public void act() // sean { if (!played) { burningSteppes.playLoop(); played = !played; } // makeSmokeFireball(); counterDelay++; if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("h") && delay > 10) {; Menu menu = new Menu(getThisWorld()); Greenfoot.setWorld(menu); delay = 0; } if (getObjects(Ninja.class).size() != 0 && counterDelay >= 10) { healthCounter.setValue(ninja.getNINJAHP()); shurikenCounter.setValue(ninja.getSHURIKENNUMBER()); powerCounter.setValue(ninja.getPOWERBAR()); checkDoor(); counterDelay -= 10; /**/ // TEMPORAY FUNCTIONS FOR HAYDEN TO CHANGE LEVELS TO MAKE THEM /**/ /**/ // TEMPORAY FUNCTIONS FOR HAYDEN TO CHANGE LEVELS TO MAKE THEM /**/ } delay++; fireballDelay++; }
/* public void makeSmokeFireball() { if (delay > 100) { int randomNumber = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(1000); if (randomNumber < 50) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 500, 475); delay = 0; } if (randomNumber >= 50 && randomNumber < 100) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 95, 661); delay = 0; } if (randomNumber >= 100 && randomNumber < 150) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 160, 493); delay = 0; } if (randomNumber >= 150 && randomNumber < 200) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 637, 423); delay = 0; } if (randomNumber >= 200 && randomNumber < 250) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 422, 285); delay = 0; } } } */ public void checkDoor() // sean { if (ninja.checkInfernoDoor() == true) { burningSteppes.stop(); Greenfoot.setWorld(new Inferno2(ninja)); } }
public Inferno1(Ninja ninja) // sean { super(); burningSteppes.setVolume(40); = ninja; ninja.addPowerUp(4); prepare(); }
private void prepare() // sean { InfernoDoor door = new InfernoDoor(); addObject(door, 663 - 50 + 35 + 5, 651 - 50); for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { InfernoFence infernoFence = new InfernoFence(); addObject(infernoFence, 25 + j * 700, 50 * i + 25); } for (int i = 1; i < 14; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { InfernoFence infernoFence = new InfernoFence(); addObject(infernoFence, 50 * i + 25, 25 + j * (700 - 50)); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { InfernoFence infernoFence = new InfernoFence(); addObject(infernoFence, 50 * i + 25, 125); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { InfernoFence infernoFence = new InfernoFence(); addObject(infernoFence, 50 * i + 175 + 100, 225); } Firebat firebat2 = new Firebat(8, 3); addObject(firebat2, 511, 625); Firebat firebat3 = new Firebat(8, 3); addObject(firebat3, 588, 534); Firebat firebat4 = new Firebat(8, 3); addObject(firebat4, 629, 489); Firebat firebat5 = new Firebat(8, 3); addObject(firebat5, 203, 608); Firebat firebat6 = new Firebat(8, 3); addObject(firebat6, 484, 388); Firebat firebat7 = new Firebat(8, 3); addObject(firebat7, 320, 350); InfernoFence infernoFence = new InfernoFence(); addObject(infernoFence, 133, 417); InfernoFence infernoFence3 = new InfernoFence(); addObject(infernoFence3, 164, 571); InfernoFence infernoFence5 = new InfernoFence(); addObject(infernoFence5, 429, 360); InfernoFence infernoFence6 = new InfernoFence(); addObject(infernoFence6, 325, 669); InfernoFence infernoFence7 = new InfernoFence(); addObject(infernoFence7, 452, 571); InfernoFence infernoFence8 = new InfernoFence(); addObject(healthCounter, 866, 120); healthCounter.setValue(ninja.getNINJAHP()); addObject(shurikenCounter, 866, 201); shurikenCounter.setValue(ninja.getSHURIKENNUMBER()); addObject(powerCounter, 866, 161); powerCounter.setValue(ninja.getPOWERBAR()); addObject(levelCounter, 950, 15); levelCounter.setValue(31); addObject(ninja, 75, 75); ninja.setLocation(100, 75); HealthGlobe healthglobe = new HealthGlobe(); addObject(healthglobe, 668, 57); healthglobe.setLocation(674, 54); HealthGlobe healthglobe2 = new HealthGlobe(); addObject(healthglobe2, 638, 138); healthglobe2.setLocation(672, 110); instaPower instapower = new instaPower(); addObject(instapower, 87, 624); instapower.setLocation(76, 623); addShuriken addshuriken = new addShuriken(); addObject(addshuriken, 76, 181); addShuriken addshuriken2 = new addShuriken(); addObject(addshuriken2, 466, 123); addshuriken2.setLocation(675, 277); instaPower instapower2 = new instaPower(); addObject(instapower2, 429, 627); instapower2.setLocation(431, 625); makeAllIcons(); meleeMinions = getObjects(MeleeMinion.class); for (int i = 0; i < meleeMinions.size(); i++) { TempText8 text = new TempText8(meleeMinions.get(i)); addObject(text, meleeMinions.get(i).getX(), meleeMinions.get(i).getY() - 20); } }
public void gameover() { // Hayden ninja.setHP(ninja.getArmor()); burningSteppes.stop(); Greenfoot.setWorld(new Inferno1(ninja)); }