private Set<Vertex> computeMinVertexCover(Set<Vertex> side1, Set<Vertex> side2) { Set<Vertex> konigSet = new HashSet<Vertex>(); Set<Vertex> unmatched = new TreeSet<Vertex>(side1); unmatched.removeAll(matches); // System.out.println("Matches: " + matches); // System.out.println("side 1 unmatched set: " + unmatched); for (Vertex v : unmatched) { konigDFS(konigSet, v, false); } // System.out.println("Konig set: " + konigSet); Set<Vertex> result = new HashSet<Vertex>(side2); result.retainAll(konigSet); // System.out.println("side 2 intersect konigSet: " + result); Set<Vertex> side1notInKonigSet = new HashSet<Vertex>(side1); side1notInKonigSet.removeAll(konigSet); // System.out.println("side 1 not in Konig set: " + side1notInKonigSet); result.addAll(side1notInKonigSet); return result; }
public static Set<RepairedCell> getRepairFalse(Set<RepairedCell> truth, Set<RepairedCell> found) { Set<RepairedCell> rst = new HashSet<RepairedCell>(); if (found.size() != 0) { rst.addAll(found); rst.removeAll(truth); } return rst; }
/** Asserts that this file contains exactly the given set of descendants. */ public TestFile assertHasDescendants(String... descendants) { Set<String> actual = new TreeSet<String>(); assertIsDir(); visit(actual, "", this); Set<String> expected = new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(descendants)); Set<String> extras = new TreeSet<String>(actual); extras.removeAll(expected); Set<String> missing = new TreeSet<String>(expected); missing.removeAll(actual); assertEquals( String.format( "For dir: %s, extra files: %s, missing files: %s, expected: %s", this, extras, missing, expected), expected, actual); return this; }
private void updateInSelectionHighlighters() { if (mySearchResults.getEditor() == null) return; final SelectionModel selectionModel = mySearchResults.getEditor().getSelectionModel(); int[] starts = selectionModel.getBlockSelectionStarts(); int[] ends = selectionModel.getBlockSelectionEnds(); final HashSet<RangeHighlighter> toRemove = new HashSet<RangeHighlighter>(); Set<RangeHighlighter> toAdd = new HashSet<RangeHighlighter>(); for (RangeHighlighter highlighter : myHighlighters) { boolean intersectsWithSelection = false; for (int i = 0; i < starts.length; ++i) { TextRange selectionRange = new TextRange(starts[i], ends[i]); intersectsWithSelection = selectionRange.intersects(highlighter.getStartOffset(), highlighter.getEndOffset()) && selectionRange.getEndOffset() != highlighter.getStartOffset() && highlighter.getEndOffset() != selectionRange.getStartOffset(); if (intersectsWithSelection) break; } final Object userData = highlighter.getUserData(IN_SELECTION_KEY); if (userData != null) { if (!intersectsWithSelection) { if (userData == IN_SELECTION2) { HighlightManager.getInstance(mySearchResults.getProject()) .removeSegmentHighlighter(mySearchResults.getEditor(), highlighter); toRemove.add(highlighter); } else { highlighter.putUserData(IN_SELECTION_KEY, null); } } } else if (intersectsWithSelection) { TextRange cursor = mySearchResults.getCursor(); if (cursor != null && highlighter.getStartOffset() == cursor.getStartOffset() && highlighter.getEndOffset() == cursor.getEndOffset()) continue; final RangeHighlighter toAnnotate = highlightRange( new TextRange(highlighter.getStartOffset(), highlighter.getEndOffset()), new TextAttributes(null, null, Color.WHITE, EffectType.ROUNDED_BOX, 0), toAdd); highlighter.putUserData(IN_SELECTION_KEY, IN_SELECTION1); toAnnotate.putUserData(IN_SELECTION_KEY, IN_SELECTION2); } } myHighlighters.removeAll(toRemove); myHighlighters.addAll(toAdd); }
private void clearUnusedHightlighters() { Set<RangeHighlighter> unused = new com.intellij.util.containers.HashSet<RangeHighlighter>(); for (RangeHighlighter highlighter : myHighlighters) { if (highlighter.getUserData(MARKER_USED) == null) { unused.add(highlighter); } else { highlighter.putUserData(MARKER_USED, null); } } myHighlighters.removeAll(unused); Project project = mySearchResults.getProject(); if (!project.isDisposed()) { for (RangeHighlighter highlighter : unused) { HighlightManager.getInstance(project) .removeSegmentHighlighter(mySearchResults.getEditor(), highlighter); } } }
private Set<Document> getDocsWithNoEmotions( Indexer indexer, Collection<Document> docs, boolean originalContentOnly) { Set<Document> result = new LinkedHashSet<Document>(docs); result.removeAll(getDocsWithAnyEmotions(indexer, docs, originalContentOnly)); return result; }
/** Return the difference of two sets, a - b. */ <T> Set<T> diff(Set<T> a, Set<T> b) { if (b.isEmpty()) return a; Set<T> result = new LinkedHashSet<T>(a); result.removeAll(b); return result; }
/** * Runs ConflictTreeSimulatedSession with calculated diagnoses * * @param matchingsDir * @param ontologyDir * @param files * @param map * @throws SolverException * @throws InconsistentTheoryException * @throws OWLOntologyCreationException */ private void runOaeiConferenceTests( String matchingsDir, String ontologyDir, Set<File> files, Map<File, String> map, int numberOfConflicts) throws SolverException, InconsistentTheoryException, OWLOntologyCreationException { OAEI11ConferenceSession conferenceSession = new OAEI11ConferenceSession(); QSSType[] qssTypes = new QSSType[] {QSSType.MINSCORE}; // QSSType[] qssTypes = new QSSType[]{QSSType.MINSCORE, QSSType.SPLITINHALF, // QSSType.DYNAMICRISK}; TargetSource targetSource = TargetSource.FROM_30_DIAGS; for (File file : files) {"processing " + file.getName()); String out = "STAT, " + file; // file parameter String fileName = file.getName(); StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(fileName, "-"); String matcher = t.nextToken(); String o1 = t.nextToken(); String o2 = t.nextToken(); o2 = o2.substring(0, o2.length() - 4); String n = file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().length() - 4); Set<FormulaSet<OWLLogicalAxiom>> targetDgSet = getRandomDiagSet(matchingsDir, ontologyDir, map, file, o1, o2, n, conferenceSession);"number of found diagnoses (max. 30): " + targetDgSet.size()); /* TODO: for each ontology always the same "randomly" chosen diagnosis is calculated, dependent from the size of the targetDgSet -> change to a real random selection */ Random random = new Random(12311); int randomNr = conferenceSession.chooseRandomNum(targetDgSet, random); Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> targetDg = conferenceSession.chooseRandomDiag(targetDgSet, file, randomNr); OWLOntology inconsOntology = loadOntology(matchingsDir, ontologyDir, map, conferenceSession, file, o1, o2, n); // OWLTheory faultyTheory = getExtendTheory(inconsOntology, false); OWLTheory faultyTheory = loadTheory(inconsOntology, ontologyDir, o1, o2); Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> rem = validateMinimality(targetDg, faultyTheory); if (!rem.isEmpty()) { targetDg.removeAll(rem); assertTrue(validateMinimality(targetDg, faultyTheory).isEmpty()); } Map<QSSType, DurationStat> ctTimes = new HashMap<QSSType, DurationStat>(); Map<QSSType, List<Double>> ctQueries = new HashMap<QSSType, List<Double>>(); for (QSSType qssType : qssTypes) { String message = "act," + file.getName() + "," + map.get(file) + "," + targetSource + "," + qssType + "," + randomNr; long preprocessModulExtract = System.currentTimeMillis(); OWLOntology ontology = loadOntology(matchingsDir, ontologyDir, map, conferenceSession, file, o1, o2, n); ctTheory = loadTheory(ontology, ontologyDir, o1, o2); preprocessModulExtract = System.currentTimeMillis() - preprocessModulExtract; message += "," + preprocessModulExtract; // Define Treesearch here TreeSearch<FormulaSet<OWLLogicalAxiom>, OWLLogicalAxiom> search = getUniformCostSearch(ctTheory, false); Map<OWLLogicalAxiom, BigDecimal> map1 = conferenceSession.readRdfMapping(matchingsDir + map.get(file), n + ".rdf"); OWLAxiomCostsEstimator es = new OWLAxiomCostsEstimator(ctTheory, map1); search.setCostsEstimator(es); search.reset(); // set for all found diagnoses during search foundDiagnoses = new LinkedHashSet<OWLLogicalAxiom>(); ctTimes.put(qssType, new DurationStat()); ctQueries.put(qssType, new LinkedList<Double>()); // calculation part ConflictTreeSession conflictTreeSearch = new ConflictTreeSession(this, ctTheory, search); if (numberOfConflicts > 0) { conflictTreeSearch.setMaximumNumberOfConflicts(numberOfConflicts); } conflictTreeSearch.setOutputString(out); conflictTreeSearch.setMessageString(message); FormulaSet<OWLLogicalAxiom> targetD = new FormulaSetImpl<OWLLogicalAxiom>(new BigDecimal(1), targetDg, null); long completeTime =, ctQueries, qssType, true); ctTimes.get(qssType).add(completeTime); out += conflictTreeSearch.getOutputString(); foundDiagnoses = conflictTreeSearch.getDiagnosis();"targetD: " + targetD.size() + ", " + CalculateDiagnoses.renderAxioms(targetD)); "foundD: " + foundDiagnoses.size() + ", " + CalculateDiagnoses.renderAxioms(foundDiagnoses)); faultyTheory .getReasoner() .addFormulasToCache(faultyTheory.getKnowledgeBase().getFaultyFormulas()); assertFalse(faultyTheory.verifyConsistency()); Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> removedFound = validateMinimality(foundDiagnoses, faultyTheory); // assertTrue(removed.isEmpty()); Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> removedTarget = validateMinimality(targetD, faultyTheory); assertTrue(removedTarget.isEmpty()); assertTrue(targetD.containsAll(foundDiagnoses)); // TODO uncomment later // assertTrue(foundDiagnoses.containsAll(targetD)); resetTheoryTests(ctTheory); search.reset(); }; } }
public void setLabels(Collection<BxZoneLabel> labels) { ignoredLabels.addAll(EnumSet.allOf(BxZoneLabel.class)); ignoredLabels.removeAll(labels); }
/** * @param packageNames Packages to be reindexd if version has changed or package has been * installed since last indexing run.If non are provided all packages will be refreshed. */ public boolean refreshIndex(String... packageNames) { RHelperUtil.runHelperWithArgs(RHelperUtil.R_HELPER_INSTALL_TIDYVERSE); Set<RPackage> installedPackages = LocalRUtil.getInstalledPackages(); // remove packages from index that are no longer present if (packageNames.length == 0) { Sets.SetView<RPackage> noLongerInstalled = Sets.difference(allPackages, installedPackages); allPackages.removeAll(noLongerInstalled); } // cut down packges to be refreshed to speed up calculations // if(packageNames.length>0){ // installedPackages = // filter(p -> Arrays.asList(packageNames).contains(p.getName())). // collect(Collectors.toSet()); // } ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8); final boolean[] hasChanged = {false}; for (final RPackage rPackage : installedPackages) { final RPackage indexPackage = getByName(rPackage.getName()); if (indexPackage != null && ObjectUtils.equals(indexPackage.getVersion(), rPackage.getVersion())) { continue; } executorService.submit( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { reindexPackage(rPackage, indexPackage); hasChanged[0] = true; } }); } executorService.shutdown(); try { executorService.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.DAYS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // allPackages.clear(); // allPackages.addAll(installedPackages); if (hasChanged[0]) { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication() != null) { Project[] projects = ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects(); for (Project project : projects) { if (project.isInitialized() && project.isOpen() && !project.isDefault()) { SpellCheckerManager spellCheckerManager = SpellCheckerManager.getInstance(project); EditableDictionary dictionary = spellCheckerManager.getUserDictionary(); for (RPackage rPackage : RPackageService.getInstance().allPackages) { dictionary.addToDictionary(rPackage.getName()); dictionary.addToDictionary(rPackage.getFunctionNames()); } DaemonCodeAnalyzer.getInstance(project).restart(); } } } } return hasChanged[0]; }