Beispiel #1
 public void putWorldState(WorldData aWorldState) {
   synchronized (this) {
     if (aWorldState instanceof RawWorldData) {
       mWorldState = (RawWorldData) aWorldState;
     if (aWorldState != null
         && mWorldState.getReferencePoints() != null
         && !mWorldState.getReferencePoints().isEmpty()) {
       mNeedNewAction = true;
     } else {
       mNeedNewAction = false;
Beispiel #2
  public Action startWorking(RawWorldData aWorldData) {

     * ------------ HELP -------------- Variable vWorldState contains synchronized copy of current
     * enviroment. Use the vWorldState to get soccer field positions or players positions.
     * <p>Every position is stored as ReferencePoint. There are also subtypes like BallPosition,
     * FellowPlayer, .. You can use all of them like a ReferencePoint for calculation. Every
     * ReferencePoint contains polar coordinates (distance and angle to point). The current agent is
     * the center of coordinate space and always views into direction of 0 degree. So the soccer
     * field is turning around the agent! Try to use polar coordinates as often as possible. It's
     * also possible to calculate the carthesian coordinates (x and y) of a ReferencePoint, but this
     * is not recommended, because it needs some time and more mathematics to do this. So it's more
     * efficient to use polar coordinate space.
     * <p>You can also use static function from bot_mrlib library to access high level functions for
     * generating Actions you want to do or for calculation of several positions on the field. Take
     * a look at for more
     * details.
     * <p>This functions needs calculate an Action for the agent that could be either a Movement or
     * a Kick. Save the calculated Action using vAction to synchronize your action with global
     * mAction that is is used by the framework to send your Action to the server.
     * <p>You can also use the BotINformation object mSelf that contains information about the
     * current agent, like Team or IDs. It also contains some game values like the range around the
     * ball, within the agent can kick the ball (called kick range).
     * <p>For more details about how to implement an artifical intelligence, refer to the other
     * examples or take a look at

    // Getting current play mode
    PlayMode vPlayMode = aWorldData.getPlayMode();

    // Check for kick off
    if (vPlayMode == PlayMode.KickOff
        || (vPlayMode == PlayMode.KickOffYellow && mSelf.getTeam() == Teams.Yellow)
        || (vPlayMode == PlayMode.KickOffBlue && mSelf.getTeam() == Teams.Blue)) {

      // --------------- KICK OFF ---------------
      // --------------- KICK OFF END ---------------

    // No kick off
    else {

      // --------------- START AI -------------------
      // ---------------- END AI --------------------


    return Movement.NO_MOVEMENT;