/** * Copy from the copy method in StructUtil. Did not want to drag that code in. maybe this actually * should go to struct. * * @param from * @param to * @param excludes * @return * @throws Exception */ public static <T extends struct> T xcopy(struct from, T to, String... excludes) throws Exception { Arrays.sort(excludes); for (Field f : from.fields()) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(excludes, f.getName()) >= 0) continue; Object o = f.get(from); if (o == null) continue; Field tof = to.getField(f.getName()); if (tof != null) try { tof.set(to, Converter.cnv(tof.getGenericType(), o)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "Failed to convert " + f.getName() + " from " + from.getClass() + " to " + to.getClass() + " value " + o + " exception " + e); } } return to; }
// generates the 'select' part of the SQL select statement public String selectProperties(DataObj d) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(1024); String name = d.getName(); s.append("select "); boolean firstField = true; for (Field f : d.getFields()) { if (firstField) { firstField = false; s.append(name + "." + f.getName() + " "); } else { s.append(", " + name + "." + f.getName() + " "); } } return s.toString(); }
/** * Computes the serial version UID value for the given class. The code is taken from {@link * ObjectStreamClass#computeDefaultSUID(Class)}. * * @param cls A class. * @return A serial version UID. * @throws IOException If failed. */ static long computeSerialVersionUid(Class cls) throws IOException { if (Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) && !Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { return ObjectStreamClass.lookup(cls).getSerialVersionUID(); } MessageDigest md; try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to get digest for SHA.", e); } md.update(cls.getName().getBytes(UTF_8)); for (Field f : getFieldsForSerialization(cls)) { md.update(f.getName().getBytes(UTF_8)); md.update(f.getType().getName().getBytes(UTF_8)); } byte[] hashBytes = md.digest(); long hash = 0; // Composes a single-long hash from the byte[] hash. for (int i = Math.min(hashBytes.length, 8) - 1; i >= 0; i--) hash = (hash << 8) | (hashBytes[i] & 0xFF); return hash; }
public String toJsonObj(DataObj d) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(1024); s.append(returnTab(2) + "var data = {\n"); String name = d.getName(); boolean firstField = true; for (Field f : d.getFields()) { // update will not change the auto-created id if (f.getName().equals("ID")) { continue; } if (firstField) { firstField = false; s.append(returnTab(3) + f.getName() + " : " + name + "." + f.getName() + " "); } else { s.append(",\n" + returnTab(3) + f.getName() + " : " + name + "." + f.getName() + " "); } } s.append("\n" + returnTab(2) + "};\n"); return s.toString(); }
protected void generateView(Map<String, org.ektorp.support.DesignDocument.View> views, Field f) { DocumentReferences referenceMetaData = f.getAnnotation(DocumentReferences.class); if (referenceMetaData == null) { LOG.warn("No DocumentReferences annotation found in field: ", f.getName()); return; } if (referenceMetaData.view().length() > 0) { LOG.debug("Skipping view generation for field {} as view is already specified", f.getName()); return; } if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) { generateSetBasedDocRefView(views, f, referenceMetaData); } else { throw new ViewGenerationException( String.format( "The type of the field: %s in %s annotated with DocumentReferences is not supported. (Must be assignable from java.util.Set)", f.getName(), f.getDeclaringClass())); } }
private static LinkedHashMap<String, Prop> createProps() { Field[] fs = Configuration.class.getDeclaredFields(); LinkedHashMap<String, Prop> res = new LinkedHashMap<String, Prop>(); for (Field f : fs) if (!Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) { Description annotation = f.getAnnotation(Description.class); if (annotation != null) { String name = f.getName().replace('_', '.'); res.put(name, new Prop(name, annotation.value(), f)); } } return res; }
private void assertion(boolean basic, Var x, Field f) { if (basic) { if (x.getType().getKind() != TypeIR.Kind.BASIC) { if (f == null) { System.out.println(" 1mm " + x.getType()); fail = true; } if (f.getType().getKind() != TypeIR.Kind.BASIC) { System.out.println(" xxmm " + x.getType()); System.out.println(" 2mm " + f.getName() + " " + f.getType()); fail = true; } } } else { if (x.getType().getKind() == TypeIR.Kind.BASIC) { System.out.println(" 3mm " + x.getType()); fail = true; } if (f != null && f.getType().getKind() == TypeIR.Kind.BASIC) { System.out.println(" 4mm " + f.getName() + " " + f.getType()); fail = true; } } }
private MutableTreeNode populateAttributes(CavityDBObject obj) { DefaultMutableTreeNode tree = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("attrs"); Class cls = obj.getClass(); for (Field f : cls.getFields()) { int mod = f.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isPublic(mod) && !Modifier.isStatic(mod)) { String fieldName = f.getName(); try { Object value = f.get(obj); tree.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode(String.format("%s=%s", fieldName, String.valueOf(value)))); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // do nothing. } } } return tree; }
private void importField(DbJVClass dbClaz, Field field) throws DbException { if (dbClaz == null) { return; } DbJVDataMember member = new DbJVDataMember(dbClaz); member.setName(field.getName()); // set field type Type type = field.getType(); member.setType(toAdt(type)); member.setTypeUse(toTypeUse(type)); // set field modifiers member.setFinal(field.isFinal()); member.setStatic(field.isStatic()); member.setTransient(field.isTransient()); member.setVisibility(toVisibility(field)); member.setVolatile(field.isVolatile()); }
/** Reflect operations demo */ public static void reflect(Object obj) { // `cls用于描述对象所属的类` Class cls = obj.getClass(); print("Class Name: " + cls.getCanonicalName()); // `fields包含对象的所有属性` Field[] fields = cls.getDeclaredFields(); print("List of fields:"); for (Field f : fields) { print(String.format("%30s %15s", f.getType(), f.getName())); } // `methods包含对象的所有方法` Method[] methods = cls.getDeclaredMethods(); print("List of methods:"); for (Method m : methods) print( String.format( "%30s %15s %30s", m.getReturnType(), m.getName(), Arrays.toString(m.getParameterTypes()))); Constructor[] constructors = cls.getConstructors(); print("List of contructors:"); for (Constructor c : constructors) print(String.format("%30s %15s", c.getName(), Arrays.toString(c.getParameterTypes()))); }
@Override public int compare(Field f1, Field f2) { return f1.getName().compareTo(f2.getName()); }
// query NO starts at 0 // queryNoNext starts at 1 // depth starts at 0 // DataObj d - data object that's foreign keys are being expanded from ids to JSON objects // depth - tab placement // queryNo - which query is currently public String evaluateFK( DataObj d, int depth, String lastQueryFrom, String lastQueryWhere, String dbQueryParam) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(4028); HashMap<DataObj, List<String>> dataObjsMap = new HashMap<DataObj, List<String>>(); // First, evaluate all the foreign keys on the current object for (Field f : d.getFields()) { if (f.getType() == Field.Type.FOREIGN_KEY) { // get the object corresponding to the foreign key field str // so that you know what fields to get in sql statement for (DataObj fkObj : d.getDependencies()) { if ((fkObj.getName()).equals(f.getTypeStr())) { String parentRow = "rows" + Integer.toString(queryNo); String fkRow = "rows" + Integer.toString(queryNoNext); String fkName = fkObj.getName(); String parName = d.getName(); // The 'from' part of a SQL select FROM where String queryFrom = lastQueryFrom + " " + fkName + " as " + fkName + " "; // The 'where' part of a SQL select from WHERE String queryWhere = lastQueryWhere + " " + fkName + ".id = " + parName + "." + f.getName(); // Recursive calls do need this text if (queryNo == 0) { queryFrom += " inner join " + parName + " as " + parName + " "; queryWhere += " and " + parName + ".id = ?"; } if (depth == 0) { s.append(returnTab(2 + depth) + "totalCount += rows0.length;\n"); } s.append(returnTab(2 + depth) + parentRow + ".forEach(function(row) { \n"); s.append(returnTab(3 + depth) + "query = \"" + selectProperties(fkObj) + "\";\n"); s.append(returnTab(3 + depth) + "query += \"from " + queryFrom + "\";\n"); s.append(returnTab(3 + depth) + "query += \"where " + queryWhere + "\";\n"); s.append( returnTab(3 + depth) + "con.query(query, " + dbQueryParam + ", function(err, " + fkRow + ",fields) {\n"); s.append(returnTab(4 + depth) + "if (err) throw err;\n"); s.append(returnTab(4 + depth) + "row." + f.getName() + " = " + fkRow + "[0];\n"); // Store this object, so below you can check if it has // foreign keys that have to be evaluated ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(); a.add(queryFrom + " inner join "); a.add(queryWhere + " and "); a.add(Integer.toString(queryNoNext)); dataObjsMap.put(fkObj, a); depth += 2; queryNoNext++; break; } } } } // Second, recursively evaluate all of the foreign key objects // The keys of dataObjsMap are all of the objects that are // DataObj d's object dependencies // The value is an array [0] - queryFrom // [1] - queryWhere // [2] - queryNo // The dataObjsMap is populated roughly 10 lines up Iterator it = dataObjsMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry one = (Map.Entry) it.next(); DataObj key = (DataObj) one.getKey(); List<String> values = (List<String>) dataObjsMap.get(key); // reset global variable queryNo // why are we parsing ints? Need to parse the int because // [2] queryNo is an int queryNo = Integer.parseInt(values.get(2)); s.append( evaluateFK(key, depth, (String) values.get(0), (String) values.get(1), dbQueryParam)); } if (depth > tabDepth) { tabDepth = depth; } return s.toString(); }
private static void extractViewPattern(int depth, ViewTrace trace, StringBuilder p) { if (!processedViewsForPatterns.add(trace)) { p.append("(ALIASED) "); } p.append(trace.realView.getClass() + " size = " + trace.realView.size() + "\n"); indent(depth, p); p.append(" use:"); if (trace.materializeCount == 0 && trace.sumCount == 0 && trace.getCount == 0) { p.append(" UNUSED"); } else { if (trace.getCount > 0) { p.append(" get"); } if (trace.materializeCount > 0) { p.append(" materialize"); } if (trace.sumCount > 0) { p.append(" sum"); } } p.append("\n"); if (false) { p.append(" allocationSite ="); Site.printSite(trace.allocationSite, p); p.append("\n"); indent(depth, p); } RArray view = trace.realView; Class viewClass = view.getClass(); Field[] fields = getAllFields(viewClass); boolean printedField = false; for (Field f : fields) { if (f.isSynthetic()) { continue; } Class fieldClass = f.getType(); if (RArray.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass)) { continue; // these later } indent(depth, p); p.append(" " + f.getName() + " "); try { f.setAccessible(true); Object o = f.get(view); p.append(o == null ? "null (" + fieldClass + ")" : o.getClass()); p.append("\n"); printedField = true; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { assert Utils.check(false, "can't read a view field " + e); } } boolean printNewline = printedField; for (Field f : fields) { if (f.isSynthetic()) { continue; } Class fieldClass = f.getType(); if (!RArray.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass)) { continue; } if (printNewline) { p.append("\n"); printNewline = false; } indent(depth, p); p.append(" " + f.getName() + " "); try { f.setAccessible(true); Object o = f.get(view); if (o instanceof TracingView) { p.append("VIEW "); TracingView child = (TracingView) o; extractViewPattern(depth + 2, child.getTrace(), p); } else { p.append("ARRAY " + o.getClass() + " size = " + ((RArray) o).size()); if (o instanceof View) { ps.println("MISSED VIEW " + o); } } p.append("\n"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { assert Utils.check(false, "can't read a view field " + e); } } }
private static void dumpView(int depth, ViewTrace trace) { printedIndividualViews.add(trace); ps.println(trace.realView + " size = " + trace.realView.size()); if (TRACE_ALLOCATION_SITE) { indent(depth); ps.print(" allocationSite ="); Site.printSite(trace.allocationSite); ps.println(); } int unused = trace.unusedElements(); int redundant = trace.redundantGets(); boolean singleUse; Site[] useSites; if (TRACE_USE_SITES) { useSites = trace.useSites.toArray(new Site[trace.useSites.size()]); singleUse = (useSites.length == 1); } else if (TRACE_SINGLE_USE_SITE) { useSites = null; singleUse = !trace.multipleUseSites; } else { useSites = null; singleUse = false; } if (singleUse) { indent(depth); ps.print(" singleUseSite = US"); Site.printSite(useSites != null ? useSites[0] : trace.singleUseSite); if (trace.getCount > 0) { ps.println(" (get)"); } else if (trace.sumCount > 0) { ps.println(" (sum)"); } else { ps.println(" (materialize)"); } } else if (trace.getCount > 0) { if (TRACE_FIRST_GET_SITE) { indent(depth); ps.print(" firstGetSite ="); Site.printSite(trace.firstGetSite); ps.println(); } if (trace.materializeCount == 0 && trace.sumCount == 0) { if (unused > 0) { indent(depth); ps.println(" unusedElements = " + unused); } if (redundant > 0) { indent(depth); ps.println(" redundantGets = " + redundant + " (no materialize, sum)"); } } } else { if (trace.materializeCount == 0 && trace.sumCount == 0) { indent(depth); ps.println(" UNUSED"); } else { indent(depth); ps.println( " materializeCount = " + trace.materializeCount + " sumCount = " + trace.sumCount + " getCount = " + trace.getCount); } } if (TRACE_FIRST_MATERIALIZE_SITE && trace.materializeCount > 0 && !singleUse) { indent(depth); ps.print(" firstMaterializeSite ="); Site.printSite(trace.firstMaterializeSite); ps.println(); } if (TRACE_FIRST_SUM_SITE && trace.sumCount > 0 && !singleUse) { indent(depth); ps.print(" firstSumSite ="); Site.printSite(trace.firstSumSite); ps.println(); } if (TRACE_USE_SITES) { if (useSites.length != 1) { indent(depth); ps.println(" useSites (" + useSites.length + "):"); for (Site s : useSites) { indent(depth); ps.print(" US"); Site.printSite(s); ps.println(); } } } ps.println(); RArray view = trace.realView; Class viewClass = view.getClass(); Field[] fields = getAllFields(viewClass); boolean printedField = false; for (Field f : fields) { if (f.isSynthetic()) { continue; } Class fieldClass = f.getType(); if (RArray.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass)) { continue; // these later } indent(depth); ps.print(" " + f.getName() + " "); try { f.setAccessible(true); ps.println(f.get(view)); printedField = true; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { assert Utils.check(false, "can't read a view field " + e); } } boolean printNewline = printedField; for (Field f : fields) { if (f.isSynthetic()) { continue; } Class fieldClass = f.getType(); if (!RArray.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass)) { continue; } if (printNewline) { ps.println(); printNewline = false; } indent(depth); ps.print(" " + f.getName() + " "); try { f.setAccessible(true); Object o = f.get(view); if (o instanceof TracingView) { ps.print("VIEW "); TracingView child = (TracingView) o; dumpView(depth + 2, child.getTrace()); } else { ps.print("ARRAY " + o + " size = " + ((RArray) o).size()); if (o instanceof View) { ps.println("MISSED VIEW " + o); } } ps.println(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { assert Utils.check(false, "can't read a view field " + e); } } }