public void update(float tpf) { if (isSnowing) { snowParticleEmitter.setLocalTranslation(sim.getCar().getPosition()); if (snowingPercentageHasChanged) { snowParticleEmitter.setPercentage(snowingPercentage); System.out.println("snowing intensity: " + snowingPercentage); snowingPercentageHasChanged = false; } } if (isRaining) { rainParticleEmitter.setLocalTranslation(sim.getCar().getPosition()); if (rainingPercentageHasChanged) { rainParticleEmitter.setPercentage(rainingPercentage); System.out.println("raining intensity: " + rainingPercentage); rainingPercentageHasChanged = false; } } if (isFog) { if (fogPercentageHasChanged) { for (FogFilter fogFilter : fogFilterList) fogFilter.setFogDensity(2.0f * (fogPercentage / 100f)); System.out.println("fog intensity: " + fogPercentage); fogPercentageHasChanged = false; } } }
public static void action(boolean value) { float accelerationValue = SimulatorActionListener.getAccelerationValue(); Simulator sim = SimulatorActionListener.getSimulator(); SteeringCar car = SimulatorActionListener.getCar(); if (value) { sim.getSteeringTask().getPrimaryTask().reportRedLight(); accelerationValue += 1; // sim.getPhysicalTraffic().getTrafficCar("car2").setBrakeLight(true); } else { accelerationValue -= 1; } SimulatorActionListener.setAccelerationValue(accelerationValue); car.setAcceleratorPedalIntensity(accelerationValue); }
private Spatial createFollowBox() { // add spatial representing the position the driving car is steering towards Box box = new Box(new Vector3f(0, 0, 0), 1f, 1f, 1f); Geometry followBox = new Geometry("followBox", box); followBox.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0); Material followBoxMaterial = new Material(sim.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md"); followBoxMaterial.setColor("Color", ColorRGBA.Green); followBox.setMaterial(followBoxMaterial); followBox.setLocalScale(0.4f); sim.getSceneNode().attachChild(followBox); if (!settings.isPathVisible()) followBox.setCullHint(CullHint.Always); return followBox; }
public void update(Vector3f vehiclePos) { if (setWayPoint) { // first iteration --> set control to play in order to make // position change have effect if (frameCounter <= 0) {; frameCounter++; } // second iteration --> set position of follow box else if (frameCounter == 1) { // set follow box to way point motionControl.setCurrentWayPoint(setToWayPointIndex); // place follow box at beginning of line currentWP-nextWP motionControl.setCurrentValue(0); frameCounter++; } // third iteration --> reset counter & exit branch else if (frameCounter >= 2) { frameCounter = 0; setWayPoint = false; } } else { // pause movement of follower box if vehicle's distance // has exceeded maximum if (maxDistanceExceeded(vehiclePos) || sim.isPause()) motionControl.pause(); else; } }
@Override protected void execute() { if (!isExceeded()) { sim.getReactionCenter() .setupKeyReactionTimer(timerID, reactionGroup, correctReaction, failureReaction, comment); updateCounter(); } }
public EffectCenter(Simulator sim) { this.sim = sim; AssetManager assetManager = sim.getAssetManager(); WeatherSettings weatherSettings = Simulator.getDrivingTask().getScenarioLoader().getWeatherSettings(); snowingPercentage = Math.max( weatherSettings.getSnowingPercentage(), -1); // use -1 to suppress construction of SnowParticleEmitter rainingPercentage = Math.max( weatherSettings.getRainingPercentage(), -1); // use -1 to suppress construction of RainParticleEmitter fogPercentage = Math.max( weatherSettings.getFogPercentage(), -1); // use -1 to suppress construction of FogFilter isSnowing = (snowingPercentage >= 0); isRaining = (rainingPercentage >= 0); isFog = (fogPercentage >= 0); isBloom = !Simulator.oculusRiftAttached; // switch off bloom filter when Oculus Rift is used isShadow = true; if (isSnowing) { // init snow snowParticleEmitter = new SnowParticleEmitter(assetManager, snowingPercentage); sim.getSceneNode().attachChild(snowParticleEmitter); } if (isRaining) { // init rain rainParticleEmitter = new RainParticleEmitter(assetManager, rainingPercentage); sim.getSceneNode().attachChild(rainParticleEmitter); } if (isFog || isBloom) { for (ViewPort viewPort : CameraFactory.getViewPortList()) { FilterPostProcessor processor = new FilterPostProcessor(assetManager); int numSamples = sim.getContext().getSettings().getSamples(); if (numSamples > 0) processor.setNumSamples(numSamples); if (isFog) { FogFilter fogFilter = new FogFilter(); fogFilter.setFogColor(new ColorRGBA(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f)); fogFilter.setFogDistance(155); fogFilter.setFogDensity(2.0f * (fogPercentage / 100f)); fogFilterList.add(fogFilter); processor.addFilter(fogFilter); } if (isBloom) { // ensure any object is set to glow, e.g. car chassis: // chassis.getMaterial().setColor("GlowColor", ColorRGBA.Orange); BloomFilter bloom = new BloomFilter(GlowMode.Objects); processor.addFilter(bloom); } viewPort.addProcessor(processor); } } if (isShadow) { // TODO DirectionalLight sun = new DirectionalLight(); Vector3f sunLightDirection = new Vector3f(-0.2f, -0.9f, 0.2f); // TODO get from DT files sun.setDirection(sunLightDirection.normalizeLocal()); ArrayList<ViewPort> viewPortList = CameraFactory.getViewPortList(); if (sim.getNumberOfScreens() > 1) { int shadowMapSize = 4096; if (viewPortList.size() > 1) shadowMapSize = 1024; for (ViewPort viewPort : viewPortList) { DirectionalLightShadowRenderer dlsr = new DirectionalLightShadowRenderer(assetManager, shadowMapSize, 1); dlsr.setLight(sun); dlsr.setEdgeFilteringMode(EdgeFilteringMode.PCFPOISSON); viewPort.addProcessor(dlsr); } shadowMapSize = 1024; DirectionalLightShadowRenderer dlsrBack = new DirectionalLightShadowRenderer(assetManager, shadowMapSize, 1); dlsrBack.setLight(sun); CameraFactory.getBackViewPort().addProcessor(dlsrBack); DirectionalLightShadowRenderer dlsrLeft = new DirectionalLightShadowRenderer(assetManager, shadowMapSize, 1); dlsrLeft.setLight(sun); CameraFactory.getLeftBackViewPort().addProcessor(dlsrLeft); DirectionalLightShadowRenderer dlsrRight = new DirectionalLightShadowRenderer(assetManager, shadowMapSize, 1); dlsrRight.setLight(sun); CameraFactory.getRightBackViewPort().addProcessor(dlsrRight); } else { // does not work with more than one screen for (ViewPort viewPort : viewPortList) { DirectionalLightShadowFilter dlsf = new DirectionalLightShadowFilter(assetManager, 1024, 3); dlsf.setLight(sun); dlsf.setLambda(1f); dlsf.setShadowIntensity(0.3f); dlsf.setEdgeFilteringMode(EdgeFilteringMode.PCFPOISSON); dlsf.setEnabled(true); FilterPostProcessor fpp = new FilterPostProcessor(assetManager); fpp.addFilter(dlsf); viewPort.addProcessor(fpp); } } } }
public FollowBox(Simulator sim, final TrafficCar vehicle, FollowBoxSettings settings) { this.sim = sim; this.vehicle = vehicle; this.settings = settings; waypointList = settings.getWayPoints(); maxDistance = settings.getMaxDistance(); motionPath = new MotionPath(); motionPath.setCycle(settings.isPathCyclic()); for (Waypoint wayPoint : waypointList) motionPath.addWayPoint(wayPoint.getPosition()); motionPath.setPathSplineType(SplineType.CatmullRom); // --> default: CatmullRom motionPath.setCurveTension(settings.getCurveTension()); if (settings.isPathVisible()) motionPath.enableDebugShape(sim.getAssetManager(), sim.getSceneNode()); motionPath.addListener( new MotionPathListener() { public void onWayPointReach(MotionTrack control, int wayPointIndex) { // set speed limit for next way point int index = wayPointIndex % waypointList.size(); float speed = waypointList.get(index).getSpeed(); setSpeed(speed); // if last way point reached if (motionPath.getNbWayPoints() == wayPointIndex + 1) { // reset vehicle to first way point if not cyclic if (!motionPath.isCycle()) setToWayPoint(0); } } }); followBox = createFollowBox(); motionControl = new MotionTrack(followBox, motionPath); // get start way point int startWayPointIndex = settings.getStartWayPointIndex(); // set start speed float initialSpeed = waypointList.get(startWayPointIndex).getSpeed(); setSpeed(initialSpeed); // set start position setToWayPoint(startWayPointIndex); // move object along path considering rotation motionControl.setDirectionType(MotionTrack.Direction.PathAndRotation); // loop movement of object motionControl.setLoopMode(LoopMode.Loop); // rotate moving object // motionControl.setRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleNormalAxis(-FastMath.HALF_PI, // Vector3f.UNIT_Y)); // set moving object to position "20 seconds" // motionPath.interpolatePath(20, motionControl); // start movement //; // already contained in update method }