Beispiel #1
 public void clearSelected() {
   if (pageLines != null) {
     for (LineText lineText : pageLines) {
   if (sortedPageLines != null) {
     for (LineText lineText : sortedPageLines) {
   // check optional content.
   if (optionalPageLines != null) {
     // iterate over optional content keys and extract text from visible groups
     Set<OptionalContents> keys = optionalPageLines.keySet();
     ArrayList<LineText> optionalLines;
     for (OptionalContents key : keys) {
       if (key != null) {
         optionalLines = optionalPageLines.get(key).getAllPageLines();
         if (optionalLines != null) {
           for (LineText lineText : optionalLines) {
Beispiel #2
  * Finds the key (time) of the currently hovered entry, or -1 if none is hovered.
  * @param p The current position of the mouse.
  * @return
 private long findHoverEntry(Point p) {
   double smallestDistance = HOVER_RADIUS;
   long foundHoverEntry = -1;
   for (Point point : locations.keySet()) {
     double distance = p.distance(point);
     if (distance < HOVER_RADIUS) {
       if (distance < smallestDistance) {
         foundHoverEntry = locations.get(point);
         smallestDistance = distance;
   return foundHoverEntry;
Beispiel #3
  private void doAssert(Map<String, String> expected, PlaybackRunner.StatusCallback cb)
      throws AssertionError {
    final Component owner = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner();

    if (owner == null) {
      throw new AssertionError("No component focused");

    Component eachParent = owner;
    final LinkedHashMap<String, String> actual = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    while (eachParent != null) {
      if (eachParent instanceof TestableUi) {
        ((TestableUi) eachParent).putInfo(actual);

      eachParent = eachParent.getParent();

    Set testedKeys = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    for (String eachKey : expected.keySet()) {

      final String actualValue = actual.get(eachKey);
      final String expectedValue = expected.get(eachKey);

      if (!expectedValue.equals(actualValue)) {
        throw new AssertionError(
            eachKey + " expected: " + expectedValue + " but was: " + actualValue);

    Map<String, String> untested = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (String eachKey : actual.keySet()) {
      if (testedKeys.contains(eachKey)) continue;
      untested.put(eachKey, actual.get(eachKey));

    StringBuffer untestedText = new StringBuffer();
    for (String each : untested.keySet()) {
      if (untestedText.length() > 0) {

    cb.message("Untested info: " + untestedText.toString(), getLine());
Beispiel #4
  * Gets the starting time for the displayed range. If there is a fixed starting time, use that,
  * otherwise check if there is a range and calculate the starting time from that. Otherwise return
  * 0, meaning the data is displayed from the start.
  * @param range The time in milliseconds that the data should be displayed, going backwards,
  *     starting from the very end.
  * @return The start of the data displaying range in milliseconds.
 private long getStartAt(long range) {
   if (fixedStartTime > 0) {
     return fixedStartTime;
   if (range <= 0) {
     return 0;
   long end = -1;
   for (long time : history.keySet()) {
     end = time;
   long startAt = end - range;
   if (startAt < 0) {
     startAt = 0;
   return startAt;
Beispiel #5
   * Update the start/end/duration/min/max variables which can be changed when the data changes as
   * well when the displayed range changes.
  private void updateVars() {
    long startAt = getStartAt(currentRange);
    long endAt = getEndAt();
    int max = 0;
    int min = -1;
    long start = -1;
    long end = -1;
    for (Long time : history.keySet()) {
      if (time < startAt) {
      if (endAt > startAt && time > endAt) {
      // Start/End time
      if (start == -1) {
        start = time;
      end = time;
      // Max/min value
      StreamInfoHistoryItem historyObj = history.get(time);
      int viewerCount = historyObj.getViewers();
      if (viewerCount < min || min == -1) {
        min = viewerCount;
      if (viewerCount == -1) {
        min = 0;
      if (viewerCount > max) {
        max = viewerCount;

    maxValue = max;
    minValue = min;
    startTime = start;
    endTime = end;
    duration = end - start;
Beispiel #6
 private ArrayList<LineText> getAllPageLines() {
   ArrayList<LineText> visiblePageLines = new ArrayList<LineText>(pageLines);
   // add optional content text that is visible.
   // check optional content.
   if (optionalPageLines != null) {
     // iterate over optional content keys and extract text from visible groups
     Set<OptionalContents> keys = optionalPageLines.keySet();
     LineText currentLine = new LineText();
     for (OptionalContents key : keys) {
       if (key != null) {
         ArrayList<LineText> pageLines = optionalPageLines.get(key).getVisiblePageLines(true);
         for (LineText lineText : pageLines) {
     // recalculate the bounds.
   return visiblePageLines;
Beispiel #7
   * Draw the text and graph.
   * @param g
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

    // Background
    g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

    // This color is used for everything until drawing the points

    // Anti-Aliasing
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

    // Font
    FontMetrics fontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics(FONT);
    int fontHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight();

    int topTextY = fontMetrics.getAscent();

    // Margins
    int vMargin = fontHeight + MARGIN;
    int hMargin = MARGIN;

    // Calculate actual usable size
    double width = getWidth() - hMargin * 2;
    double height = getHeight() - vMargin * 2;

    boolean drawLowerLine = height > -vMargin;

    // If there is any data and no hovered entry is shown, draw current
    // viewercount
    int nowTextX = 0;
    if (history != null && hoverEntry == -1) {
      Integer viewers = history.get(endTime).getViewers();
      long ago = System.currentTimeMillis() - endTime;
      String text;
      if (ago > CONSIDERED_AS_NOW) {
        text = "latest: " + Helper.formatViewerCount(viewers);
      } else {
        text = "now: " + Helper.formatViewerCount(viewers);
      if (viewers == -1) {
        text = "Stream offline";
      nowTextX = getWidth() - fontMetrics.stringWidth(text);
      g.drawString(text, nowTextX, topTextY);

    // Default text when no data is present
    if (history == null || history.size() < 2) {
      String text = "No viewer history yet";
      int textWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth(text);
      int y = getHeight() / 2 + fontMetrics.getDescent();
      int x = (getWidth() - textWidth) / 2;
      boolean drawInfoText = false;
      if (history != null && y < topTextY + fontHeight + 4 && x + textWidth + 7 > nowTextX) {
        if (drawLowerLine || nowTextX > textWidth + 5) {
          if (drawLowerLine) {
            y = getHeight() - 2;
          } else {
            y = topTextY;
          x = 0;
          drawInfoText = true;
      } else {
        drawInfoText = true;
      if (drawInfoText) {
        g.drawString(text, x, y);

    // ----------
    // From here only when actual data is to be rendered

    // Show info on hovered entry
    String maxValueText = "max: " + Helper.formatViewerCount(maxValue);
    int maxValueEnd = fontMetrics.stringWidth(maxValueText);
    boolean displayMaxValue = true;

    if (hoverEntry != -1) {
      Integer viewers = history.get(hoverEntry).getViewers();
      Date d = new Date(hoverEntry);
      String text = "Viewers: " + Helper.formatViewerCount(viewers) + " (" + sdf.format(d) + ")";
      if (viewers == -1) {
        text = "Stream offline (" + sdf.format(d) + ")";
      int x = getWidth() - fontMetrics.stringWidth(text);
      if (maxValueEnd > x) {
        displayMaxValue = false;
      g.drawString(text, x, topTextY);

    String minText = "min: " + Helper.formatViewerCount(minValue);
    int minTextWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth(minText);

    // Draw Times
    if (drawLowerLine) {
      String timeText = makeTimesText(startTime, endTime);
      int timeTextWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth(timeText);
      int textX = getWidth() - timeTextWidth;
      g.drawString(timeText, textX, getHeight() - 1);

      if (minValue >= 1000 && timeTextWidth + minTextWidth > width) {
        minText = "min: " + minValue / 1000 + "k";

    // Draw min/max if necessary
    if (isShowingInfo()) {
      if (displayMaxValue) {
        g.drawString(maxValueText, 0, topTextY);
      if (drawLowerLine) {
        g.drawString(minText, 0, getHeight() - 1);
      } else if (maxValueEnd + minTextWidth + 29 < nowTextX) {
        g.drawString(minText, maxValueEnd + 10, topTextY);

    // If height available for the graph is too small, don't draw graph
    if (height < 5) {

    // Calculation factors for calculating the points location
    int range = maxValue - minValue;
    if (showFullRange) {
      range = maxValue;
    if (range == 0) {
      // Prevent division by zero
      range = 1;
    double pixelPerViewer = height / range;
    double pixelPerTime = width / duration;

    // Go through all entries and calculate positions

    int prevX = -1;
    int prevY = -1;
    Iterator<Entry<Long, StreamInfoHistoryItem>> it = history.entrySet().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Entry<Long, StreamInfoHistoryItem> entry =;

      // Get time and value to draw next
      long time = entry.getKey();
      if (time < startTime || time > endTime) {
      long offsetTime = time - startTime;

      int viewers = entry.getValue().getViewers();
      if (viewers == -1) {
        viewers = 0;

      // Calculate point location
      int x = (int) (hMargin + offsetTime * pixelPerTime);
      int y;
      if (showFullRange) {
        y = (int) (-vMargin + getHeight() - (viewers) * pixelPerViewer);
      } else {
        y = (int) (-vMargin + getHeight() - (viewers - minValue) * pixelPerViewer);

      // Draw connecting line
      if (prevX != -1) {
        g.drawLine(x, y, prevX, prevY);

      // Save point coordinates to be able to draw the line next loop
      prevX = x;
      prevY = y;

      // Save point locations to draw points and to find entries on hover
      locations.put(new Point(x, y), time);

    // Draw points (after lines, so they are in front)
    for (Point point : locations.keySet()) {
      int x = point.x;
      int y = point.y;
      long seconds = locations.get(point);

      StreamInfoHistoryItem historyObject = history.get(seconds);

      // Highlight hovered entry
      if (seconds == hoverEntry) {
      } else {
        // Draw offline points differently
        if (!historyObject.isOnline()) {
        } else {
      g.fillOval(x - POINT_SIZE / 2, y - POINT_SIZE / 2, POINT_SIZE, POINT_SIZE);