/** Installs the appropriate <code>Border</code> onto the <code>JRootPane</code>. */ void installBorder(JRootPane root) { int style = root.getWindowDecorationStyle(); if (style == JRootPane.NONE) { LookAndFeel.uninstallBorder(root); } else { LookAndFeel.installBorder(root, borderKeys[style]); } }
protected void installDefaults(JFileChooser fc) { installIcons(fc); installStrings(fc); usesSingleFilePane = UIManager.getBoolean("FileChooser.usesSingleFilePane"); readOnly = UIManager.getBoolean("FileChooser.readOnly"); TransferHandler th = fc.getTransferHandler(); if (th == null || th instanceof UIResource) { fc.setTransferHandler(defaultTransferHandler); } LookAndFeel.installProperty(fc, "opaque", Boolean.FALSE); }
/** Removes any border that may have been installed. */ private void uninstallBorder(JRootPane root) { LookAndFeel.uninstallBorder(root); }