public Haikdu(String filename) { try { familySource.Open(filename); int success = wrappedSource.Open(familySource, true); if (success < 0) { familySource.Close(); wrappedSource.Close(); rawSource = new Kdu_simple_file_source(filename); } if (rawSource != null) compositor.Create(rawSource); else compositor.Create(wrappedSource); int numThreads = Kdu_global.Kdu_get_num_processors(); threadEnv.Create(); for (int thread = 1; thread < numThreads; thread++) if (!threadEnv.Add_thread()) numThreads = thread; compositor.Set_thread_env(threadEnv, null); compositor.Add_ilayer(0, new Kdu_dims(), new Kdu_dims()); compositor.Set_scale(false, false, false, 0.050f); // Determine dimensions for the rendered result and start processing. compositor.Get_total_composition_dims(viewDims); viewSize = viewDims.Access_size(); // Construct Swing frame imagePanel = new ImagePanel(viewSize); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); getContentPane().add("Center", imagePanel); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); pack(); setTitle("Haikdu"); setVisible(true); repaint(); Kdu_coords displaySize = new Kdu_coords(imagePanel.getWidth(), imagePanel.getHeight()); if (viewSize.Get_x() > displaySize.Get_x()) viewSize.Set_x(displaySize.Get_y()); if (viewSize.Get_y() > displaySize.Get_y()) viewSize.Set_y(displaySize.Get_y()); compositor.Set_buffer_surface(viewDims); compositorBuffer = compositor.Get_composition_buffer(viewDims); } catch (KduException e) { System.err.printf("Caught exception during Kdu object construction: %s\n", e.getMessage()); } render(); }
public void render() { try { int regionBufferSize = 0; int[] regionBuffer = null; Kdu_dims newRegion = new Kdu_dims(); long kduRenderStart = System.nanoTime(); while (compositor.Process(100000, newRegion)) { Kdu_coords newOffset = newRegion.Access_pos(); Kdu_coords newSize = newRegion.Access_size(); newOffset.Subtract(viewDims.Access_pos()); int newPixels = newSize.Get_x() * newSize.Get_y(); if (newPixels == 0) continue; else if (newPixels > regionBufferSize) { regionBufferSize = newPixels; regionBuffer = new int[regionBufferSize]; } compositorBuffer.Get_region(newRegion, regionBuffer); imagePanel.putRegion( viewSize.Get_x(), viewSize.Get_y(), newSize.Get_x(), newSize.Get_y(), newOffset.Get_x(), newOffset.Get_y(), regionBuffer); } long kduRenderEnd = System.nanoTime(); System.out.printf( "Processed using %d concurrent threads of execution in %.4fms\n", threadEnv.Get_num_threads(), (kduRenderEnd - kduRenderStart) * 1e-6); imagePanel.repaint(); } catch (KduException e) { System.err.printf( "Caught exception '%s'; code '%s'\n", e.getMessage(), Integer.toHexString(e.Get_kdu_exception_code())); } }
/** * Constructor. * * @param functions the array of functions to plot * @param graphPanel the parent graph panel */ HeaderPanel(Plottable functions[], GraphPanel graphPanel) { this(); this.graphPanel = graphPanel; fpDimensions = maxFunctionDimensions(functions); buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); buttonPanel.add(headerButton); imagePanel.setSize(fpDimensions); functionCard.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); functionCard.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);, FUNCTION); // Header button handler. headerButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { HeaderPanel.this.graphPanel.doHeaderAction(); // callback } }); }
/** * Set a function and repaint the function panel. * * @param xSelection the selected function index */ void setFunction(Plottable function) { this.function = function;, FUNCTION); imagePanel.repaint(); }
/** Open function: open a file chooser to select a new image file. */ private void openFile() { OFImage image = ImageFileManager.getImage(); imagePanel.setImage(image); frame.pack(); }