/** * ** Gets a virtual DBRecord from the specified remote service ** @param servReq The remote web * service ** @return The virtual DBRecord (cannot be saved or reloaded) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public gDBR getVirtualDBRecord(final ServiceRequest servReq) throws DBException { String CMD_dbget = DBFactory.CMD_dbget; String TAG_Response = servReq.getTagResponse(); String TAG_Record = DBFactory.TAG_Record; String ATTR_command = servReq.getAttrCommand(); String ATTR_result = servReq.getAttrResult(); /* send request / get response */ Document xmlDoc = null; try { xmlDoc = servReq.sendRequest( CMD_dbget, new ServiceRequest.RequestBody() { public StringBuffer appendRequestBody(StringBuffer sb, int indent) { return DBRecordKey.this.toRequestXML(sb, indent); } }); } catch (IOException ioe) { Print.logException("Error", ioe); throw new DBException("Request read error", ioe); } /* parse 'GTSResponse' */ Element gtsResponse = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement(); if (!gtsResponse.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase(TAG_Response)) { Print.logError("Request XML does not start with '%s'", TAG_Response); throw new DBException("Response XML does not begin eith '" + TAG_Response + "'"); } /* request command/argument */ String cmd = StringTools.trim(gtsResponse.getAttribute(ATTR_command)); String result = StringTools.trim(gtsResponse.getAttribute(ATTR_result)); if (StringTools.isBlank(result)) { result = StringTools.trim(gtsResponse.getAttribute("type")); } if (!result.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) { Print.logError("Response indicates failure"); throw new DBException("Response does not indicate 'success'"); } /* Record */ NodeList rcdList = XMLTools.getChildElements(gtsResponse, TAG_Record); if (rcdList.getLength() <= 0) { Print.logError("No 'Record' tags"); throw new DBException("GTSResponse does not contain any 'Record' tags"); } Element rcdElem = (Element) rcdList.item(0); /* return DBRecord */ gDBR dbr = (gDBR) DBFactory.parseXML_DBRecord(rcdElem); dbr.setVirtual(true); return dbr; }
JdbcIndexDefinition( DataSource ds, Element element, Set allIndexedFields, boolean storeText, boolean mergeText, Analyzer a, boolean isSub) { this.dataSource = ds; indexSql = element.getAttribute("sql"); key = element.getAttribute("key"); String elementId = element.getAttribute("identifier"); identifier = "".equals(elementId) ? key : elementId; findSql = element.getAttribute("find"); NodeList childNodes = element.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < childNodes.getLength(); k++) { if (childNodes.item(k) instanceof Element) { Element childElement = (Element) childNodes.item(k); if ("field".equals(childElement.getLocalName())) { if (childElement.getAttribute("keyword").equals("true")) { keyWords.add(childElement.getAttribute("name")); } String m = childElement.getAttribute("multiple"); if ("".equals(m)) m = "add"; if (!m.equals("add")) { nonDefaultMultiples.put( childElement.getAttribute("name"), Indexer.Multiple.valueOf(m.toUpperCase())); } String b = childElement.getAttribute("boost"); if (!b.equals("")) { boosts.put(childElement.getAttribute("name"), Float.valueOf(b)); } } else if ("related".equals(childElement.getLocalName())) { subQueries.add( new JdbcIndexDefinition( ds, childElement, allIndexedFields, storeText, mergeText, a, true)); } } } this.analyzer = a; this.isSub = isSub; assert !isSub || "".equals(findSql); }