private static void logError(Throwable t, String format, Object... args) { if (isExpectedError(t)) { log.error(format + ": %s", ObjectArrays.concat(args, t)); } else { log.error(t, format, args); } }
private static Map<String, Class<?>> defineClasses( List<ClassDefinition> classDefinitions, DynamicClassLoader classLoader) { ClassInfoLoader classInfoLoader = ClassInfoLoader.createClassInfoLoader(classDefinitions, classLoader); if (DUMP_BYTE_CODE_TREE) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DumpByteCodeVisitor dumpByteCode = new DumpByteCodeVisitor(new PrintStream(out)); for (ClassDefinition classDefinition : classDefinitions) { dumpByteCode.visitClass(classDefinition); } System.out.println(new String(out.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } Map<String, byte[]> byteCodes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (ClassDefinition classDefinition : classDefinitions) { ClassWriter cw = new SmartClassWriter(classInfoLoader); classDefinition.visit(cw); byte[] byteCode = cw.toByteArray(); if (RUN_ASM_VERIFIER) { ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(byteCode); CheckClassAdapter.verify(reader, classLoader, true, new PrintWriter(System.out)); } byteCodes.put(classDefinition.getType().getJavaClassName(), byteCode); } String dumpClassPath = DUMP_CLASS_FILES_TO.get(); if (dumpClassPath != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> entry : byteCodes.entrySet()) { File file = new File( dumpClassPath, ParameterizedType.typeFromJavaClassName(entry.getKey()).getClassName() + ".class"); try { log.debug("ClassFile: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); Files.createParentDirs(file); Files.write(entry.getValue(), file); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e, "Failed to write generated class file to: %s" + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } if (DUMP_BYTE_CODE_RAW) { for (byte[] byteCode : byteCodes.values()) { ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(byteCode); classReader.accept( new TraceClassVisitor(new PrintWriter(System.err)), ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES); } } Map<String, Class<?>> classes = classLoader.defineClasses(byteCodes); try { for (Class<?> clazz : classes.values()) { Reflection.initialize(clazz); } } catch (VerifyError e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return classes; }
// TODO : make wait time configurable ? public static void shutdownExecutor(ExecutorService executor, final String name) { executor.shutdown(); try {"Waiting for %s to shutdown", name); if (!executor.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { log.warn("%s did not shutdown properly", name); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Interrupted while waiting for %s to shutdown", name); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }
public static void closeChannels(ChannelGroup allChannels) { if (allChannels.size() > 0) { // TODO : allow an option here to control if we need to drain connections and wait instead of // killing them all try {"Closing %s open client connections", allChannels.size()); if (!allChannels.close().await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { log.warn("Failed to close all open client connections"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Interrupted while closing client connections"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }
private void dropTable(SchemaTableName table) { try { metastoreClient.dropTable(table.getSchemaName(), table.getTableName()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Logger.get(getClass()).warn(e, "Failed to drop table: %s", table); } }
public ShardIterator( long tableId, boolean merged, Optional<Map<Integer, String>> bucketToNode, TupleDomain<RaptorColumnHandle> effectivePredicate, IDBI dbi) { this.merged = merged; this.bucketToNode = bucketToNode.orElse(null); ShardPredicate predicate = ShardPredicate.create(effectivePredicate, bucketToNode.isPresent()); String sql; if (bucketToNode.isPresent()) { sql = "SELECT shard_uuid, bucket_number FROM %s WHERE %s ORDER BY bucket_number"; } else { sql = "SELECT shard_uuid, node_ids FROM %s WHERE %s"; } sql = format(sql, shardIndexTable(tableId), predicate.getPredicate()); dao = onDemandDao(dbi, ShardDao.class); fetchNodes(); try { connection =; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); enableStreamingResults(statement); predicate.bind(statement); log.debug("Running query: %s", statement); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException e) { close(); throw metadataError(e); } }
private void partialCancel() { try { client.cancelLeafStage(new Duration(1, SECONDS)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.debug(e, "error canceling leaf stage"); } }
public HiveMetadata( HiveConnectorId connectorId, HiveMetastore metastore, HdfsEnvironment hdfsEnvironment, DateTimeZone timeZone, boolean allowDropTable, boolean allowRenameTable, boolean allowCorruptWritesForTesting, HiveStorageFormat hiveStorageFormat, TypeManager typeManager) { this.connectorId = checkNotNull(connectorId, "connectorId is null").toString(); this.allowDropTable = allowDropTable; this.allowRenameTable = allowRenameTable; this.allowCorruptWritesForTesting = allowCorruptWritesForTesting; this.metastore = checkNotNull(metastore, "metastore is null"); this.hdfsEnvironment = checkNotNull(hdfsEnvironment, "hdfsEnvironment is null"); this.timeZone = checkNotNull(timeZone, "timeZone is null"); this.hiveStorageFormat = hiveStorageFormat; this.typeManager = checkNotNull(typeManager, "typeManager is null"); if (!allowCorruptWritesForTesting && !timeZone.equals(DateTimeZone.getDefault())) { log.warn( "Hive writes are disabled. " + "To write data to Hive, your JVM timezone must match the Hive storage timezone. " + "Add -Duser.timezone=%s to your JVM arguments", timeZone.getID()); } }
public final class ResumableTasks { private static final Logger log = Logger.get(ResumableTasks.class); private ResumableTasks() {} public static void submit(Executor executor, ResumableTask task) { AtomicReference<Runnable> runnableReference = new AtomicReference<>(); Runnable runnable = () -> { ResumableTask.TaskStatus status = safeProcessTask(task); if (!status.isFinished()) { status.getContinuationFuture().thenRun(() -> executor.execute(runnableReference.get())); } }; runnableReference.set(runnable); executor.execute(runnable); } private static ResumableTask.TaskStatus safeProcessTask(ResumableTask task) { try { return task.process(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn(t, "ResumableTask completed exceptionally"); return ResumableTask.TaskStatus.finished(); } } }
/** Remove completed queries after a waiting period */ public void removeExpiredQueries() { List<QueryExecution> sortedQueries = IterableTransformer.on(queries.values()) .select(compose(not(isNull()), endTimeGetter())) .orderBy(Ordering.natural().onResultOf(endTimeGetter())) .list(); int toRemove = Math.max(sortedQueries.size() - maxQueryHistory, 0); DateTime oldestAllowedQuery =; for (QueryExecution queryExecution : sortedQueries) { try { DateTime endTime = queryExecution.getQueryInfo().getQueryStats().getEndTime(); if ((endTime.isBefore(oldestAllowedQuery) || toRemove > 0) && isAbandoned(queryExecution)) { removeQuery(queryExecution.getQueryInfo().getQueryId()); --toRemove; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.warn( e, "Error while inspecting age of query %s", queryExecution.getQueryInfo().getQueryId()); } } }
public void runAllBenchmarks() throws IOException { ExecutorService executor = newCachedThreadPool(daemonThreadsNamed("test")); try { List<AbstractBenchmark> benchmarks = createBenchmarks(executor);"=== Pre-running all benchmarks for JVM warmup ==="); for (AbstractBenchmark benchmark : benchmarks) { benchmark.runBenchmark(); }"=== Actually running benchmarks for metrics ==="); for (AbstractBenchmark benchmark : benchmarks) { try (OutputStream jsonOut = new FileOutputStream( createOutputFile( String.format( "%s/json/%s.json", outputDirectory, benchmark.getBenchmarkName()))); OutputStream jsonAvgOut = new FileOutputStream( createOutputFile( String.format( "%s/json-avg/%s.json", outputDirectory, benchmark.getBenchmarkName()))); OutputStream csvOut = new FileOutputStream( createOutputFile( String.format( "%s/csv/%s.csv", outputDirectory, benchmark.getBenchmarkName()))); OutputStream odsOut = new FileOutputStream( createOutputFile( String.format( "%s/ods/%s.json", outputDirectory, benchmark.getBenchmarkName())))) { benchmark.runBenchmark( new ForwardingBenchmarkResultWriter( ImmutableList.of( new JsonBenchmarkResultWriter(jsonOut), new JsonAvgBenchmarkResultWriter(jsonAvgOut), new SimpleLineBenchmarkResultWriter(csvOut), new OdsBenchmarkResultWriter( "presto.benchmark." + benchmark.getBenchmarkName(), odsOut)))); } } } finally { executor.shutdownNow(); } }
public void destroy() { try { split.close(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error(e, "Error closing split for task %s", taskHandle.getTaskId()); } destroyed.set(true); }
private static ResumableTask.TaskStatus safeProcessTask(ResumableTask task) { try { return task.process(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn(t, "ResumableTask completed exceptionally"); return ResumableTask.TaskStatus.finished(); } }
private void unexport(ClusterMemoryPool pool) { try { String objectName = ObjectNames.builder(ClusterMemoryPool.class, pool.getId().toString()).build(); exporter.unexport(objectName); } catch (JmxException e) { log.error(e, "Failed to unexport pool %s", pool.getId()); } }
public void removeQuery(QueryId queryId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(queryId, "queryId is null"); log.debug("Remove query %s", queryId); QueryExecution query = queries.remove(queryId); if (query != null) { query.cancel(); } }
public void requestFailed(Throwable reason) throws PrestoException { // cancellation is not a failure if (reason instanceof CancellationException) { return; } if (reason instanceof RejectedExecutionException) { throw new PrestoException(REMOTE_TASK_ERROR, reason); } // log failure message if (isExpectedError(reason)) { // don't print a stack for a known errors log.warn("Error " + jobDescription + " %s: %s: %s", taskId, reason.getMessage(), taskUri); } else { log.warn(reason, "Error " + jobDescription + " %s: %s", taskId, taskUri); } // remember the first 10 errors if (errorsSinceLastSuccess.size() < 10) { errorsSinceLastSuccess.add(reason); } // fail the task, if we have more than X failures in a row and more than Y seconds have passed // since the last request if (backoff.failure()) { // it is weird to mark the task failed locally and then cancel the remote task, but there is // no way to tell a remote task that it is failed PrestoException exception = new PrestoException( TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_FAILED, format( "%s (%s %s - %s failures, time since last success %s)", WORKER_NODE_ERROR, jobDescription, taskUri, backoff.getFailureCount(), backoff.getTimeSinceLastSuccess().convertTo(SECONDS))); errorsSinceLastSuccess.forEach(exception::addSuppressed); throw exception; } }
@Override public void cancelQuery(QueryId queryId) { checkNotNull(queryId, "queryId is null"); log.debug("Cancel query %s", queryId); QueryExecution query = queries.get(queryId); if (query != null) { query.cancel(); } }
private void uploadObject() throws IOException { try { log.debug( "Starting upload for host: %s, key: %s, file: %s, size: %s", host, key, tempFile, tempFile.length()); Upload upload = transferManager.upload(host, key, tempFile); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { upload.addProgressListener(createProgressListener(upload)); } upload.waitForCompletion(); log.debug("Completed upload for host: %s, key: %s", host, key); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new InterruptedIOException(); } }
@Override public void cancelStage(StageId stageId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(stageId, "stageId is null"); log.debug("Cancel stage %s", stageId); QueryExecution query = queries.get(stageId.getQueryId()); if (query != null) { query.cancelStage(stageId); } }
public void installCodeCacheGcTrigger() { if (installed.getAndSet(true)) { return; } // Hack to work around bugs in java 8 (8u45+) related to code cache management. // See // // for more info. MemoryPoolMXBean codeCacheMbean = findCodeCacheMBean(); Thread gcThread = new Thread( () -> { while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { long used = codeCacheMbean.getUsage().getUsed(); long max = codeCacheMbean.getUsage().getMax(); if (used > 0.95 * max) { log.error("Code Cache is more than 95% full. JIT may stop working."); } if (used > (max * collectionThreshold) / 100) { // Due to some obscure bug in hotspot (java 8), once the code cache fills up the // JIT stops compiling // By forcing a GC, we let the code cache evictor make room before the cache fills // up."Triggering GC to avoid Code Cache eviction bugs"); System.gc(); } try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(interval.toMillis()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }); gcThread.setDaemon(true); gcThread.setName("Code-Cache-GC-Trigger"); gcThread.start(); }
public class JmxAgent { private final int registryPort; private final int serverPort; private static final Logger log = Logger.get(JmxAgent.class); private final JMXServiceURL url; @Inject public JmxAgent(JmxConfig config) throws IOException { if (config.getRmiRegistryPort() == null) { registryPort = NetUtils.findUnusedPort(); } else { registryPort = config.getRmiRegistryPort(); } if (config.getRmiServerPort() == null) { serverPort = NetUtils.findUnusedPort(); } else { serverPort = config.getRmiServerPort(); } try { // This is how the jdk jmx agent constructs its url url = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", null, registryPort); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // should not happen... throw new AssertionError(e); } } public JMXServiceURL getURL() { return url; } @PostConstruct public void start() throws IOException { // This is somewhat of a hack, but the jmx agent in Oracle/OpenJDK doesn't // have a programmatic API for starting it and controlling its parameters System.setProperty("", "true"); System.setProperty("", Integer.toString(registryPort)); System.setProperty("", Integer.toString(serverPort)); System.setProperty("", "false"); System.setProperty("", "false"); try { Agent.startAgent(); } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); }"JMX Agent listening on %s:%s", url.getHost(), url.getPort()); } }
@Test public void testViewCreation() { try { verifyViewCreation(); } finally { try { metadata.dropView(SESSION, temporaryCreateView); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Logger.get(getClass()).warn(e, "Failed to drop view: %s", temporaryCreateView); } } }
// TODO: get the right partitions right here @Override public ConnectorPartitionResult getPartitions( ConnectorTableHandle tableHandle, TupleDomain<ColumnHandle> tupleDomain) { checkArgument( tableHandle instanceof RiakTableHandle, "tableHandle is not an instance of RiakTableHandle"); RiakTableHandle riakTableHandle = (RiakTableHandle) tableHandle;"==========================tupleDomain=============================");; try { String parentTable = PRSubTable.parentTableName(riakTableHandle.getTableName()); SchemaTableName parentSchemaTable = new SchemaTableName(riakTableHandle.getSchemaName(), parentTable); PRTable table = riakClient.getTable(parentSchemaTable); List<String> indexedColumns = new LinkedList<String>(); for (RiakColumn riakColumn : table.getColumns()) { if (riakColumn.getIndex()) { indexedColumns.add(riakColumn.getName()); } } // Riak connector has only one partition List<ConnectorPartition> partitions = ImmutableList.<ConnectorPartition>of( new RiakPartition( riakTableHandle.getSchemaName(), riakTableHandle.getTableName(), tupleDomain, indexedColumns)); // Riak connector does not do any additional processing/filtering with the TupleDomain, so // just return the whole TupleDomain return new ConnectorPartitionResult(partitions, tupleDomain); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("interrupted: %s", e.toString()); throw new TableNotFoundException(riakTableHandle.toSchemaTableName()); } }
private Throwable addSuppressedException( Throwable inFlightException, Throwable newException, String message, Object... args) { if (newException instanceof Error) { if (inFlightException == null) { inFlightException = newException; } else { inFlightException.addSuppressed(newException); } } else { // log normal exceptions instead of rethrowing them log.error(newException, message, args); } return inFlightException; }
private List<ServiceDescriptor> getServiceInventory(SlotStatus slotStatus) { Assignment assignment = slotStatus.getAssignment(); if (assignment == null) { return null; } String config = assignment.getConfig(); File cacheFile = getCacheFile(config); if (cacheFile.canRead()) { try { String json = CharStreams.toString(Files.newReaderSupplier(cacheFile, Charsets.UTF_8)); List<ServiceDescriptor> descriptors = descriptorsJsonCodec.fromJson(json); invalidServiceInventory.remove(config); return descriptors; } catch (Exception ignored) { // delete the bad cache file cacheFile.delete(); } } InputSupplier<? extends InputStream> configFile = ConfigUtils.newConfigEntrySupplier(repository, config, "airship-service-inventory.json"); if (configFile == null) { return null; } try { String json; try { json = CharStreams.toString(CharStreams.newReaderSupplier(configFile, Charsets.UTF_8)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // no service inventory in the config, so replace with json null so caching works json = "null"; } invalidServiceInventory.remove(config); // cache json cacheFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.write(json, cacheFile, Charsets.UTF_8); List<ServiceDescriptor> descriptors = descriptorsJsonCodec.fromJson(json); return descriptors; } catch (Exception e) { if (invalidServiceInventory.add(config)) { log.error(e, "Unable to read service inventory for %s" + config); } } return null; }
public static void createTablesWithRetry(AliasDao dao) throws InterruptedException { Duration delay = new Duration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); while (true) { try { createTables(dao); return; } catch (UnableToObtainConnectionException e) { log.warn( "Failed to connect to database. Will retry again in %s. Exception: %s", delay, e.getMessage()); Thread.sleep(delay.toMillis()); } } }
private synchronized void updatePools(Map<MemoryPoolId, Integer> queryCounts) { // Update view of cluster memory and pools List<MemoryInfo> nodeMemoryInfos = nodes .values() .stream() .map(RemoteNodeMemory::getInfo) .filter(Optional::isPresent) .map(Optional::get) .collect(toImmutableList()); long totalClusterMemory = nodeMemoryInfos .stream() .map(MemoryInfo::getTotalNodeMemory) .mapToLong(DataSize::toBytes) .sum(); clusterMemoryBytes.set(totalClusterMemory); Set<MemoryPoolId> activePoolIds = nodeMemoryInfos .stream() .flatMap(info -> info.getPools().keySet().stream()) .collect(toImmutableSet()); // Make a copy to materialize the set difference Set<MemoryPoolId> removedPools = ImmutableSet.copyOf(difference(pools.keySet(), activePoolIds)); for (MemoryPoolId removed : removedPools) { unexport(pools.get(removed)); pools.remove(removed); } for (MemoryPoolId id : activePoolIds) { ClusterMemoryPool pool = pools.computeIfAbsent( id, poolId -> { ClusterMemoryPool newPool = new ClusterMemoryPool(poolId); String objectName = ObjectNames.builder(ClusterMemoryPool.class, newPool.getId().toString()) .build(); try { exporter.export(objectName, newPool); } catch (JmxException e) { log.error(e, "Error exporting memory pool %s", poolId); } return newPool; }); pool.update(nodeMemoryInfos, queryCounts.getOrDefault(pool.getId(), 0)); } }
public void failAbandonedQueries() { for (QueryExecution queryExecution : queries.values()) { try { QueryInfo queryInfo = queryExecution.getQueryInfo(); if (queryInfo.getState().isDone()) { continue; } if (isAbandoned(queryExecution)) {"Failing abandoned query %s", queryExecution.getQueryInfo().getQueryId()); new AbandonedException( "Query " + queryInfo.getQueryId(), queryInfo.getQueryStats().getLastHeartbeat(),; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.warn( e, "Error while inspecting age of query %s", queryExecution.getQueryInfo().getQueryId()); } } }
public PrestoS3OutputStream( AmazonS3 s3, TransferManagerConfiguration config, String host, String key, File tempFile) throws IOException { super( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(checkNotNull(tempFile, "tempFile is null")))); transferManager = new TransferManager(checkNotNull(s3, "s3 is null")); transferManager.setConfiguration(checkNotNull(config, "config is null")); = checkNotNull(host, "host is null"); this.key = checkNotNull(key, "key is null"); this.tempFile = tempFile; log.debug("OutputStream for key '%s' using file: %s", key, tempFile); }
public void printInitialStatusUpdates() { long lastPrint = System.nanoTime(); try { while (client.isValid()) { try { // exit status loop if there is there is pending output if (client.current().getData() != null) { return; } // check if time to update screen boolean update = nanosSince(lastPrint).getValue(SECONDS) >= 0.5; // check for keyboard input int key = readKey(); if (key == CTRL_P) { partialCancel(); } else if (key == CTRL_C) { updateScreen(); update = false; client.close(); } else if (toUpperCase(key) == 'D') { debug = !debug; console.resetScreen(); update = true; } // update screen if (update) { updateScreen(); lastPrint = System.nanoTime(); } // fetch next results (server will wait for a while if no data) client.advance(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.debug(e, "error printing status"); if (debug) { e.printStackTrace(out); } } } } finally { console.resetScreen(); } }