Beispiel #1
 private static int getComboBoxBaselineResizeBehavior(JComboBox cb) {
   if (cb.isEditable()) {
     return getBaselineResizeBehavior(cb.getEditor().getEditorComponent());
   ListCellRenderer renderer = cb.getRenderer();
   if (renderer == null) {
     if (brbListCellRenderer == null) {
       brbListCellRenderer = new DefaultListCellRenderer();
     renderer = brbListCellRenderer;
   Object value = null;
   Object prototypeValue = cb.getPrototypeDisplayValue();
   if (prototypeValue != null) {
     value = prototypeValue;
   } else if (cb.getModel().getSize() > 0) {
     value = cb.getModel().getElementAt(0);
   if (value != null) {
     if (brbList == null) {
       brbList = new JList();
     Component component = renderer.getListCellRendererComponent(brbList, value, -1, false, false);
     return getBaselineResizeBehavior(component);
   return BRB_OTHER;
  public Element createXML() {
    if (agents.getSelectedIndex() + 1 < agents.getModel().getSize()) {
      Element e = (Element) AgentComboBoxModel.getAgents().get(agents.getSelectedIndex());
      Vector settings = new Vector();
      // Eigenschaften ab 7 werden als Settings fürs Tool ausgelesen (EXIF-Tags) :)
      // ist keines gesetzt, so wird der Vector wieder auf null gesetzt :)
      boolean atLeastOneSettingDefined = false;
      Iterator itVals = ctm.getValues().iterator();
      int tempCount = 0;
      for (Object o : ctm.getKeys()) {
        String tempKey = (String) o;
        String tempVal = (String);
        if (tempVal.length() > 0
            && tempCount > 5) { // Wenn Wert da und wenns keiner der ersten 6 std werte is
          settings.add(tempKey + "=" + tempVal);
          atLeastOneSettingDefined = true;
      if (!atLeastOneSettingDefined) settings = null;
      String time = null;
      if (datatable.getValueAt(0, 1).toString().length() > 0)
        time = datatable.getValueAt(0, 1).toString();

      String tool = null;
      int count = 0;
      for (Object o1 : ctm.getKeys()) {
        String s = (String) o1;
        if (s.equals("Make")) {
          if (tool == null) tool = new String();
          tool = ctm.getValues().get(count) + " " + tool;
        if (s.equals("Model")) {
          if (tool == null) tool = new String();
          tool = tool + ctm.getValues().get(count);
      Mpeg7CreationInformation m7ci = new Mpeg7CreationInformation(e, tool, settings, time);
      // Getting data ....
      String bits = null, fformat = null, fsize = null, ih = null, iw = null;
      if (datatable.getValueAt(1, 1).toString().length() > 0)
        fformat = datatable.getValueAt(1, 1).toString();
      if (datatable.getValueAt(2, 1).toString().length() > 0)
        fsize = datatable.getValueAt(2, 1).toString();
      if (datatable.getValueAt(4, 1).toString().length() > 0)
        ih = datatable.getValueAt(4, 1).toString();
      if (datatable.getValueAt(3, 1).toString().length() > 0)
        iw = datatable.getValueAt(3, 1).toString();
      if (datatable.getValueAt(5, 1).toString().length() > 0)
        bits = datatable.getValueAt(5, 1).toString();
      Mpeg7MediaFormat m7mf = new Mpeg7MediaFormat(bits, fformat, fsize, ih, iw);
      Element mediaFormat = m7mf.createDocument();
      Element ret = new Element("return", mediaFormat.getNamespace()).addContent(mediaFormat);
      return ret;
    } else {
      return null;
 private void stateChanged(ActionEvent event) {
   //        debug("state changed: " + (agents.getSelectedIndex() + 1) + ". item selected");
   if (agents.getSelectedIndex() + 1 == agents.getModel().getSize()) {
     //            debug("a new agent shall be created!");
   } else model.reReadAgents();
 private void selectTestType(TestType testType) {
   TestTypeListItem testTypeListItem = myListItemByTestTypeMap.get(testType);
   ComboBoxModel comboBoxModel = myTestTypeComboBox.getModel();
   if (comboBoxModel.getSelectedItem() != testTypeListItem) {
Beispiel #5
  /** populates the comptype combo box with the COMPONENT_TYPES */
  private void populateCompType() {
    DefaultComboBoxModel model = (DefaultComboBoxModel) comptype.getModel();

    for (int count = 0; count < COMPONENT_TYPES.length; count++) {

Beispiel #6
  * Sets the log level combo box to the specified log level.
  * @param logLevel the log level in question.
 private void setLogLevelComboBoxSetting(LogLevel logLevel) {
   DefaultComboBoxModel model = (DefaultComboBoxModel) logLevelComboBox.getModel();
   for (int index = 0; index < model.getSize(); index++) {
     LogLevelWrapper wrapper = (LogLevelWrapper) model.getElementAt(index);
     if (wrapper.logLevel == logLevel) {
      private void prepareTextComboBox(final Object propertyValue) {
        // _textComboBox wird in der letzten Zeile editierbar gemacht, und es wird
        // der übergebene Wert in diese Zeile eingetragen und selektiert, wenn er nicht
        // einem der anderen Einträge entspricht.

        if (propertyValue != null) {
          String propertyValueAsString = (String) propertyValue;
          final int size = _textComboBox.getModel().getSize();
          boolean propertyValueFound = false;
          for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
            if (propertyValueAsString.equals((String) _textComboBox.getItemAt(i))) {
              propertyValueFound = true;
          if (!propertyValueFound) {
            _textComboBox.removeItemAt(size - 1);
            _textComboBox.setSelectedIndex(size - 1);

        ItemListener textComboBoxItemListener =
            new ItemListener() {
              public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
                if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
                  if (_textComboBox.getSelectedIndex()
                      == DOTPointPainter.DYNAMIC_TEXT_ITEMS.length - 1) {
                  } else {

        ActionListener editorActionListener =
            new ActionListener() {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                final int length = DOTPointPainter.DYNAMIC_TEXT_ITEMS.length;
                final int index = length - 1;
                final ComboBoxEditor editor = _textComboBox.getEditor();
                String editedItem = (String) editor.getItem();
                _textComboBox.insertItemAt(editedItem, index);
                final DefaultComboBoxModel model = (DefaultComboBoxModel) _textComboBox.getModel();
                if (model.getSize()
                    > length) { // Sieht komisch aus, aber der direkte Weg ging nicht.
  public boolean isModified() {
    Sdk sdk = myCompilationServerSdk.getSelectedJdk();
    String sdkName = sdk == null ? null : sdk.getName();

    if (showTypeInfoOnCheckBox.isSelected() != mySettings.SHOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP_ON_MOUSE_HOVER)
      return true;
    if (!delaySpinner.getValue().equals(mySettings.SHOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP_DELAY)) return true;

    return !(myEnableCompileServer.isSelected() == mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_ENABLED
        && myCompilationServerPort.getText().equals(mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_PORT)
        && ComparatorUtil.equalsNullable(sdkName, mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_SDK)
        && myCompilationServerMaximumHeapSize
        && myCompilationServerJvmParameters
        && myIncrementalTypeCmb.getModel().getSelectedItem().equals(mySettings.INCREMENTAL_TYPE)
        && myCompileOrderCmb.getModel().getSelectedItem().equals(mySettings.COMPILE_ORDER));
  * Find the class for the projection
  * @param proj projection
  * @return corresponding ProjectionClass (or null if not found)
 private ProjectionClass findProjectionClass(Projection proj) {
   Class want = proj.getClass();
   ComboBoxModel projClassList = projClassCB.getModel();
   for (int i = 0; i < projClassList.getSize(); i++) {
     ProjectionClass pc = (ProjectionClass) projClassList.getElementAt(i);
     if (want.equals(pc.projClass)) {
       return pc;
   return null;
 private void selectScope(String preselect) {
   if (preselect != null) {
     final JComboBox combo = getComboBox();
     DefaultComboBoxModel model = (DefaultComboBoxModel) combo.getModel();
     for (int i = 0; i < model.getSize(); i++) {
       ScopeDescriptor descriptor = (ScopeDescriptor) model.getElementAt(i);
       if (preselect.equals(descriptor.getDisplay())) {
  public void apply() throws ConfigurationException {
    mySettings.INCREMENTAL_TYPE = (String) myIncrementalTypeCmb.getModel().getSelectedItem();
    mySettings.COMPILE_ORDER = (String) myCompileOrderCmb.getModel().getSelectedItem();
    mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_ENABLED = myEnableCompileServer.isSelected();
    mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_PORT = myCompilationServerPort.getText();

    Sdk sdk = myCompilationServerSdk.getSelectedJdk();
    mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_SDK = sdk == null ? null : sdk.getName();

    mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE = myCompilationServerMaximumHeapSize.getText();
    mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_JVM_PARAMETERS = myCompilationServerJvmParameters.getText();
    mySettings.SHOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP_ON_MOUSE_HOVER = showTypeInfoOnCheckBox.isSelected();
    mySettings.SHOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP_DELAY = (Integer) delaySpinner.getValue();

    // TODO
    //    boolean externalCompiler =
    // CompilerWorkspaceConfiguration.getInstance(myProject).USE_COMPILE_SERVER;
    //    if (!externalCompiler || !myEnableCompileServer.isSelected()) {
    //      myProject.getComponent(CompileServerLauncher.class).stop();
    //    }
    //    myProject.getComponent(CompileServerManager.class).configureWidget();
Beispiel #12
  private void initUI() {
    SortedMap<String, SourceIdentifier> stats = mainFrame.getAvailableStatistics();

    List<WrappedSourceIdentifier> wrappedSources =
        new ArrayList<WrappedSourceIdentifier>(stats.size() + 1);
    wrappedSources.add(new WrappedSourceIdentifier("Global", new SourceIdentifier("global")));
    for (Map.Entry<String, SourceIdentifier> current : stats.entrySet()) {
      WrappedSourceIdentifier wrapped =
          new WrappedSourceIdentifier(current.getKey(), current.getValue());
    Object[] newSourcesArray = wrappedSources.toArray();
    if (!Arrays.equals(previousSourcesArray, newSourcesArray)) {
      previousSourcesArray = newSourcesArray;
      DefaultComboBoxModel model = new DefaultComboBoxModel(newSourcesArray);
    int index = 0;
    if (sourceIdentifier != null) {
      ComboBoxModel model = sourcesComboBox.getModel();
      for (int i = 0; i < model.getSize(); i++) {
        Object current = model.getElementAt(i);
        if (current instanceof WrappedSourceIdentifier) {
          WrappedSourceIdentifier wrapped = (WrappedSourceIdentifier) current;
          if (sourceIdentifier.getIdentifier().equals(wrapped.sourceIdentifier.getIdentifier())) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Equal");
            index = i;
          } else {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
              logger.debug("Not equal: {} != {}", sourceIdentifier, wrapped.sourceIdentifier);
        } else {
          if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn("Not instanceof WrappedSourceIdentifier");
Beispiel #13
 /** initialises a parmeter to the default component */
 private void initParam(String param) {
   params.put(param, comptype.getModel().getElementAt(0));