public void init() {
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    n = scan.nextInt();
    m = scan.nextInt();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      String input =;

    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      String input =;
      char[] charArray = input.toCharArray();
      boolean isValid = false;
      for (int j = 0; j < charArray.length; j++) {
        char c = charArray[j];
        for (char d = 'a'; d <= 'c'; d = (char) (d + 1)) {
          if (d == c) continue;
          charArray[j] = d;
          if (record.contains(new String(charArray))) {
            isValid = true;
        charArray[j] = c;
        if (isValid) break;
      if (isValid) System.out.println("YES");
      else System.out.println("NO");
  public synchronized void messageReceived(int to, Message m) {

    DrainMsg mhMsg = (DrainMsg) m;

        "incoming: localDest: "
            + to
            + " type:"
            + mhMsg.get_type()
            + " hops:"
            + (16 - mhMsg.get_ttl())
            + " seqNo:"
            + mhMsg.get_seqNo()
            + " source:"
            + mhMsg.get_source()
            + " finalDest:"
            + mhMsg.get_dest());

    // lets assume that the network cannot buffer more than 25 drain msgs from a single source at a
    // time (should be more than reasonable)
    if (seqNos.containsKey(new Integer(mhMsg.get_source()))) {
      int oldSeqNo = ((Integer) seqNos.get(new Integer(mhMsg.get_source()))).intValue();
      int upperBound = mhMsg.get_seqNo() + 25;
      int wrappedUpperBound = 25 - (255 - mhMsg.get_seqNo());
      if ((oldSeqNo >= mhMsg.get_seqNo() && oldSeqNo < upperBound)
          || (oldSeqNo >= 0 && oldSeqNo < wrappedUpperBound)) {
            "Dropping message from "
                + mhMsg.get_source()
                + " with duplicate seqNo: "
                + mhMsg.get_seqNo());
    seqNos.put(new Integer(mhMsg.get_source()), new Integer(mhMsg.get_seqNo()));

    if (to != spAddr && to != MoteIF.TOS_BCAST_ADDR && to != TOS_UART_ADDR) {
      log.debug("Dropping message not for me.");

    HashSet promiscuousSet = (HashSet) idTable.get(new Integer(BCAST_ID));
    HashSet listenerSet = (HashSet) idTable.get(new Integer(mhMsg.get_type()));

    if (listenerSet != null && promiscuousSet != null) {
    } else if (listenerSet == null && promiscuousSet != null) {
      listenerSet = promiscuousSet;

    if (listenerSet == null) {
      log.debug("No Listener for type: " + mhMsg.get_type());

    for (Iterator it = listenerSet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      MessageListener ml = (MessageListener);
      ml.messageReceived(to, mhMsg);
 private void addDependencies(HashSet<byte[]> deps, CommandData data) {
   for (byte[] dep : data.dependencies) {
   for (byte[] dep : data.runbundles) {
  public void deregisterListener(int id, MessageListener m) {
    HashSet listenerSet = (HashSet) idTable.get(new Integer(id));

    if (listenerSet == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("No listeners registered for message type " + id);
  public void registerListener(int id, MessageListener m) {
    HashSet listenerSet = (HashSet) idTable.get(new Integer(id));

    if (listenerSet == null) {
      listenerSet = new HashSet();
      idTable.put(new Integer(id), listenerSet);
    listenerSet.add(m);"New Listener for id=" + id);
Beispiel #6
  * initial the end node set, if the end node is intersect, add it directly or we find the end
  * node's edge's entrance(s)
  * @param nodeId
  * @return
 public static HashSet<Long> initialEndSet(long nodeId) {
   HashSet<Long> endSet = new HashSet<Long>();
   NodeInfo end = OSMData.nodeHashMap.get(nodeId);
   // initial start end set
   if (end.isIntersect()) {
   } else {
     EdgeInfo edge = end.getOnEdgeList().getFirst();
     if (!edge.isOneway()) {
   return endSet;
   * Garbage collect repository
   * @throws Exception
  public void gc() throws Exception {
    HashSet<byte[]> deps = new HashSet<byte[]>();

    // deps.add(SERVICE_JAR_FILE);

    for (File cmd : commandDir.listFiles()) {
      CommandData data = getData(CommandData.class, cmd);
      addDependencies(deps, data);

    for (File service : serviceDir.listFiles()) {
      File dataFile = new File(service, "data");
      ServiceData data = getData(ServiceData.class, dataFile);
      addDependencies(deps, data);

    int count = 0;
    for (File f : repoDir.listFiles()) {
      String name = f.getName();
      if (!deps.contains(name)) {
        if (!name.endsWith(".json")
            || !deps.contains(name.substring(0, name.length() - ".json".length()))) { // Remove
          // json
          // files
          // only
          // if
          // the
          // bin
          // is
          // going
          // as
          // well
        } else {

    System.out.format("Garbage collection done (%d file(s) removed)%n", count);
Beispiel #8
   * routing using A* algorithm with fibonacci heap basically same as routingAStar function
   * @param startNode
   * @param endNode
   * @param startTime
   * @param pathNodeList return path
   * @return
  public static double routingAStarFibonacci(
      long startNode, long endNode, int startTime, int dayIndex, ArrayList<Long> pathNodeList) {
    System.out.println("start finding the path...");
    int debug = 0;
    double totalCost = -1;
    try {
      // test store transversal nodes
      // HashSet<Long> transversalSet = new HashSet<Long>();

      if (!OSMData.nodeHashMap.containsKey(startNode)
          || !OSMData.nodeHashMap.containsKey(endNode)) {
        System.err.println("cannot find start or end node!");
        return -1;

      if (startNode == endNode) {
        System.out.println("start node is the same as end node.");
        return 0;

      HashSet<Long> closedSet = new HashSet<Long>();
      HashMap<Long, FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper>> nodeHelperCache =
          new HashMap<Long, FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper>>();

      FibonacciHeap<NodeInfoHelper> openSet = initialStartSet(startNode, endNode, nodeHelperCache);
      HashSet<Long> endSet = initialEndSet(endNode);
      NodeInfoHelper current = null;
      FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper> fCurrent = null;

      while (!openSet.isEmpty()) {
        // remove current from openset
        fCurrent = openSet.min();
        current = fCurrent.getData();

        // if(!transversalSet.contains(current.getNodeId()))
        //	transversalSet.add(current.getNodeId());

        long nodeId = current.getNodeId();
        // add current to closedset
        if (endSet.contains(nodeId)) { // find the destination
          current = current.getEndNodeHelper(endNode);
          totalCost = current.getCost();
        // for time dependent routing
        int timeIndex =
                + (int)
                    (current.getCost() / OSMParam.SECOND_PER_MINUTE / OSMRouteParam.TIME_INTERVAL);
        if (timeIndex
            > OSMRouteParam.TIME_RANGE
                - 1) // time [6am - 9 pm], we regard times after 9pm as constant edge weights
        timeIndex = OSMRouteParam.TIME_RANGE - 1;
        LinkedList<ToNodeInfo> adjNodeList = OSMData.adjListHashMap.get(nodeId);
        if (adjNodeList == null) continue; // this node cannot go anywhere
        double arriveTime = current.getCost();
        // for each neighbor in neighbor_nodes(current)
        for (ToNodeInfo toNode : adjNodeList) {
          long toNodeId = toNode.getNodeId();
          int travelTime;
          if (toNode.isFix()) // fix time
          travelTime = toNode.getTravelTime();
          else // fetch from time array
          travelTime = toNode.getSpecificTravelTime(dayIndex, timeIndex);
          // tentative_g_score := g_score[current] + dist_between(current,neighbor)
          double costTime = arriveTime + (double) travelTime / OSMParam.MILLI_PER_SECOND;
          // tentative_f_score := tentative_g_score + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, goal)
          double heuristicTime = estimateHeuristic(toNodeId, endNode);
          double totalCostTime = costTime + heuristicTime;
          // if neighbor in closedset and tentative_f_score >= f_score[neighbor]
          if (closedSet.contains(toNodeId)
              && nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId).getData().getTotalCost() <= totalCostTime) {
          NodeInfoHelper node = null;
          FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper> fNode = null;
          // if neighbor not in openset or tentative_f_score < f_score[neighbor]
          if (!nodeHelperCache.containsKey(toNodeId)) { // neighbor not in openset
            // create new one
            node = new NodeInfoHelper(toNodeId);
            fNode = new FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper>(node);
            openSet.insert(fNode, node.getTotalCost());
            nodeHelperCache.put(node.getNodeId(), fNode);
          } else if (nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId).getData().getTotalCost()
              > totalCostTime) { // neighbor in openset
            fNode = nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId);
            node = fNode.getData();
            // update information
            if (closedSet.contains(toNodeId)) { // neighbor in closeset
              closedSet.remove(toNodeId); // remove neighbor form colseset
              openSet.insert(fNode, node.getTotalCost());
            } else { // neighbor in openset, decreaseKey
              openSet.decreaseKey(fNode, node.getTotalCost());
      if (totalCost != -1) {
        long traceNodeId = current.getNodeId();
        pathNodeList.add(traceNodeId); // add end node
        traceNodeId = current.getParentId();
        while (traceNodeId != 0) {
          pathNodeList.add(traceNodeId); // add node
          fCurrent = nodeHelperCache.get(traceNodeId);
          current = fCurrent.getData();
          traceNodeId = current.getParentId();
        Collections.reverse(pathNodeList); // reverse the path list
        System.out.println("find the path successful!");
      } else {
        System.out.println("can not find the path!");
      // OSMOutput.generateTransversalNodeKML(transversalSet, nodeHashMap);
    } catch (Exception e) {
          "tdsp: debug code " + debug + ", start node " + startNode + ", end node " + endNode);
    return totalCost;
Beispiel #9
 public boolean isNodeInReverseSet(long node) {
   if (coveredReverseSet.contains(node)) return true;
   else return false;
Beispiel #10
 public void addReverseNode(long node) {
Beispiel #11
  public void run() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    PriorityQueue<NodeInfoHelper> openSet =
        new PriorityQueue<NodeInfoHelper>(
            new Comparator<NodeInfoHelper>() {
              public int compare(NodeInfoHelper n1, NodeInfoHelper n2) {
                return (int) (n1.getTotalCost() - n2.getTotalCost());
    HashSet<Long> closedSet = new HashSet<Long>();
    initialEndSet(startNode, endNode, openSet, nodeHelperCache);

    NodeInfoHelper current = null;

    // HashSet<Long> transversalSet = new HashSet<Long>();

    while (!openSet.isEmpty()) {
      // remove current from openset
      current = openSet.poll();

      long nodeId = current.getNodeId();
      // transversalSet.add(nodeId);
      // add current to closedset

      // check if forward searching finish
      if (sharingData.isSearchingFinish()) break;
      // add to reverse cover nodes, only add the nodes on the highway
      if (current.getCurrentLevel() == 1) sharingData.addReverseNode(nodeId);

      NodeInfo fromNodeInfo = OSMData.nodeHashMap.get(nodeId);

      LinkedList<ToNodeInfo> adjNodeList = adjListHashMap.get(nodeId);
      if (adjNodeList == null) continue; // this node cannot go anywhere
      double arriveTime = current.getCost();
      // for each neighbor in neighbor_nodes(current)
      for (ToNodeInfo toNode : adjNodeList) {
        long toNodeId = toNode.getNodeId();
        NodeInfo toNodeInfo = OSMData.nodeHashMap.get(toNodeId);
        EdgeInfo edgeInfo = fromNodeInfo.getEdgeFromNodes(toNodeInfo);
        // check if "highway" not found in param, add it
        // String highway = edgeInfo.getHighway();
        int level = 10;
        if (OSMData.hierarchyHashMap.containsKey(edgeInfo.getHighway()))
          level = OSMData.hierarchyHashMap.get(edgeInfo.getHighway());
        // 1) always level up, e.g. currently in primary, never go secondary
        // if(level > current.getCurrentLevel()) {	// do not level down
        //	continue;
        // }
        // 2) keep on highway
        if (current.getCurrentLevel() == 1 && level > 1) {
        int travelTime = toNode.getMinTravelTime();

        // tentative_g_score := g_score[current] + dist_between(current,neighbor)
        double costTime = arriveTime + (double) travelTime / OSMParam.MILLI_PER_SECOND;
        // tentative_f_score := tentative_g_score + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, goal)
        double heuristicTime = OSMRouting.estimateHeuristic(toNodeId, endNode);
        double totalCostTime = costTime + heuristicTime;
        // if neighbor in closedset and tentative_f_score >= f_score[neighbor]
        if (closedSet.contains(toNodeId)
            && nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId).getTotalCost() <= totalCostTime) {
        NodeInfoHelper node = null;
        // if neighbor not in openset or tentative_f_score < f_score[neighbor]
        if (!nodeHelperCache.containsKey(toNodeId)) { // neighbor not in openset
          node = new NodeInfoHelper(toNodeId);
          nodeHelperCache.put(node.getNodeId(), node);
        } else if (nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId).getTotalCost()
            > totalCostTime) { // neighbor in openset
          node = nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId);
          if (closedSet.contains(toNodeId)) { // neighbor in closeset
            closedSet.remove(toNodeId); // remove neighbor form colseset
          } else {

        // neighbor need update
        if (node != null) {
          openSet.offer(node); // add neighbor to openset again
    // OSMOutput.generateTransversalNodeKML(transversalSet, nodeHashMap, "reverse_transversal");
Beispiel #12
  public void run() {
    HashSet<Long> closedSet = new HashSet<Long>();
    PriorityQueue<NodeInfoHelper> openSet =
        OSMRouting.initialStartSet(startNode, endNode, startTime, dayIndex, nodeHelperCache);

    NodeInfoHelper current = null;
    // test
    // HashSet<Long> transversalSet = new HashSet<Long>();
    while (!openSet.isEmpty()) {
      // remove current from openset
      current = openSet.poll();

      long nodeId = current.getNodeId();

      // transversalSet.add(nodeId);

      // add current to closedset

      // check reverse searching covering nodes
      if (sharingData.isNodeInReverseSet(nodeId)) {
        // we found a path, stop here
        if (sharingData.isSearchingFinish()) break;
        else continue;

      NodeInfo fromNodeInfo = OSMData.nodeHashMap.get(nodeId);
      // for time dependent routing in forwarding search
      int timeIndex =
              + (int)
                  (current.getCost() / OSMParam.SECOND_PER_MINUTE / OSMRouteParam.TIME_INTERVAL);
      if (timeIndex
          > OSMRouteParam.TIME_RANGE
              - 1) // time [6am - 9 pm], we regard times after 9pm as constant edge weights
      timeIndex = OSMRouteParam.TIME_RANGE - 1;

      LinkedList<ToNodeInfo> adjNodeList = adjListHashMap.get(nodeId);
      if (adjNodeList == null) continue; // this node cannot go anywhere
      double arriveTime = current.getCost();
      // for each neighbor in neighbor_nodes(current)
      for (ToNodeInfo toNode : adjNodeList) {
        long toNodeId = toNode.getNodeId();
        NodeInfo toNodeInfo = OSMData.nodeHashMap.get(toNodeId);
        EdgeInfo edgeInfo = fromNodeInfo.getEdgeFromNodes(toNodeInfo);
        // check if "highway" not found in param, add it
        // String highway = edgeInfo.getHighway();
        int level = 10;
        if (OSMData.hierarchyHashMap.containsKey(edgeInfo.getHighway()))
          level = OSMData.hierarchyHashMap.get(edgeInfo.getHighway());
        // 1) always level up, e.g. currently in primary, never go secondary
        // if(level > current.getCurrentLevel()) {	// do not level down
        //	continue;
        // }
        // 2) keep on highway
        if (current.getCurrentLevel() == 1 && level > 1) {
        int travelTime;
        // forward searching is time dependent
        if (toNode.isFix()) // fix time
        travelTime = toNode.getTravelTime();
        else // fetch from time array
        travelTime = toNode.getSpecificTravelTime(dayIndex, timeIndex);

        // tentative_g_score := g_score[current] + dist_between(current,neighbor)
        double costTime = arriveTime + (double) travelTime / OSMParam.MILLI_PER_SECOND;
        // tentative_f_score := tentative_g_score + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, goal)
        double heuristicTime = OSMRouting.estimateHeuristic(toNodeId, endNode);
        double totalCostTime = costTime + heuristicTime;
        // if neighbor in closedset and tentative_f_score >= f_score[neighbor]
        if (closedSet.contains(toNodeId)
            && nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId).getTotalCost() <= totalCostTime) {
        NodeInfoHelper node = null;
        // if neighbor not in openset or tentative_f_score < f_score[neighbor]
        if (!nodeHelperCache.containsKey(toNodeId)) { // neighbor not in openset
          node = new NodeInfoHelper(toNodeId);
          nodeHelperCache.put(node.getNodeId(), node);
        } else if (nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId).getTotalCost()
            > totalCostTime) { // neighbor in openset
          node = nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId);
          if (closedSet.contains(toNodeId)) { // neighbor in closeset
            closedSet.remove(toNodeId); // remove neighbor form colseset
          } else {

        // neighbor need update
        if (node != null) {
          openSet.offer(node); // add neighbor to openset again
    // test
    // OSMOutput.generateTransversalNodeKML(transversalSet, "forward_transversal");