/** * Creates a new Server object. * * @param sqlDriver JDBC driver * @param dbURL JDBC connection url * @param dbLogin database login * @param dbPasswd database password */ private Server(ServerConfig config) { Server.instance = this; this.connections = new ArrayList(); this.services = new ArrayList(); this.port = config.getPort(); this.socket = null; this.dbLayer = null; try { dbLayer = DatabaseAbstractionLayer.createLayer(config); Logging.getLogger().finer("dbLayer : " + dbLayer); this.store = new Store(config); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.getLogger().severe("#Err > Unable to connect to the database : " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } try { this.serverIp = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); this.socket = new ServerSocket(this.port); } catch (IOException e) { Logging.getLogger().severe("#Err > Unable to listen on the port " + port + "."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } loadInternalServices(); }
/** * Main Method * * @param args command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // init logging try { Logging.init("lucane.log", "ALL"); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Unable to init logging, exiting."); System.exit(1); } Server server = null; ServerConfig config = null; try { config = new ServerConfig(CONFIG_FILE); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.getLogger().severe("Unable to read or parse the config file."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } // Server creation server = new Server(config); server.generateKeys(); Logging.getLogger().info("Server is ready."); server.run(); }
public void disconnect(String name, I_InfoPlayer player) { try { Naming.unbind("rmi://" + serverInfo.getIpAddr() + ":1099/I_InfoGame"); Naming.unbind("rmi://" + serverInfo.getIpAddr() + ":1099/" + name); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed unbind"); System.exit(128); } System.out.println("Disconnected"); ServerTimer timer = new ServerTimer(5); Thread thread = new Thread(timer); thread.start(); while (!timer.finished()) ; timer.shutDown(); timer = null; System.gc(); try { Naming.rebind("rmi://" + serverAddress + ":1099/I_InfoGame", game); Naming.rebind("rmi://" + serverAddress + ":1099/" + name, player); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed rebind"); System.exit(128); } System.out.println("Reconnected"); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); String[] otherArgs = new GenericOptionsParser(conf, args).getRemainingArgs(); if (otherArgs.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: test.icde12.HadoopJoin <in> <out>"); System.exit(2); } Job job = new Job(conf, "hadoop join"); job.setJarByClass(HadoopJoin.class); job.setMapperClass(TokenizerMapper.class); job.setCombinerClass(IntSumReducer.class); job.setReducerClass(IntSumReducer.class); job.setPartitionerClass(ICDEPartitioner.class); // WritableComparator.define(Text.class,new ICDEComparator()); job.setSortComparatorClass(ICDEComparator.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); job.setNumReduceTasks(8); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(otherArgs[0])); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(otherArgs[1])); System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(10008); System.out.println("Enroll: 130050131071"); System.out.println("Connection Socket Created"); try { while (true) { System.out.println("Waiting for Connection"); new EchoServer2(serverSocket.accept()); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Accept failed."); System.exit(1); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Could not listen on port: 10008."); System.exit(1); } finally { try { serverSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Could not close port: 10008."); System.exit(1); } } }
/** * Konstruktor * * @param configFile Jmeno konfiguracniho souboru */ public Server(String configFile) { setServerConfig(new ServerConfig(configFile)); setPort(getServerConfig().getPort()); try { setBindAddress(InetAddress.getByName(getServerConfig().getBindAddress())); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.err.println("Bind adresa neni platna!"); System.exit(-1); } try { setServerSocket(new ServerSocket(getPort(), 0, getBindAddress())); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Chyba startu ServerSocketu"); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println("Server spusten"); clients = new Hashtable<String, ServerThread>(); boolean running = true; while (running) { try { accept(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Chyba acceptu"); running = false; } } }
public static boolean getFormFields( ResponseWrapper rw, List<NameValuePairString> hiddenFormFields, String formSelector) { // --- analisi della pagina contente la form, specifica al sito Document doc = rw.getJSoupDocument(); Elements els = doc.select(formSelector); // per debug, dovrebbe essere uo if (els == null || els.size() <= 0) { log.error("unable to find form at selector: " + formSelector); System.exit(1); return false; } Element loginForm = els.get(0); if (loginForm == null) { log.error("failed to get form to analyze at: " + rw.dump()); System.exit(1); } // log.info("login form OUTER HTML\n" + loginForm.outerHtml()); Elements inputFields = loginForm.select("input"); // display all for (Element e : inputFields) { String type = e.attr("type"); if (type.equals("submit")) { continue; } String attrName = e.attr("name"); hiddenFormFields.add(new NameValuePairString(attrName, e.val())); log.debug("captured form input: " + attrName + " = " + e.val()); } return false; }
public static void main(String[] args) { int myMark; if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println("must enter your name"); System.exit(1); } String myName = args[0]; try { TicTacToeInterface game = (TicTacToeInterface) java.rmi.Naming.lookup("tic-tac-toe"); int status = game.register(myName); TTTClient client = new TTTClient(game, status); game.setPlayer(client); if (status == -1) { System.out.println("Two players already registered"); System.exit(1); } myMark = (status == 0 ? MARK_X : MARK_O); client.go(); // game thread } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } }
public static void main(String args[]) { if (args.length != 1) { System.err.println("Usage: NBIOClient <hostname>\n"); System.exit(-1); } try { System.err.println("NBIOClient starting..."); NonblockingSocket s = new NonblockingSocket(args[0], 4046); NonblockingOutputStream os = (NonblockingOutputStream) s.getOutputStream(); String str = "Hello there server!"; byte barr[] = str.getBytes(); while (true) { int c = os.nbWrite(barr); System.err.println("WROTE " + c + " bytes"); try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("NBIOClient: Caught exception: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } }
public Sender(int sk1_dst_port, int sk4_dst_port, String inPath, String outName) { DatagramSocket sk1, sk4; System.out.println( "sk1_dst_port=" + sk1_dst_port + ", " + "sk4_dst_port=" + sk4_dst_port + "."); try { // create sockets sk1 = new DatagramSocket(); sk4 = new DatagramSocket(sk4_dst_port); File file = new File(inPath); if (!(file.exists() && file.isFile())) { System.err.println("File does not exist."); System.exit(-1); } // create threads to process data InThread th_in = new InThread(sk4); OutThread th_out = new OutThread(sk1, sk1_dst_port, sk4_dst_port, inPath, outName); th_in.start(); th_out.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } }
/** * invoke as: <CODE> * java -cp <classpath> parallel.distributed.PDBTExecSingleCltWrkInitSrv [workers_port(7890)] [client_port(7891)] * </CODE> * * @param args String[] */ public static void main(String[] args) { int wport = 7890; // default port int cport = 7891; if (args.length > 0) { try { wport = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); usage(); System.exit(-1); } if (args.length > 1) { try { cport = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); usage(); System.exit(-1); } } } PDBTExecSingleCltWrkInitSrv server = new PDBTExecSingleCltWrkInitSrv(wport, cport); try { server.run(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Server exits due to exception."); } }
static void help() { System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Usage: java RawLogger [options] "); System.out.println(" [options] are:"); System.out.println(" -h, --help Display this message."); System.out.println(" --logging Enable Logging."); System.out.println(" Required options (source). "); System.out.println(" And (url, user, pass, tablename). "); System.out.println(" --display Display Packets."); System.out.println(" Required options (source). "); System.out.println(" --createtable Create a table."); System.out.println( " Required options (url, user, pass, tablename)."); System.out.println(" --droptable Drop a table."); System.out.println( " Required options (url, user, pass, tablename)."); System.out.println(" --cleartable Clear a table."); System.out.println( " Required options (url, user, pass, tablename)."); System.out.println(" --duration Summary of Experiement Duration."); System.out.println( " Required options (url, user, pass, tablename)."); System.out.println(" --reset Reseting EPRB and the attached mote "); System.out.println(" Required options (source). "); System.out.println(" --tablename=<name> Specify sql tablename "); System.out.println(" --url=<ip/dbname> JDBC URL. eg: localhost/rsc."); System.out.println(" --user=<user> User of the database."); System.out.println(" --pass=<password> Password of the database."); System.out.println(" --source=<type> Standard TinyOS Source"); System.out.println(" serial@COM1:platform"); System.out.println(" network@HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER"); System.out.println(" sf@HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER"); System.out.println(""); System.exit(-1); }
public static void duration() { connectDb(); String sql = "select min(time), max(time), count(*) from " + tablename + ";"; try { ResultSet rs = query.executeQuery(sql); rs.next(); int numCols = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); String minTime = rs.getString(1); String maxTime = rs.getString(2); String numPackets = rs.getString(3); System.out.println( "Experiment " + tablename + "\n\tfrom: " + minTime + "\n\tto: " + maxTime + "\n\tpackets: " + numPackets); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("SQL Exception: " + e); System.exit(1); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length == 1) { if (args[0].equals("-genkey")) { try { CipherUtils.generateKey(); } catch (KeyStoreException | CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } else { System.exit(-1); } } try { Socket s = new Socket("localhost", Servidor.PORT); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(s.getInputStream()); CipherUtils cipherUtils = new CipherUtils(ois, oos); String test; BufferedReader stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); while ((test = stdIn.readLine()) != null) { cipherUtils.encrypt(test); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private Core() { boolean f = false; try { for (Enumeration en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { NetworkInterface intf = (NetworkInterface) en.nextElement(); for (Enumeration enumIpAddr = intf.getInetAddresses(); enumIpAddr.hasMoreElements(); ) { InetAddress inetAddress = (InetAddress) enumIpAddr.nextElement(); if (!inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress() && inetAddress instanceof Inet4Address) { String ipAddress = inetAddress.getHostAddress().toString(); this.ip = inetAddress; f = true; break; } } if (f) break; } } catch (SocketException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } this.teams = new HashMap<String, Team>(); this.judges = new HashMap<String, Judge>(); this.problems = new HashMap<String, ProblemInfo>(); this.scheduler = new Scheduler(); this.timer = new ContestTimer(300 * 60); try { readConfigure(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } this.scoreBoardHttpServer = new ScoreBoardHttpServer(this.scoreBoardPort); }
public void run() { try { DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()); FileInputStream file_in = new FileInputStream(file); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(file_in); byte buffer[] = new byte[512]; while (in.read(buffer) != -1) { System.out.print("\nSending buffer to: " + client_id); out.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length); } } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("\nException" + exception); System.exit(0); } finally { try { client.close(); } catch (Exception exception) { System.out.println("\nException" + exception); System.exit(0); } } }
/** * creates a server socket listening on the port specified in the parameter of the constructor, * and waits for a single incoming client connection which it handles by invoking the <CODE> * addNewClientConnection(s)</CODE> method of the enclosing server, and then the thread exits. */ public void run() { try { ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(_port); System.out.println("Srv: Now Accepting Single Client Connection"); // while (true) { try { Socket s = ss.accept(); System.out.println("Srv: Client Added to the Network"); addNewClientConnection(s); System.out.println("Srv: finished adding client connection"); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Client Connection failed, exiting..."); System.exit(-1); } // } } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); utils.Messenger.getInstance() .msg( "PDBTExecSingleCltWrkInitSrv.C2Thread.run(): " + "Failed to create Server Socket, Server exiting.", 0); System.exit(-1); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; boolean listening = true; Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC"); try { if (args.length == 1) { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(Integer.parseInt(args[0])); System.out.println( "Server up and running with:\nhostname: " + getLocalIpAddress() + "\nport: " + args[0]); System.out.println("Waiting to accept client..."); System.out.println("Remember to setup client hostname"); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid arguments!"); System.exit(-1); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("ERROR: Could not listen on port!"); System.exit(-1); } while (listening) { new ServerHandlerThread(serverSocket.accept()).start(); } serverSocket.close(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length > 0) { URL context = null; String input, result; if (args.length > 1) { context = new URL(args[0]); input = args[1]; } else { input = args[0]; } try { result = new URL(context, input).toString(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { result = e.toString(); } System.out.println(" CONTEXT: " + context); System.out.println(" INPUT: " + input); System.out.println(" RESULT: " + result); System.exit(0); } boolean failed = false; for (int i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) { TestCase t = cases[i]; URL context = null; String result; // Create context URL try { context = (t.context == null) ? null : new URL(t.context); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("Oops: " + t.context + ": " + e); System.exit(1); } // Create new URL in context try { result = new URL(context, t.input).toString(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { result = e.toString(); } // Check result if (!result.equals(t.result)) { System.out.println("Test failure (case " + i + ")"); System.out.println(" CONTEXT: " + t.context); System.out.println(" INPUT: " + t.input); System.out.println(" WANTED: " + t.result); System.out.println(" BUT GOT: " + result); failed = true; } } if (!failed) { System.out.println("Success."); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { String str; Socket sock = null; ObjectOutputStream writer = null; Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in); try { sock = new Socket("", 4445); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not connect."); System.exit(-1); } try { writer = new ObjectOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not create write object."); System.exit(-1); } str = kb.nextLine(); try { writer.writeObject(str); writer.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not write to buffer"); System.exit(-1); } try { sock.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not close connection."); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println("Wrote and exited successfully"); }
/** * 验证项目是否ok * * @param contextPath 项目路径 */ public static boolean isdomainok(String contextPath, String securityKey, String domiankey) { try { if (contextPath.indexOf("127.0.") > -1 || contextPath.indexOf("192.168.") > -1) { return true; } String dedomaininfo = PurseSecurityUtils.decryption(domiankey, securityKey); Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject jsonObject = jsonParser.parse(dedomaininfo).getAsJsonObject(); Map<String, String> map = gson.fromJson(jsonObject, new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {}.getType()); String domain = map.get("domain"); if (contextPath.indexOf(domain) < 0) { System.exit(2); return false; } String dt = map.get("dt"); if (com.yizhilu.os.core.util.StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dt)) { Date t = DateUtils.toDate(dt, "yyyy-MM-dd"); if (t.compareTo(new Date()) < 0) { System.exit(3); return false; } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(PORT); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Could not listen on port: " + PORT + "."); System.exit(1); } while (true) { Socket clientSocket = null; try { clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Accept failed."); System.exit(1); } PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream())); String inputLine, outputLine; while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { if (messageCount.get(clientSocket) == null) { messageCount.put(clientSocket, 1); } else { messageCount.put(clientSocket, messageCount.get(clientSocket) + 1); } overallMessageCount += 1; System.out.println("---------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Client: " + clientSocket.toString()); System.out.println( "aktive since " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000) + " seconds"); System.out.println(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); System.out.println("Overall Message Count: " + overallMessageCount); System.out.println("Message Count from Client: " + messageCount.get(clientSocket)); System.out.println("Message " + inputLine); System.out.println("---------------------------------------"); outputLine = inputLine.toUpperCase(); if (outputLine.equals("END")) { out.println("abort"); break; } out.println(outputLine); } out.close(); in.close(); clientSocket.close(); System.out.println("All Closed"); } // serverSocket.close(); }
public Cedars(String args[]) throws ArchiveException, IOException, HoneycombTestException { verbose = false; parseArgs(args); initHCClient(host); // generate lists of random sizes around 30M and 3M // sort ascending to allow continuous expansion try { initRandom(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } sizes = new long[n_files]; for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { sizes[i] = MIN_SIZE + (long) (rand.nextDouble() * (double) RANGE); } Arrays.sort(sizes); sizes2 = new long[n_files]; for (int i = 0; i < sizes2.length; i++) { sizes2[i] = MIN_SIZE2 + (long) (rand.nextDouble() * (double) RANGE2); } Arrays.sort(sizes2); sizes3 = new long[n_files]; for (int i = 0; i < sizes3.length; i++) { sizes3[i] = MIN_SIZE3 + (long) (rand.nextDouble() * (double) RANGE3); } Arrays.sort(sizes3); oids = new String[n_files]; Arrays.fill(oids, null); shas = new String[n_files]; Arrays.fill(shas, null); if (out_file != null) { try { String host = clnthost; fo = new FileWriter(out_file, true); // append=true flog("#S Cedars [" + host + "] " + new Date() + "\n"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Opening " + out_file); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Shutdown(), "Shutdown")); doIt(); done = true; }
public static void main(String args[]) { int port; String host; if (args.length == 1) { try { port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); doEcho(port); } catch (IOException io_ex) { io_ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } catch (NumberFormatException num_ex) { num_ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } else if (args.length == 2) { try { host = args[0]; port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); UDPEcho ut = new UDPEcho(host, port); Thread thread = new Thread(ut); thread.start(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String s; System.out.print("Enter datagram:"); s = in.readLine(); while (s != null) { ut.send(s); try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException i_ex) { } System.out.print("Enter datagram:"); s = in.readLine(); } System.exit(1); } catch (IOException io_ex) { io_ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } catch (NumberFormatException num_ex) { num_ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } else { usage(); } }
public static void clearTable() { connectDb(); String sql = "delete from " + tablename + ";"; try { query.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("SQL Exception: " + e); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Table Cleared Successfully"); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Socket socket = null; PrintWriter out = null; BufferedReader in = null; BufferedReader userInputStream = null; String IP = ""; final int PORT_NUM = 4444; try { socket = new Socket(IP, PORT_NUM); out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.out.println("Unknown host:" + IP + " at port: " + PORT_NUM); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Cannot connect to server..."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } String userInput, fromServer; try { userInputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); while ((fromServer = in.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println("Server: " + fromServer); if (fromServer.equals(":q")) break; userInput = userInputStream.readLine(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.getTime(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); if (userInput != null) { out.println(userInput + " (sent at " + (sdf.format(cal.getTime())) + ")"); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not access data from client printstream..."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } try { out.close(); in.close(); userInputStream.close(); socket.close(); System.out.println("I love you, bye."); System.out.println("Terminating client..."); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Socket and stream closing error..."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Class thisClass = MethodResultTest.class; Class exoticClass = Exotic.class; String exoticClassName = Exotic.class.getName(); ClassLoader testClassLoader = thisClass.getClassLoader(); if (!(testClassLoader instanceof URLClassLoader)) { System.out.println("TEST INVALID: Not loaded by a " + "URLClassLoader: " + testClassLoader); System.exit(1); } URLClassLoader tcl = (URLClassLoader) testClassLoader; URL[] urls = tcl.getURLs(); ClassLoader shadowLoader = new ShadowLoader( urls, testClassLoader, new String[] { exoticClassName, ExoticMBeanInfo.class.getName(), ExoticException.class.getName() }); Class cl = shadowLoader.loadClass(exoticClassName); if (cl == exoticClass) { System.out.println( "TEST INVALID: Shadow class loader loaded " + "same class as test class loader"); System.exit(1); } Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(shadowLoader); ObjectName on = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer(); mbs.createMBean(Thing.class.getName(), on); final String[] protos = {"rmi", "iiop", "jmxmp"}; boolean ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < protos.length; i++) { try { ok &= test(protos[i], mbs, on); System.out.println(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("TEST FAILED WITH EXCEPTION:"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); ok = false; } } if (ok) System.out.println("Test passed"); else { System.out.println("TEST FAILED"); System.exit(1); } }
/** Main client entry point for stand-alone operation. */ public static void main(String[] args) { BasicConfigurator.configure(new ConsoleAppender(new PatternLayout("%d [%-25t] %-5p: %m%n"))); CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(); CmdLineParser.Option help = parser.addBooleanOption('h', "help"); CmdLineParser.Option output = parser.addStringOption('o', "output"); CmdLineParser.Option iface = parser.addStringOption('i', "iface"); try { parser.parse(args); } catch (CmdLineParser.OptionException oe) { System.err.println(oe.getMessage()); usage(System.err); System.exit(1); } // Display help and exit if requested if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(parser.getOptionValue(help))) { usage(System.out); System.exit(0); } String outputValue = (String) parser.getOptionValue(output, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY); String ifaceValue = (String) parser.getOptionValue(iface); String[] otherArgs = parser.getRemainingArgs(); if (otherArgs.length != 1) { usage(System.err); System.exit(1); } try { Client c = new Client(getIPv4Address(ifaceValue)); SharedTorrent torrent = SharedTorrent.fromFile(new File(otherArgs[0]), new File(outputValue), false); c.addTorrent(torrent); // Set a shutdown hook that will stop the sharing/seeding and send // a STOPPED announce request. Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new ClientShutdown(c, null))); c.share(); if (ClientState.ERROR.equals(torrent.getClientState())) { System.exit(1); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Fatal error: {}", e.getMessage(), e); System.exit(2); } }
public static void main(String[] argv) { int port; if (argv.length != 1) { System.out.println("Usage: java ChatServer [port number]"); System.exit(0); } try { port = Integer.parseInt(argv[0]); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Invalid port number"); System.exit(1); } if (port == 0) port = DEFAULT_PORT; new ChatServer(port); } // main
// Run method public void run(){ exptStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); // create client to server (Event Listener) Socket socket = null; PrintWriter out = null; try { socket = new Socket (ipOfEventListener, portOfServer); out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true); while (true){ while (msgBuffer.lock.tryLock()) { // keep polling msgBuffer while (!exptTimeUp() & msgBuffer.isEmpty()) ; // get stuck here until msgBuffer contains something or experiment period is up // send message to Event Listener & clear message buffer out.println(msgBuffer.getWholeMsg()); System.out.println("Sent: "+ msgBuffer.getWholeMsg()); System.out.println("---"); msgBuffer.clear(); msgBuffer.lock.unlock(); } // exit if period for experiment is up if (exptTimeUp()) break; } // Cleanup out.close(); socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("*** FATAL ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); System.err.println("*** LIKELY REASON: Make sure Push Server is up and listening at the correct IP address and port."); System.exit(1); } catch (Exception e){ System.err.println("*** FATAL ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("PushClient exited normally..."); }