Beispiel #1
  public boolean explodeWithEvent() {
    if (power < 0.1f) return true;

    Set<BlockVector> droppedBlocks = calculateBlocks();

    EntityExplodeEvent event =
            new EntityExplodeEvent(source, location, toBlockList(droppedBlocks), yield));
    if (event.isCancelled()) return false;

    this.yield = event.getYield();


    List<Block> blocks = toBlockList(droppedBlocks);

    for (Block block : blocks) {
      handleBlockExplosion((GlowBlock) block);

    if (incendiary) {
      for (Block block : blocks) {
        setBlockOnFire((GlowBlock) block);

    Collection<GlowPlayer> affectedPlayers = damageEntities();
    for (GlowPlayer player : affectedPlayers) {
      playOutExplosion(player, droppedBlocks);

    return true;
Beispiel #2
  /** Populate a single chunk if needed. */
  private void populateChunk(int x, int z, boolean force) {
    GlowChunk chunk = getChunk(x, z);
    // cancel out if it's already populated
    if (chunk.isPopulated()) {

    // cancel out if the 3x3 around it isn't available
    for (int x2 = x - 1; x2 <= x + 1; ++x2) {
      for (int z2 = z - 1; z2 <= z + 1; ++z2) {
        if (!getChunk(x2, z2).isLoaded() && (!force || !loadChunk(x2, z2, true))) {

    // it might have loaded since before, so check again that it's not already populated
    if (chunk.isPopulated()) {

    Random random = new Random(world.getSeed());
    long xRand = random.nextLong() / 2 * 2 + 1;
    long zRand = random.nextLong() / 2 * 2 + 1;
    random.setSeed((long) x * xRand + (long) z * zRand ^ world.getSeed());

    for (BlockPopulator p : world.getPopulators()) {
      p.populate(world, random, chunk);

    EventFactory.callEvent(new ChunkPopulateEvent(chunk));
Beispiel #3
   * Call the ChunkIoService to load a chunk, optionally generating the chunk.
   * @param x The X coordinate of the chunk to load.
   * @param z The Y coordinate of the chunk to load.
   * @param generate Whether to generate the chunk if needed.
   * @return True on success, false on failure.
  public boolean loadChunk(int x, int z, boolean generate) {
    GlowChunk chunk = getChunk(x, z);

    // try to load chunk
    try {
      if ( {
        EventFactory.callEvent(new ChunkLoadEvent(chunk, false));
        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      GlowServer.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while loading chunk (" + x + "," + z + ")", e);
      // an error in chunk reading may have left the chunk in an invalid state
      // (i.e. double initialization errors), so it's forcibly unloaded here
      chunk.unload(false, false);

    // stop here if we can't generate
    if (!generate) {
      return false;

    // get generating
    try {
      generateChunk(chunk, x, z);
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      GlowServer.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while generating chunk (" + x + "," + z + ")", ex);
      return false;

    EventFactory.callEvent(new ChunkLoadEvent(chunk, true));

    // right now, forcePopulate takes care of populating chunks that players actually see.
    /*for (int x2 = x - 1; x2 <= x + 1; ++x2) {
        for (int z2 = z - 1; z2 <= z + 1; ++z2) {
            populateChunk(x2, z2, false);
    return true;
Beispiel #4
  private void setBlockOnFire(GlowBlock block) {
    if (random.nextInt(3) != 0) return;

    Block below = block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
    // TODO: check for flammable blocks
    Material belowType = below.getType();
    if (belowType == Material.AIR || belowType == Material.FIRE) return;

    BlockIgniteEvent event =
            new BlockIgniteEvent(block, BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause.EXPLOSION, source));
    if (event.isCancelled()) return;
