Beispiel #1
   * Find the periods in a calendar year it need not be a standard period (used in MRP)
   * @param C_Year_ID Year
   * @param periodType Period Type
   * @param ctx context
   * @param trx trx
   * @return MPeriod[]
  public static MPeriod[] getAllPeriodsInYear(int C_Year_ID, String periodType, Ctx ctx, Trx trx) {

    List<MPeriod> periods = new ArrayList<MPeriod>();
    String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Period WHERE IsActive='Y'";

    sql = sql + " AND C_Year_ID = ?";

    if (periodType != null) sql = sql + " AND PeriodType = ? ";

    sql = sql + " order by StartDate ";

    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, C_Year_ID);

      if (periodType != null) pstmt.setString(2, periodType);

      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while ( periods.add(new MPeriod(ctx, rs, trx));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
    MPeriod[] retValue = new MPeriod[periods.size()];
    return retValue;
Beispiel #2
  * Get Accessible Goals
  * @param ctx context
  * @return array of goals
 public static MGoal[] getGoals(Ctx ctx) {
   ArrayList<MGoal> list = new ArrayList<MGoal>();
   String sql = "SELECT * FROM PA_Goal WHERE IsActive='Y' " + "ORDER BY SeqNo";
   sql =
       MRole.getDefault(ctx, false)
           .addAccessSQL(sql, "PA_Goal", false, true); // 	RW to restrict Access
   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;
   try {
     pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, (Trx) null);
     rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
     while ( {
       MGoal goal = new MGoal(ctx, rs, null);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
   } finally {
   MGoal[] retValue = new MGoal[list.size()];
   return retValue;
 } //	getGoals
Beispiel #3
  * Get Restriction Lines
  * @param reload reload data
  * @return array of lines
 public MGoalRestriction[] getRestrictions(boolean reload) {
   if (m_restrictions != null && !reload) return m_restrictions;
   ArrayList<MGoalRestriction> list = new ArrayList<MGoalRestriction>();
   String sql =
       "SELECT * FROM PA_GoalRestriction "
           + "WHERE PA_Goal_ID=? AND IsActive='Y' "
           + "ORDER BY Org_ID, C_BPartner_ID, M_Product_ID";
   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;
   try {
     pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_Trx());
     pstmt.setInt(1, getPA_Goal_ID());
     rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
     while ( list.add(new MGoalRestriction(getCtx(), rs, get_Trx()));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
   } finally {
   m_restrictions = new MGoalRestriction[list.size()];
   return m_restrictions;
 } //	getRestrictions
Beispiel #4
   * Find all the year records in a Calendar, it need not be a standard period (used in MRP)
   * @param C_Calendar_ID calendar
   * @param ctx context
   * @param trx trx
   * @return MYear[]
  public static MYear[] getAllYearsInCalendar(int C_Calendar_ID, Ctx ctx, Trx trx) {

    List<MYear> years = new ArrayList<MYear>();
    String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Year WHERE " + "IsActive='Y' AND C_Calendar_ID = ? ";

    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, C_Calendar_ID);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while ( years.add(new MYear(ctx, rs, trx));

    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {


    MYear[] retValue = new MYear[years.size()];
    return retValue;
Beispiel #5
   * Returns the previous period
   * @param period MPeriod
   * @param periodCount Count
   * @param trx trx
   * @param ctx Ctx
   * @return MPeriod
  public static MPeriod getPreviousPeriod(MPeriod period, Ctx ctx, Trx trx) {

    MPeriod newPeriod = null;
    String sql =
        "SELECT * FROM C_Period WHERE "
            + "C_Period.IsActive='Y' AND PeriodType='S' "
            + "AND C_Period.C_Year_ID IN "
            + "(SELECT C_Year_ID FROM C_Year WHERE C_Year.C_Calendar_ID = ? ) "
            + "AND ((C_Period.C_Year_ID * 1000) + C_Period.PeriodNo) "
            + " < ((? * 1000) + ?) ORDER BY C_Period.C_Year_ID DESC, C_Period.PeriodNo DESC";

    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, period.getC_Calendar_ID());
      pstmt.setInt(2, period.getC_Year_ID());
      pstmt.setInt(3, period.getPeriodNo());
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      if ( newPeriod = new MPeriod(ctx, rs, trx);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
    return newPeriod;
Beispiel #6
  * Find first Year Period of DateAcct based on Client Calendar
  * @param ctx context
  * @param C_Calendar_ID calendar
  * @param DateAcct date
  * @return active first Period
 public static MPeriod getFirstInYear(Ctx ctx, int C_Calendar_ID, Timestamp DateAcct) {
   MPeriod retValue = null;
   String sql =
       "SELECT * "
           + "FROM C_Period "
           + "WHERE C_Year_ID IN "
           + "(SELECT p.C_Year_ID "
           + "FROM C_Year y"
           + " INNER JOIN C_Period p ON (y.C_Year_ID=p.C_Year_ID) "
           + "WHERE y.C_Calendar_ID=?"
           + "	AND ? BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate)"
           + " AND IsActive='Y' AND PeriodType='S' "
           + "ORDER BY StartDate";
   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;
   try {
     pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, (Trx) null);
     pstmt.setInt(1, C_Calendar_ID);
     pstmt.setTimestamp(2, DateAcct);
     rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
     if ( // 	first only
     retValue = new MPeriod(ctx, rs, null);
   } catch (SQLException e) {
     s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
   } finally {
   return retValue;
 } //	getFirstInYear
Beispiel #7
   * Find standard Period of DateAcct based on Client Calendar
   * @param ctx context
   * @param C_Calendar_ID calendar
   * @param DateAcct date
   * @return active Period or null
  public static MPeriod getOfCalendar(Ctx ctx, int C_Calendar_ID, Timestamp DateAcct) {
    if (DateAcct == null) {
      s_log.warning("No DateAcct");
      return null;
    if (C_Calendar_ID == 0) {
      s_log.warning("No Calendar");
      return null;
    //	Search in Cache first
    Iterator<MPeriod> it = s_cache.values().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      MPeriod period =;
      if (period.getC_Calendar_ID() == C_Calendar_ID
          && period.isStandardPeriod()
          && period.isInPeriod(DateAcct)) return period;

    //	Get it from DB
    MPeriod retValue = null;
    String sql =
        "SELECT * FROM C_Period "
            + "WHERE C_Year_ID IN "
            + "(SELECT C_Year_ID FROM C_Year WHERE C_Calendar_ID=?)"
            + " AND ? BETWEEN TRUNC(StartDate,'DD') AND TRUNC(EndDate,'DD')"
            + " AND IsActive='Y' AND PeriodType='S'";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, (Trx) null);
      pstmt.setInt(1, C_Calendar_ID);
      pstmt.setTimestamp(2, TimeUtil.getDay(DateAcct));
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while ( {
        MPeriod period = new MPeriod(ctx, rs, null);
        Integer key = Integer.valueOf(period.getC_Period_ID());
        s_cache.put(key, period);
        if (period.isStandardPeriod()) retValue = period;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "DateAcct=" + DateAcct, e);
    } finally {
    if (retValue == null)
          "No Standard Period for " + DateAcct + " (C_Calendar_ID=" + C_Calendar_ID + ")");
    return retValue;
  } //	get
Beispiel #8
  * Get Goals with Measure
  * @param ctx context
  * @param PA_Measure_ID measure
  * @return goals
 public static MGoal[] getMeasureGoals(Ctx ctx, int PA_Measure_ID) {
   ArrayList<MGoal> list = new ArrayList<MGoal>();
   String sql = "SELECT * FROM PA_Goal WHERE IsActive='Y' AND PA_Measure_ID=? " + "ORDER BY SeqNo";
   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;
   try {
     pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, (Trx) null);
     pstmt.setInt(1, PA_Measure_ID);
     rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
     while ( list.add(new MGoal(ctx, rs, null));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
   } finally {
   MGoal[] retValue = new MGoal[list.size()];
   return retValue;
 } //	getMeasureGoals
Beispiel #9
   * Get User Goals
   * @param ctx context
   * @param AD_User_ID user
   * @return array of goals
  public static MGoal[] getUserGoals(Ctx ctx) {
    int AD_Role_ID = ctx.getAD_Role_ID();
    MRole role = MRole.get(ctx, AD_Role_ID);
    int AD_User_ID = ctx.getAD_User_ID();

    if (AD_User_ID < 0) return getTestGoals(ctx);
    ArrayList<MGoal> list = new ArrayList<MGoal>();
    String sql =
        "SELECT * FROM PA_Goal g "
            + "WHERE IsActive='Y'"
            + " AND AD_Client_ID=?" //	#1
            + " AND (";
    if (!role.isWebStoreRole()) sql += " (AD_User_ID IS NULL AND AD_Role_ID IS NULL) OR ";
    sql +=
        " AD_User_ID=?" //	#2
            + " OR EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_User_Roles ur "
            + "WHERE ?=ur.AD_User_ID AND g.AD_Role_ID=ur.AD_Role_ID AND ur.IsActive='Y')) "
            + "ORDER BY SeqNo";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, (Trx) null);
      pstmt.setInt(1, ctx.getAD_Client_ID());
      pstmt.setInt(2, AD_User_ID);
      pstmt.setInt(3, AD_User_ID);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while ( {
        MGoal goal = new MGoal(ctx, rs, null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
    MGoal[] retValue = new MGoal[list.size()];
    return retValue;
  } //	getUserGoals
Beispiel #10
   * gets all Periods in the Range
   * @param startPeriod
   * @param endPeriod
   * @param calendar_ID
   * @return MPeriod[]
  public static MPeriod[] getAllPeriodsInRange(
      MPeriod startPeriod, MPeriod endPeriod, int calendar_ID, Ctx ctx, Trx trx) {
    if ((startPeriod.getC_Calendar_ID() != calendar_ID)
        || (endPeriod.getC_Calendar_ID() != calendar_ID)) {
      log.saveError("Error", "Periods do not belong to the calendar");
      return null;

    ArrayList<MPeriod> periods = new ArrayList<MPeriod>();
    String sql =
        "SELECT * FROM C_Period WHERE "
            + "C_Period.IsActive='Y' AND PeriodType='S' "
            + "AND C_Period.C_Year_ID IN "
            + "(SELECT C_Year_ID FROM C_Year WHERE C_Year.C_Calendar_ID = ? ) "
            + // calendar_ID
            "AND ((C_Period.C_Year_ID * 1000) + C_Period.PeriodNo) BETWEEN"
            + " (? * 1000 + ?) AND (? * 1000 + ? )"
            + // start Period year ID, Period Number , End Period Year ID, Period Number
            " ORDER BY C_Period.C_Year_ID ASC, C_Period.PeriodNo ASC";

    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, calendar_ID);
      pstmt.setInt(2, startPeriod.getC_Year_ID());
      pstmt.setInt(3, startPeriod.getPeriodNo());
      pstmt.setInt(4, endPeriod.getC_Year_ID());
      pstmt.setInt(5, endPeriod.getPeriodNo());
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while ( periods.add(new MPeriod(ctx, rs, trx));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
    MPeriod[] retValue = new MPeriod[periods.size()];
    return retValue;
Beispiel #11
   * Load Regions (cached)
   * @param ctx context
  private static void loadAllRegions(Ctx ctx) {
    String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Region WHERE IsActive='Y'";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, (Trx) null);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while ( {
        MRegion r = new MRegion(ctx, rs, null);
        s_regions.put(String.valueOf(r.getC_Region_ID()), r);
        if (r.isDefault()) s_default = r;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {

    s_log.fine(s_regions.size() + " - default=" + s_default);
  } //	loadAllRegions
Beispiel #12
  * Get Period Control
  * @param requery requery
  * @return period controls
 public MPeriodControl[] getPeriodControls(boolean requery) {
   if (m_controls != null && !requery) return m_controls;
   ArrayList<MPeriodControl> list = new ArrayList<MPeriodControl>();
   String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_PeriodControl " + "WHERE C_Period_ID=?";
   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;
   try {
     pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_Trx());
     pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Period_ID());
     rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
     while ( list.add(new MPeriodControl(getCtx(), rs, get_Trx()));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
   } finally {
   m_controls = new MPeriodControl[list.size()];
   return m_controls;
 } //	getPeriodControls
Beispiel #13
   * Find Period of Date based on Client Calendar, it need not be a standard period (used in MRP)
   * @param ctx context
   * @param C_Calendar_ID calendar
   * @param Date date
   * @param trx trx
   * @return active Period or null
  public static MPeriod getPeriod(Ctx ctx, int C_Calendar_ID, Timestamp Date, Trx trx) {
    if (Date == null) {
      s_log.warning("No Date");
      return null;
    if (C_Calendar_ID == 0) {
      s_log.warning("No Calendar");
      return null;

    //	Get it from DB
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    MPeriod retValue = null;
    String sql =
        "SELECT * FROM C_Period "
            + "WHERE C_Year_ID IN "
            + "(SELECT C_Year_ID FROM C_Year WHERE C_Calendar_ID=?)"
            + " AND ? BETWEEN TRUNC(StartDate,'DD') AND TRUNC(EndDate,'DD')"
            + " AND IsActive='Y' ";
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, C_Calendar_ID);
      pstmt.setTimestamp(2, TimeUtil.getDay(Date));
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      if ( {
        retValue = new MPeriod(ctx, rs, trx);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "DateAcct=" + Date, e);
    } finally {
    if (retValue == null)
      s_log.warning("No Period for " + Date + " (C_Calendar_ID=" + C_Calendar_ID + ")");
    return retValue;
  } //	getPeriod