Beispiel #1
public class ImportQueryServlet extends HttpServlet {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOGGER =

  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    InputStream xmlStream = null;
    IParameterizedQuery query = null;
    try {

      HttpSession session = request.getSession();
      SessionDataBean sdb =

      String queryName = request.getParameter("queryName");
      QueryExportImport queryExim = new QueryExportImport();

      if (request.getContentType() != null
          && request.getContentType().toLowerCase().indexOf("multipart/form-data") > -1) {
        DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
        ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
        List<FileItem> items = upload.parseRequest(request);
        if (items != null || !items.isEmpty()) {
          xmlStream = items.get(1).getInputStream();
          query = queryExim.getQuery(xmlStream);
      } else if (queryName != null || !queryName.isEmpty()) {
        query = (IParameterizedQuery) session.getAttribute("deSerializedQueryObj");

      boolean isQueryImported = queryExim.importQuery(query, sdb);

      if (isQueryImported) {
        response.getWriter().write("Success :'" + query.getName() + "'");
      } else {
        session.setAttribute("deSerializedQueryObj", query);

    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error occured during importing query", e);
Beispiel #2
  * main method.
  * @param args arguments.
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   MaskData mig = new MaskData();
   try {
   } catch (IOException e) {
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   } catch (Throwable e) {
Beispiel #3
 * @author supriya_dankh This class contains all the methods required for CSM integration in query.
public class QueryCSMUtil {
  private static org.apache.log4j.Logger logger =

   * This method will check if main objects for all the dependent objects are present in query or
   * not. If yes then will create map of entity as key and main entity list as value. If not then
   * will set error message in session.
   * @param query query
   * @param session session
   * @param queryDetailsObj queryDetailsObj
   * @return queryClone queryClone
  public static IQuery returnQueryClone(
      IQuery query, HttpSession session, QueryDetails queryDetailsObj) {
    Map<EntityInterface, List<EntityInterface>> mainEntityMap =

    IQuery originalQuery = queryDetailsObj.getQuery();
    IQuery queryClone = getQueryClone(queryDetailsObj, session);
    session.setAttribute(AQConstants.MAIN_ENTITY_MAP, mainEntityMap);
    return queryClone;

   * This method will prepare the query clone and return it.
   * @param queryDetailsObj contains group of fields in this Object
   * @param session HttpSession object
   * @return query clone.
  private static IQuery getQueryClone(QueryDetails queryDetailsObj, HttpSession session) {
    IQuery queryClone = null;
    try {
      boolean isMainObjAdded = false;
      IPathFinder pathFinder = new CommonPathFinder();
      DAGPanel dagPanel = new DAGPanel(pathFinder);
      // iterate through the uniqueIdNodesMap and check if main entities of all the nodes are
      // present
      for (Object element : queryDetailsObj.getUniqueIdNodesMap().entrySet()) {
        Map.Entry<String, OutputTreeDataNode> idmapValue =
            (Map.Entry<String, OutputTreeDataNode>) element;
        OutputTreeDataNode node = idmapValue.getValue(); // get the node
        // get the entity
        EntityInterface mapEntity = node.getOutputEntity().getDynamicExtensionsEntity();
        // get the main entities list for the entity
        List<EntityInterface> finalMnEntityLst = queryDetailsObj.getMainEntityMap().get(mapEntity);
        List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList = new ArrayList<EntityInterface>();
        FlexInterface flexInterface = new FlexInterface();
        mainEntityList = setMainEntityList(finalMnEntityLst, mainEntityList);
        if (mainEntityList == null) // mainEntityList is null if the entity itself is main entity;
          if (!isMainObjAdded) {
            isMainObjAdded = true;
        } else {
          queryClone =
              addMainEntityToQuery(queryDetailsObj, dagPanel, node, mainEntityList, session);
      queryClone = modifyQuery(queryDetailsObj, queryClone, isMainObjAdded, dagPanel);
    } catch (MultipleRootsException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    return queryClone;

   * @param queryDetailsObj queryDetailsObj
   * @param query query
   * @param isMainObjAdded isMainObjAdded
   * @param dagPanel dagPanel
   * @return queryClone
   * @throws MultipleRootsException MultipleRootsException
  private static IQuery modifyQuery(
      QueryDetails queryDetailsObj, IQuery query, boolean isMainObjAdded, DAGPanel dagPanel)
      throws MultipleRootsException {
    IQuery queryClone = query;
    EntityInterface firstEntity =
    if (isMainObjAdded) {
      queryClone = addMainProtocolObjInQuery(queryDetailsObj, firstEntity, dagPanel);
    return queryClone;

   * @param finalMnEntityLst finalMnEntityLst
   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @return mainEntityList
  private static List<EntityInterface> setMainEntityList(
      List<EntityInterface> finalMnEntityLst, List<EntityInterface> tmpMainEntityLst) {
    List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList = tmpMainEntityLst;
    if (finalMnEntityLst == null) {
      mainEntityList = null;
    } else {
      updateFinalMainEntityList(finalMnEntityLst, mainEntityList);
    return mainEntityList;

   * Add main entity to the query clone.
   * @param queryDetailsObj queryDetailsObj
   * @param dagPanel dagPanel
   * @param node node
   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @param session HttpSession object
   * @return queryClone Modified query object
  private static IQuery addMainEntityToQuery(
      QueryDetails queryDetailsObj,
      DAGPanel dagPanel,
      OutputTreeDataNode node,
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList,
      HttpSession session) {
    IQuery queryClone = null;
    EntityInterface mainEntity;
    // check if main entity of the dependent entity is present in the query
    mainEntity = getMainEntity(mainEntityList, node);
    if (mainEntity == null) // if main entity is not present
      queryClone = modifyQueryObject(queryDetailsObj, mainEntityList, dagPanel, session);
    return queryClone;

   * Populate main entity list.
   * @param finalMnEntityLst finalMainEntityList
   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
  private static void updateFinalMainEntityList(
      List<EntityInterface> finalMnEntityLst, List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList) {
    for (EntityInterface mainEntity : finalMnEntityLst) {
      if (!mainEntityList.contains(mainEntity)) {

   * Adds main protocol object (CS/CP) to the query clone if its not present.
   * @param queryDetailsObj queryDetailsObj
   * @param mapEntity mapEntity
   * @param dagPanel dagPanel
   * @return queryClone Modified query
  private static IQuery addMainProtocolObjInQuery(
      QueryDetails queryDetailsObj, EntityInterface mapEntity, DAGPanel dagPanel) {
    IQuery queryClone = new DyExtnObjectCloner().clone(queryDetailsObj.getQuery());
    String mainEntityId = "";
    boolean isMainObjPresent = false;
    IQuery originalQuery = queryDetailsObj.getQuery();
    IConstraints constraints = originalQuery.getConstraints();
    Set<IQueryEntity> queryEntities = constraints.getQueryEntities();
    EntityInterface mainEntity = null;
    for (IQueryEntity queryEntity : queryEntities) {
      if (queryEntity.getDynamicExtensionsEntity().getName().equals(Variables.mainProtocolObject)) {
        mainEntity = queryEntity.getDynamicExtensionsEntity();
        mainEntityId = mainEntity.getId().toString();
        isMainObjPresent = true;
    if (isMainObjPresent && queryDetailsObj.getSessionData().isSecurityRequired()) {
      StringBuffer strToCreateObject = new StringBuffer();
      Map<RelationalOperator, List<String>> oprVsLstOfVals =
          new HashMap<RelationalOperator, List<String>>();
      callModifyRule(mainEntityId, strToCreateObject, constraints, oprVsLstOfVals);
    } else {
          null, mapEntity.getId().toString(), AQConstants.ADD, queryDetailsObj, null);
    queryClone = queryDetailsObj.getQuery();
    return queryClone;

   * @param mainEntityId main entity identifier
   * @param strToCreateObject query string
   * @param constraints constraints
   * @param oprVsLstOfVals map
  private static void callModifyRule(
      String mainEntityId,
      StringBuffer strToCreateObject,
      IConstraints constraints,
      Map<RelationalOperator, List<String>> oprVsLstOfVals) {
    for (IExpression expression : constraints) {
      modifyRule(mainEntityId, strToCreateObject, oprVsLstOfVals, expression);

   * Modify the rule by adding/deleting the conditions.
   * @param mainEntityId mainEntityId
   * @param strToCreateObject strToCreateObject
   * @param oprVsLstOfVals operatorAndLstOfValues
   * @param expression expression
  private static void modifyRule(
      String mainEntityId,
      StringBuffer strToCreateObject,
      Map<RelationalOperator, List<String>> oprVsLstOfVals,
      IExpression expression) {
    IQueryEntity queryEntity = expression.getQueryEntity();
    EntityInterface deEntity = queryEntity.getDynamicExtensionsEntity();
    Long deEntityId = deEntity.getId();
    if (String.valueOf(deEntityId).equals(mainEntityId)
        && expression.numberOfOperands() != 0
        && expression.getOperand(0) instanceof Rule) {
      processRules(strToCreateObject, oprVsLstOfVals, expression);

   * @param strToCreateObject strToCreateObject
   * @param oprVsLstOfVals Map
   * @param expression expression
  private static void processRules(
      StringBuffer strToCreateObject,
      Map<RelationalOperator, List<String>> oprVsLstOfVals,
      IExpression expression) {
    ICondition idCondition = null;
    Rule rule = ((Rule) (expression.getOperand(0)));
    for (ICondition condition : rule) {
      AttributeInterface conditionAttr = condition.getAttribute();
      String attrName = conditionAttr.getName();
      if (attrName.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) {
        idCondition = processRuleForId(oprVsLstOfVals, condition);
      } else {
        processRuleForOtherAttributes(strToCreateObject, condition, conditionAttr, attrName);
    // rule.removeCondition(idCondition);

   * Modify rule for attributes other than id.
   * @param strToCreateObject strToCreateObject
   * @param condition condition
   * @param conditionAttr conditionAttr
   * @param attrName attrName
  private static void processRuleForOtherAttributes(
      StringBuffer strToCreateObject,
      ICondition condition,
      AttributeInterface conditionAttr,
      String attrName) {
    Long attrId = conditionAttr.getId();
    RelationalOperator operator = condition.getRelationalOperator();
    if (operator.equals(RelationalOperator.In) || operator.equals(RelationalOperator.NotIn)) {
      modifyQueryStringForInNotIn(strToCreateObject, condition.getValues());
    } else if (!(operator.equals(RelationalOperator.IsNotNull)
        || operator.equals(RelationalOperator.IsNull))) {

   * @param strToCreateObject query string
   * @param values values
  private static void modifyQueryStringForInNotIn(
      StringBuffer strToCreateObject, List<String> values) {
    for (String val : values) {

   * Modify rule for id attribute.
   * @param oprVsLstOfVals operatorAndLstOfValues
   * @param condition condition
   * @return idCondition idCondition
  private static ICondition processRuleForId(
      Map<RelationalOperator, List<String>> oprVsLstOfVals, ICondition condition) {
    ICondition idCondition;
    idCondition = condition;
    RelationalOperator operator = condition.getRelationalOperator();
    if (!operator.equals(RelationalOperator.IsNotNull)
        && !operator.equals(RelationalOperator.IsNull)) {
      List<String> values = condition.getValues();
      oprVsLstOfVals.put(condition.getRelationalOperator(), values);
    return idCondition;

   * Modifies the query object by adding main entity to the query.
   * @param queryDetailsObj QueryDetails object
   * @param mainEntityList Main entity list
   * @param dagPanel DAGPanel object
   * @param session session
   * @return queryClone Modified query object
  private static IQuery modifyQueryObject(
      QueryDetails queryDetailsObj,
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList,
      DAGPanel dagPanel,
      HttpSession session) {
    IQuery queryClone;
    List<EntityInterface> entityList = new ArrayList<EntityInterface>();
    List<String> strToCreateQueryObjectList = new ArrayList<String>();
    EntityInterface mainEntityObject = getMainEntityObject(mainEntityList);

    Long identifier = mainEntityObject.getAbstractAttributeByName("id").getId();

    String strToCreateQueryObject =
        AQConstants.ID_CONDITION + identifier + AQConstants.CONDITION_SEPERATOR + "Is Not Null;";

    IQuery originalQuery = queryDetailsObj.getQuery();
    queryClone = new DyExtnObjectCloner().clone(originalQuery);

    createQueryObject(queryDetailsObj, dagPanel, entityList, strToCreateQueryObjectList);
    boolean alreadySavedQuery = isAlreadySavedQuery(session);
    boolean savedQueryProcessed = isSavedQueryProcessed(session);
    if (alreadySavedQuery
        && savedQueryProcessed
        && !originalQuery.equals(queryDetailsObj.getQuery())
        && queryClone.equals(queryDetailsObj.getQuery())) {
      queryClone = originalQuery;
    } else {
      queryClone = queryDetailsObj.getQuery();
    return queryClone;

   * @param session session
   * @return savedQueryProcessed
  private static boolean isSavedQueryProcessed(HttpSession session) {
    boolean savedQueryProcessed = false;
    if (session.getAttribute(AQConstants.PROCESSED_SAVED_QUERY) != null) {
      savedQueryProcessed =
          Boolean.valueOf((String) session.getAttribute(AQConstants.PROCESSED_SAVED_QUERY));
    return savedQueryProcessed;

   * @param session session
   * @return alreadySavedQuery
  private static boolean isAlreadySavedQuery(HttpSession session) {
    boolean alreadySavedQuery = false;
    if (session.getAttribute(AQConstants.SAVED_QUERY) != null) {
      alreadySavedQuery = Boolean.valueOf((String) session.getAttribute(AQConstants.SAVED_QUERY));
    return alreadySavedQuery;

   * @param queryDetailsObj queryDetailsObj
   * @param dagPanel dagPanel
   * @param entityList entityList
   * @param strToCreateQueryObjectList strToCreateQueryObjectList
  private static void createQueryObject(
      QueryDetails queryDetailsObj,
      DAGPanel dagPanel,
      List<EntityInterface> entityList,
      List<String> strToCreateQueryObjectList) {
    for (int counter = 0; counter < entityList.size(); counter++) {

   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @return mainEntityObject
  private static EntityInterface getMainEntityObject(List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList) {
    EntityInterface mainEntityObject = null;
    if (mainEntityList != null) {
      if (mainEntityList.size() > 1) {
        mainEntityObject = getMainEntityObject(mainEntityList, mainEntityObject);
      } else {
        mainEntityObject = mainEntityList.get(0);
    return mainEntityObject;

   * @param mainEntityList list
   * @param mainObject main entity object
   * @return mainEntityObject
  private static EntityInterface getMainEntityObject(
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList, EntityInterface mainObject) {
    EntityInterface mainEntityObject = mainObject;
    for (EntityInterface tempEntity : mainEntityList) {
      if (tempEntity
          .equalsIgnoreCase("edu.wustl.clinportal.domain.ClinicalStudyRegistration")) {
        mainEntityObject = tempEntity;
    if (mainEntityObject == null) {
      mainEntityObject = mainEntityList.get(0);
    return mainEntityObject;

   * This method will return map of a entity as value and list of all the main entities of this
   * particular entity as value.
   * @param queryDetailsObj QueryDetails object
   * @return mainEntityMap Map of all main entities present in query.
  public static Map<EntityInterface, List<EntityInterface>> getMainEntitiesForAllQueryNodes(
      QueryDetails queryDetailsObj) {
    Map<EntityInterface, List<EntityInterface>> mainEntityMap =
        new HashMap<EntityInterface, List<EntityInterface>>();
    for (OutputTreeDataNode queryNode : queryDetailsObj.getUniqueIdNodesMap().values()) {
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList = new ArrayList<EntityInterface>();
      EntityInterface deEntity = queryNode.getOutputEntity().getDynamicExtensionsEntity();
      mainEntityList = getAllMainEntities(deEntity, mainEntityList);
      populateMainEntitiesForANode(mainEntityList, deEntity);
      if (mainEntityList.size() != 1) {
        mainEntityList = populateMainEntityList(mainEntityList, deEntity);
      populateMap(mainEntityMap, mainEntityList, deEntity);
    return mainEntityMap;

   * @param mainEntityMap mainEntityMap
   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @param deEntity deEntity
  private static void populateMap(
      Map<EntityInterface, List<EntityInterface>> mainEntityMap,
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList,
      EntityInterface deEntity) {
    if (!(mainEntityList != null
        && mainEntityList.size() == 1
        && mainEntityList.get(0).equals(deEntity))) {
      populateMainEntityMap(mainEntityMap, mainEntityList, deEntity);

   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @param deEntity deEntity
  private static void populateMainEntitiesForANode(
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList, EntityInterface deEntity) {
    EntityInterface tempDeEntity = deEntity;
    List<EntityInterface> tmpMnEntityLst;
    while (true) {
      tmpMnEntityLst = new ArrayList<EntityInterface>();
      EntityInterface parentEntity = tempDeEntity.getParentEntity();
      if (parentEntity == null) {
      } else {
        tmpMnEntityLst = getAllMainEntities(parentEntity, tmpMnEntityLst);
        for (EntityInterface tempMainEntity : tmpMnEntityLst) {
          if (!(tempMainEntity.equals(parentEntity))) {
        tempDeEntity = parentEntity;

   * Populates the main entity list.
   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @param deEntity dynamicExtensionsEntity
   * @return mainEntityList mainEntityList
  private static List<EntityInterface> populateMainEntityList(
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList, EntityInterface deEntity) {
    List<EntityInterface> temporaryList = new ArrayList<EntityInterface>();

    for (EntityInterface mainEntity : mainEntityList) {
      if (!(mainEntity.equals(deEntity))) {
    return temporaryList;

   * Populate the main entity map (key->Entity value->List of main entities).
   * @param mainEntityMap mainEntityMap
   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @param deEntity dynamicExtensionsEntity
  private static void populateMainEntityMap(
      Map<EntityInterface, List<EntityInterface>> mainEntityMap,
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList,
      EntityInterface deEntity) {
    List<EntityInterface> tmpMnEntityLst;
    tmpMnEntityLst = new ArrayList<EntityInterface>();
    for (EntityInterface mainEntity : mainEntityList) {
      if (mainEntity.isAbstract()) {
        tmpMnEntityLst.addAll(QueryCsmBizLogic.getMainEntityList(mainEntity, deEntity));
    mainEntityMap.put(deEntity, mainEntityList);

   * This is a method that will create list of all main entities. (Entities for which entity passed
   * to it is having containment association)
   * @param entity entity
   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @return mainEntityList List of main entities
  public static List<EntityInterface> getAllMainEntities(
      EntityInterface entity, List<EntityInterface> mainEntities) {
    List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList = mainEntities;
    try {
      List<AssociationInterface> associationList = getIncomingContainmentAssociations(entity);
      if (associationList.isEmpty()) {
      } else {
        for (AssociationInterface assocoation : associationList) {
          mainEntityList = getAllMainEntities(assocoation.getEntity(), mainEntityList);
    } catch (DynamicExtensionsSystemException deException) {
      logger.error(deException.getMessage(), deException);
    return mainEntityList;

   * This method will create queryResultObjectDataBean for a node passed to it.
   * @param node node for which QueryResultObjectDataBean is to be created.
   * @param queryDetailsObj QueryDetails object.
   * @return queryResultObjectDataBean.
  public static QueryResultObjectDataBean getQueryResulObjectDataBean(
      OutputTreeDataNode node, QueryDetails queryDetailsObj) {
    QueryResultObjectDataBean queryResultObjectDataBean = new QueryResultObjectDataBean();
    if (node != null) {
      EntityInterface deEntity = node.getOutputEntity().getDynamicExtensionsEntity();
      String entityName;
      Map<String, String> tagKeyValueMap = getTaggedValueMap(deEntity);

      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList = getMainEntityListFromMap(queryDetailsObj, deEntity);
      if (mainEntityList == null) {
        entityName = deEntity.getName();
      } else {
        EntityInterface mainEntity = getMainEntity(mainEntityList, node);
        if (mainEntity == null) {
          mainEntity = mainEntityList.get(0);
        entityName = mainEntity.getName();
      boolean readDeniedObject = isReadDeniedObject(queryResultObjectDataBean.getCsmEntityName());
    return queryResultObjectDataBean;

   * @param queryDetailsObj queryDetailsObj
   * @param deEntity deEntity
   * @return mainEntityList
  private static List<EntityInterface> getMainEntityListFromMap(
      QueryDetails queryDetailsObj, EntityInterface deEntity) {
    List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList = null;
    if (queryDetailsObj.getMainEntityMap() != null) {
      mainEntityList = queryDetailsObj.getMainEntityMap().get(deEntity);
    return mainEntityList;

   * @param deEntity deEntity
   * @return tagKeyValueMap
  private static Map<String, String> getTaggedValueMap(EntityInterface deEntity) {
    Map<String, String> tagKeyValueMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    Collection<TaggedValueInterface> taggedValueColl = deEntity.getTaggedValueCollection();
    for (TaggedValueInterface taggedValueInterface : taggedValueColl) {
      tagKeyValueMap.put(taggedValueInterface.getKey(), taggedValueInterface.getValue());
    return tagKeyValueMap;

   * If main entity is inherited from an entity (e.g. Fluid Specimen is inherited from Specimen) and
   * present in INHERITED_ENTITY_NAMES then csmEntityName of queryResultObjectDataBean will be set
   * to it's parent entity name. (as SQL for getting CP id's id retrieved according to parent entity
   * name from entityCPSqlMap in Variables class).
   * @param queryResultObjectDataBean queryResultObjectDataBean
  private static void setEntityName(QueryResultObjectDataBean queryResultObjectDataBean) {
    if (queryResultObjectDataBean
        .equals(InheritanceStrategy.TABLE_PER_HEIRARCHY)) {
      EntityInterface parentEntity = queryResultObjectDataBean.getEntity().getParentEntity();
      if (parentEntity != null) {

   * This method will check if for an entity read denied has to checked or not. All theses entities
   * are present in Variables.queryReadDeniedObjectList list.
   * @param entityName entityName
   * @return <CODE>true</CODE> its read denied object, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise
  private static boolean isReadDeniedObject(String entityName) {
    boolean isReadDenied = false;
    if (Variables.queryReadDeniedObjectList.contains(entityName)) {
      isReadDenied = true;
    return isReadDenied;

   * Searches for main entity in parent hierarchy or child hierarchy.
   * @param mainEntityList - list of all main Entities
   * @param node - current node
   * @return - main Entity if found in parent or child hierarchy. Returns null if not found
  private static EntityInterface getMainEntity(
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList, OutputTreeDataNode node) {
    // check if node itself is main entity
    EntityInterface entity = null;
    // check if main entity is present in parent hierarchy
    if (node.getParent() != null) {
      entity = getMainEntityFromParentHierarchy(mainEntityList, node.getParent());
    if (entity == null) {
      // check if main entity is present in child hierarchy
      entity = getMainEntityFromChildHierarchy(mainEntityList, node);
    return entity;

   * To check whether the given Entity in OutputTreeDataNode is mainEntity or not.
   * @param mainEntityList the list of main entities.
   * @param node the OutputTreeDataNode
   * @return The reference to entity in the OutputTreeDataNode, if its present in the
   *     mainEntityList.
  private static EntityInterface isMainEntity(
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList, OutputTreeDataNode node) {
    EntityInterface dynamicExtensionsEntity = node.getOutputEntity().getDynamicExtensionsEntity();
    if (!mainEntityList.contains(dynamicExtensionsEntity)) {
      dynamicExtensionsEntity = null;
    return dynamicExtensionsEntity;

   * Recursively checks in parent hierarchy for main entity.
   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @param node node
   * @return main Entity if found in parent Hierarchy
  private static EntityInterface getMainEntityFromParentHierarchy(
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList, OutputTreeDataNode node) {
    EntityInterface entity = isMainEntity(mainEntityList, node);
    if (entity == null) {
      if (node.getParent() != null) {
        entity = getFinalMainEntity(mainEntityList, node);
      } else if (node.getChildren().size() != 0) {
        entity = getMainEntityFromChildHierarchy(mainEntityList, node);
    return entity;

   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @param node node
   * @return entity
  private static EntityInterface getFinalMainEntity(
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList, OutputTreeDataNode node) {
    EntityInterface entity;
    entity = getMainEntityFromParentHierarchy(mainEntityList, node.getParent());
    if (entity == null && node.getChildren().size() != 0) {
      entity = getMainEntityFromChildHierarchy(mainEntityList, node);
    return entity;

   * Recursively checks in child hierarchy for main entity.
   * @param mainEntityList mainEntityList
   * @param node node
   * @return main Entity if found in child Hierarchy
  private static EntityInterface getMainEntityFromChildHierarchy(
      List<EntityInterface> mainEntityList, OutputTreeDataNode node) {
    EntityInterface entity = isMainEntity(mainEntityList, node);
    if (entity == null) {
      List<OutputTreeDataNode> children = node.getChildren();

      for (OutputTreeDataNode childNode : children) {
        entity = getMainEntityFromChildHierarchy(mainEntityList, childNode);
        if (entity != null) {
    return entity;

   * This method will internally call getIncomingAssociationIds of DE which will return all incoming
   * associations for entities passed.This method will filter out all incoming containment
   * associations and return list of them.
   * @param entity entity
   * @throws DynamicExtensionsSystemException DynamicExtensionsSystemException
   * @return list List of incoming containment associations.
  public static List<AssociationInterface> getIncomingContainmentAssociations(
      EntityInterface entity) throws DynamicExtensionsSystemException {
    EntityManagerInterface entityManager = EntityManager.getInstance();
    ArrayList<Long> allIds = (ArrayList<Long>) entityManager.getIncomingAssociationIds(entity);
    List<AssociationInterface> list = new ArrayList<AssociationInterface>();
    for (Long id : allIds) {
      AssociationInterface associationById = EntityCache.getInstance().getAssociationById(id);

      RoleInterface targetRole = associationById.getTargetRole();
      if (targetRole
          .equals(AQConstants.CONTAINTMENT_ASSOCIATION)) {
    return list;

   * @param queryResultObjectDataBean queryResultObjectDataBean
   * @param colIndex colIndex
   * @param tempSql tempSql
   * @param defineViewNodeList defineViewNodeList
   * @param entityIdIndexMap entityIdIndexMap
   * @param queryDetailsObj queryDetailsObj
   * @return selectSql selectSql
  public static String updateEntityIdIndexMap(
      QueryResultObjectDataBean queryResultObjectDataBean,
      int colIndex,
      String tempSql,
      List<EntityInterface> defineViewNodeList,
      Map<EntityInterface, Integer> entityIdIndexMap,
      QueryDetails queryDetailsObj,
      Map<String, String> specimenMap) {
    String selectSql = tempSql;
    int columnIndex = colIndex;
    List<String> selectSqlColumnList = getListOfSelectedColumns(selectSql);
    Map<String, String> columnNameVsAliasMap = queryDetailsObj.getColumnNameVsAliasMap();
    if (defineViewNodeList == null) {
      OutputTreeDataNode outputTreeDataNode =
          getMatchingEntityNode(queryResultObjectDataBean.getMainEntity(), queryDetailsObj);
      Map sqlIndexMap =
      selectSql = (String) sqlIndexMap.get(AQConstants.SQL);
      columnIndex = (Integer) sqlIndexMap.get(AQConstants.ID_COLUMN_ID);
    } else {
      Set<String> keySet = queryDetailsObj.getUniqueIdNodesMap().keySet();
      for (Object nextObject : keySet) {
        if (nextObject instanceof String) {
          String key = (String) nextObject;
          OutputTreeDataNode outputTreeDataNode = queryDetailsObj.getUniqueIdNodesMap().get(key);
          Map sqlIndexMap =
          selectSql = (String) sqlIndexMap.get(AQConstants.SQL);
          columnIndex = (Integer) sqlIndexMap.get(AQConstants.ID_COLUMN_ID);
    populateBean(queryResultObjectDataBean, entityIdIndexMap);
    return selectSql;

   * @param queryResultObjectDataBean queryResultObjectDataBean
   * @param entityIdIndexMap entityIdIndexMap
  private static void populateBean(
      QueryResultObjectDataBean queryResultObjectDataBean,
      Map<EntityInterface, Integer> entityIdIndexMap) {
    if (queryResultObjectDataBean != null) {
      if (entityIdIndexMap.get(queryResultObjectDataBean.getMainEntity()) != null) {

   * To add the Id columns of MainEntities in the SQL if its not present. It will also populate
   * entityIdIndexMap passes it.
   * @param columnIndex columnIndex
   * @param selectSql selectSql
   * @param entityIdIndexMap entityIdIndexMap
   * @param selectSqlColumnList selectSqlColumnList
   * @param outputTreeDataNode outputTreeDataNode
   * @return The modified SQL string.
  private static Map putIdColumnsInSql(
      int colIndex,
      String selectSql,
      Map<EntityInterface, Integer> entityIdIndexMap,
      List<String> selectSqlColumnList,
      OutputTreeDataNode outputTreeDataNode,
      Map<String, String> specimenMap,
      Map<String, String> columnNameVsAliasMap) {
    int columnIndex = colIndex;
    StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(selectSql);
    Map sqlIndexMap = new HashMap();
    if (outputTreeDataNode != null) {
      List<QueryOutputTreeAttributeMetadata> attributes = outputTreeDataNode.getAttributes();
      for (QueryOutputTreeAttributeMetadata attributeMetaData : attributes) {
        AttributeInterface attribute = attributeMetaData.getAttribute();
        String sqlColumnName = attributeMetaData.getColumnName().trim();
        if (attribute.getName().equals(AQConstants.IDENTIFIER)) {
          int index =
                  columnNameVsAliasMap.get(sqlColumnName) + " " + sqlColumnName);

          if (index >= 0) {
            entityIdIndexMap.put(attribute.getEntity(), index);
          } else {
            // appendColNameToSql(selectSql, sql, sqlColumnName);
            entityIdIndexMap.put(attribute.getEntity(), null);
            if (outputTreeDataNode
                .equals("edu.wustl.catissuecore.domain.Specimen")) {
              if (specimenMap == null) {
                specimenMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
              specimenMap.put("specimenKey", "edu.wustl.catissuecore.domain.Specimen");
              specimenMap.put("columnIndex", String.valueOf(columnIndex - 1));
    sqlIndexMap.put(AQConstants.SQL, sql.toString());
    sqlIndexMap.put(AQConstants.ID_COLUMN_ID, columnIndex);
    return sqlIndexMap;

   * @param selectSql selectSql
   * @param sql sql
   * @param sqlColumnName sqlColumnName
  public static void appendColNameToSql(String selectSql, StringBuffer sql, String sqlColumnName) {
    if ("".equals(selectSql)) {
    } else {
      sql.append(", ").append(sqlColumnName);

   * TO the list of selectColumn Names in the selectSql.
   * @param selectSql the Select part of SQL.
   * @return The list of selectColumn Names in the selectSql.
  private static List<String> getListOfSelectedColumns(String selectSql) {
    String[] selectSqlColumnArray = selectSql.split(",");
    List<String> selectSqlColumnList = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String element : selectSqlColumnArray) {
    return selectSqlColumnList;

   * This method will return node corresponding to an entity from query.
   * @param entity entity
   * @param queryDetailsObj queryDetailsObj
   * @return outputTreeDataNode outputTreeDataNode
  private static OutputTreeDataNode getMatchingEntityNode(
      EntityInterface entity, QueryDetails queryDetailsObj) {
    OutputTreeDataNode outputTreeDataNode = null;
    Iterator<OutputTreeDataNode> iterator =
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      OutputTreeDataNode outputNode =;
      if (outputNode.getOutputEntity().getDynamicExtensionsEntity().equals(entity)) {
        outputTreeDataNode = outputNode;
    return outputTreeDataNode;

  public static void setRequestAttr(HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, String> specimenMap) {
    Iterator<String> itr = specimenMap.keySet().iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
      String key =;
      if (key.equals("specimenKey")) {
        request.setAttribute("isSpecPresent", Boolean.TRUE);
      } else request.setAttribute("isSpecPresent", Boolean.FALSE);
      if (key.equals("columnIndex")) {
        request.setAttribute("specIdColumnIndex", specimenMap.get(key));
   * This method sets index of main protocol object's identifier column from the data list.
   * @param queryResultObjectDataBean
  public static void setMainProtocolIdIndex(QueryResultObjectDataBean queryResultObjectDataBean) {
    Integer cpIdIndex = null;
    Iterator<EntityInterface> iterator =
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      EntityInterface next =;
      if (next.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Variables.mainProtocolObject)) {
        cpIdIndex = queryResultObjectDataBean.getEntityIdIndexMap().get(next);
        if (cpIdIndex != null) queryResultObjectDataBean.setMainProtocolIdIndex(cpIdIndex);