public static void writeItem(NetOutput out, ItemStack item) throws IOException { if (item == null) { out.writeShort(-1); } else { out.writeShort(item.getId()); out.writeByte(item.getAmount()); out.writeShort(item.getData()); writeNBT(out, item.getNBT()); } }
private static void writeWatchableObject( DataOutputStream par0DataOutputStream, WatchableObject par1WatchableObject) throws IOException { int i = (par1WatchableObject.getObjectType() << 5 | par1WatchableObject.getDataValueId() & 0x1f) & 0xff; par0DataOutputStream.writeByte(i); switch (par1WatchableObject.getObjectType()) { case 0: par0DataOutputStream.writeByte(((Byte) par1WatchableObject.getObject()).byteValue()); break; case 1: par0DataOutputStream.writeShort(((Short) par1WatchableObject.getObject()).shortValue()); break; case 2: par0DataOutputStream.writeInt(((Integer) par1WatchableObject.getObject()).intValue()); break; case 3: par0DataOutputStream.writeFloat(((Float) par1WatchableObject.getObject()).floatValue()); break; case 4: Packet.writeString((String) par1WatchableObject.getObject(), par0DataOutputStream); break; case 5: ItemStack itemstack = (ItemStack) par1WatchableObject.getObject(); par0DataOutputStream.writeShort(itemstack.getItem().shiftedIndex); par0DataOutputStream.writeByte(itemstack.stackSize); par0DataOutputStream.writeShort(itemstack.getItemDamage()); break; case 6: ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = (ChunkCoordinates) par1WatchableObject.getObject(); par0DataOutputStream.writeInt(chunkcoordinates.posX); par0DataOutputStream.writeInt(chunkcoordinates.posY); par0DataOutputStream.writeInt(chunkcoordinates.posZ); break; } }
/** Handle a creative slot packet. */ public void handleCreativeSetSlot(Packet107CreativeSetSlot par1Packet107CreativeSetSlot) { if (playerEntity.theItemInWorldManager.isCreative()) { boolean flag = par1Packet107CreativeSetSlot.slot < 0; ItemStack itemstack = par1Packet107CreativeSetSlot.itemStack; boolean flag1 = par1Packet107CreativeSetSlot.slot >= 1 && par1Packet107CreativeSetSlot.slot < 36 + InventoryPlayer.func_70451_h(); boolean flag2 = itemstack == null || itemstack.itemID < Item.itemsList.length && itemstack.itemID >= 0 && Item.itemsList[itemstack.itemID] != null; boolean flag3 = itemstack == null || itemstack.getItemDamage() >= 0 && itemstack.getItemDamage() >= 0 && itemstack.stackSize <= 64 && itemstack.stackSize > 0; if (flag1 && flag2 && flag3) { if (itemstack == null) { playerEntity.inventorySlots.putStackInSlot(par1Packet107CreativeSetSlot.slot, null); } else { playerEntity.inventorySlots.putStackInSlot(par1Packet107CreativeSetSlot.slot, itemstack); } playerEntity.inventorySlots.setPlayerIsPresent(playerEntity, true); } else if (flag && flag2 && flag3 && creativeItemCreationSpamThresholdTally < 200) { creativeItemCreationSpamThresholdTally += 20; EntityItem entityitem = playerEntity.dropPlayerItem(itemstack); if (entityitem != null) { entityitem.func_70288_d(); } } } }
public void handleWindowClick(Packet102WindowClick par1Packet102WindowClick) { if (playerEntity.craftingInventory.windowId == par1Packet102WindowClick.window_Id && playerEntity.craftingInventory.isPlayerNotUsingContainer(playerEntity)) { ItemStack itemstack = playerEntity.craftingInventory.slotClick( par1Packet102WindowClick.inventorySlot, par1Packet102WindowClick.mouseClick, par1Packet102WindowClick.holdingShift, playerEntity); if (ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(par1Packet102WindowClick.itemStack, itemstack)) { playerEntity.serverForThisPlayer.sendPacketToPlayer( new Packet106Transaction( par1Packet102WindowClick.window_Id, par1Packet102WindowClick.action, true)); playerEntity.playerInventoryBeingManipulated = true; playerEntity.craftingInventory.updateCraftingResults(); playerEntity.sendInventoryToPlayer(); playerEntity.playerInventoryBeingManipulated = false; } else { field_72586_s.addKey( playerEntity.craftingInventory.windowId, Short.valueOf(par1Packet102WindowClick.action)); playerEntity.serverForThisPlayer.sendPacketToPlayer( new Packet106Transaction( par1Packet102WindowClick.window_Id, par1Packet102WindowClick.action, false)); playerEntity.craftingInventory.setPlayerIsPresent(playerEntity, false); ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < playerEntity.craftingInventory.inventorySlots.size(); i++) { arraylist.add(((Slot) playerEntity.craftingInventory.inventorySlots.get(i)).getStack()); } playerEntity.sendContainerAndContentsToPlayer(playerEntity.craftingInventory, arraylist); } } }
@EventHandler public void onPacketProcess(PacketProcessEvent event) { // System.out.println("Packet received: " + event.getPacket().getId() // + " (" + event.getPacket() + ")"); Packet packet = event.getPacket(); switch (packet.getId()) { case 0: connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet0KeepAlive(new Random().nextInt())); break; case 3: String message = ((Packet3Chat) packet).message; message = removeColors(message); System.out.println("[" + bot.getSession().getUsername() + "] " + message); String testMessage = "[MineCaptcha] To be unmuted answer this question: What is "; String testMessage2 = "Please type '"; String testMessage3 = "' to continue sending messages/commands"; if (message.contains(testMessage)) { try { String captcha = message.split(Pattern.quote(testMessage))[1].split("[ \\?]")[0]; ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript"); String solved = engine.eval(captcha).toString(); solved = solved.split("\\.")[0]; connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet3Chat(solved)); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } else if (message.contains(testMessage2) && message.contains(testMessage3)) { try { String captcha = message.split(Pattern.quote(testMessage2))[1].split(Pattern.quote(testMessage3))[0]; connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet3Chat(captcha)); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } else if (message.startsWith("Please register with \"/register")) { String password = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 10 + random.nextInt(6); i++) password += alphas[random.nextInt(alphas.length)]; bot.say("/register " + password + " " + password); } else if (message.startsWith("/uc ")) { connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet3Chat(message)); } else if ((message.contains("do the crime") && message.contains("do the time")) || message.contains("You have been muted")) { connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet3Chat("\247Leaving!")); } else if (message.contains(owner + " has requested to teleport to you.")) { connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet3Chat("/tpaccept")); } else if (message.contains(owner)) { if (message.contains("Go ")) { spamMessage = message.substring(message.indexOf("Go ") + "Go ".length()); } else if (message.contains("Stop")) { spamMessage = null; bot.getTaskManager().stopAll(); } else if (message.contains("Die")) { die = true; } else if (message.contains("Say ")) { connectionHandler.sendPacket( new Packet3Chat(message.substring(message.indexOf("Say ") + "Say ".length()))); } else if (message.contains("Leave")) { connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet255KickDisconnect("Quit")); } else if (message.contains("Tool")) { MainPlayerEntity player = bot.getPlayer(); if (player == null) return; PlayerInventory inventory = player.getInventory(); inventory.setCurrentHeldSlot( Integer.parseInt( message.substring(message.indexOf("Tool ") + "Tool ".length()).split(" ")[0])); } else if (message.contains("DropId ")) { MainPlayerEntity player = bot.getPlayer(); PlayerInventory inventory = player.getInventory(); String substring = message.substring(message.indexOf("DropId ") + "DropId ".length()).split(" ")[0]; int id = Integer.parseInt(substring); for (int slot = 0; slot < 40; slot++) { ItemStack item = inventory.getItemAt(slot); if (item != null && item.getId() == id) { inventory.selectItemAt(slot, true); inventory.dropSelectedItem(); } } inventory.close(); } else if (message.contains("Drop")) { MainPlayerEntity player = bot.getPlayer(); PlayerInventory inventory = player.getInventory(); if (message.contains("Drop ")) { String substring = message.substring(message.indexOf("Drop ") + "Drop ".length()).split(" ")[0]; try { int slot = Integer.parseInt(substring); if (slot < 0 || slot >= 40) return; if (inventory.getItemAt(slot) != null) { inventory.selectItemAt(slot, true); inventory.dropSelectedItem(); } return; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } for (int slot = 0; slot < 40; slot++) { if (inventory.getItemAt(slot) != null) { inventory.selectItemAt(slot, true); inventory.dropSelectedItem(); } } inventory.close(); } else if (message.contains("Switch ")) { MainPlayerEntity player = bot.getPlayer(); PlayerInventory inventory = player.getInventory(); String substring = message.substring(message.indexOf("Switch ") + "Switch ".length()); try { int slot1 = Integer.parseInt(substring.split(" ")[0]); int slot2 = Integer.parseInt(substring.split(" ")[1]); if (slot1 < 0 || slot1 >= 45 || slot2 < 0 || slot2 >= 45) return; inventory.selectItemAt(slot1); inventory.selectItemAt(slot2); inventory.selectItemAt(slot1); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } // inventory.close(); } else if (message.contains("Equip")) { MainPlayerEntity player = bot.getPlayer(); PlayerInventory inventory = player.getInventory(); boolean helmet = inventory.getArmorAt(0) != null; boolean chestplate = inventory.getArmorAt(1) != null; boolean leggings = inventory.getArmorAt(2) != null; boolean boots = inventory.getArmorAt(3) != null; boolean changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) { ItemStack item = inventory.getItemAt(i); if (item == null) continue; int armorSlot; int id = item.getId(); if (!helmet && (id == 86 || id == 298 || id == 302 || id == 306 || id == 310 || id == 314)) { armorSlot = 0; helmet = true; } else if (!chestplate && (id == 299 || id == 303 || id == 307 || id == 311 || id == 315)) { armorSlot = 1; chestplate = true; } else if (!leggings && (id == 300 || id == 304 || id == 308 || id == 312 || id == 316)) { armorSlot = 2; leggings = true; } else if (!boots && (id == 301 || id == 305 || id == 309 || id == 313 || id == 317)) { armorSlot = 3; boots = true; } else if (helmet && chestplate && leggings && boots) break; else continue; inventory.selectItemAt(i); inventory.selectArmorAt(armorSlot); changed = true; } if (!changed) { for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) { ItemStack item = inventory.getItemAt(i); if (item != null) continue; int armorSlot; if (helmet) { armorSlot = 0; helmet = false; } else if (chestplate) { armorSlot = 1; chestplate = false; } else if (leggings) { armorSlot = 2; leggings = false; } else if (boots) { armorSlot = 3; boots = false; } else if (!helmet && !chestplate && !leggings && !boots) break; else continue; inventory.selectArmorAt(armorSlot); inventory.selectItemAt(i); } } inventory.close(); bot.say("Equipped armor."); } else if (message.contains("Owner ")) { String name = message.substring(message.indexOf("Owner ") + "Owner ".length()).split(" ")[0]; owner = name; bot.say("Set owner to " + name); } } else if (message.contains("You are not member of any faction.") && spamMessage != null && createFaction) { String msg = "/f create "; for (int i = 0; i < 7 + random.nextInt(3); i++) msg += alphas[random.nextInt(alphas.length)]; bot.say(msg); } if (message.matches("[\\*]*SPQR [\\w]{1,16} invited you to SPQR")) { bot.say("/f join SPQR"); bot.say("\247asdf"); } break; case 8: Packet8UpdateHealth updateHealth = (Packet8UpdateHealth) packet; if (updateHealth.healthMP <= 0) connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet205ClientCommand(1)); break; case 9: TaskManager taskManager = bot.getTaskManager(); taskManager.stopAll(); break; } }
public void handlePlace(Packet15Place par1Packet15Place) { WorldServer worldserver = mcServer.worldServerForDimension(playerEntity.dimension); ItemStack itemstack = playerEntity.inventory.getCurrentItem(); boolean flag = false; int i = par1Packet15Place.getXPosition(); int j = par1Packet15Place.getYPosition(); int k = par1Packet15Place.getZPosition(); int l = par1Packet15Place.getDirection(); boolean flag1 = worldserver.actionsAllowed = worldserver.provider.worldType != 0 || mcServer.getConfigurationManager().areCommandsAllowed(playerEntity.username) || mcServer.isSinglePlayer(); if (par1Packet15Place.getDirection() == 255) { if (itemstack == null) { return; } playerEntity.theItemInWorldManager.tryUseItem(playerEntity, worldserver, itemstack); } else if (par1Packet15Place.getYPosition() < mcServer.getBuildLimit() - 1 || par1Packet15Place.getDirection() != 1 && par1Packet15Place.getYPosition() < mcServer.getBuildLimit()) { ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = worldserver.getSpawnPoint(); int i1 = MathHelper.abs_int(i - chunkcoordinates.posX); int j1 = MathHelper.abs_int(k - chunkcoordinates.posZ); if (i1 > j1) { j1 = i1; } if (field_72587_r && playerEntity.getDistanceSq((double) i + 0.5D, (double) j + 0.5D, (double) k + 0.5D) < 64D && (j1 > 16 || flag1)) { playerEntity.theItemInWorldManager.activateBlockOrUseItem( playerEntity, worldserver, itemstack, i, j, k, l, par1Packet15Place.getXOffset(), par1Packet15Place.getYOffset(), par1Packet15Place.getZOffset()); } flag = true; } else { playerEntity.serverForThisPlayer.sendPacketToPlayer( new Packet3Chat( (new StringBuilder()) .append("\2477Height limit for building is ") .append(mcServer.getBuildLimit()) .toString())); flag = true; } if (flag) { playerEntity.serverForThisPlayer.sendPacketToPlayer( new Packet53BlockChange(i, j, k, worldserver)); if (l == 0) { j--; } if (l == 1) { j++; } if (l == 2) { k--; } if (l == 3) { k++; } if (l == 4) { i--; } if (l == 5) { i++; } playerEntity.serverForThisPlayer.sendPacketToPlayer( new Packet53BlockChange(i, j, k, worldserver)); } itemstack = playerEntity.inventory.getCurrentItem(); if (itemstack != null && itemstack.stackSize == 0) { playerEntity.inventory.mainInventory[playerEntity.inventory.currentItem] = null; itemstack = null; } if (itemstack == null || itemstack.getMaxItemUseDuration() == 0) { playerEntity.playerInventoryBeingManipulated = true; playerEntity.inventory.mainInventory[playerEntity.inventory.currentItem] = ItemStack.copyItemStack( playerEntity.inventory.mainInventory[playerEntity.inventory.currentItem]); Slot slot = playerEntity.craftingInventory.getSlotFromInventory( playerEntity.inventory, playerEntity.inventory.currentItem); playerEntity.craftingInventory.updateCraftingResults(); playerEntity.playerInventoryBeingManipulated = false; if (!ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual( playerEntity.inventory.getCurrentItem(), par1Packet15Place.getItemStack())) { sendPacketToPlayer( new Packet103SetSlot( playerEntity.craftingInventory.windowId, slot.slotNumber, playerEntity.inventory.getCurrentItem())); } } worldserver.actionsAllowed = false; }
public void handleCustomPayload(Packet250CustomPayload par1Packet250CustomPayload) { if ("MC|BEdit".equals( { try { DataInputStream datainputstream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(; ItemStack itemstack = Packet.readItemStack(datainputstream); if (!ItemWritableBook.validBookTagPages(itemstack.getTagCompound())) { throw new IOException("Invalid book tag!"); } ItemStack itemstack2 = playerEntity.inventory.getCurrentItem(); if (itemstack != null && itemstack.itemID == Item.writableBook.shiftedIndex && itemstack.itemID == itemstack2.itemID) { itemstack2.setTagCompound(itemstack.getTagCompound()); } } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } else if ("MC|BSign".equals( { try { DataInputStream datainputstream1 = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(; ItemStack itemstack1 = Packet.readItemStack(datainputstream1); if (!ItemEditableBook.validBookTagContents(itemstack1.getTagCompound())) { throw new IOException("Invalid book tag!"); } ItemStack itemstack3 = playerEntity.inventory.getCurrentItem(); if (itemstack1 != null && itemstack1.itemID == Item.writtenBook.shiftedIndex && itemstack3.itemID == Item.writableBook.shiftedIndex) { itemstack3.setTagCompound(itemstack1.getTagCompound()); itemstack3.itemID = Item.writtenBook.shiftedIndex; } } catch (Exception exception1) { exception1.printStackTrace(); } } else if ("MC|TrSel".equals( { try { DataInputStream datainputstream2 = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(; int i = datainputstream2.readInt(); Container container = playerEntity.craftingInventory; if (container instanceof ContainerMerchant) { ((ContainerMerchant) container).setCurrentRecipeIndex(i); } } catch (Exception exception2) { exception2.printStackTrace(); } } else { ModLoader.serverCustomPayload(this, par1Packet250CustomPayload); } }