Beispiel #1
   * This method tells you the line of the XML file being parsed. For an in-memory document, it's
   * meaningless. The location is only valid for the current parsing lifecycle, but the document has
   * already been parsed. Therefore, it returns -1 for both line and column numbers.
   * @param document JDOM <code>Document</code>.
  private void documentLocator(Document document) {
    locator = new JDOMLocator();
    String publicID = null;
    String systemID = null;

    if (document != null) {
      DocType docType = document.getDocType();
      if (docType != null) {
        publicID = docType.getPublicID();
        systemID = docType.getSystemID();

Beispiel #2
   * This parses a DTD declaration to fire the related events towards the registered handlers.
   * @param document <code>JDOM Document</code> the DocType is to process.
  private void dtdEvents(Document document) throws JDOMException {
    DocType docType = document.getDocType();

    // Fire DTD-related events only if handlers have been registered.
    if ((docType != null) && ((dtdHandler != null) || (declHandler != null))) {

      // Build a dummy XML document that only references the DTD...
      String dtdDoc = new XMLOutputter().outputString(docType);

      try {
        // And parse it to fire DTD events.
        createDTDParser().parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(dtdDoc)));

        // We should never reach this point as the document is
        // ill-formed; it does not have any root element.
      } catch (SAXParseException e) {
        // Expected exception: There's no root element in document.
      } catch (SAXException e) {
        throw new JDOMException("DTD parsing error", e);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new JDOMException("DTD parsing error", e);
Beispiel #3
   * This signifies that the reading of the DTD is complete.
   * @throws SAXException
  public void endDTD() throws SAXException {

    inDTD = false;
    inInternalSubset = false;