public String getPattern() { try { IokeObject regexp = (IokeObject) backend.invoke(iokeStepDefObject, "regexp_pattern"); return regexp.toString(); } catch (ControlFlow controlFlow) { throw new CucumberException("Couldn't get pattern", controlFlow); } }
public List<ParameterInfo> getParameterInfos() { try { IokeObject argNames = (IokeObject) backend.invoke(iokeStepDefObject, "arg_names"); IokeObject argLength = (IokeObject) backend.invoke(argNames, "length"); int groupCount = Integer.parseInt(argLength.toString()); // Not sure how to do this properly... return listOf(groupCount, new ParameterInfo(String.class, null, null, null)); } catch (ControlFlow controlFlow) { throw new CucumberException("Couldn't inspect arity of stepdef", controlFlow); } }