if (schemaEquals(other)) {
      return this;
    } else if (thisIsCreatedFromTemplate) {
      if (this.references.size() < other.references.size()) {
        // this is older, update template and return other
        // settings in template are always authoritative for table information about
        // number_of_shards and number_of_replicas
        updateTemplate(other, transportPutIndexTemplateAction, this.metaData.settings());
        // merge the new mapping with the template settings
        return new DocIndexMetaData(
      } else if (references().size() == other.references().size()
          && !references().keySet().equals(other.references().keySet())) {
        XContentHelper.update(defaultMappingMap, other.defaultMappingMap, false);
        // update the template with new information
        updateTemplate(this, transportPutIndexTemplateAction, this.metaData.settings());
        return this;
      // other is older, just return this
      return this;
    } else {
      throw new TableAliasSchemaException(;

  private void updateTemplate(
      DocIndexMetaData md,
      TransportPutIndexTemplateAction transportPutIndexTemplateAction,
      Settings updateSettings) {
    String templateName = PartitionName.templateName(ident.schema(),;
    PutIndexTemplateRequest request =
        new PutIndexTemplateRequest(templateName)
            .mapping(Constants.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TYPE, md.defaultMappingMap)
            .template(templateName + "*");
    for (String alias : md.aliases()) {
      request = request.alias(new Alias(alias));

  /** @return the name of the underlying index even if this table is referenced by alias */
  public String concreteIndexName() {
    return metaData.index();

  public boolean isAlias() {
    return isAlias;

  public Set<String> aliases() {
    return aliases;

  public boolean hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey() {
    return hasAutoGeneratedPrimaryKey;

  public int numberOfShards() {
    return numberOfShards;

  public BytesRef numberOfReplicas() {
    return numberOfReplicas;

  public ImmutableList<ColumnIdent> partitionedBy() {
    return partitionedBy;

  public ColumnPolicy columnPolicy() {
    return columnPolicy;

  public ImmutableMap<String, Object> tableParameters() {
    return tableParameters;

  private ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, String> getAnalyzers(
      ColumnIdent columnIdent, Map<String, Object> propertiesMap) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<ColumnIdent, String> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> columnEntry : propertiesMap.entrySet()) {
      Map<String, Object> columnProperties = (Map) columnEntry.getValue();
      DataType columnDataType = getColumnDataType(columnProperties);
      ColumnIdent newIdent = childIdent(columnIdent, columnEntry.getKey());
      columnProperties = furtherColumnProperties(columnProperties);
      if (columnDataType == DataTypes.OBJECT
          || ( == ArrayType.ID
              && ((ArrayType) columnDataType).innerType() == DataTypes.OBJECT)) {
        if (columnProperties.get("properties") != null) {
              getAnalyzers(newIdent, (Map<String, Object>) columnProperties.get("properties")));
      String analyzer = (String) columnProperties.get("analyzer");
      if (analyzer != null) {
        builder.put(newIdent, analyzer);

  public ImmutableMap<ColumnIdent, String> analyzers() {
    Map<String, Object> propertiesMap = getNested(defaultMappingMap, "properties");
    if (propertiesMap == null) {
      return ImmutableMap.of();
    } else {
      return getAnalyzers(null, propertiesMap);