protected boolean checkConnectionId(String client_address, long id) { try { random_mon.enter(); Long key = new Long(id); connectionData data = (connectionData) connection_id_map.get(key); if (data == null) { // System.out.println( "TRTrackerServerProcessorUDP: rejected:" + id + ", data not found" ); return (false); } else { if (SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() - data.getTime() > CONNECTION_ID_LIFETIME) { return (false); } } boolean ok = data.getAddress().equals(client_address); // System.out.println( "TRTrackerServerProcessorUDP: tested:" + id + "/" + client_address + " // -> " + ok ); return (ok); } finally { random_mon.exit(); } }
public void setAuthenticationOutcome(String realm, URL tracker, boolean success) { try { this_mon.enter(); setAuthenticationOutcome( realm, tracker.getProtocol(), tracker.getHost(), tracker.getPort(), success); } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
public PasswordAuthentication getAuthentication(String realm, URL tracker) { try { this_mon.enter(); return (getAuthentication( realm, tracker.getProtocol(), tracker.getHost(), tracker.getPort())); } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
public void clearPasswords() { try { this_mon.enter(); auth_cache = new HashMap(); saveAuthCache(); } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
/** Stop the server. */ public void stop() { try { this_mon.enter(); if (server_channel != null) { try { server_channel.close(); server_channel = null; } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); } } } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
public void setAuthenticationOutcome( String realm, String protocol, String host, int port, boolean success) { try { this_mon.enter(); String tracker = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + "/"; String auth_key = realm + ":" + tracker; authCache cache = (authCache) auth_cache.get(auth_key); if (cache != null) { cache.setOutcome(success); } } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
/** Start the server and begin accepting incoming connections. */ public void start() { try { this_mon.enter(); if (!isRunning()) { try { server_channel =; server_channel.socket().setReuseAddress(true); if (receive_buffer_size > 0) server_channel.socket().setReceiveBufferSize(receive_buffer_size); server_channel.socket().bind(bind_address, 1024); if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "TCP incoming server socket " + bind_address)); AEThread accept_thread = new AEThread("VServerSelector:port" + bind_address.getPort()) { public void runSupport() { accept_loop(); } }; accept_thread.setDaemon(true); accept_thread.start(); } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); Logger.log( new LogAlert( LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE, "ERROR, unable to bind TCP incoming server socket to " + bind_address.getPort(), t)); } last_accept_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); // init to now } } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
protected void saveAuthCache() { try { this_mon.enter(); HashMap map = new HashMap(); Iterator it = auth_cache.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { authCache value = (authCache); if (value.isPersistent()) { try { HashMap entry_map = new HashMap(); entry_map.put("user", value.getAuth().getUserName().getBytes("UTF-8")); entry_map.put("pw", new String(value.getAuth().getPassword()).getBytes("UTF-8")); map.put(value.getKey(), entry_map); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } COConfigurationManager.setParameter(CONFIG_PARAM, map); } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
protected long allocateConnectionId(String client_address) { try { random_mon.enter(); long id = random.nextLong(); Long new_key = new Long(id); connectionData new_data = new connectionData(client_address, id); // check for timeouts if (new_data.getTime() - last_timeout_check > 500) { last_timeout_check = new_data.getTime(); Iterator<Long> it = connection_id_map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Long key =; connectionData data = connection_id_map.get(key); if (new_data.getTime() - data.getTime() > CONNECTION_ID_LIFETIME) { // System.out.println( "TRTrackerServerProcessorUDP: connection id timeout" ); it.remove(); List<connectionData> cds = connection_ip_map.get(client_address); if (cds != null) { Iterator<connectionData> it2 = cds.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { if ( == key) { it2.remove(); break; } } if (cds.size() == 0) { connection_ip_map.remove(client_address); } } } else { // insertion order into map is time based - LinkedHashMap returns keys in same order break; } } } List<connectionData> cds = connection_ip_map.get(client_address); if (cds == null) { cds = new ArrayList<connectionData>(); connection_ip_map.put(client_address, cds); } cds.add(new_data); if (cds.size() > 512) { connectionData dead = cds.remove(0); connection_id_map.remove(dead.getID()); } connection_id_map.put(new_key, new_data); // System.out.println( "TRTrackerServerProcessorUDP: allocated:" + id + ", connection id map // size = " + connection_id_map.size()); return (id); } finally { random_mon.exit(); } }
public PasswordAuthentication getAuthentication( String realm, String protocol, String host, int port) { try { this_mon.enter(); String tracker = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + "/"; InetAddress bind_ip = NetworkAdmin.getSingleton().getSingleHomedServiceBindAddress(); String self_addr; // System.out.println( "auth req for " + realm + " - " + tracker ); if (bind_ip == null || bind_ip.isAnyLocalAddress()) { self_addr = ""; } else { self_addr = bind_ip.getHostAddress(); } // when the tracker is connected to internally we don't want to prompt // for the password. Here we return a special user and the password hash // which is picked up in the tracker auth code - search for "<internal>"! // also include the tracker IP as well as for scrapes these can occur on // a raw torrent which hasn't been modified to point to localhost if (host.equals(self_addr) || host.equals(COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("Tracker IP", ""))) { try { byte[] pw = COConfigurationManager.getByteParameter("Tracker Password", new byte[0]); String str_pw = new String(Base64.encode(pw)); return (new PasswordAuthentication("<internal>", str_pw.toCharArray())); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } String auth_key = realm + ":" + tracker; authCache cache = (authCache) auth_cache.get(auth_key); if (cache != null) { PasswordAuthentication auth = cache.getAuth(); if (auth != null) { return (auth); } } String[] res = getAuthenticationDialog(realm, tracker); if (res == null) { return (null); } else { PasswordAuthentication auth = new PasswordAuthentication(res[0], res[1].toCharArray()); boolean save_pw = res[2].equals("true"); boolean old_entry_existed = auth_cache.put(auth_key, new authCache(auth_key, auth, save_pw)) != null; if (save_pw || old_entry_existed) { saveAuthCache(); } return (auth); } } finally { this_mon.exit(); } }
protected Map getVersionCheckInfoSupport( String reason, boolean only_if_cached, boolean force, boolean v6) { try { synchronized (listeners) { if (REASON_UPDATE_CHECK_START.equals(reason)) { startCheckRan = true; } for (VersionCheckClientListener l : listeners) { l.versionCheckStarted(reason); } } } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); } if (v6) { if (enable_v6) { try { check_mon.enter(); long time_diff = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - last_check_time_v6; force = force || time_diff > CACHE_PERIOD || time_diff < 0; if (last_check_data_v6 == null || last_check_data_v6.size() == 0 || force) { // if we've never checked before then we go ahead even if the "only_if_cached" // flag is set as its had not chance of being cached yet! if (only_if_cached && last_check_data_v6 != null) { return (new HashMap()); } try { last_check_data_v6 = performVersionCheck(constructVersionCheckMessage(reason), true, true, true); if (last_check_data_v6 != null && last_check_data_v6.size() > 0) { COConfigurationManager.setParameter("versioncheck.cache.v6", last_check_data_v6); } } catch (SocketException t) { // internet is broken // Debug.out(t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } catch (UnknownHostException t) { // dns is broken // Debug.out(t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); last_check_data_v6 = new HashMap(); } } else { Logger.log( new LogEvent( LOGID, "VersionCheckClient is using " + "cached version check info. Using " + last_check_data_v6.size() + " reply keys.")); } } finally { check_mon.exit(); } } if (last_check_data_v6 == null) last_check_data_v6 = new HashMap(); return last_check_data_v6; } else { try { check_mon.enter(); long time_diff = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - last_check_time_v4; force = force || time_diff > CACHE_PERIOD || time_diff < 0; if (last_check_data_v4 == null || last_check_data_v4.size() == 0 || force) { // if we've never checked before then we go ahead even if the "only_if_cached" // flag is set as its had not chance of being cached yet! if (only_if_cached && last_check_data_v4 != null) { return (new HashMap()); } try { last_check_data_v4 = performVersionCheck(constructVersionCheckMessage(reason), true, true, false); if (last_check_data_v4 != null && last_check_data_v4.size() > 0) { COConfigurationManager.setParameter("versioncheck.cache.v4", last_check_data_v4); } // clear down any plugin-specific data that has successfully been sent to the version // server try { if (AzureusCoreFactory.isCoreAvailable()) { // installed plugin IDs PluginInterface[] plugins = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { PluginInterface plugin = plugins[i]; Map data = plugin .getPluginconfig() .getPluginMapParameter("", null); if (data != null) { plugin .getPluginconfig() .setPluginMapParameter("", new HashMap()); } } } } catch (Throwable e) { } } catch (UnknownHostException t) { // no internet Debug.outNoStack( "VersionCheckClient - " + t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } catch (IOException t) { // General connection problem. Debug.outNoStack( "VersionCheckClient - " + t.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(t); last_check_data_v4 = new HashMap(); } } else { if (Logger.isEnabled()) Logger.log( new LogEvent( LOGID, "VersionCheckClient is using " + "cached version check info. Using " + last_check_data_v4.size() + " reply keys.")); } } finally { check_mon.exit(); } if (last_check_data_v4 == null) last_check_data_v4 = new HashMap(); last_feature_flag_cache_time = 0; return last_check_data_v4; } }