Beispiel #1
   * Methode to performe the Breadth first search
  private static void performBreadthFirstSearch() {

    while (queue.size() != 0) {

      Vertex firstVertexInQueue = queue.get(0);
      LinkedList<Vertex> neighboursOfFirstVertexInQueue =
          (LinkedList<Vertex>) graph.getNeighbours(firstVertexInQueue.getId());


      if (neighboursOfFirstVertexInQueue.size() != 0) {
        for (Vertex neighbour : neighboursOfFirstVertexInQueue) {

          int neighbourVertexID = neighbour.getId();
          String colorOfNode = (String) verticesMap.get(neighbourVertexID).get(0);

          int weightOfEdge = calculateWeightOfWay(firstVertexInQueue, neighbour);

          if (colorOfNode.equals("white")) {

                new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("gray", weightOfEdge, firstVertexInQueue)));

      verticesMap.get(firstVertexInQueue.getId()).add(0, "black");
Beispiel #2
   * Methode to calculate a weight for a way to the start point , it can be
   * one edge or a couple of edges
  private static int calculateWeightOfWay(Vertex firstVertex, Vertex secondVertex) {

    int currentWeight = (Integer) verticesMap.get(firstVertex.getId()).get(1);

    ArrayList<Edge<Vertex>> edgesOfFirstVertex =
        (ArrayList<Edge<Vertex>>) graph.getIncidentEdges(firstVertex.getId());

    for (Edge<Vertex> e : edgesOfFirstVertex) {
      if (e.getVertexB().getId() == secondVertex.getId()) {
        int edgeWeightBetweenFirstandSecond = e.getWeight();
        return edgeWeightBetweenFirstandSecond + currentWeight;
    System.out.println("no edge weight found");
    return 0;
Beispiel #3
   * A methode to initialize the HashMap with default values before performing
   * the breadth first search.
  private static void fillThemHashmap() {
    ArrayList<Vertex> vertices = (ArrayList<Vertex>) graph.getVertices();

    ArrayList initialPropertiers = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("white", 0, "none"));

    for (Vertex v : vertices) {
      verticesMap.put(v.getId(), initialPropertiers);
Beispiel #4
   * performs the Dijkstra algorithm
   * @param graph a graph, in which the Dijkstra will be performed
   * @param queue a queue of vertices to help perform Dijkstra
   * @param startVertexID a start vertices id
   * @param destinationVertexID an end vertices id
  private static void performeDijkstra(
      Graph<Vertex, Edge<Vertex>> graph,
      ArrayList<Vertex> queue,
      int startVertexID,
      int destinationVertexID) {

    while (queue.size() != 0) {

      int lowest = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) {
        if (queue.get(i).getDistance() < queue.get(lowest).getDistance()) {
          lowest = i;

      Vertex lowestElementInQueue = queue.get(lowest);

      // stop the loop if the destination is reached
      if (lowestElementInQueue.getId() == destinationVertexID) break;


      Collection<Edge<Vertex>> edgesOfFirstVertex = graph.getIncidentEdges(lowestElementInQueue);

      if (edgesOfFirstVertex.size() != 0) {
        for (Edge<Vertex> edge : edgesOfFirstVertex) {
          Vertex neighbour = edge.getVertexB();
          int weightOfEdge = edge.getWeight();
          if (weightOfEdge < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "one edge of " + lowestElementInQueue.getId() + " is negative");

          relax(lowestElementInQueue, neighbour, weightOfEdge);

    ResultsDisplay.printTheShortestWay(graph, startVertexID, destinationVertexID);