public AllSubstitution FOL_BC_AND(List<Predicate> goal, AllSubstitution theta) { // if (theta.status == false) return theta; else if (goal.size() == 0) return theta; else { Predicate first = goal.get(0); // n first = substFromTheata(theta, first); int index = 0; int tSize = (KBObj.KB.get(first.fnName) == null) ? 0 : (KBObj.KB.get(first.fnName).sentences.size() - 1); while (index <= tSize) { AllSubstitution thetaPrime = FOL_BC_OR(first, theta, index++); if (thetaPrime.status && goal.size() > 1) { List<Predicate> rest = new ArrayList<Predicate>(((ArrayList<Predicate>) goal).subList(1, goal.size())); AllSubstitution thetaDoublePrime = FOL_BC_AND(rest, sumUpTheta(theta, thetaPrime)); if (thetaDoublePrime.status) return thetaDoublePrime; } else return thetaPrime; } AllSubstitution t = new AllSubstitution(); t.status = false; return t; } }
public AllSubstitution FOL_BC_OR(Predicate goal, AllSubstitution theta, int index) { // the key is the function name of query. H(x), H is key. String key = goal.fnName; // get all the sentence which has conclusion as goal. List<Sentence> sents = (KBObj.KB.get(key) == null) ? null : KBObj.KB.get(key).sentences; if (sents != null) { // Iterate through all the sentence which have conclusion as sentence. // for (Sentence sentence : sents) { for (int i = index; i < sents.size(); i++) { Sentence sentence = sents.get(i); AllSubstitution subst = UNIFY(sentence.rhs, goal, sentence); AllSubstitution thetaPrime = FOL_BC_AND(sentence.lhs, subst); if (thetaPrime != null && thetaPrime.status) { return thetaPrime; } } } AllSubstitution t = new AllSubstitution(); t.status = false; return t; }
public void FOL_BC_ASK() { for (Predicate predicate : queries) { try { for (Map.Entry<String, Rule> entry : KBObj.KB.entrySet()) { for (Sentence sent : entry.getValue().sentences) { sent.allSubst = null; } } AllSubstitution obj = FOL_BC_OR(predicate, null, 0); if (obj == null) System.out.println("FALSE"); else System.out.println(obj.status ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); // substList = new LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<AllSubstitution>>(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("FALSE"); } } }