/** Scan tag */ public static Hashtable scanTag(Reader in) throws IOException { Hashtable atts = new Hashtable(); skipSpace(in); while (c >= 0 && c != '>') { String att = scanIdentifier(in); String val = ""; skipSpace(in); if (c == '=') { int quote = -1; c = in.read(); skipSpace(in); if ((c == '\'') || (c == '\"')) { quote = c; c = in.read(); } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while ((c > 0) && (((quote < 0) && (c != ' ') && (c != '\t') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r') && (c != '>')) || ((quote >= 0) && (c != quote)))) { buf.append((char) c); c = in.read(); } if (c == quote) { c = in.read(); } skipSpace(in); val = buf.toString(); } // statusMsgStream.println("PUT " + att + " = '" + val + "'"); if (!val.equals("")) { atts.put(att.toLowerCase(j86.java.util.Locale.ENGLISH), val); } while (true) { if ((c == '>') || (c < 0) || ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) || ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) || (c == '_')) break; c = in.read(); } // skipSpace(in); } return atts; }
/** Scan identifier */ public static String scanIdentifier(Reader in) throws IOException { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while (true) { if (((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) || ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) || (c == '_')) { buf.append((char) c); c = in.read(); } else { return buf.toString(); } } }
public static void parse(URL url, PrintStream statusMsgStream, AppletViewerFactory factory) throws IOException { // <OBJECT> <EMBED> tag flags boolean isAppletTag = false; boolean isObjectTag = false; boolean isEmbedTag = false; // warning messages String requiresNameWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.requiresname"); String paramOutsideWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.paramoutside"); String appletRequiresCodeWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.applet.requirescode"); String appletRequiresHeightWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.applet.requiresheight"); String appletRequiresWidthWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.applet.requireswidth"); String objectRequiresCodeWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.object.requirescode"); String objectRequiresHeightWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.object.requiresheight"); String objectRequiresWidthWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.object.requireswidth"); String embedRequiresCodeWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.embed.requirescode"); String embedRequiresHeightWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.embed.requiresheight"); String embedRequiresWidthWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.embed.requireswidth"); String appNotLongerSupportedWarning = amh.getMessage("parse.warning.appnotLongersupported"); j86.java.net.URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); Reader in = makeReader(conn.getInputStream()); /* The original URL may have been redirected - this * sets it to whatever URL/codebase we ended up getting */ url = conn.getURL(); int ydisp = 1; Hashtable atts = null; while (true) { c = in.read(); if (c == -1) break; if (c == '<') { c = in.read(); if (c == '/') { c = in.read(); String nm = scanIdentifier(in); if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("applet") || nm.equalsIgnoreCase("object") || nm.equalsIgnoreCase("embed")) { // We can't test for a code tag until </OBJECT> // because it is a parameter, not an attribute. if (isObjectTag) { if (atts.get("code") == null && atts.get("object") == null) { statusMsgStream.println(objectRequiresCodeWarning); atts = null; } } if (atts != null) { // XXX 5/18 In general this code just simply // shouldn't be part of parsing. It's presence // causes things to be a little too much of a // hack. factory.createAppletViewer(x, y, url, atts); x += XDELTA; y += YDELTA; // make sure we don't go too far! Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); if ((x > d.width - 300) || (y > d.height - 300)) { x = 0; y = 2 * ydisp * YDELTA; ydisp++; } } atts = null; isAppletTag = false; isObjectTag = false; isEmbedTag = false; } } else { String nm = scanIdentifier(in); if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("param")) { Hashtable t = scanTag(in); String att = (String) t.get("name"); if (att == null) { statusMsgStream.println(requiresNameWarning); } else { String val = (String) t.get("value"); if (val == null) { statusMsgStream.println(requiresNameWarning); } else if (atts != null) { atts.put(att.toLowerCase(), val); } else { statusMsgStream.println(paramOutsideWarning); } } } else if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("applet")) { isAppletTag = true; atts = scanTag(in); if (atts.get("code") == null && atts.get("object") == null) { statusMsgStream.println(appletRequiresCodeWarning); atts = null; } else if (atts.get("width") == null) { statusMsgStream.println(appletRequiresWidthWarning); atts = null; } else if (atts.get("height") == null) { statusMsgStream.println(appletRequiresHeightWarning); atts = null; } } else if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("object")) { isObjectTag = true; atts = scanTag(in); // The <OBJECT> attribute codebase isn't what // we want. If its defined, remove it. if (atts.get("codebase") != null) { atts.remove("codebase"); } if (atts.get("width") == null) { statusMsgStream.println(objectRequiresWidthWarning); atts = null; } else if (atts.get("height") == null) { statusMsgStream.println(objectRequiresHeightWarning); atts = null; } } else if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("embed")) { isEmbedTag = true; atts = scanTag(in); if (atts.get("code") == null && atts.get("object") == null) { statusMsgStream.println(embedRequiresCodeWarning); atts = null; } else if (atts.get("width") == null) { statusMsgStream.println(embedRequiresWidthWarning); atts = null; } else if (atts.get("height") == null) { statusMsgStream.println(embedRequiresHeightWarning); atts = null; } } else if (nm.equalsIgnoreCase("app")) { statusMsgStream.println(appNotLongerSupportedWarning); Hashtable atts2 = scanTag(in); nm = (String) atts2.get("class"); if (nm != null) { atts2.remove("class"); atts2.put("code", nm + ".class"); } nm = (String) atts2.get("src"); if (nm != null) { atts2.remove("src"); atts2.put("codebase", nm); } if (atts2.get("width") == null) { atts2.put("width", "100"); } if (atts2.get("height") == null) { atts2.put("height", "100"); } printTag(statusMsgStream, atts2); statusMsgStream.println(); } } } } in.close(); }
/** Scan spaces. */ public static void skipSpace(Reader in) throws IOException { while ((c >= 0) && ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t') || (c == '\n') || (c == '\r'))) { c = in.read(); } }