public static List<DomElement> getDefinedChildren( @NotNull final DomElement parent, final boolean tags, final boolean attributes) { if (parent instanceof MergedObject) { final SmartList<DomElement> result = new SmartList<>(); parent.acceptChildren( new DomElementVisitor() { @Override public void visitDomElement(final DomElement element) { if (hasXml(element)) { result.add(element); } } }); return result; } ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); if (parent instanceof GenericAttributeValue) return Collections.emptyList(); if (parent instanceof DomFileElement) { final DomFileElement element = (DomFileElement) parent; return tags ? Arrays.asList(element.getRootElement()) : Collections.<DomElement>emptyList(); } final XmlElement xmlElement = parent.getXmlElement(); if (xmlElement instanceof XmlTag) { XmlTag tag = (XmlTag) xmlElement; final DomManager domManager = parent.getManager(); final SmartList<DomElement> result = new SmartList<>(); if (attributes) { for (final XmlAttribute attribute : tag.getAttributes()) { if (!attribute.isValid()) { LOG.error("Invalid attr: parent.valid=" + tag.isValid()); continue; } GenericAttributeValue element = domManager.getDomElement(attribute); if (checkHasXml(attribute, element)) { ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(result, element); } } } if (tags) { for (final XmlTag subTag : tag.getSubTags()) { if (!subTag.isValid()) { LOG.error("Invalid subtag: parent.valid=" + tag.isValid()); continue; } DomElement element = domManager.getDomElement(subTag); if (checkHasXml(subTag, element)) { ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(result, element); } } } return result; } return Collections.emptyList(); }
@NotNull public static List<XmlTag> getElementTags(@NotNull Collection<? extends DomElement> list) { ArrayList<XmlTag> result = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (DomElement element : list) { XmlTag tag = element.getXmlTag(); if (tag != null) { result.add(tag); } } return result; }
public static void acceptAvailableChildren( final DomElement element, final DomElementVisitor visitor) { final XmlTag tag = element.getXmlTag(); if (tag != null) { for (XmlTag xmlTag : tag.getSubTags()) { final DomElement childElement = element.getManager().getDomElement(xmlTag); if (childElement != null) { childElement.accept(visitor); } } } }
@Nullable public static <T> T getParentOfType( final DomElement element, final Class<T> requiredClass, final boolean strict) { for (DomElement curElement = strict && element != null ? element.getParent() : element; curElement != null; curElement = curElement.getParent()) { if (requiredClass.isInstance(curElement)) { return (T) curElement; } } return null; }
@NotNull public static XmlTag[] getElementTags(@NotNull DomElement[] list) { XmlTag[] result = new XmlTag[list.length]; int i = 0; for (DomElement element : list) { XmlTag tag = element.getXmlTag(); if (tag != null) { result[i++] = tag; } } return result; }
@NotNull public static String[] getElementNames(@NotNull Collection<? extends DomElement> list) { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); if (list.size() > 0) { for (DomElement element : list) { String name = element.getGenericInfo().getElementName(element); if (name != null) { result.add(name); } } } return ArrayUtil.toStringArray(result); }
private void renderSource(DomElement element, WAbstractMedia.Source source, boolean isLast) { element.setAttribute("src", resolveRelativeUrl(; if (!source.type.equals("")) { element.setAttribute("type", source.type); } if (!"")) { element.setAttribute("media",; } if (isLast && this.alternative_ != null) { element.setAttribute( "onerror", "var media = this.parentNode;if(media){while (media && media.children.length)if (Wt3_2_3.hasTag(media.firstChild,'SOURCE')){media.removeChild(media.firstChild);}else{media.parentNode.insertBefore(media.firstChild, media);} 'none';}"); } else { element.setAttribute("onerror", ""); } }
public static <T extends DomElement> DomFileElement<T> getFileElement( @NotNull DomElement element) { if (element instanceof DomFileElement) { return (DomFileElement) element; } DomFileElement fileElement = element.getUserData(FILE_ELEMENT_KEY); if (fileElement == null) { DomElement parent = element.getParent(); if (parent != null) { fileElement = getFileElement(parent); } element.putUserData(FILE_ELEMENT_KEY, fileElement); } return fileElement; }
@Nullable public static List<JavaMethod> getFixedPath(DomElement element) { assert element.isValid(); final LinkedList<JavaMethod> methods = new LinkedList<>(); while (true) { final DomElement parent = element.getParent(); if (parent instanceof DomFileElement) { break; } final JavaMethod method = getGetterMethod(element, parent); if (method == null) { return null; } methods.addFirst(method); element = element.getParent(); } return methods; }
@Nullable public static <T extends DomElement> T findDomElement( @Nullable final PsiElement element, final Class<T> beanClass, boolean strict) { if (element == null) return null; XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class, strict); DomElement domElement; while (tag != null) { domElement = DomManager.getDomManager(tag.getProject()).getDomElement(tag); if (domElement != null) { return domElement.getParentOfType(beanClass, false); } tag = tag.getParentTag(); } return null; }
/** * @param domElement DomElement to search root of * @return the topmost valid DomElement being a parent of the given one. May be and may be not * DomFileElement. If root tag has changed, file may lose its domness, so there will be no * DomFileElement, but the inner DomElement's will be still alive because the underlying XML * tags are valid */ @NotNull public static DomElement getRoot(@NotNull DomElement domElement) { while (true) { final DomElement parent = domElement.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return domElement; } domElement = parent; } }
@Nullable private static JavaMethod getGetterMethod(final DomElement element, final DomElement parent) { final String xmlElementName = element.getXmlElementName(); final String namespace = element.getXmlElementNamespaceKey(); final DomGenericInfo genericInfo = parent.getGenericInfo(); if (element instanceof GenericAttributeValue) { final DomAttributeChildDescription description = genericInfo.getAttributeChildDescription(xmlElementName, namespace); assert description != null; return description.getGetterMethod(); } final DomFixedChildDescription description = genericInfo.getFixedChildDescription(xmlElementName, namespace); return description != null ? description.getGetterMethod(description.getValues(parent).indexOf(element)) : null; }
private DomElement createRow(int row, boolean withIds, WApplication app) { DomElement tr = DomElement.createNew(DomElementType.DomElement_TR); if (withIds) { tr.setId(this.rows_.get(row).getId()); } this.rows_.get(row).updateDom(tr, true); tr.setWasEmpty(false); int spanCounter = 0; for (int col = 0; col < this.getColumnCount(); ++col) { WTableRow.TableData d = this.itemAt(row, col); if (!d.overSpanned) { DomElement td = d.cell.createSDomElement(app); if (col < this.headerColumnCount_ || row < this.headerRowCount_) { tr.addChild(td); } else { tr.insertChildAt(td, col - spanCounter); } for (int i = 0; i < d.cell.getRowSpan(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < d.cell.getColumnSpan(); ++j) { if (i + j > 0) { this.itemAt(row + i, col + j).overSpanned = true; this.itemAt(row + i, col + j).cell.setRendered(false); } } } } else { spanCounter++; } } return tr; }
void updateMediaDom(DomElement element, boolean all) { if (all && this.alternative_ != null) { element.setAttribute( "onerror", "if( &&{while (this.hasChildNodes())if (Wt3_2_3.hasTag(this.firstChild,'SOURCE')){this.removeChild(this.firstChild);}else{this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.firstChild, this);} 'none';}"); } if (all || this.flagsChanged_) { if (!all || !EnumUtils.mask(this.flags_, WAbstractMedia.Options.Controls).isEmpty()) { element.setAttribute( "controls", !EnumUtils.mask(this.flags_, WAbstractMedia.Options.Controls).isEmpty() ? "controls" : ""); } if (!all || !EnumUtils.mask(this.flags_, WAbstractMedia.Options.Autoplay).isEmpty()) { element.setAttribute( "autoplay", !EnumUtils.mask(this.flags_, WAbstractMedia.Options.Autoplay).isEmpty() ? "autoplay" : ""); } if (!all || !EnumUtils.mask(this.flags_, WAbstractMedia.Options.Loop).isEmpty()) { element.setAttribute( "loop", !EnumUtils.mask(this.flags_, WAbstractMedia.Options.Loop).isEmpty() ? "loop" : ""); } } if (all || this.preloadChanged_) { switch (this.preloadMode_) { case PreloadNone: element.setAttribute("preload", "none"); break; default: case PreloadAuto: element.setAttribute("preload", "auto"); break; case PreloadMetadata: element.setAttribute("preload", "metadata"); break; } } this.updateEventSignals(element, all); if (all) { if (this.alternative_ != null) { element.addChild(this.alternative_.createSDomElement(WApplication.getInstance())); } } this.flagsChanged_ = this.preloadChanged_ = false; }
public static <T> List<T> getChildrenOfType( @NotNull final DomElement parent, final Class<T> type) { final List<T> result = new SmartList<>(); parent.acceptChildren( new DomElementVisitor() { @Override public void visitDomElement(final DomElement element) { if (type.isInstance(element)) { result.add((T) element); } } }); return result; }
@NotNull public static <T extends DomElement> T getOriginalElement(@NotNull final T domElement) { final XmlElement psiElement = domElement.getXmlElement(); if (psiElement == null) return domElement; final PsiFile psiFile = psiElement.getContainingFile().getOriginalFile(); final TextRange range = psiElement.getTextRange(); final PsiElement element = psiFile.findElementAt(range.getStartOffset()); final int maxLength = range.getLength(); final boolean isAttribute = psiElement instanceof XmlAttribute; final Class<? extends XmlElement> clazz = isAttribute ? XmlAttribute.class : XmlTag.class; final DomManager domManager = domElement.getManager(); DomElement current = null; for (XmlElement next = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, clazz, false); next != null && next.getTextLength() <= maxLength; next = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(next, clazz, true)) { current = isAttribute ? domManager.getDomElement((XmlAttribute) next) : domManager.getDomElement((XmlTag) next); if (current != null && domElement.getClass() != current.getClass()) current = null; } return (T) current; }
void getDomChanges(List<DomElement> result, WApplication app) { DomElement e = DomElement.getForUpdate(this, this.getDomElementType()); if (!this.isStubbed() && this.flags_.get(BIT_GRID_CHANGED)) { DomElement newE = this.createDomElement(app); e.replaceWith(newE); } else { if (this.rowsChanged_ != null) { for (Iterator<WTableRow> i_it = this.rowsChanged_.iterator(); i_it.hasNext(); ) { WTableRow i =; DomElement e2 = DomElement.getForUpdate(i, DomElementType.DomElement_TR); i.updateDom(e2, false); result.add(e2); } ; this.rowsChanged_ = null; } if (this.rowsAdded_ != 0) { DomElement etb = DomElement.getForUpdate(this.getId() + "tb", DomElementType.DomElement_TBODY); for (int i = 0; i < (int) this.rowsAdded_; ++i) { DomElement tr = this.createRow(this.getRowCount() - this.rowsAdded_ + i, true, app); etb.addChild(tr); } result.add(etb); this.rowsAdded_ = 0; } if (this.flags_.get(BIT_COLUMNS_CHANGED)) { for (int i = 0; i < this.columns_.size(); ++i) { DomElement e2 = DomElement.getForUpdate(this.columns_.get(i), DomElementType.DomElement_COL); this.columns_.get(i).updateDom(e2, false); result.add(e2); } this.flags_.clear(BIT_COLUMNS_CHANGED); } this.updateDom(e, false); } result.add(e); }
@SuppressWarnings("ForLoopReplaceableByForEach") public static <T extends DomElement> List<T> getChildrenOf( DomElement parent, final Class<T> type) { final List<T> list = new SmartList<>(); List<? extends AbstractDomChildrenDescription> descriptions = parent.getGenericInfo().getChildrenDescriptions(); for (int i = 0, descriptionsSize = descriptions.size(); i < descriptionsSize; i++) { AbstractDomChildrenDescription description = descriptions.get(i); if (description.getType() instanceof Class && type.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) description.getType())) { List<T> values = (List<T>) description.getValues(parent); for (int j = 0, valuesSize = values.size(); j < valuesSize; j++) { T value = values.get(j); if (value.exists()) { list.add(value); } } } } return list; }
void getDomChanges(List<DomElement> result, WApplication app) { if (this.mediaId_.length() != 0) { DomElement media = DomElement.getForUpdate(this.mediaId_, DomElementType.DomElement_DIV); this.updateMediaDom(media, false); if (this.sourcesChanged_) { for (int i = 0; i < this.sourcesRendered_; ++i) { media.callJavaScript( "Wt3_2_3.remove('" + this.mediaId_ + "s" + String.valueOf(i) + "');", true); } this.sourcesRendered_ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.sources_.size(); ++i) { DomElement src = DomElement.createNew(DomElementType.DomElement_SOURCE); src.setId(this.mediaId_ + "s" + String.valueOf(i)); this.renderSource(src, this.sources_.get(i), i + 1 >= this.sources_.size()); media.addChild(src); } this.sourcesRendered_ = this.sources_.size(); this.sourcesChanged_ = false; media.callJavaScript(this.getJsMediaRef() + ".load();"); } result.add(media); } super.getDomChanges(result, app); }
public static List<? extends DomElement> getIdentitySiblings(DomElement element) { final GenericDomValue nameDomElement = element.getGenericInfo().getNameDomElement(element); if (nameDomElement == null) return Collections.emptyList(); final NameValue nameValue = nameDomElement.getAnnotation(NameValue.class); if (nameValue == null || !nameValue.unique()) return Collections.emptyList(); final String stringValue = ElementPresentationManager.getElementName(element); if (stringValue == null) return Collections.emptyList(); final DomElement scope = element.getManager().getIdentityScope(element); if (scope == null) return Collections.emptyList(); final DomGenericInfo domGenericInfo = scope.getGenericInfo(); final String tagName = element.getXmlElementName(); final DomCollectionChildDescription childDescription = domGenericInfo.getCollectionChildDescription(tagName, element.getXmlElementNamespaceKey()); if (childDescription != null) { final ArrayList<DomElement> list = new ArrayList<>(childDescription.getValues(scope)); list.remove(element); return list; } return Collections.emptyList(); }
public static boolean isAncestor( @NotNull DomElement ancestor, @NotNull DomElement descendant, boolean strict) { if (!strict && ancestor.equals(descendant)) return true; final DomElement parent = descendant.getParent(); return parent != null && isAncestor(ancestor, parent, false); }
DomElement createDomElement(WApplication app) { DomElement result = null; if (this.isInLayout()) { this.setJavaScriptMember(WT_RESIZE_JS, "function() {}"); } if (app.getEnvironment().agentIsIElt(9) || app.getEnvironment().getAgent() == WEnvironment.UserAgent.MobileWebKitAndroid) { result = DomElement.createNew(DomElementType.DomElement_DIV); if (this.alternative_ != null) { result.addChild(this.alternative_.createSDomElement(app)); } } else { DomElement media = this.createMediaDomElement(); DomElement wrap = null; if (this.isInLayout()) { media.setProperty(Property.PropertyStylePosition, "absolute"); media.setProperty(Property.PropertyStyleLeft, "0"); media.setProperty(Property.PropertyStyleRight, "0"); wrap = DomElement.createNew(DomElementType.DomElement_DIV); wrap.setProperty(Property.PropertyStylePosition, "relative"); } result = wrap != null ? wrap : media; if (wrap != null) { this.mediaId_ = this.getId() + "_media"; media.setId(this.mediaId_); } else { this.mediaId_ = this.getId(); } this.updateMediaDom(media, true); for (int i = 0; i < this.sources_.size(); ++i) { DomElement src = DomElement.createNew(DomElementType.DomElement_SOURCE); src.setId(this.mediaId_ + "s" + String.valueOf(i)); this.renderSource(src, this.sources_.get(i), i + 1 >= this.sources_.size()); media.addChild(src); } this.sourcesRendered_ = this.sources_.size(); this.sourcesChanged_ = false; if (wrap != null) { wrap.addChild(media); } } if (this.isInLayout()) { StringWriter ss = new StringWriter(); ss.append("function(self, w, h) {"); if (this.mediaId_.length() != 0) { ss.append( "v=" + this.getJsMediaRef() + ";if(v){v.setAttribute('width', w);v.setAttribute('height', h);}"); } if (this.alternative_ != null) { ss.append("a=" + this.alternative_.getJsRef() + ";if(a && a.") .append(WT_RESIZE_JS) .append(")a.") .append(WT_RESIZE_JS) .append("(a, w, h);"); } ss.append("}"); this.setJavaScriptMember(WT_RESIZE_JS, ss.toString()); } this.setId(result, app); this.updateDom(result, true); if (this.isInLayout()) { result.setEvent(PLAYBACKSTARTED_SIGNAL, ""); result.setEvent(PLAYBACKPAUSED_SIGNAL, ""); result.setEvent(ENDED_SIGNAL, ""); result.setEvent(TIMEUPDATED_SIGNAL, ""); result.setEvent(VOLUMECHANGED_SIGNAL, ""); } this.setJavaScriptMember("mediaId", "'" + this.mediaId_ + "'"); return result; }
public static boolean hasXml(@NotNull DomElement element) { return element.exists(); }
DomElement createDomElement(WApplication app) { boolean withIds = !app.getEnvironment().agentIsSpiderBot(); DomElement table = DomElement.createNew(this.getDomElementType()); this.setId(table, app); DomElement thead = null; if (this.headerRowCount_ != 0) { thead = DomElement.createNew(DomElementType.DomElement_THEAD); if (withIds) { thead.setId(this.getId() + "th"); } } DomElement tbody = DomElement.createNew(DomElementType.DomElement_TBODY); if (withIds) { tbody.setId(this.getId() + "tb"); } for (int col = 0; col < this.columns_.size(); ++col) { DomElement c = DomElement.createNew(DomElementType.DomElement_COL); if (withIds) { c.setId(this.columns_.get(col).getId()); } this.columns_.get(col).updateDom(c, true); table.addChild(c); } this.flags_.clear(BIT_COLUMNS_CHANGED); for (int row = 0; row < (int) this.getRowCount(); ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < (int) this.getColumnCount(); ++col) { this.itemAt(row, col).overSpanned = false; } } for (int row = 0; row < (int) this.getRowCount(); ++row) { DomElement tr = this.createRow(row, withIds, app); if (row < (int) this.headerRowCount_) { thead.addChild(tr); } else { tbody.addChild(tr); } } this.rowsAdded_ = 0; if (thead != null) { table.addChild(thead); } table.addChild(tbody); this.updateDom(table, true); this.flags_.clear(BIT_GRID_CHANGED); ; this.rowsChanged_ = null; return table; }