Beispiel #1
   * Examines a property's type to see which method should be used to parse the property's value.
   * @param desc The description of the property
   * @param element The XML element containing the property value
   * @return The value stored in the element
   * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document
  public Object getObjectValue(PropertyDescriptor desc, Element element) throws IOException {
    // Find out what kind of property it is
    Class type = desc.getPropertyType();

    // If it's an array, get the base type
    if (type.isArray()) {
      type = type.getComponentType();

    // For native types, object wrappers for natives, and strings, use the
    // basic parse routine
    if (type.equals(Integer.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Long.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Short.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Byte.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Boolean.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Float.TYPE)
        || type.equals(Double.TYPE)
        || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
        || String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      return readBasicType(type, element);
    } else if (java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
      // If it's a date, use the date parser
      return readDate(element);
    } else {
      try {
        // If it's an object, create a new instance of the object (it should
        // be a bean, or there will be trouble)
        Object newOb = type.newInstance();

        // Copy the XML element into the bean
        readObject(newOb, element);

        return newOb;
      } catch (InstantiationException exc) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Error creating object for " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
      } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Error creating object for " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 public Object getAttribute(String name)
     throws AttributeNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException {
   if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("getAttribute " + name);
   Method getter = (Method) _getter.get(name);
   if (getter == null) throw new AttributeNotFoundException(name);
   try {
     Object o = _object;
     if (getter.getDeclaringClass().isInstance(this)) o = this;
     return getter.invoke(o, (java.lang.Object[]) null);
   } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
     log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e);
     throw new AttributeNotFoundException(e.toString());
   } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
     log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e);
     throw new ReflectionException((Exception) e.getTargetException());
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  public void setAttribute(Attribute attr)
      throws AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException,
          ReflectionException {
    if (attr == null) return;

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("setAttribute " + attr.getName() + "=" + attr.getValue());
    Method setter = (Method) _setter.get(attr.getName());
    if (setter == null) throw new AttributeNotFoundException(attr.getName());
    try {
      Object o = _object;
      if (setter.getDeclaringClass().isInstance(this)) o = this;
      setter.invoke(o, new Object[] {attr.getValue()});
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
      log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e);
      throw new AttributeNotFoundException(e.toString());
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
      log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e);
      throw new ReflectionException((Exception) e.getTargetException());
 protected PsmEvent run(PsmEvent event, PsmInterp interp, Object[] argArray) {
   try {
     return (PsmEvent) method.invoke(null, argArray);
   } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
     // This really should never happen, given the checks at
     // construction time.
     throw new PsmMethodActionException(ex.toString());
   } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
     // This may occur if the method throws a runtime exception.  Rather
     // than wrap it in a PsmMethodActionException, let it percolate up.
     // If not a RuntimeException, wrap it in a PsmMethodActionException.
     Throwable th = ex.getTargetException();
     if (th instanceof RuntimeException) {
       throw (RuntimeException) th;
     } else {
       throw new PsmMethodActionException(
           "Exception thrown from " + "target method invocation " + " is not a Runtime Exception",
Beispiel #5
   * Invokes the method specified by a method description.
   * @param methodDescription the method description of the method that is to be invoked.
  protected void invoke(MethodDescription methodDescription) throws InvocationTargetException {


    Object o = getObject(methodDescription.getObjectID());

    ObjectDescription oDesc = getObjectDescription(o);

    if (o == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Object must not be null!");

    if (methodDescription.getMethodType() == MethodType.REFERENCE) {

      Object[] parameters = methodDescription.getParameters();

      // error handling
      if (parameters.length > 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "More than one parameter " + "for reference methods is not allowed!");

      if (parameters.length > 0 && parameters[0] != null) {
      } else {

    } else if (o instanceof ProxyObject) {
      ProxyObject proxy = (ProxyObject) o;
      if (!methodDescription
          .equals(methodDescription.getReturnValue().getClass())) {
        System.err.println(">> ProxyObject: wrong type of return value!");
        generateErrorMessage(">> ProxyObject:" + " wrong type of return value!", methodDescription);
    } else if (methodDescription.getMethodType() == MethodType.DEFAULT
        || methodDescription.getMethodType() == MethodType.CUSTOM_REFERENCE) {
      Method m = null;

      try {
        m =
                    methodDescription.getMethodName(), methodDescription.getParameterTypes());

        // access this method even if language visibility forbids
        // invocation of this method

        methodDescription.setReturnValue(m.invoke(o, methodDescription.getParameters()));

      } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ObjectInspector.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            methodDescription.getMethodName() + "(): " + ex.toString(), methodDescription);
      } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ObjectInspector.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            methodDescription.getMethodName() + "(): " + ex.toString(), methodDescription);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        System.err.println(">> ObjectInspector:" + " invoked method with wrong arguments!");

        String yourParamStr = "";
        String expectedParamStr = "";

        if (methodDescription.getParameters() != null) {

          for (int i = 0; i < methodDescription.getParameters().length; i++) {
            Object parameter = methodDescription.getParameters()[i];
            if (parameter != null) {
              yourParamStr += parameter.getClass().getName() + " ";
            } else {
              yourParamStr += "null ";
        } else {
          yourParamStr = "no parameters given!";

        for (int i = 0; i < m.getParameterTypes().length; i++) {
          expectedParamStr += m.getParameterTypes()[i].getName() + " ";

        System.err.println("   your parameters:     " + yourParamStr);
        System.err.println("   expected parameters: " + expectedParamStr);

            methodDescription.getMethodName() + "(): method invoked with wrong arguments!",

      } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ObjectInspector.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        generateErrorMessage(methodDescription, ex.getCause());
        throw ex;

      } catch (SecurityException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ObjectInspector.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            methodDescription.getMethodName() + "(): " + ex.toString(), methodDescription);
    } // end else if (o instanceof ProxyObject)
  public Properties parseURL(String url, Properties defaults) throws java.sql.SQLException {
    Properties urlProps = (defaults != null) ? new Properties(defaults) : new Properties();

    if (url == null) {
      return null;

    if (!StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, URL_PREFIX)
        && !StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, MXJ_URL_PREFIX)
        && !StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, LOADBALANCE_URL_PREFIX)
        && !StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, REPLICATION_URL_PREFIX)) { // $NON-NLS-1$

      return null;

    int beginningOfSlashes = url.indexOf("//");

    if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, MXJ_URL_PREFIX)) {
          "socketFactory", "");

     * Parse parameters after the ? in the URL and remove them from the
     * original URL.
    int index = url.indexOf("?"); // $NON-NLS-1$

    if (index != -1) {
      String paramString = url.substring(index + 1, url.length());
      url = url.substring(0, index);

      StringTokenizer queryParams = new StringTokenizer(paramString, "&"); // $NON-NLS-1$

      while (queryParams.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String parameterValuePair = queryParams.nextToken();

        int indexOfEquals = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(0, parameterValuePair, "=");

        String parameter = null;
        String value = null;

        if (indexOfEquals != -1) {
          parameter = parameterValuePair.substring(0, indexOfEquals);

          if (indexOfEquals + 1 < parameterValuePair.length()) {
            value = parameterValuePair.substring(indexOfEquals + 1);

        if ((value != null && value.length() > 0)
            && (parameter != null && parameter.length() > 0)) {
          try {
            urlProps.put(parameter, URLDecoder.decode(value, "UTF-8"));
          } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException badEncoding) {
            // punt
            urlProps.put(parameter, URLDecoder.decode(value));
          } catch (NoSuchMethodError nsme) {
            // punt again
            urlProps.put(parameter, URLDecoder.decode(value));

    url = url.substring(beginningOfSlashes + 2);

    String hostStuff = null;

    int slashIndex = url.indexOf("/"); // $NON-NLS-1$

    if (slashIndex != -1) {
      hostStuff = url.substring(0, slashIndex);

      if ((slashIndex + 1) < url.length()) {
            DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY, //$NON-NLS-1$
            url.substring((slashIndex + 1), url.length()));
    } else {
      hostStuff = url;

    if ((hostStuff != null) && (hostStuff.length() > 0)) {
      urlProps.put(HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, hostStuff); // $NON-NLS-1$

    String propertiesTransformClassName = urlProps.getProperty(PROPERTIES_TRANSFORM_KEY);

    if (propertiesTransformClassName != null) {
      try {
        ConnectionPropertiesTransform propTransformer =

        urlProps = propTransformer.transformProperties(urlProps);
      } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw SQLError.createSQLException(
            "Unable to create properties transform instance '"
                + propertiesTransformClassName
                + "' due to underlying exception: "
                + e.toString(),
      } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw SQLError.createSQLException(
            "Unable to create properties transform instance '"
                + propertiesTransformClassName
                + "' due to underlying exception: "
                + e.toString(),
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw SQLError.createSQLException(
            "Unable to create properties transform instance '"
                + propertiesTransformClassName
                + "' due to underlying exception: "
                + e.toString(),

    if (Util.isColdFusion()
        && urlProps.getProperty("autoConfigureForColdFusion", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
      String configs = urlProps.getProperty(USE_CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY);

      StringBuffer newConfigs = new StringBuffer();

      if (configs != null) {


      urlProps.setProperty(USE_CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY, newConfigs.toString());

    // If we use a config, it actually should get overridden by anything in
    // the URL or passed-in properties

    String configNames = null;

    if (defaults != null) {
      configNames = defaults.getProperty(USE_CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY);

    if (configNames == null) {
      configNames = urlProps.getProperty(USE_CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY);

    if (configNames != null) {
      List splitNames = StringUtils.split(configNames, ",", true);

      Properties configProps = new Properties();

      Iterator namesIter = splitNames.iterator();

      while (namesIter.hasNext()) {
        String configName = (String);

        try {
          InputStream configAsStream =
              getClass().getResourceAsStream("configs/" + configName + ".properties");

          if (configAsStream == null) {
            throw SQLError.createSQLException(
                "Can't find configuration template named '" + configName + "'",
        } catch (IOException ioEx) {
          throw SQLError.createSQLException(
              "Unable to load configuration template '"
                  + configName
                  + "' due to underlying IOException: "
                  + ioEx,

      Iterator propsIter = urlProps.keySet().iterator();

      while (propsIter.hasNext()) {
        String key =;
        String property = urlProps.getProperty(key);
        configProps.setProperty(key, property);

      urlProps = configProps;

    // Properties passed in should override ones in URL

    if (defaults != null) {
      Iterator propsIter = defaults.keySet().iterator();

      while (propsIter.hasNext()) {
        String key =;
        String property = defaults.getProperty(key);
        urlProps.setProperty(key, property);

    return urlProps;
Beispiel #7
   * Reads XML element(s) into an indexed bean property by first locating the XML element(s)
   * corresponding to this property.
   * @param ob The bean whose property is being set
   * @param desc The property that will be set
   * @param nodes The list of XML items that may contain the property
   * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document
  public void readIndexedProperty(
      Object ob, IndexedPropertyDescriptor desc, NodeList nodes, NamedNodeMap attrs)
      throws IOException {
    // Create a vector to hold the property values
    Vector v = new Vector();

    int numAttrs = attrs.getLength();

    for (int i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) {
      // See if this attribute matches the property name
      if (namesMatch(desc.getName(), attrs.item(i).getNodeName())) {
        // Get the property value
        Object obValue = getObjectValue(desc, attrs.item(i).getNodeValue());

        if (obValue != null) {
          // Add the value to the list of values to be set

    int numNodes = nodes.getLength();

    for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
      Node node = nodes.item(i);

      // Skip non-element nodes
      if (!(node instanceof Element)) continue;

      Element element = (Element) node;

      // See if this element tag matches the property name
      if (namesMatch(desc.getName(), element.getTagName())) {
        // Get the property value
        Object obValue = getObjectValue(desc, element);

        if (obValue != null) {
          // Add the value to the list of values to be set

    // Get the method used to set the property value
    Method setter = desc.getWriteMethod();

    // If this property has no setter, don't write it
    if (setter == null) return;

    // Create a new array of property values
    Object propArray = Array.newInstance(desc.getPropertyType().getComponentType(), v.size());

    // Copy the vector into the array
    v.copyInto((Object[]) propArray);

    try {
      // Store the array of property values
      setter.invoke(ob, new Object[] {propArray});
    } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) {
      throw new IOException("Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
    } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
      throw new IOException("Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
Beispiel #8
   * Reads an XML element into a bean property by first locating the XML element corresponding to
   * this property.
   * @param ob The bean whose property is being set
   * @param desc The property that will be set
   * @param nodes The list of XML items that may contain the property
   * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the document
  public void readProperty(Object ob, PropertyDescriptor desc, NodeList nodes, NamedNodeMap attrs)
      throws IOException {
    int numAttrs = attrs.getLength();

    for (int i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) {
      // See if the attribute name matches the property name
      if (namesMatch(desc.getName(), attrs.item(i).getNodeName())) {
        // Get the method used to set this property
        Method setter = desc.getWriteMethod();

        // If this object has no setter, don't bother writing it
        if (setter == null) continue;

        // Get the value of the property
        Object obValue = getObjectValue(desc, attrs.item(i).getNodeValue());
        if (obValue != null) {
          try {
            // Set the property value
            setter.invoke(ob, new Object[] {obValue});
          } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
          } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());


    int numNodes = nodes.getLength();

    Vector arrayBuild = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
      Node node = nodes.item(i);

      // If this node isn't an element, skip it
      if (!(node instanceof Element)) continue;

      Element element = (Element) node;

      // See if the tag name matches the property name
      if (namesMatch(desc.getName(), element.getTagName())) {
        // Get the method used to set this property
        Method setter = desc.getWriteMethod();

        // If this object has no setter, don't bother writing it
        if (setter == null) continue;

        // Get the value of the property
        Object obValue = getObjectValue(desc, element);

        // 070201 MAW: Modified from change submitted by Steve Poulson
        if (setter.getParameterTypes()[0].isArray()) {
          if (arrayBuild == null) {
            arrayBuild = new Vector();

          // 070201 MAW: Go ahead and read through the rest of the nodes in case
          //             another one matches the array. This has the effect of skipping
          //             over the "return" statement down below

        if (obValue != null) {
          try {
            // Set the property value
            setter.invoke(ob, new Object[] {obValue});
          } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
          } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());

    // If we build a vector of array members, convert the vector into
    // an array and save it in the property
    if (arrayBuild != null) {
      // Get the method used to set this property
      Method setter = desc.getWriteMethod();

      if (setter == null) return;

      Object[] obValues = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(desc.getPropertyType(), arrayBuild.size());


      try {
        setter.invoke(ob, new Object[] {obValues});
      } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) {
        throw new IOException("Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
      } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
        throw new IOException("Error setting property " + desc.getName() + ": " + exc.toString());
