Beispiel #1
  /** Process incoming heartbeat messages from the task trackers. */
  public synchronized int emitHeartbeat(TaskTrackerStatus trackerStatus, boolean initialContact) {
    String trackerName = trackerStatus.getTrackerName();

    synchronized (taskTrackers) {
      synchronized (trackerExpiryQueue) {
        boolean seenBefore = updateTaskTrackerStatus(trackerName, trackerStatus);
        if (initialContact) {
          // If it's first contact, then clear out any state hanging around
          if (seenBefore) {
        } else {
          // If not first contact, there should be some record of the tracker
          if (!seenBefore) {
            return InterTrackerProtocol.UNKNOWN_TASKTRACKER;

        if (initialContact) {

    //"Got heartbeat from "+trackerName);
    return InterTrackerProtocol.TRACKERS_OK;
Beispiel #2
 public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
   TaskTrackerStatus p1 = (TaskTrackerStatus) o1;
   TaskTrackerStatus p2 = (TaskTrackerStatus) o2;
   if (p1.getLastSeen() < p2.getLastSeen()) {
     return -1;
   } else if (p1.getLastSeen() > p2.getLastSeen()) {
     return 1;
   } else {
     return (p1.getTrackerName().compareTo(p2.getTrackerName()));
Beispiel #3
     * The run method lives for the life of the JobTracker, and removes TaskTrackers that have not
     * checked in for some time.
    public void run() {
      while (shouldRun) {
        // Thread runs periodically to check whether trackers should be expired.
        // The sleep interval must be no more than half the maximum expiry time
        // for a task tracker.
        try {
          Thread.sleep(TASKTRACKER_EXPIRY_INTERVAL / 3);
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

        // Loop through all expired items in the queue
        synchronized (taskTrackers) {
          synchronized (trackerExpiryQueue) {
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            TaskTrackerStatus leastRecent = null;
            while ((trackerExpiryQueue.size() > 0)
                && ((leastRecent = (TaskTrackerStatus) trackerExpiryQueue.first()) != null)
                && (now - leastRecent.getLastSeen() > TASKTRACKER_EXPIRY_INTERVAL)) {

              // Remove profile from head of queue
              String trackerName = leastRecent.getTrackerName();

              // Figure out if last-seen time should be updated, or if tracker is dead
              TaskTrackerStatus newProfile =
                  (TaskTrackerStatus) taskTrackers.get(leastRecent.getTrackerName());
              // Items might leave the taskTracker set through other means; the
              // status stored in 'taskTrackers' might be null, which means the
              // tracker has already been destroyed.
              if (newProfile != null) {
                if (now - newProfile.getLastSeen() > TASKTRACKER_EXPIRY_INTERVAL) {
                  // Remove completely
                  updateTaskTrackerStatus(trackerName, null);
                } else {
                  // Update time by inserting latest profile
Beispiel #4
   * Accept and process a new TaskTracker profile. We might have known about the TaskTracker
   * previously, or it might be brand-new. All task-tracker structures have already been updated.
   * Just process the contained tasks and any jobs that might be affected.
  void updateTaskStatuses(TaskTrackerStatus status) {
    for (Iterator it = status.taskReports(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      TaskStatus report = (TaskStatus);
      TaskInProgress tip = (TaskInProgress) taskidToTIPMap.get(report.getTaskId());
      if (tip == null) {
            "Serious problem.  While updating status, cannot find taskid " + report.getTaskId());
      } else {
        JobInProgress job = tip.getJob();
        job.updateTaskStatus(tip, report);

        if (report.getRunState() == TaskStatus.SUCCEEDED) {
          job.completedTask(tip, report.getTaskId());
        } else if (report.getRunState() == TaskStatus.FAILED) {
          // Tell the job to fail the relevant task
          job.failedTask(tip, report.getTaskId(), status.getTrackerName());