@Test(timeout = 1000)
 public void testBounds() {
   BoardInterface testPlayerAccess =
       new Board(
           new StringReader("4\n" + "1\n" + "1\n" + "2 3 0 1\n" + "3\n" + "3\n" + "4\n" + "4"));
   try {
   } catch (Exception e) {
     fail("Accessing out of range players should not throw exceptions");
  // Private Test
  @Test(timeout = 1000)
  public void testFourPlayers() {
    BoardInterface testFourPlayers =
        new Board(
            new StringReader(
                "4\n" + "2\n" + "1\n" + "3 6 4 0 2 7 1 5\n" + "3\n" + "3\n" + "4\n" + "4"));
    TestUtil.playSequence(testFourPlayers, "ffff");
    boolean allPlayersNotGameOver = true;
    boolean eachPlayerScoreEqualOne = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      eachPlayerScoreEqualOne &= (testFourPlayers.getScore(i) == 1);
      allPlayersNotGameOver &= !testFourPlayers.isGameOver(i);
        "After each of the players fixed a tile, non of them are in a game over state",
        "After each of the players fixed a tile, each of them has a score of 1",

    // player 1 fixes the next tile, leading to a game over for both players
    // 1 and 4
    // this is because player 1 is forced into the tile placed by player 4,
    // and player 1 forces the path of player 4 through the placed tile
    TestUtil.playSequence(testFourPlayers, "f");
        "fixing next tile for player 1 ends the game for only player 1 and player 4.",
            && testFourPlayers.isGameOver(3)
            && !testFourPlayers.isGameOver(1)
            && !testFourPlayers.isGameOver(2));

    // players 2 and 3 placing their tiles
    TestUtil.playSequence(testFourPlayers, "ff");
    boolean allPlayersGameOver = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      allPlayersGameOver &= testFourPlayers.isGameOver(i);
        "All players have reached a dead end after players 2 and 3 have played.",

    // checking all scores at the end
        "Scores for players 1 to 4 are 3, 2, 3, and 2 respectively.",
        testFourPlayers.getScore(0) == 3
            && testFourPlayers.getScore(1) == 2
            && testFourPlayers.getScore(2) == 3
            && testFourPlayers.getScore(3) == 2);
  @Test(timeout = 1000)
  public void testForcingPathOnAnotherPlayer() {
    BoardInterface testForcingOtherPlayer =
        new Board(
            new StringReader(
                    + "3\n"
                    + "1\n"
                    + "11 3 7 1 10 8 9 2 5 6 4 0\n"
                    + "3\n"
                    + "3\n"
                    + "4\n"
                    + "2"));

    // the 2 players fix their tiles respectively
    TestUtil.playSequence(testForcingOtherPlayer, "ff");
        "game should not be over for players after the sequence of moves.",
        !testForcingOtherPlayer.isGameOver(0) && !testForcingOtherPlayer.isGameOver(1));

    TestUtil.playSequence(testForcingOtherPlayer, "f");
        "game should be over for player 2 after the last move "
            + "because of player 1 forcing a path,"
            + "but should not be over for player 1.",
        !testForcingOtherPlayer.isGameOver(0) && testForcingOtherPlayer.isGameOver(1));
        "scores of players should be 3 and 2 respectively, "
            + "after player 1 forces player 2 to a dead end.",
        testForcingOtherPlayer.getScore(0) == 3 && testForcingOtherPlayer.getScore(1) == 2);
  // Private Test
  @Test(timeout = 1000)
  public void testClashingPathFor2Players() {
    BoardInterface testPathClashGameOver =
        new Board(
            new StringReader(
                "4\n" + "2\n" + "1\n" + "2 7 0 5 6 3 4 1\n" + "3\n" + "3\n" + "4\n" + "2"));
    // both players fix their first tiles respectively
    TestUtil.playSequence(testPathClashGameOver, "ff");
        "game should not be over for players after the sequence of moves",
        !testPathClashGameOver.isGameOver(0) && !testPathClashGameOver.isGameOver(1));

    // player 1 fixes next tile causing a clash in the path
    TestUtil.playSequence(testPathClashGameOver, "f");
        "game should be over for players after the last move because of clashing paths",
        testPathClashGameOver.isGameOver(0) && testPathClashGameOver.isGameOver(1));
        "scores of players should be 2 and 1 respectively after path clash",
        testPathClashGameOver.getScore(0) == 2 && testPathClashGameOver.getScore(1) == 1);
  @Test(timeout = 1000)
  public void testPlayer1GameOversBeforePlayer2() {
    BoardInterface testMultiplayerGameOver =
        new Board(
            new StringReader(
                "4\n" + "2\n" + "1\n" + "5 6 3 2 7 0 1 4\n" + "3\n" + "3\n" + "4\n" + "2"));

        "Score should be initially 0 for both players", 0, testMultiplayerGameOver.getScore(0));
        "Score should be initially 0 for both players", 0, testMultiplayerGameOver.getScore(1));

    // player 1 fixed 1 tile incrementing path by 1 step
    TestUtil.playSequence(testMultiplayerGameOver, "f");

        "game should be over for player 1 and not for player 2",
        testMultiplayerGameOver.isGameOver(0) && !testMultiplayerGameOver.isGameOver(1));
        "Score Should be 1 for player 1, and 0 for player 2 as player 2 has not played yet",
        testMultiplayerGameOver.getScore(0) == 1 && testMultiplayerGameOver.getScore(1) == 0);

    // player 2 fixes tiles 3 times. the first 2 increment the path by 1
    // step each
    // the last tile fixed increments path by 2 steps.
    // This results in a total of a 4 step increment of the path length
    TestUtil.playSequence(testMultiplayerGameOver, "fff");
        "game should be over for player 1 and player 2",
        testMultiplayerGameOver.isGameOver(0) && testMultiplayerGameOver.isGameOver(1));
        "Score Should be 1 for player 1, and 4 for player 2 "
            + "after the game is over for both of them",
        testMultiplayerGameOver.getScore(0) == 1 && testMultiplayerGameOver.getScore(1) == 4);