Beispiel #1
	@gplx.Internal protected void Focus(GfuiElem cur, boolean fwd) {
		List_adp allElemsInOwnerWin = List_adp_.new_(); AddSubs(cur.OwnerWin(), allElemsInOwnerWin);
		int curIdx = allElemsInOwnerWin.Idx_of(cur);
		GfuiElem target = cur;
		while (true) {	// find next visible elem
			int cycle = TabBox_.Cycle(fwd, curIdx, allElemsInOwnerWin.Count());
			target = GfuiElem_.cast_(allElemsInOwnerWin.Get_at(cycle));
			if (target.Visible()) break;
			if (cycle == curIdx) break;	// either (a) one elem in allElemsInOwnerWin or (b) n elems, and cycled back to start; break, else infinite loop
			curIdx = cycle;
Beispiel #2
	public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
		if		(ctx.Match(k, Invk_FocusNext))			Focus(GfuiElem_.cast_(ctx.MsgSrc()), true);
		else if	(ctx.Match(k, Invk_FocusPrev))			Focus(GfuiElem_.cast_(ctx.MsgSrc()), false);
		else return GfoInvkAble_.Rv_unhandled;
		return this;
	}	public static final String Invk_FocusNext = "FocusNext", Invk_FocusPrev = "FocusPrev";
Beispiel #3
	public void Inject(Object owner) {
		GfuiElem elem = GfuiElem_.cast_(owner);		
		IptBnd_.cmd_to_(IptCfg_.Null, elem, this, Invk_FocusNext, IptKey_.Down);
		IptBnd_.cmd_to_(IptCfg_.Null, elem, this, Invk_FocusPrev, IptKey_.Up);