// Do some config parameter validation/adjustment. protected static void normalizeConfig(Config config) throws IOException { if (config.getIndentAmount() > 0) { config.setIndent(""); for (int i = 0; i < config.getIndentAmount(); i++) config.setIndent(config.getIndent() + " "); } if (config.isGenerateTransactions()) { config.setGeneratePropertyEvents(true); config.setGenerateStoreEvents(true); } else if (!config.isGeneratePropertyEvents() && config.isGenerateStoreEvents()) config.setGenerateStoreEvents(false); if (config.isGenerateHasChanged()) config.setGenerateParentRefs(true); config.readConfigs(); if (config.getWriteConfig() != null) { config.write(new FileOutputStream(config.getWriteConfig())); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Config.hadoop_mode = false; if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equals("args")) // needed for mrql.flink script args = args[1].substring(1).split("!"); for (String arg : args) { Config.hadoop_mode |= arg.equals("-local") || arg.equals("-dist"); Config.bsp_mode |= arg.equals("-bsp"); Config.spark_mode |= arg.equals("-spark"); Config.flink_mode |= arg.equals("-flink"); } ; Config.map_reduce_mode = !Config.bsp_mode && !Config.spark_mode && !Config.flink_mode; initialize_evaluator(); if (Config.hadoop_mode) { conf = Evaluator.evaluator.new_configuration(); GenericOptionsParser gop = new GenericOptionsParser(conf, args); conf = gop.getConfiguration(); args = gop.getRemainingArgs(); } ; Config.parse_args(args, conf); Config.hadoop_mode = Config.local_mode || Config.distributed_mode; if (!Config.info) { for (Enumeration en = LogManager.getCurrentLoggers(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) ((Logger) en.nextElement()).setLevel(Level.WARN); LogManager.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.WARN); } ; Evaluator.evaluator.init(conf); new TopLevel(); System.out.print("Apache MRQL version " + version + " ("); if (Config.compile_functional_arguments) System.out.print("compiled "); else System.out.print("interpreted "); if (Config.hadoop_mode) { if (Config.local_mode) System.out.print("local "); else if (Config.distributed_mode) System.out.print("distributed "); if (Config.spark_mode) System.out.println("Spark mode using " + Config.nodes + " tasks)"); else if (Config.flink_mode) System.out.println("Flink mode using " + Config.nodes + " tasks)"); else if (Config.bsp_mode) System.out.println("Hama BSP mode over " + Config.nodes + " BSP tasks)"); else if (Config.nodes > 0) System.out.println("Hadoop MapReduce mode with " + Config.nodes + " reducers)"); else if (!Config.local_mode) System.out.println("Hadoop MapReduce mode with 1 reducer, use -nodes to change it)"); else System.out.println("Hadoop MapReduce mode)"); } else if (Config.bsp_mode) System.out.println("in-memory BSP mode)"); else System.out.println("in-memory Java mode)"); if (Config.interactive) { System.out.println("Type quit to exit"); ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(); reader.setBellEnabled(false); History history = new History(new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.mrqlhistory")); reader.setHistory(history); reader.setUseHistory(false); try { loop: while (true) { String line = ""; String s = ""; try { if (Config.hadoop_mode && Config.bsp_mode) Config.write(Plan.conf); do { s = reader.readLine("> "); if (s != null && (s.equals("quit") || s.equals("exit"))) break loop; if (s != null) line += " " + s; } while (s == null || s.indexOf(";") <= 0); line = line.substring(1); history.addToHistory(line); parser = new MRQLParser(new MRQLLex(new StringReader(line))); MRQLLex.reset(); parser.parse(); } catch (EOFException x) { break; } catch (Exception x) { if (x.getMessage() != null) System.out.println(x); } catch (Error x) { System.out.println(x); } } } finally { if (Config.hadoop_mode) { Plan.clean(); Evaluator.evaluator.shutdown(Plan.conf); } ; if (Config.compile_functional_arguments) Compiler.clean(); } } else try { if (Config.hadoop_mode && Config.bsp_mode) Config.write(Plan.conf); try { parser = new MRQLParser(new MRQLLex(new FileInputStream(query_file))); } catch (Exception e) { // when the query file is in HDFS Path path = new Path(query_file); FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); parser = new MRQLParser(new MRQLLex(fs.open(path))); } ; parser.parse(); } finally { if (Config.hadoop_mode) { Plan.clean(); Evaluator.evaluator.shutdown(Plan.conf); } ; if (Config.compile_functional_arguments) Compiler.clean(); } }