   * Makes <tt>RTCPSRPacket</tt>s for all the RTP streams that we're sending.
   * @return a <tt>List</tt> of <tt>RTCPSRPacket</tt> for all the RTP streams that we're sending.
  private Collection<RTCPSRPacket> makeRTCPSRPackets(long time) {
    Collection<RTCPSRPacket> srPackets = new ArrayList<RTCPSRPacket>();

    for (RTPStatsEntry rtpStatsEntry : rtpStatsMap.values()) {
      int ssrc = rtpStatsEntry.getSsrc();
      RemoteClock estimate = remoteClockEstimator.estimate(ssrc, time);
      if (estimate == null) {
        // We're not going to go far without an estimate..

      RTCPSRPacket srPacket = new RTCPSRPacket(ssrc, MIN_RTCP_REPORTS_BLOCKS_ARRAY);

      // Set the NTP timestamp for this SR.
      long estimatedRemoteTime = estimate.getRemoteTime();
      long secs = estimatedRemoteTime / 1000L;
      double fraction = (estimatedRemoteTime - secs * 1000L) / 1000D;
      srPacket.ntptimestamplsw = (int) (fraction * 4294967296D);
      srPacket.ntptimestampmsw = secs;

      // Set the RTP timestamp.
      srPacket.rtptimestamp = estimate.getRtpTimestamp();

      // Fill-in packet and octet send count.
      srPacket.packetcount = rtpStatsEntry.getPacketsSent();
      srPacket.octetcount = rtpStatsEntry.getBytesSent();


    return srPackets;
     * Inspect an <tt>RTCPCompoundPacket</tt> and build-up the state for future estimations.
     * @param pkt
    public void apply(RTCPCompoundPacket pkt) {
      if (pkt == null || pkt.packets == null || pkt.packets.length == 0) {

      for (RTCPPacket rtcpPacket : pkt.packets) {
        switch (rtcpPacket.type) {
          case RTCPPacket.SR:
            RTCPSRPacket srPacket = (RTCPSRPacket) rtcpPacket;

            // The media sender SSRC.
            int ssrc = srPacket.ssrc;

            // Convert 64-bit NTP timestamp to Java standard time.
            // Note that java time (milliseconds) by definition has
            // less precision then NTP time (picoseconds) so
            // converting NTP timestamp to java time and back to NTP
            // timestamp loses precision. For example, Tue, Dec 17
            // 2002 09:07:24.810 EST is represented by a single
            // Java-based time value of f22cd1fc8a, but its NTP
            // equivalent are all values ranging from
            // c1a9ae1c.cf5c28f5 to c1a9ae1c.cf9db22c.

            // Use round-off on fractional part to preserve going to
            // lower precision
            long fraction = Math.round(1000D * srPacket.ntptimestamplsw / 0x100000000L);
             * If the most significant bit (MSB) on the seconds
             * field is set we use a different time base. The
             * following text is a quote from RFC-2030 (SNTP v4):
             * If bit 0 is set, the UTC time is in the range
             * 1968-2036 and UTC time is reckoned from 0h 0m 0s UTC
             * on 1 January 1900. If bit 0 is not set, the time is
             * in the range 2036-2104 and UTC time is reckoned from
             * 6h 28m 16s UTC on 7 February 2036.
            long msb = srPacket.ntptimestampmsw & 0x80000000L;
            long remoteTime =
                (msb == 0)
                    // use base: 7-Feb-2036 @ 06:28:16 UTC
                    ? msb0baseTime + (srPacket.ntptimestampmsw * 1000) + fraction
                    // use base: 1-Jan-1900 @ 01:00:00 UTC
                    : msb1baseTime + (srPacket.ntptimestampmsw * 1000) + fraction;

            // Estimate the clock rate of the sender.
            int frequencyHz = -1;
            if (receivedClocks.containsKey(ssrc)) {
              // Calculate the clock rate.
              ReceivedRemoteClock oldStats = receivedClocks.get(ssrc);
              RemoteClock oldRemoteClock = oldStats.getRemoteClock();
              frequencyHz =
                              (((int) srPacket.rtptimestamp - oldRemoteClock.getRtpTimestamp())
                                  & 0xffffffffl)
                          / (remoteTime - oldRemoteClock.getRemoteTime()));

            // Replace whatever was in there before.
                new ReceivedRemoteClock(
                    ssrc, remoteTime, (int) srPacket.rtptimestamp, frequencyHz));
          case RTCPPacket.SDES: