Beispiel #1
 // Got a response UDP packet, or completed a large TCP answer-receive.
 // Install it as The Answer packet and wake up anybody waiting on an answer.
 protected void response(AutoBuffer ab) {
   assert _tasknum == ab.getTask();
   if (_done) {
   } // Ignore duplicate response packet
   int flag = ab.getFlag(); // Must read flag also, to advance ab
   if (flag == SERVER_TCP_SEND) {
   } // Ignore UDP packet for a TCP reply
   assert flag == SERVER_UDP_SEND;
   synchronized (this) { // Install the answer under lock
     if (_done) {
     } // Ignore duplicate response packet; // Read the answer (under lock?)
     ab.close(); // Also finish the read (under lock?)
     _dt.onAck(); // One time only execute (before sending ACKACK)
     _done = true;
     TASKS.remove(_tasknum); // Flag as task-completed, even if the result is null
     notifyAll(); // And notify in any case
Beispiel #2
  // Handle TCP traffic, from a client to this server asking for work to be
  // done.  This is called on the TCP reader thread, not a Fork/Join worker
  // thread.  We want to do the bulk TCP read in the TCP reader thread.
  static void tcp_exec(final AutoBuffer ab) {
    final int ctrl = ab.getCtrl();
    final int task = ab.getTask();
    final int flag = ab.getFlag();
    assert flag == CLIENT_UDP_SEND; // Client sent a request to be executed?
    // Act "as if" called from the UDP packet code, by recording the task just
    // like the packet we will be receiving (eventually).  The presence of this
    // packet is used to stop dup-actions on dup-sends.  Racily inserted, keep
    // only the last one.
    DTask dt1 = ab._h2o.record_task(task);
    assert dt1 == null || dt1 instanceof NOPTask
        : "#"
            + task
            + " "
            + dt1.getClass(); // For TCP, no repeats, so 1st send is only send (except for UDP
    // timeout retries)

    // Make a remote instance of this dude from the stream, but only if the
    // racing UDP packet did not already make one.  Start the bulk TCP read.
    final DTask dt = ab.get(DTask.class);

    // Here I want to execute on this, but not block for completion in the
    // TCP reader thread.  Jam the task on some F/J thread.
            new CountedCompleter() {
              public void compute() {
                remexec(dt, ab._h2o, task, ab).close();

              public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter caller) {
                return true;
    // All done for the TCP thread!  Work continues in the FJ thread...
Beispiel #3
 // Pretty-print bytes 1-15; byte 0 is the udp_type enum
 public String print16(AutoBuffer ab) {
   int flag = ab.getFlag();
   String clazz = "";
   if (flag == CLIENT_UDP_SEND)
     clazz = new String(ab.getA1(Math.min(ab.get2(), ab.remaining())));
   String fs = "";
   switch (flag) {
     case SERVER_UDP_SEND:
       fs = "SERVER_UDP_SEND";
     case SERVER_TCP_SEND:
       fs = "SERVER_TCP_SEND";
     case CLIENT_UDP_SEND:
       fs = "CLIENT_UDP_SEND";
     case CLIENT_TCP_SEND:
       fs = "CLIENT_TCP_SEND";
   return "task# " + ab.getTask() + " " + fs + " " + clazz;
Beispiel #4
  protected AutoBuffer response(AutoBuffer ab) {

    assert _tasknum == ab.getTask();
    if (_done) {
      if (!ab.hasTCP()) return ackack(ab, _tasknum); // Ignore duplicate response packet
    } else {
      int flag = ab.getFlag(); // Must read flag also, to advance ab
      if (flag == SERVER_TCP_SEND) return ackack(ab, _tasknum); // Ignore UDP packet for a TCP reply
      assert flag == SERVER_UDP_SEND : "flag = " + flag;
      synchronized (this) { // Install the answer under lock
        if (_done) {
          if (!ab.hasTCP()) return ackack(ab, _tasknum); // Ignore duplicate response packet
        } else {
          //          UDPTimeOutThread.PENDING.remove(_tasknum);
; // Read the answer (under lock?)
          _size_rez = ab.size(); // Record received size
              .close(); // Also finish the read (under lock?  even if canceled, since need to drain
                        // TCP)
          if (!isCancelled()) // Can be canceled already (locally by MRTask while recieving remote
                              // answer)
          _dt.onAck(); // One time only execute (before sending ACKACK)
          _done = true; // Only read one (of many) response packets
          ab._h2o.taskRemove(_tasknum); // Flag as task-completed, even if the result is null
          notifyAll(); // And notify in any case
        if (!isCancelled()) // Can be canceled already
        doAllCompletions(); // Send all tasks needing completion to the work queues
    // AckAck back on a fresh AutoBuffer, since actually closed() the incoming one
    return new AutoBuffer(ab._h2o, H2O.ACK_ACK_PRIORITY)
        .putTask(UDP.udp.ackack.ordinal(), _tasknum);
Beispiel #5
 AutoBuffer call(AutoBuffer ab) {
   return ab.getFlag() == CLIENT_UDP_SEND // UDP vs TCP send?
       ? remexec(ab.get(DTask.class), ab._h2o, ab.getTask(), ab)
       : ab; // Else all the work is being done in the TCP thread.
Beispiel #6
  // Handle traffic, from a client to this server asking for work to be done.
  // Called from either a F/J thread (generally with a UDP packet) or from the
  // TCPReceiver thread.
  static void remote_exec(AutoBuffer ab) {
    long lo = ab.get8(0), hi = ab._size >= 16 ? ab.get8(8) : 0;
    final int task = ab.getTask();
    final int flag = ab.getFlag();
    assert flag == CLIENT_UDP_SEND || flag == CLIENT_TCP_SEND; // Client-side send
    // Atomically record an instance of this task, one-time-only replacing a
    // null with an RPCCall, a placeholder while we work on a proper response -
    // and it serves to let us discard dup UDP requests.
    RPCCall old = ab._h2o.has_task(task);
    // This is a UDP packet requesting an answer back for a request sent via
    // TCP but the UDP packet has arrived ahead of the TCP.  Just drop the UDP
    // and wait for the TCP to appear.
    if (old == null && flag == CLIENT_TCP_SEND) {
          "got tcp with existing task #, FROM "
              + ab._h2o.toString()
              + " AB: " /* +  UDP.printx16(lo,hi)*/);
      assert !ab.hasTCP()
          : "ERROR: got tcp with existing task #, FROM "
              + ab._h2o.toString()
              + " AB: " /* + UDP.printx16(lo,hi)*/; // All the resends should be UDP only
      // DROP PACKET
    } else if (old == null) { // New task?
      RPCCall rpc;
      try {
        // Read the DTask Right Now.  If we are the TCPReceiver thread, then we
        // are reading in that thread... and thus TCP reads are single-threaded.
        rpc = new RPCCall(ab.get(water.DTask.class), ab._h2o, task);
      } catch (AutoBuffer.AutoBufferException e) {
        // Here we assume it's a TCP fail on read - and ignore the remote_exec
        // request.  The caller will send it again.  NOTE: this case is
        // indistinguishable from a broken short-writer/long-reader bug, except
        // that we'll re-send endlessly and fail endlessly.
            "Network congestion OR short-writer/long-reader: TCP "
                + e._ioe.getMessage()
                + ",  AB="
                + ab
                + ", ignoring partial send");
      RPCCall rpc2 = ab._h2o.record_task(rpc);
      if (rpc2 == null) { // Atomically insert (to avoid double-work)
        if (rpc._dt instanceof MRTask && rpc._dt.logVerbose())
          Log.debug("Start remote task#" + task + " " + rpc._dt.getClass() + " from " + ab._h2o);
        H2O.submitTask(rpc); // And execute!
      } else { // Else lost the task-insertion race
        if (ab.hasTCP()) ab.drainClose();
        // DROP PACKET

    } else if (!old._computedAndReplied) {
      // This packet has not been fully computed.  Hence it's still a work-in-
      // progress locally.  We have no answer to reply but we do not want to
      // re-offer the packet for repeated work.  Send back a NACK, letting the
      // client know we're Working On It
      assert !ab.hasTCP()
          : "got tcp with existing task #, FROM "
              + ab._h2o.toString()
              + " AB: "
              + UDP.printx16(lo, hi)
              + ", position = "
              + ab._bb.position();
      ab.clearForWriting(udp.nack._prior).putTask(UDP.udp.nack.ordinal(), task);
      // DROP PACKET
    } else {
      // This is an old re-send of the same thing we've answered to before.
      // Send back the same old answer ACK.  If we sent via TCP before, then
      // we know the answer got there so just send a control-ACK back.  If we
      // sent via UDP, resend the whole answer.
      if (ab.hasTCP()) {
            "got tcp with existing task #, FROM "
                + ab._h2o.toString()
                + " AB: "
                + UDP.printx16(lo, hi)); // All the resends should be UDP only
      if (old._dt != null) { // already ackacked
        if (old._ackResendCnt % 10 == 0)
              "Possibly broken network, can not send ack through, got "
                  + old._ackResendCnt
                  + " for task # "
                  + old._tsknum
                  + ", dt == null?"
                  + (old._dt == null));
Beispiel #7
 // Pretty-print bytes 1-15; byte 0 is the udp_type enum
 String print16(AutoBuffer ab) {
   int flag = ab.getFlag();
   String clazz = (flag == CLIENT_UDP_SEND) ? TypeMap.className(ab.getInt()) : "";
   return "task# " + ab.getTask() + " " + clazz + " " + COOKIES[flag - SERVER_UDP_SEND];